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LU7DR  > ICPO     28.06.08 02:15l 507 Lines 26442 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 31291_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (June 26 - July 04, 2008)
Sent: 080627/2334Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:31291 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (June 26 - July 04, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
The March 2009 Spratly Islands DXpedition by 9M6DXX, 9M6XRO, 9V1YC,
SM5GMZ and W5SL now has a website at
You are invited to visit the website from time to time to read the
latest news about the DXpedition.
The organisers of the DXpedition would like to express sincere thanks to
Col McGowan, MM0NDX, and Christian Buenger, DL6KAC, for their excellent
work setting up the website. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

CQ9U - Selvagens Island Dexpedition (AF-047)
Just to inform about the 2008 Selvagens Island Dexpedition (AF-047).
All data on [CT1DSV]
26/06/2008:  Randy/WS4C and Ben/AI4SK will be on a father-son domestic
DXpedition to Middle Hooper Island (NA-140, USi MD-016S, Dorchester
county), State of Maryland, June 26th and 27th. There is a good chance
of having two stations on the air, CW and SSB, near the following
frequencies: 14.260, 14.040, 7.180 (also listening near 7.075 if band
open), 7.030, 3.820 and 3.530 MHz. QSL via AI4SK, direct or bureau.

27/06/2008:  Look for Peter, DJ2OS to be active from the island of
Ustica (EU-051, IIA PA-001, MI-116, WLOTA LH-0848) as IE9/DJ2OS from
June 27-30th. Look for activity on 80-10m. QSL via home call, direct
( or bureau. []

27/06/2008:  Tony, LA9VDA will be QRV from Vagsoy Island (EU-055)
between June 27th and July 4th. Look for activity on all HF bands. QSL
via the information on for LA9VDA. []

27/06/2008:  An expedition to Tyrke mountain, Crimea, Ukraine, will take
place between June 27th and July 8th. This mountain is located in the
mountainous area of Demerdzhi, with a height of 1296m above sea level
(WW Loc. KN74FT), Simferopol' district (URDA KR-22), southern coast of
the Crimean peninsula. Operators mentioned are: Alexander/UR5FIR,
Vladimir/US5ID, Aleksey/UU1JJ, Anatoliy/UU5JA, Alexander/UU5JDX,
Alexander/UU5JJ and Roman/UY7IQ. Look for them to be signing homecall/p
on 160, 80, 40, 20 and 17 meters, using SSB and CW. It is planned they
will operate in the field at the bottom of the mountain, while the
expedition takes place with the support of the rescue service of the
Crimea to the summit. QSL via operators instructions. [UZ1RR]

28/06/2008:  Andrew, G7COD, will be operational as 8P9KA from Harts Gap,
Christchurch, Barbados (NA-021, also count for WLOTA LH-0999) between
June 28th and July 4th. He will focus on 40m, 30m, 20, 17 and 15m using
CW and SSB. Times of operation will be everyday from 2100z to 2300z.
Andrew will be using a Icom IC 7000, MFJ 929 Auto ATU with a Rybakov
multiband homebrew vertical and an Inverted V for 20 meters. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

28/06/2008:  A group of German HAMs will try to become QRV as DL0EKO/p
from Vilm Island (EU-057, O-08 for the German Islands Award) on Jun 28th
from 0900-1300 UTC. More details at: [DX Newsletter]

28/06/2008:  Bernard, F5LMW will be active June 28th as homecall/p from
the Tower of Guyenne (DFCF 86-044, WW Loc. JN06CN), commune of Béruges
(CP 86190), canton de Vouillé (DDCF 86-30), Department Vienne/86,
Province Poitou-Charentes (DPF 19). QRV on 80 and 40 meters, starting
around 0500 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

28/06/2008:  Look for Alain F6ENO/p to be active June 28th from
L'Aiguille Rouge summit (SOTA F/AM-279, 2538m, 10 points, WW Loc.
JN35HB), Alpes Méridionales Region, France. QRV CW only on 7.013, 10.115
and 14.045 MHz, starting around 0900 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [SOTA Alerts]

28/06/2008:  Freddy, F8CKS/p will be active June 28th from the Castle of
Cantegrel (DFCF 24-099), commune of Carves (CP 24170), canton of Belves
(24-170), Department Dordogne/24, Province Aquitaine (DPF 02). QRV on 80
and 40 meters. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F8CKS]

28/06/2008:  Michael/G7VJR and Wojtek/SQ4MP will be active as
JX/homecall from Jan Mayen (EU-022) between June 28th and July 4th.
Operating conditions will be 100W, vertical antennas, tents and
generator. Main bands are likely to be 30, 20 and 17 meters, and a 6m
station plus beacon will be operated (priority). On 6m, 50.105MHz CW,
plus or minus QRM. The grid square will very likely be IQ51. QSL via
G7VJR, direct (Michael Wells, Belvoir Cottage, The Avenue, Madingley,
Cambridgeshire CB23 8AD UNITED KINGDOM) or bureau. For further details
please visit [425 DX News]

28/06/2008:  A SIX METER DX-pedition to St. Barthelemy (NA-146, DIFO
FJ-001, WLOTA LH-0377, WW Loc. FK87OV) will take place between June 28th
through July 6th GMT 2008 by Arliss/W7XU, Holly/N0QJM and Ed/W0SD. They
plan to operate on 50.103 CW and SSB, listening up. They will have high
power (Acom 1000) and a 7 element yagi on a 30 foot boom. They plan to
operate the daylight hours and into the evening. When they are not
working people they will be in beacon mode to discover openings. They
have chosen this time of year to coincide with the highest probability
of Sporadic E openings to North and South America, Europe, and Africa.
QSL via W7XU. There may be some night time HF RTTY and CW operation on
30 and 40 meters when six meters sporadic E is over for the day. Please
check the on-line logs on our web site which will be uploaded nightly to [NG3K]

28/06/2008:  Look for Jim/K4BI (SMIRK #4850), Mario/K2ZD (SMIRK #3316),
Meredith/K8BBN and Daphne/N2TIN to be active from Northwest Point, Grand
Cayman Island (NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042, WW Loc. EK99GI) on 6 meters from
June 28th to July 6th. Call sign will be ZF2ZD. They will use a FT-100D,
ACOM-1000 at 1KW into a 6M5X yagi at 48FT. Their main frequency will be
50.105 MHz USB, with a beacon frequency of 50.095 MHz. QSL via their
respective home calls. [N8OFS]

29/06/2008:  Dennis, K7BV will be QRV as 5J0M from San Andrés Island
(NA-033, WLOTA LH-2990, WW Loc EK92DM) between June 29th and July 8th.
This will be a 6 meter only DXpedition. He will use a FT-450 with
ACOM-1000 amplifier, running 1KW into a 7 element and 3 element beam.
The main frequency will be 50.106.2 MHz USB and /B. The pilot station
will be Pat, W5OZI. QSL direct only to W1JJ ( Further
information can be found at: [N8OFS]

29/06/2008:  Matteo, IV3YNB will be active as IV3YNB/QRP from Grado
Island (EU-130, IIA GO-001, MIA MI-039) from June 29th to July 12th. He
plans to be QRV on CW during the evening and nightime hours. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. Further information at: []

30/06/2008:  Gabriele, IK3GES will be active during holidays starting
June 30th (ending around August 12th) from the following islands:
Fehmarn Island (DL, EU-128, O-01 for the German Islands Award) and
Flügge lightouse (#19 for the German Lighthouse Award, ARLHS FED-085,
WLOTA LH-0637, Admiralty C1288.1); Alnon Island (SM3, EU-087); Hinnoya
Island (LA, EU-033); Moskenesoy Island (LA, EU-076); Andoya Island (LA,
EU-033); Kvaloya Island (LA, EU-044); Finland Zone OH9; Seskaro Island
(SM2, EU-139); Hailuoto Island (OH, EU-184) and Marjaniemi lighthouse
(ARLHS FIN-028, WLOTA LH-0580, Admiralty C4142.1); Bjorkon Island (OH6,
EU-101); Reposaari Rafso Island (OH1, EU-173); Kustavi Island (OH1,
EU-096); Aland Islands (OH0, WLOTA LH-1373); Armno Island (SM5, EU-177);
Oland Island (SM7, EU-037) and Bogskćr lighthouse (ARLHS SWE-098, WLOTA
LH-0588, Admiralty C4486); Hasslo Island (SM7, EU-138); and Mon Island
(OZ, EU-029, SJ-017 for the Danish Islands Award). Look for activity on
14.260 MHz SSB mornings and afternoons, 14.085 MHz RTTY/PSK31 after
19:00 local time. Gabriele will be looking especially for North America
during his evening time. QSL via home call ( [DE0MST]

01/07/2008:  On behalf of the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI),
Prasad VU2PTT will be active in the IARU Contest using his special call
sign AT6T as the HQ station giving out the ARSI multiplier on 80-10m CW
and SSB. Prasad has permission to use this call sign from July 1st until
September 27th and you may work this special call in other contests as
well. As usual, all QSOs will be uploaded to the ARRL Logbook of the
World (LoTW) and QSL requests may be made to VU2PTT direct (QRZ.COM) or
via the ARSI bureau. [NG3K]

01/07/2008:  Jim, KH6JIM (ex WH6JP) reports that he will be portable for
most of the summer from Warren Island (USi ID-019L, Not IOTA), located
in Lake Pend Oreille, Bonner county, Idaho. If anyone wants ID019L send
an email to Jim and he will try to set something up (kh6jim at [USi]

01/07/2008:  Kenny/K2KW and XYL Stephanie/KD8GKM will be vacationing on
Saba (NA-145, also count for WLOTA LH-2043), Netherlands Antilles, from
July 1-7th. Casual operation signing PJ6/homecalls with focus on 6m, and
activity on 17-40m. 100W, 2 ele 6m yagi, and dipole for HF. QTH will be
Duchie Cottage, in the town of Upper Hells Gate (Grid FK87JP), which is
370m high looking over the ocean just 900m away. Great water shot to
North-East and Mid-West USA, EU and AF. For 6M they suggest the
following frequencies: 50.091 MHz CW and 50.121 MHz SSB. Kenny and
Stephanie will then operate from PJ7 on Dutch Sint Maarten from July
8-10th. QSL via WA4WTG. [NG3K & N8OFS]

01/07/2008:  Anders/SM5EFX, Johan/SM5XZB and Per/SM5XZC will be active
as SM5EFX/2 from Ledskar Island (EU-135) for the entire month of July
(July 1-31st). Sporadic activations during July and participation in the
RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th). QSL via SM5EFX. []

02/07/2008:  Jim, WB2REM and xyl Pamela will be visiting the VP5JM
'Hamlet' on Providenciales Island (NA-002, WW Loc. FL31VS), July 2-12th.
Jim will sign VP5/WB2REM on all HF bands, plus 6m. He will be monitoring
50.110MHz USB on 6 meters with a IC-7000 (no amplifier), with M2 7
element at 30 feet. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [N8OFS]

03/07/2008:  Operators Axel/DL6KVA, Nick/RD4HM, Aleksey/RV6YZ,
Aleksey/UA6JCC and Roman/UA6YGN will be active July 3-13th as RK6YYA/6
from the following Districts in the Republic of Daghestan (DA) for the
Russian Districts Award: July 3 - DA-39,44,30,10,17,47,11,38,21/26; July
4 - DA-18,15,18/50; July 5 - DA-14,23,22,52,51; July 6 - DA-33,31,13,48;
July 7 - DA-42,37,25,16; then DA-24,05,28,35,01,36,29,09. QSL via RX3RC
direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

03/07/2008:  Kurt, HB9XCL will be active from Kos Island (EU-001, MIA
MGD-016, WLOTA LH-1730), July 3-9th. Expected activity on 80-10 meters,
propagation permitting. QSL via home call, bureau preferred.

03/07/2008:  Wayne, W5KDJ will be active as YN2KDJ from YN2N's station
in Granada, Nicaragua, from July 3-14th. Priority will be 160m (1808 /
1842.0 kHz) and 80m (3585.0 kHz) RTTY, with CW and RTTY on other bands
and a entry in the IARU HF Championship (July 12-13th). QSL via W5KDJ,
eQSL and/or LoTW. [NG3K]

06/07/2008:  The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) will air
special call sign GX0MWT from the 'Military Show' at the Museum of
Power, Langford near Maldon in Essex, on July 6th from 10am and 5pm. The
show will feature Military re-enactments, Classic military vehicles and
tanks. QRV on all HF bands and modes. QSL via the information on [Southgate ARC]

09/07/2008:  Andrea, IZ2LSC will be active as CU2/homecall July 9-19th
from Sao Miguel Island (EU-003, DIP AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016). Holiday
style operation on 20 meter SSB, with FT-857 and End-Fed Zepp. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

13/07/2008:  Look for Hans, PA2MRT to be active from Texel Island
(EU-038, also count for WLOTA LH-0043), July 13-18th. He will be
operating mobile from 80-10 meters with Henry SS-750 amplifier and
HQ5-80 antenna. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

20/07/2008:  Bjoern, HB9DTV will be QRV as 9A/HB9DTV from Rab Island
(EU-136, ACIA 168, CIA-38, IOCA CI-096, MIA MC-330, WLOTA LH-2198), July
20-26th. Look for activity on or around the usual island and IOTA
frequencies. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. []

26/07/2008:  The 40th anniversary of Noto Peninsula Quasi-National Park
special call 8J9HGR plans to be active from Hegura-jima [jima in
Japanese means Island] (AS-117, JIIA AS-117-039, JA9 Ishikawa
Prefecture, JCC-3004, WW Loc. PM87LU, WLOTA LH-0056) from July 26-30th,
including one station in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV all HF bands, using
CW and SSB. Operators include JA9FR, JA9SA, JA9ARC, JA9AYV, JA9DII,
others. QSL via the JARL bureau, or direct to JH9UYZ ( Further
information at: [JI6KVR & JJ1WTL]

26/07/2008:  Once again the OCV DX TEAM will be on another expedition
for the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) from the island of Sisarga
Grande (EU-077, DIE O-137 for the Spanish Islands Award, WLOTA LH-0693).
They will use their contest call sign AM1S, as a Multi-Op/Low-Power
entry. Operators mentioned are Pepe/EA1DKV, Domingo/EA1DAX,
Carlos/EA1US, Javier/EA1FDI, Luis/EA1NT, Amadeo/EA1CA, Jes/EA1JO,
Pedro/EA1FCH, Manuel/EA1HP, Jose/EA1ADP, Augusto/EA4TG, Gerard/EA4ST and
Jose/EA1OS. Look for possible activity before the contest with the
operators using their personal homecall/p. QSL AM1S via EA1OS, direct or
bureau. More info at: []

26/07/2008:  Dom/M1KTA and Clive/M5CHH will be active as M1KTA July
26-27th on all HF bands using SSB and CW, QRP only, from mainland
England (EU-005, also count for WLOTA LH-1841). They would like to
contact as many other QRP stations as possible during the activation and
will make every effort to have a high percentage of 2xQRP QSOs. QSL via
M1KTA, direct or bureau. []

26/07/2008:  Steve, NY3A will be active as NY3A/p from Middle Hooper
Island (NA-140, USi MD-016S, Dorchester County), Maryland, during the
RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th). QSL direct to home call.

30/07/2008:  Cezar/VE3LYC and Ken/G3OCA will activate Finger Hill Island
(NA-194) and Paul Island (NA-205), between July 30th and August 5th
using the call sign VO2A. They intend to operate for three days from
each island, with two stations on the air from 40-6m, CW and SSB. Rigs
will be ICOM 7000 (Cezar) and TS50 (Ken). Antenna will be wire GP
capable to work 6 to 40 m. Power will be 100W top, but will likely run
less in CW when propagation conditions will permit. These island groups
have only been activated once, 14 and 13 years ago, respectively. Since
only 6-7% of the IOTA members have them confirmed, both groups are on
the most wanted list. Islands have been checked and confirmed to satisfy
IOTA activation criteria by the IOTA Program Manager. Call signs will be
VE3LYC/VO2 (Cezar) and VO2/G3OCA (Ken). QSL via VE3LYC, direct or by the
bureau (G/GM/GW/GI stations can confirm via G3OCA). [VE3LYC]

01/08/2008:  SCC DXpedition to Kosovo - YU8/S56M will be the call sign
of Slovenia contest club team which will visit Kosovo in first part of
August 2008. Main target is participation in WAE CW contest. Activity
outside of the contest will be on all HF bands and modes, including 6
meters. QSL via S57U. More information will be available at: [S50XX]

10/08/2008:  Johnathan/AB3FX, Jeanne/KB3PVA and Bob/KB3NVH plan to be
active as AB3FX/4 from Ocracoke Island (NA-067, USi NC-001S, WLOTA
LH-0466, Hyde County), North Carolina, from August 10-16th. Holiday
style activity will be mainly on 20 meters. They also hope to take part
in the later part of the Maryland-DC QSO party. QSL via the bureau to
AB3FX. Direct is OK for US stations; there is no need to include an SASE
unless you would like a card back in an envelope (otherwise it will come
as a postcard). []

16/10/2008:  Bill, WB5ZAM plans to be active as J68WI from the island of
St Lucia (NA-108, also count for WLOTA LH-1336) between October 16-30th.
Bill says "no contesting but plan to be as active as the bands allow. HF
30-10m and 6m if open. No low bands". QSL via home call. [NG3K]

18/10/2008:  For the CQ-WW-DX-Contest end of October 2008, a German
group will start their 25th DXpedition to Triesenberg, Liechtenstein.
The group constists of 12 HAMs and is member of the DX-club RRDXA, Rhine
Ruhr DX Association. This venture will be something special. Not only
the basic group, consisting of members of the DARC clubs Wülfrath (R29)
and Neandertal (R09, Mettmann/Erkrath), will join this event, but also
all guests, who helped and visited us in the contests. For the time
being we got international announcements from European countries, the
USA and the Asian part of the Soviet Union. Beside the participation in
the SSB part of the contest, from which we plan to become the country
winner, there will be some accompanying actions. We want to do
excursions to the wonderful countryside around Vaduz, Triesenberg or
Malbun. Operators include Diethelm/DJ2YE, Heinz Willi/DL8EAQ,
Chris/DK8EY, Rolf/DL8DAW, Wenz/DK5EZ, Wilhelm/DG3EX and Karl/DL6EAQ.
They will be QRV from October 18-31st and will also participate in the
CQ WW DX SSB Contest using the call sign HB0/HB9AON. QSL via DJ2YE,
others by their home calls. [NG3K]

01/03/2009:  John/9M6XRO (ISWL 9M6-6982), and Steve/9M6DXX, will lead a
team of six operators to Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (IOTA
AS-051), between March 1st and 14th. Operators include John/9M6XRO,
Steve/9M6DXX, Pete/SM5GMZ, Jay/W5SL and James/9V1YC. A sixth team member
will be confirmed later. Activity will be on all bands 10 to 80m CW, SSB
and RTTY using three stations, two with full legal limit linear
amplifiers. The call sign will be announced shortly before the
operation. QSL manager for this operation is Tim, M3SDE (direct or
bureau). Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Further information at: [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

20/06/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6M100Y to be active from
June 20th to August 31st to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Miike
Port. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

26/06/2008:  Special event station 8J1AXA is currently active until
March 31, 2009 for Project KDES 2008 (KDES: Katsuura Dish Experimental
Station, JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). QSL via the JARL
bureau. Further information at: [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

26/06/2008:  The special event station GB100STH is currently active
until July 13th to commemorate the centenary of Stockport Town Hall
opened by the king George V and Queen Mary on the 07 th July 1908. The
station will operated by members of Stockport radio society on all bands
and modes. All QSO and SWL reports will receive a special QSL. QSL via
bureau to G3VOU. Further information can be found at:

28/06/2008:  Special event station GB6WWW will be active June 28th to
celebrate the Wickenby Wings and Wheels, from Langworth in Lincoln. QSL
via the RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

29/06/2008:  Special event station TM8CEC will be aired on Sunday June
29th, by a both French and Belgian operators, headed by XYL Claudine,
F5JER. Activty is part of the open doors at the French Army Training
Commandoes in Givet (Ardennes North of France). QRV on all HF bands,
using CW and SSB, from the Charlemont Fortress (DFCF 08-006) by Ardennes
area Hams (ED08), and friends, Bruno/ON7ZD, Philippe/ON7PV and may be
Eric/ON7RN. QSL via F5JER either direct or bureau. Further information
can be found at: [F5NQL]

29/06/2008:  The White Tower DX Team plus SV1ENG and SV2GNQ will air
special event call sign SY75NW between June 29th and July 6th to
celebrate 75 years of Hellenic Naval Week. They will be located at the
Megalou Emvolou lighthouse (ARLHS GRE-096, Admiralty E4498), mainland
Greece, Province of Macedonia (WW Loc. KN10JL). Activity will be on all
HF bands, plus 6 meters. QSL via SV2HPP. Further information can be
found at [SV2FPU]

01/07/2008:  Special activity from Algeria during the complete month of
July, with the call sign 7Y46ND, activated by stations from the city of
Djelfa. QRV July 1-31st, 80-10 meters, all modes. QSL route will be via
7X2DD (Mohamed Djaballah, P.O. Box 467, 17000 Djelfa, Algeria). A
special certificate will be available for a fee of 5 Euro/US$7, if
requested beside the normal QSL card. [NG3K]

01/07/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6ARDF to be active on all
bands and modes from July 1st through October 26th to commemorate the
All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet. Expect activity on all bands and modes.
QSL via JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Special event station 8J7GINGA will be active from July 1st
through August 31st to celebrate the Sendai (-city) Tanabata (or Star)
Festival. QRV mainly SSB on 80-10 meters, but also PSK31, RTTY and SSTV.
QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  From July 1st to August 31st, special call sign 8J7VENUS
will be aired to celebrate the Sendai (-city) Tanabata (or Star)
Festival. Activity will be mainly SSB on 80-10 meters, with some PSK31,
RTTY and SSTV. QSL via JH7YES, direct or bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Look for special event station 8N0ASTRO to be active
between July 1st and September 7th to celebrate the 20th Sado Island
(IOTA AS-117, JIIA AS-117-063, WLOTA LH-2204) long distance
international triathlon (astro: iron man). QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/07/2008:  Special event station 8N150IH will be aired from July 1st
to August 3rd to celebrate the 50th Itabashi Hanabi (or Fireworks)
Festival. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  This summer, Icom U.K. is to sponsor a unique radio station
on the outskirts of Kent. In fact this special station called Red Sands
Radio will be 8.5 miles offshore from Whitstable on the North coast of
Kent in an old WWII Army Sea Fort on the Red Sands. The radio station,
which will be on-air from early July, will be broadcasting to 1,000's of
listeners in Kent on 1278kHz and via the Internet at . As part of the sponsorship agreement, Icom UK
are planning to operate an Amateur Radio special event station. Ofcom
has issued GB0RSR the special call sign for this occasion. Icom will be
broadcasting on HF using an IC-756PROIII in the evening and on VHF/UHF
in the day. Icom UK also plan to conduct D-Star transmissions into a
repeater system and the Internet. A vertical antenna will be affixed to
the stanchions on the Southern Gun Tower roof to support the
communications. For more details of this unique station including
operating times and frequencies stay tuned to this website or [Southgate ARC]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

28/06-06/07  HK0/K7BV: San Andres Island Grid:EK92DM 50.106.2MHz USB 1KW
to 7el/3el QSL W1JJ

28/06-04/07  JX/G7VJR: Jan Mayen 50.105MHz CW 100W + beacon 24/7
Grid:IQ51 QSL G7VJR (d/b)

28/06-04/07  JX/SQ4MP: Jan Mayen 50.105MHz CW 100W + beacon 24/7
Grid:IQ51 QSL G7VJR (d/b)

28/06-29/06  K0S: Field Day at Mount Sunflower, KS Grid:DM89 50.125MHz

28/06-29/06  K8KRG: ARRL Field Day on 50MHz TS-60 M2 HO Loop, 50.200MHz

28/06-06/07  TO5E: St Barthelemy 6M Grid:FK87OV 50.103MHz CW/SSB 1KW 7el
QSL W7XU (d/b)

28/06-06/07  ZF2BI: Grand Cayman NA-016 6M 50.105USB + 50.095/B 1KW
M2-5EL QSL K4BI (d/b)

28/06-06/07  ZF2ZD: Grand Cayman NA-016 6M 50.105USB + 50.095/B 1KW
6M7JHV QSL K2ZD (d/b)

02/07-08/07  PJ6/K2KW: Saba NA-145 Grid:FK87JP 50.091CW, 50.121USB 100W

02/07-08/07  PJ6/KD8GKM: Saba NA-145 Grid:FK87JP 50.091CW, 50.121USB
100W 2el QSL WA4WTG

03/07-06/07  CO8LY/P: Cuba NA-015 Grids FK19 & FL10, 6M, 100W, 5el
yagi QSL EA7ADH (d)

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS (Updated 06-23-08) at:

27/06-30/06  IE9/DJ2OS: Isola di Ustica WLOTA:0848 QSL HC (d/b)
28/06-06/07  HK0/K7BV: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 6m QSL W1JJ (d)
28/06-06/07  TO5E: Saint Barthelemy WLOTA:0377 QSL W7XU (d/b)
28/06-04/07  8P9KA: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL G7COD (d/b)
28/06-06/07  ZF2BI: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 6M QSL K4BI (d/b)
28/06-06/07  ZF2ZD: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 6M QSL K2ZD (d/b)
29/06-06/07  SY75NW: Megalou Emvolou (Karabournaki) ARLHS:GRE-096,
Admiralty E4498 QSL SV2HPP (d/b)
29/06-06/07  VO1NFLD: New Foundland (main) WLOTA:0345 QSL VA3JFF (d/b)
01/07-07/09  8N0ASTRO: Sado Shima WLOTA:2204 QSL JARL bureau
02/07-08/07  PJ6/K2KW: Saba Island WLOTA:2043 QSL WA4WTG (d/b)
02/07-08/07  PJ6/KD8GKM: Saba Island WLOTA:2043 QSL WA4WTG (d/b)
03/07-09/07  SV5/HB9XCL: Nisos Kos WLOTA:1730 QSL HC (b)
QSLs received Bureau - none to report! :o(

QSLs received Direct - 3D2AG/P, 3DA0ZO (via OH0XX), 5Z1A (via PA1AW),
E21EJC, FK/FO5RK, TG9NX, TO5RZ, V8FRO (via M3SDE), V63TR (via K8AQM),
XE83IARU (via N7RO)

QSLs received LoTW - 4U1ITU, RX3AEX, VP6DX, VP8KF
Pete De Volpi, K3PD, ex-KC3TL became a silent key June 19, 2008 at age
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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