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20 April 2013                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1146
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5B     - Dave 5B/G4IAR/p, his wife Judith 5B/G4IAQ/p  and  Steve  5B/G0SGB/p
         will be active from Cyprus  (AS-004)  on  22-28  April.  Operations
         will be mostly centered on lighthouses and on 20  metres.  QSL  via
         home calls, direct only. [TNX]
8Q     - Pai, VU2PAI and Krish, W4VKU (VU2VKU) will be  as  8Q7KP  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) on 23-30 April. They will  operate  SSB,  CW  and
         RTTY on 80-10 metres with two stations. They plan to setup an  OQRS
         on Club Log, and also  to  upload  their  log  to  LoTW,  eQSL  and
9H     - Look for Floris PA1FW (9H3E), Jasper PB2JJ  (9H3JN),  Rinus  PA2HEM
         (9H3MS), Marion PD3MV  (9H3MV),  Wim  PG9W  (9H3ON),  Andre  PA3HGP
         (9H3S) and Sjirk PE1OFJ (9H3YM) to be active  from  Malta  (EU-023)
         between 18 May and 5 June. They will be QRV  on  80-6  metres,  and
         will use their personal calls as well as 9H25 (QSL via  PI4KGL),  a
         very special callsign chosen to celebrate the group's 25th trip  to
9M2    - Piju 9M2PJU, Khairul 9M2KRZ, Rizal 9M2RDX and Jacek SP5APW will  be
         active as 9M2SE from Perhentian Besar Island (AS-073)  on  1-3  May
         (Jacek will continue to be QRV as 9M2/SP5APW  until  the  7th,  see
         425DXN 1143]. They  will  have  two  transceivers  (100  watts),  a
         vertical antenna and a tribander yagi, and  will  operate  CW,  SSB
         and digital modes on 40-10 metres. QSL for this IOTA operation  via
         SP5APW. [TNX 9M2PJU]
DU     - Victor, R6AF will  be  active  as  DU1/R6AF  from  Busuanga  Island
         (OC-090) from 27 April to 3 May. [TNX DX World]
FM     - International Police Association's  members  F6FLO,  FM5AM,  FM5CW,
         FM5CY and FM5GI will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK as  TO4IPA  from
         St. Pierre, Martinique (NA-107) between 18 April  and  2  May.  QSL
         via HA3JB. [TNX HA3JB]
GM     - A group of operators from the Kilmarnock and Loudoun  ARC  will  be
         active as MM0KLR from the Isle of Canna (EU-008)  on  22-26  April.
         QSL via MM0KLR (bureau) or MM0GHM (direct). [TNX]
GW     - Six operators from the Gordano Amateur Radio  Group  (namely  Peter
         2E0GKA, Lyns G0AZE, Michael G1UPP, Malcolm G4KPM, Martin M0HCT  and
         Jim M0JWB) will participate in the  International  Marconi  Day  as
         GB5IMD from Flat Holm Island (EU-124). They expect to be  QRV  with
         two stations on 80-10 metres from around 17 UTC on 19  April  until
         around 9 UTC on the 21st. Request your card by sending QSO  details
         to lynsowen[@]
I      - ARMI Taranto (IQ7UJ) will be active as II7WARD on  18-21  April  to
         celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day.  QSL  via  IZ7AUH  (OQRS  on
         Club Log). [TNX IZ7AUH]
I      - Special memorial station IY4MKD (Marconi Kite Day) will  be  active
         on 25-28  April  during  the  34th  "Vulandra"  International  Kite
         Festival in Ferrara. The antenna will be lifted by  a  Baden-Powell
         Levitor kite, like Marconi did to receive the  first  transatlantic
         wireless transmissions back in  1901.  QSL  via  IQ4FE,  direct  or
         bureau. [TNX IK4VFB]
JD1_oga- Look for JD1YBT and JD1BLC to  be  QRV  from  Chichijima  (AS-031),
         Ogasawara from 28 April to 5 May. Plans are to be active  on  160-6
         metres CW, SSB, RTTY (plus FM on 10m). QSL both  calls  via  JP1IOF
         and LoTW.
PJ2    - Once again Anja, DH2AK and Torsten, DL1THM will be  active  holiday
         style as PJ2/DH2AK and PJ2/DL1THM from  Curacao  (SA-099)  from  23
         April to 7 May. They plan to operate SSB on 15-20 metres.  QSL  via
         home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
SV     - Laci, HA0HW Laci will  be  active  as  SW8WW  from  Thassos  Island
         (EU-174) from 23 May to 5 June, including an entry  in  the  CQ  WW
         WPX CW Contest. Before and after the contest he  will  operate  CW,
         SSB and RTTY on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL  via  HA0HW,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
SV5    - A group of nine operators (namely  John  SV1GE,  Theodoros  SV1GRM,
         Cliff SV1JG, Manos SV1ME,  Spiros  SV1RC,  George  SV1RP,  Vangelis
         SV2BFN, Takis SV2FWV and Mike SV8GKE) will be active as SX5KL  from
         Kalolimnos  (EU-001)  on 10-20 May.  They will operate CW, SSB  and
         RTTY  on 160-6 metres.  QSL via  SV2FWV, direct or  bureau (OQRS on
         Club Log),  and  LoTW. Further  information at [TNX
SV9    - Look for Alessandro SV9/IK4ALM (SSB and CW)  and  Carlo  SV9/IZ4WJA
         (digital modes) to be active on 40-10 metres  from  Crete  (EU-015)
         on 13-20 May. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IK4ALM]
TA     - Once again the TC Special Wireless Activity  Team  (
         will be active as TC57A on 19-25 April in remembrance of  the  role
         played by the 57th Infantry Regiment ("Alay") of the Turkish  Fifth
         Army during the Dardanelles Campaign in 1915. QSL via  TA1HZ.  [TNX
V2     - Paul, KB4GYT will be active holiday style  as  V25PM  from  Antigua
         (NA-100) from 27 April to 4 May. He will operate  mainly  CW,  with
         some SSB and PSK31. QSL via home call (direct).
VE     - Team VE3ZF (namely Pat VE3HZQ, Ron VE3NDI and Igor VE3ZF)  will  be
         active from Twilight Island (not IOTA, CISA ON-018) on 20-21  April
         during the Ontario QSO Party  (
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VE3ZF]
VE     - Heinz, VA7AQ and Mike, VE7ACN will operate CW and SSB from  Gambier
         Island  (NA-091)  on  25-29  April.  QSL  via  home   calls    [TNX]
VU7    - Krish, W4VKU (VU2VKU) reports he has  been  granted  permission  by
         the Indian Ministry of Communications  to  operate  as  VU7KV  from
         Kavaratti, Lakshadweep Islands (AS-011)  between  23  April  and  5
         May. However, "plans are already firm to activate 8Q7KP from 23  to
         30 April" and "getting to the VU7 island has become  a  challenge".
         If he gets to Kavaratti, plans are to operate SSB and some RTTY  on
         80-10 metres. See
YN     - Luca, IK2PFL will be active as  YN/IK2PFL  from  Nicaragua  on  2-6
         May. He will operate CW on the HF bands  and  6  metres,  and  will
         participate in the ARI International DX Contest (from 12 UTC  on  4
         May through 1159 UTC on the 5th).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE  --->  The  March  2013  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

AMATEUR RADIO IN GREECE ---> Published in 1990, "The Dawn of  Amateur  Radio
in the U.K. and Greece" by Norman F. Joly  (G3FNJ)  is  still  the  standard
reference of  this  period.    Vienna-based  Documentary  Archive  has  just
published the chapters relating to the history of Amateur radio  in  Greece,
with the author's kind permission from  his  personal  copy  which  contains
some corrections and amendments to the printed version, and with  additional
material  from  the  Archive's   files:    see  and for a German version. [TNX OE1WHC]

IOTA HONOUR ROLL ---> The 2013 Honour Roll and  Annual  Listings  have  been
uploaded to both the IOTA Manager's ( and  the  IOTA
Programme's ( websites.

WRTC2014 NEWS ---> WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014  World  Radiosport  Team
Championship (WRTC) competition, has  opened  the  application  process  for
qualified individuals that would like to  serve  as  Referees.  The  Referee
application  period  closes  on  1  December  2013.  Complete   information,
including    downloadable    application    forms,    can    be    found  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8MM       DL6UAA      GB2GM       2E0GSD      RA27MI      R6MI
3D2SE       ZL3TE       GB4T        M0DOL       RA27MM      UA1ANA
3Z0WARD     SP6IEQ      GX3EFX      G0ACK       RA27NX      R4NX
3Z1K        SP1KRF      GX8HRC      G3SVK       RA27WC      RA4WC
4A2I        XE2I        H70ORO      TI4SU       RA4HKM/0    RW4HW
4A8DMR      N7RO        HB0/PA2RDK  PE1FLO      RG61PP      RZ3LC
4J3DF       RW6HS       HB0/PA3CNO  PE1FLO      RI1ANP      RN1ON
4J6RO       4K4K        HB0/PA3HK   PE1FLO      RI1FJ       UA2FM
4L1MA       ON4RU       HB9WARD     HB9JOE      RL22RW      R3COM
4S7BRG      LZ3HI       HC5EG       EA5GL       RT27AA      RA4PCP
4X65UN      4X1UN       HF55OP      SQ9CWO      RT27AN      UA4PAN
4Z65TL      4Z1TL       HH2/EK6KB   K6EID       RT27TT      RZ4PZA
5H3MB       IK2GZU      II0IEE      IW0EFA      RT9L/8      UA9LP
5V7ZA       TF3ZA       II1MGY      IW1EHL      RU27AR      UA1OJL
6Y5CN       N1QAE       II3VVF      IV3FIV      RU27FJ      RN4HFJ
7S55S       SM6EGJ      II7WARD     IZ7AUH      RU27LU      UA4L
7Z1ES       IZ8CLM      J49C        SV9COL      RU27ON      RN1ON
8P9HI       VA3QSL      J75PX       AI5P        RU27TT      R2TT
9A65S       9A1DFG      J8/G4DVB    GW4DVB      RU27WN      RX9WN
9G5EME      PA3CEE      JY4CI       K2AX        S79VJG      G4DFI
9H3KV       F4BKV       JY4NE       K3IRV       SE6Y        SM6DED
9M4CJB      9W2BUG      KH0WJ       JS3LSQ      SJ9WL       LA4EKA
9M6DXX      M0URX       LA190B      LA1B        SN0MD       SP1PNW
A22LL       ZS1LL       LG5LG       LA4EKA      SP73VOT     SP5PBE
A43WARD     A47RS       LW5ER       M0OXO       SU9AF       UA3DX
A52SV       JA2PSV      LZ13FDAY    LZ1YQ       T6DA        ND9Q
A60WARD     IZ8CLM      MJ0UOO/p    M0UOO       T6TM        KB2RLB
A61ZA       IZ8CLM      OH3I        OH3BHL      TJ3AY       F5LGE
C91RF       DL6DQW      OM20TUSR    OM3RP       TM28UFT     F9IE
C98RF       DL6DQW      OU1RAEM     DF5LW       TM50ENSO    F5LGQ
CO2WF       N1KI        P29CS       M0URX       TM80C       F6FMT
CO6LC       EA5GL       PA200KING   PD5ROB      TM8BIRD     F5INJ
CO7EH       AD4C        PB200KING   PA1TX       UE52G       RK4CYW
CP6XE       IK6SNR      PB2013KING  PA9LUC      V31HU       IT9EJW
CR5FC       CS5NRA      PJ4/SP6AXW  SP9FIH      V31MV       IT9EJW
CR5IARU     CT1REP      PJ4/SP9FIH  SP9FIH      V32EE       IT9EJW
CV1DP       CX8DL       PJ4/SQ9CNN  SP9FIH      V47GIW      W4GIW
CW90A       CX2ABC      R27AHA      UA3AHA      V63DX       JA7HMZ
CX3TQ       IK2DUW      R27CGY      RA0CGY      V63T        JA7GYP
DM50IOTA    DL2VFR      R27NBA      UA4NBA      VK0JJJ      K7CO
DU1/W7XA    NR6M        R27OGF      UA9OGF      VK9LT       W6NV
DX50DBT     DX1DBT      R27TTT      RT3T        XR86PL      CE3ETE
DX8DX       M0OXO       R27UFA      RM8W        XV1X        RW6HS
E77DX       OE1EMS      R27VLG      RZ4AG       XV5HS       EA5ZD
EH4FCF      EA4DOC      R3K         RN3DK       YB8BYL      EA7FTR
EH6ARD      EA6QY       R40AST      UA6GG       YJ0MB       VK2BXE
EH7DMR      EA7KZ       R75CPK      RV3AGB      YN9SU       TI4SU
EH8WDX      EA8ED       RA27AA      RA9DZ       YR60A       YO8AXP
EM45ERS     UT0EK       RA27AX      RK6AX       ZF2BI       K4BI
EN27U       US0UX       RA27DR      RA4DR       ZK3N        DL2AWG
FP5BZ       F5TJP       RA27DX      R1DX        ZM2B        ZL2BR
G100C       M0OXO       RA27HW      RM4HW       ZP9EH       K5WW

DL2AWG   Guenter Gassler, Eichertstrasse 8, 07589 Muenchenbernsdorf, Germany
DL6DQW   Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, 01468 Moritzburg/OT
         Boxdorf, Germany
DL6UAA   Mart Moebius, Kirchplatz 10, 04924 Dobra, Germany
IK2GZU   Maurizio Buffoli, Via Degli Angeli 9, 25033 Cologne BS, Italy
IT9EJW   Alfio Bonanno, Via della Regione 20, 95028 Valverde CT, Italy
M0OXO    Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
         United Kingdom
SP9FIH   Janusz Wegrzyn, P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
TE1856   P.O. Box 18-4400, San Carlos, Costa Rica
UA3DX    Nikolay I. Averyanov, P.O. Box 39, pos. Vlasikha, Moskovskaya
         obl., 143010, Russia
VK2BXE   Michael J. Boorne, P.O. Box 297, Artarmon NSW 1570, Australia
W6NV     Oliver Sweningsen, P.O. Box 90, Orinda CA 94563, USA
ZS1LL    Schalk van Vuuren, P.O. Box 512, Hermanus, 7200, South Africa


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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