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23 March 2013                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1142
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9V     - Alan, G0RCI will be in Singapore and  hopefully  Malaysia  on  1-12
         April. He plans to operate as 9V1/G0RCI and 9M2/G0RCI "as  much  as
         the XYL allows". QSL via home call (direct). [TNX G0RCI]
C6     - Chuck, KG9N will be active as KG9N/C6A from Grand  Bahama  (NA-080)
         from 28 March to 4 April, including an entry in the CQ WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and  LoTW.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
CT8    - Frank, PA4N and Dervin,  PD9DX  will  be  active  as  CT8/PA4N  and
         CS8/PD9DX from Sao Miguel (EU-003),  Azores  from  26  March  to  3
         April. They will operate SSB and CW on the HF bands and maybe on  6
         metres. Look for  CS8/PD9DX  to  participate  in  the  CQ  WPX  SSB
         Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
DU     - Dindo, DV1UD will visiting the islands  of  Bongao  (OC-174),  Tawi
         Tawi (OC-174) and Taganak (OC-225) in early April.  He  expects  to
         leave Manila on 2 April, to reach Bongao by the 4th or 5th  and  to
         stay on each island for 2-3 days. This is  not  a  DXpedition,  but
         Dindo "will grab this opportunity  to  activate  these  rare  IOTAs
         between his work commitments". He expects to be  signing  DX8DX  on
         SSB and CW, running 100 watts into a loop antenna. QSL  via  M0OXO.
         Bookmark for updates. [TNX The Daily DX]
GM     - Graham, MM0GHM will be active as MM0GHM/m from the  Isle  of  Barra
         (EU-010) on 24-29 March. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX]
H4     - The tentative dates for the H4  IOTA  Tour  [425DXN  1141]  are  as
         1-4 June    H44  New Georgia      OC-149
         6-8 June    H44  Russell Islands  OC-168
         10-13 June  H44  Florida Islands  OC-158
         17-24 June  H44  Stewart Island   OC-285
         1-7 July    H40  Nendo Island     OC-100
         9-12 July   H40  Vanikolo/Utupua  OC-163
         14-16 July  H40  Reef Islands     OC-065
         Actual dates may vary due to the nature of the tour.  Activity will
         be  on  80-10 metres  SSB and CW.  Bookmark for
KH2    - AH6KY (JA1MFR), NY8A (JG1ITH), W3JH  (JR3QFB),  W6LJ  (JA1OZK)  and
         AI2K will be active as NH2KY (QSL via JR3QFB)  from  Guam  (OC-026)
         from 29 March to 2 April. They will participate in the  CQ  WW  WPX
         SSB Contest as KH2KY (QSL via JA1MFR). [TNX NG3K]
P4     - Helmut, DF7ZS will be active again  from  Aruba  (SA-036)  from  26
         March to 3 April. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB  Contest
         as P40Z; outside the contest he will be  casual  operating  on  the
         WARC bands. QSL via W3HNK [TNX NG3K]
PJ4    - Steve, W1SRD and Dean, N6DE will participate in the CQ WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest as PJ4D (QSL via LoTW or  direct  to  W1SRD)  from  Bonaire
         (SA-006). Outside the contest, between 26 March and 1  April,  they
         will be QRV as PJ4/homecall with a focus  on  RTTY.  QSL  via  home
         calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SV     - Markus, DJ4EL will be active from IOTA group EU-158 between 25  and
         29 March. He plans to operate as SV8/DJ4EL from both  Proti  (25-26
         March) and Sapientza (28-29  March),  using  battery  power  on  15
         metres only. QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
VE     - David, VE3VID is QRV in his spare time as VY0/VE3VID from  Igloolik
         Island (NA-174)  until  29  March  [425DXN  1141].  Ray,  N6VR  has
         arranged a sked with him this Sunday, 24 March at  16  UTC  (during
         David's lunch break), on 14260 and up. "I am looking  for  guys  to
         email before the schedule so that I can have a list ready to  run",
         Ray says. You can email him at rayn6vr[@]
VK9C   - Chris, GM3WOJ and Keith, GM4YXI will be active as  VK9CZ  from  the
         Cocos-Keeling Islands (OC-003) from 30 March to  13  April  [425DXN
         1139]. They will operate SSB, CW and some RTTY  on  160-10  metres.
         They hope to have a real-time logging system and to upload to  Club
         Log and LoTW on a daily basis. QSL via  N3SL.  Further  information
         and updates at
VP9    - Kei, KG2A will be active as KG2A/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) from  29
         March to 1 April. His  main  focus  will  be  the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest, with limited activity (mainly CW)  before  and  after  the
         contest. QSL direct to KG2A.
XW     - Steve, 9M6DXX will be active as XW8XZ  from  near  Vientiane,  Laos
         between 30 March and 3 April. He will operate holiday style on  SSB
         only, using 100 watts (the maximum power permitted by the  licence)
         to a Butternut HF6V-X antenna  with  12/17m  kit.  QSL  via  M0URX,
         direct or bureau (OQRS at Logs will be uploaded  to
         LoTW as quickly as possible after the operation. [TNX 9M6DXX]
YB     - Hajar YB8HZ and Ram YB8BRI will be active (SSB,  CW  and  RTTY)  as
         homecall/p from Balang Lompo (OC-236) on  27-31  March.  They  will
         run two stations using a dipole for 40m and a hex beam for 30,  20,
         17, 15 and 10 metres. Electricity will be  available  only  between
         10 and 16 UTC, and they will use  battery  power  at  other  times.
         [TNX JN6RZM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> 9X0ZM (Rwanda, 2013 operation) has  been  approved  for  DXCC
credit. [TNX NC1L]

OC-245 ---> Logsearch and OQRS for  the  recent  IOTA  DXpedition  to  Pulau
Breueh can be found at 

ITALY: NEW PREFIX ---> All of the  possible  callsigns  in  the  IZ-prefixed
series (IZ#AAA-IZ#ZZZ)  have  been  issued;  newly  licensed  amateur  radio
operators in Italy will get callsigns with the IU prefix.

+ SILENT KEY + The DX community mourns the loss of Luis Chartarifsky,  XE1L,
who was stricken with a major heart attack shortly after  returning  to  San
Diego after the TX5K Clipperton Island DXpedition. A DXer, a  contester  and
a DXpeditioner, over the years he participated in several major  operations,
such as XF4L (1989), 3Y0PI (1994), XR0Y & XR0Z  (Easter  Island  &  Salas  y
Gomez 1995), XZ0A (2000), 9M0M (Spratly Islands 2001),  S07L  (2002),  TZ6RD
(2003) and 9N7MD (2011). He was also involved in several  IOTA  activations,
notably from three Mexican "new ones" back in 1993. An  on-line  condolences
book,  set  up  by  the   Radio    Club    Satelite,    can    be  found  at
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Petras  Mikalajunas  (LY1PM,  ex
UP2BBB), Vladimir E. Sviridov (UA6AGK), Aleksandr P.  Denisov  (UR5FEL)  and
Jayant Bharamgonda Patil (VU2JBP, ex VU2JCX).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
2W0VOW      EB7DX       ED5T        EA5ELT      LZ60RCP     LZ1JZ
3B8FQ       K5XK        EG7HR       EA7NL       N6NY/NH2    JK1FUP
3B9FR       HB9SLO      EH5SIP      EA5HRD      NN1X/KH6    JG3JLC
3Z20RE      SP5DZC      EI13CLAN    EI6AL       OD5QB       YO3FRI
4A2I        XE2I        EM70LL      UX4LL       OG3077F     OH3JF
4J6RO       4K4K        EY8MM       K1BV        OH0BCI      OH2BCI
4O7TC       UA3TCJ      GB75HMSB    G0TOC       PD70AW      PD2RKG
4S7TRG      OK1CZ       GD100C      M0OXO       PJ7/N0TG    AA4VK
4X0W        UT5UGR      GW100C      M0OXO       PJ7/N1SNB   AA4VK
5B4ALB      RT9T        GX5MW/P     M6VFC       R100AP      UA9XL
5T0JL       ON8RA       GX8HRC      G3SVK       RG61PP      RZ3LC
5V7BR       F2VX        H40T        DL7DF       RI1ANU      ZS1OIN
5V7JD       F8AEJ       H44G        DL7DF       S503EO      S53EO
7Q7BP       G3MRC       HB10BE      HB9BE       SN3WIOSNA   SP3WVL
7T9A        7X2ARA      HC1MD       K8LJG       SU9VB       UA4WHX
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HF3WIOSNA   SP3GVX      T2GM        GM4FDM
8Q7NC       F6BGC       HF660OL     SP4ICP      T30MK       PY2WAS
8Q7WK       OE1MWW      HI0UD       ON4IQ       T88TF       JA1VND
9A65S       9A1DFG      HS0ZEF      OE2ASL      TU2CI       TF3ZA
9H3ET       G3LET       HS0ZJF/9    ON4AFU      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
9K2F        9K2HN       HV0A        IK0FVC      V31RC       K5RCR
9M4SLL      M0URX       HV50VR      I0JBL       V31RT       WB1EAZ
9V1DR       JF3DVR      II0IDR      IZ0FVD      V44KAI      W5TFW
9X0ZM       JO1CRA      II0IEE      IW0EFA      V73TS       JF1CCH
A61DJ       IZ8CLM      II0IGU      IZ0EGC      VK0JJJ      K7CO
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      II1ICS      I1SAF       VP8LIZ      VP8LP
A62A        IZ8CLM      II1IGG      I2AZ        VQ9JC       ND9M
AC2CX/KH2   JE1JAC      II3ICZ      IW3IE       WP2KY       JR3QFB
C4I         G3VYI       II5IDK      IQ5LI       XR0YG       G3TXF
C6AMM       K1CN        II5ISS      IZ5JLW      XW4XR       E21EIC
CE2AWW      VE7WY       II7ICE      IZ7CTE      YB0AKM      EA7FTR
CF3A        VE3AT       II7ICT      IZ7AUH      YB3MM/6     IZ8CCW
CN2R        W7EJ        II9ICF      IT9MRM      YB6AR/p     IZ8CCW
CO2IZ       EA1EAU      II9IGA      IT9YEM      YF1AR/6     IZ8CCW
CO6LC       EA5GL       J79GV       KK4GV       Z320W       Z35W
CP4BT       EA5KB       JW7QIA      LA7QIA      ZD8RAF      G1EUZ
CS250CLE    CS5RPT      KH0XH       JE1XUZ      ZF2AH       W6VNR
D2EB        IZ3ETU      KH0XW       JQ2WTT      ZF2UL       K3UL
D70LW       DS4NYE      KH2/K2IO    JA2JWH      ZL7LC       EB7DX
DU9AQQ      EA5GL       KP2/KI3DNN  JI3DNN      ZV2K        PY2SHF
EA8OM       DJ1OJ       LY23A       LY5A        ZX5ZZ       PY5PDC

DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St George's Avenue, Weybridge, KT13 0BS,
         United Kingdom
GM4FDM   Tom Wylie, 3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Johnstone, PA5 9AD,  United
IZ8CCW   Antonio Cannataro, Via Don Minzoni 24, 87040 Marano Marchesato CS,
AA4VK    Ron Oates, 8013 N Bridgewater Ct, Raleigh NC 27615, USA
HB9SLO   Bertrand Bladt, 14 Impasse des Tournesols, 1530 Payerne,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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