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KB8NW  > DX       22.06.08 22:14l 438 Lines 25828 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.863
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 863
Sent: 080622/2015Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:12356 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.863
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 863
BID: $OPDX.863
June 23, 2008
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA
& QRZ DX, K5LBU, W5KDJ, WW5L, K7BV, K8YSE, W0SD, DX-IS News Site, Pete's-
DX-Newsdesk, DK8JB, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT, G3SWH,
G0IAS, GM0DEQ, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, JI6KVR & JA-IOTA Island News,
for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 15th-June, through Sunday, 22nd-June there were 209
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S,
4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H,
9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, DL, DU, E5/s, E7,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FH,
FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FS, FW, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC,
HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/m, JD/o,
JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ,
OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ,
R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK,
TR, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N,
VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL,
YN, YO, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4W, TIMOR-LESTE. The 4W6R from Dili should be going QRT on June 24th.
QSLs via EA4URE, by the Bureau or direct to: P.O. Box 220, 28080 Madrid,
SPAIN. The online log states that 12641 QSOs are in the database as of
June 20th. For more info and updates, visit:

5X, UGANDA (Reminder). Nick, G3RWF, will once again be active as 5X1NH
this week from June 25th to August 15th. Activity will be from Fort Portal
in Western Uganda. QSL via G3RWF. He was active during February and March
this year and made 11000 QSOs.

6 METER CARIBBEAN DXPEDITION (Update). Dennis, K7BV, will be active this
summer from the Caribbean but on 6 meters ONLY. Look for him to sign as
V36M from Caye Caulker Island (NA-073, WW Loc. EK57XR), Belize, from June
20-26th, and as 5J0M from San Andres Island (NA-033, WLOTA LH-2990, WW
Loc EK92DM) between June 29th and July 7th. His equipment will be a FT-450
with ACOM-1000 amplifier, running 1KW into a 7 element and 3 element beam.
The main frequency will be 50.106.2 MHz USB and /B. The pilot station will
be Pat, W5OZI. QSL direct only to W1JJ ( For more information,
visit his interesting Web page at:

7Q, MALAWI. QSL Manager Allan, G0IAS, informs OPDX that Harry, 7Q7HB
(G0JMU), is once again in Malawi. He adds that Harry has put in his
shipping container this time a telescopic tiltover mast and a new A4S,
which all needs to be assembled. Apparently, the "Gem Quad" that has
been at "Club Mak" for years and was erected by Harry and Les/7Q7LA
has seen better days, so he is replacing it on this trip. Harry has also
taken more stuff to work data modes this time too. Allan states, "A new
'Radio Shack' is in the process of being built also." Remember, the QSL
route for 7Q7HB is as always "DIRECT ONLY" to G0IAS (NO BUREAU... Allan
is not a member of the RSGB, so he is NOT allowed to use the BUREAU in
the UK and there is NO Bureau in Malawi). If anyone has any questions
for Allan, his E-mail is good on and is:
Allan will answer any E-mails within a couple of hours.

8P, BARBADOS. Andrew, G7COD, will be active as 8P9KA from Harts Gap
between June 28th and July 4th. Activity is planned for 40/30/20/17/15
meters with operating times taking place between 2100-2300z everyday,
concentrating on SSB with some CW. QSL via G7COD, by the bureau or direct.
For more information on QSL info, please see 8P9KA on

A2, BOTSWANA. Operator Sigi/DL7DF and a team of operators will be active
as A25/DL7DF from Botswana between September 23rd and October 6th. They
plan to have several stations on the air on 160-10 meters using CW and
SSB. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.
Operators mentioned are: Manfred/DK1BT, Wolfgang/DL4WK, Andy/DL5CW,
Sigi/DL7DF, Frank/DL7UFR and Leszek/SP3DOI. QSL via DL7DF, direct or
by the DARC Bureau. Pilots for this DXpedition are Bernd/DF3CB and
Floyd/N5FG. For more details, please visit:

C5, THE GAMBIA. Andre, ON7YK, will once again be active as C56YK between
October 13th and November 9th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, perhaps
also 160m, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. He will only have 100 watts and
will use a Spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m and a dipole for 80/40/30 meters.
This will be a holiday style operation. For more details and updates,
visit the Web site at:       

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Frosty, K5LBU, informs OPDX readers that "things are
looking up for our Dxpedition to Mozambique this July." He states that
they will be on the air starting the night of July 16th through the
30th. They will have 2 complete stations; one for CW and one for SSB.
Both will have T-8 Log-Periodics thanks to Tennedyne at about 50 feet
plus. There will also be a 40 meter 4 square and possibly 80 meter 4
square and 72 foot vertical for 160/80/30 meters. There will also be
6 meters with a M2 6 meter beam. Frosty is hoping to have a new Expert
1K-FA amplifier to try out, but time is about up and without sponsors,
they will be using the old IC2KL amps. Look for activity on EME from
6 meters through 70cm (Thanks to Hal/ZS6WB and several other South African
hams). Frosty is going to try and make sure that some of their CW operators
give CW a shot on EME. The C9 team has several new members and now consists
of the following  operators:
       Charles F. Frost (Frosty)  K5LBU  - C91CF,  QSL via home callsign.
       Tom Kramer                 NQ7R   - C91TK,  QSL via home callsign.
       Jay Sewell                 W5SL   - C91SL,  QSL via home callsign.
       John Plenderleith          9M6XRO - C91XO*, QSL via M3SDE.
       Bill Dzurilla              NZ5N   - C91BD,  QSL via WA4WTG.
       Bob Novak                  K0OK   - C91OK*, QSL via home callsign.
       Ben Pyfer                  DJ0YI  - C91YI*, QSL via home callsign.
                                     * Callsign pending
  Activity will be on all bands from 160-6 this trip. Frosty just hopes
that they get some sunspots so that folks can work them on 15/12/10m.
They will have a log search on the Web sometime after their operations
start at:        
Their InterNet is via a pay as you go cell phone, so don't look for too
much from them everyday. ADDED NOTE: John will be leaving the team to go
over to Swaziland on the 18th to operate there until the 23rd. His cards
should go to his QSL Manager M3SDE.

CY0, SABLE ISLAND (Reminder). The 6 meter DXpedition to Sable Island is
scheduled to take place this week between June 25th through July 7th.
Operators Pete/VE3IKV, Dick/K5AND and Chris/W3CMP will be active on CW
and SSB. The fixed 6m station (in FN93) will use the callsign CY0X. They
will be transmitting on 50.117 MHz. The team requests, "Please do NOT send
your grid square as it consumes valuable time during an opening." They
will also try to activate rare grid GN03 if there is a solid opening
using a portable station with a 5 element M2 6M5X yagi with the callsign
CY0RA. The team will also plan on being on HF on 20 meters and 40 meters,
CW and SSB - but the HF operation will always take lower priority over
the 6 meter operation. HF antennas will be elevated monoband ground-plane
verticals for each band, and the IOTA island designator is NA-063. The
special callsign CY0X commemorates the 225th anniversary of the 1783
Loyalist landing in Nova Scotia:
QSL via VE3IKV (please include two green stamps). For updates, visit
their Web page at:    

GT7, ISLE OF MAN (SOTA Activity). Phil, G4OBK, will be visiting the Isle
of Man this week and will be using the Scarborough special events callsign
GT7OOO/P to activate several of the summits on the Island for SOTA award.
His activity will be mainly on 40 meters CW. He expects to be active for
up to 8 hours during the daylight in several sessions between Monday,
June 23rd and Friday, June 27th, from the top of the hills. QSL is via
the Bureau to G0OOO. Phil mentions that this will be the first time that
the GT7 prefix has ever been aired on HF.

HI3, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Edwin, HI3K, will be active during the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via

IOTA NEW........................
  AS-147.  Look for 7L3ATQ/8 to be active from Teuri Island (JIIA
           AS-147-008) in the JA8 Hokkaido Coastal Island Group between
           now and June 24th. Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL via
           the home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

  EU-055.  Trond, LA9VDA,  will be active from Vaagsoy and various
           lighthouses between June 27th and July 4th. Lighthouses to be
           activated are: WLOTA LA-2181, ARLHS NOR-116, ARLHS NOR-141
           and ARLHS-209. QSL via the address on

  EU-072.  Members of the White Tower DX Team will be active as SX8WT
           from Alonnisos Island (GIOTA NAS-065, MIA MG-008, also count
           for WLOTA LH-4091), between August 30th and September 5th.
           Operators mentioned are: SV0XAW, SV1ENG, SV2FPU, SV2GNQ,
           SV2HNZ, SV2HOB, SV2HPP, SV2HPY SV2HRT and SV2HSV. QSL via
           SV2HPP. The team's Web site at:

  EU-123.  Members of the "Crocodile Rock Amateur Group" (CRAG) will be
           active as GM5C from Isle of Great Cumbrae during the IOTA
           Contest (July 26-27th). Operators mentioned are: Bob/GM0DEQ,
           Robbie/GM0SEI and Jennifer/MM0JJV, with the support from
           Livia (SWL) and Corrie. QSL via GM0SEI. ADDED NOTE: Bob,
           GM0DEQ, states, "The Scots Crocodile Rock Amateur Group (CRAG)
           has carried out several island DXpeditions over the past ten
           years including:   1997    Monach Islands          GB6MI
                              1997    Isle of Little Cumbrae  GM0DEQ/P
                              1998    Treshnish Islands       GB5TI
                              1998    Staffa Island           GB8FF
                              1999    Horse Island            GB2NAG
                              1999    Treshnish Islands       GB5TI
             All of the above were QSL managed by group member and dear
           friend Eddie, GM0KVI [SK]. During the DXpedition to the island
           of Lunga, Treshnish in 1998, our trip ended when KVI suffered
           a massive heart attack and had to be airlifted by helicopter
           off the island. He survived but never made it back to full
           health and despite surgery he died in 2004. Recently, the
           circumstances of KVI's death and his QSL management appears
           to be the subject of ill informed gossip and innuendo. GM0DEQ
           and GM0SEI would like to point out that Eddie, who was a valued
           member of the group, insisted on remaining as QSL manager and
           as far as we are aware did a sterling job despite his severe
           health and personal difficulties, and that everyone who
           requested a QSL received one. However, we recognize that there
           may be some whom requested a QSL and did not receive one or who
           would now like one to complete an award. Anyone in this position
           should submit another request via the relevant GB call manager
           or direct to GM0DEQ,  (9 Weston Place, Prestwick, KA9 2ED,
           SCOTLAND, UK) who has now recently recovered the logs and some
           original cards for these DXpeditions from personal effects
           held by KVI's family."

  EU-135.  Operators Anders/SM5EFX, Johan/SM5XZB and Per/SM5XZC will be
           active as SM5EFX/2 from Ledskar Island for the entire month
           of July (July 1-31st). Look for sporadic activations during
           July and participation in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th).
           QSL via SM5EFX. 

  EU-170.  Bill, ON5JE, will be active as 9A/ON5JE from Pag Island (ACIA
           188, CIA-32, IOCA CI-082, MIA MC-282, WLOTA LH-1796) between
           June 21st and July 5th. Activity will be on/near the ususual
           island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign.

  NA-044.  Juergen, NF6J, will be active as VO2/NF6J from Battle Island
           (CISA NF-049), Newfoundland & Labrador, June 25-30th. Activity
           will be on/near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via
           DL7RV (

  NA-140.  The father and son team of Randy/WS4C and Ben/AI4SK will be
           active from Middle Hooper Island (USI MD-016S, Dorchester County,
           Maryland), June 26-27th. They hope to have two stations on the
           air using CW and SSB near the following frequencies: 14260,
           14040, 7180 (also listening near 7075 if band open), 7030, 3820
           and 3530 kHz. QSL via AI4SK, direct or by the bureau.

J6, ST. LUCIA. Bill, WB5ZAM, will once again be active here as J68WI
between October 16-30th. No contesting is planned, but activity will be
on 30-10 meters as the bands allow, and 6 meters if open. No low bands.

MDF IN NOVA SCOTIA. The Halifax Amateur Radio Club (HARC) invites DXers,
contesters and HF enthusiasts to the Fifth Annual Maritime DX Forum (MDF).
It will be held on Friday, August 22nd, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as part
of HARCâ€Ös 75th anniversary celebration Ham Fest, August 21-24th. See for MDF and Ham Fest details.
  The MDF program on Friday will run from 8:30 am until 4:45 pm, followed
by the DX/Hamfest banquet. The speakers - active and outstanding members
of our ham radio community - include:
 *  Jeff Briggs, K1ZM/VY2ZM on "Understanding Marconi's 1901 Transatlantic
                            Wireless Feat".
 *  Dave Goodwin, VO1AU/VE3AAQ, and Garry Hammond, VE3XN, profile Canadians
                            on the DXCC Honor Role.
 *  Ann Santos, WA1S, presents the story of The March 2008 TX5C Clipperton
                            Island Expedition.
 *  John Sluymer, VE3EJ, talks about World Class Radio Competition and
 * David Sumner, K1ZZ, CEO of the ARRL will give the Banquet address on
                            "Not Your Grandfather's Amateur Radio". 

   The cost of the Maritime DX Forum is $45 and the banquet is $35, but
we urge you to register for the whole Ham Fest and take advantage of the
other events during the weekend. Registration can be done online at . Please let the MDF Chair, Scott Wood, VE1QD, know of your
intention to attend. You can also address any questions to him.  He can be
contacted at: or at (902) 823-2761.

OFFICERS ELECTED. Members of the Lone Star DX Association (LSDXA) elected
its new officers for 2008-2009 on Saturday, June 14th. Officers are:
  President Dave Jaksa, W0VX: A former LSDXA Chief Director and President
                              in the 1990s.
  Activities Director Rick Barnett, N0RB
  Information Director Tom Anderson WW5L: Re-elected
  Secretary/Treasurer Jim Bass, K5KQI: Re-elected

  Appointed to various positions were:
  Webmaster Pete Hicks, N5KD
  Ham-Com/W5DXCC Coordinators - Ken Knudson/N5TY, Bill Priakos/W5SJ and
                                Herb Blair/K5AT.
  The LSDXA's ARRL DXCC card checker nomination is in progress said Jaksa.

PIRATE ALERT! Phil, G3SWH (AD5YS), informs that his good friend Albert,
5R8GZ, tells him the station currently operating as 5R8/IW1GTO is a pirate
station without licence and is unknown by the Office Malagasy d'Etudes
et Telecommunications Regulatory Board (OMERT), the local licensing
authority in Madagascar.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL OH0B via OH2BH. From a press release by Jarmo, OH2BN:
    "OH0B - Midsummer in Aland Islands, June 19-22nd -- Not many people
  have probably thought about the meaning of Midsummer for the folks up
  in Northern Europe and specifically those rituals that are related to
  Aland Islands. Maybe not even about the reason why OH0 ranks as another
  DXCC counter. Simply, Aland is a highly modern society of some 27,000
  people and a dozen or so active hams. Also, it is home to three super
  stations stuck away at different points of the archipelago.
    To reach Aland Islands one needs to take a ferry from mainland Finland.
  See more details at
    It was 28 years ago when Martti, OH2BH and Leena, OH2BE visited the
  easternmost island of the Aland group - Brando - and fell in love with
  its beauty and remoteness plus the instant pileups always created from
  there. And that marked the beginning of what is now one of the well-known
  super stations frequently active with several callsigns. In terms of
  hardware, the latest addition there was an 80M beam that was put up last
   That particular occasion almost thirty years ago was the Midsummer
  celebration which is very special to these islands. This weekend Martti
  and Leena will be on that same mission, and you will hear OH0B activated
  mostly on 20M SSB. QSL via OH2BH.  "

  QSL STATUS OF ST2DZ AND YI9AJ. QSL Manager Steve, OM3JW, informs OPDX
  that the ST2DZ and YI9AJ QSLs will be back from the printer in August,
  and the start of confirmations will go out at the end of August. Be
  patient please.

  TL8PB QSLS? (OPDX Readers want to know!) Has anyone received a QSL
  from this DXpedition which was held in Central African Republic in
  April 2007, by TL8PB. QSL route was LA0HF. We would appreciate any
  information you can share about this DXpedition.

  VP6DX QSL UPDATE. OPDX readers are suggested to read the very long
  comprehensive press release (dated June 18th) on the VP6DX DXpedition's
  Web site at:
  An excerpt from the release states: "An earlier press release stated that
  we expected QSL cards to enter the postal system in mid-April. We must
  apologize for failing to meet that deadline. Our printer offered us an
  opportunity to send an extraordinary QSL card. The direct-mail 'card'
  will be a 36-page booklet, sponsored by the QSL-Shop and Knut Theurich,
  DG0ZB, ( This booklet has the same dimensions as a
  QSL card, and contains over 80 color photos and maps. The text includes
  information about the major sponsors, Ducie Island history, and the VP6DX
  project. With a thickness of 1mm, the VP6DX QSL will fit in  standard QSL
  card display holders. Not surprisingly, it takes much more time to design
  and prepare for printing a 36-page booklet than a standard QSL card. We
  submitted the complete draft of the card design to the printer on May
  14th. During the next several weeks we worked together with the printer
  to resolve technical layout issues and to proofread the final design. The
  final proof was approved on June 6 and printing of 20,000 cards began on
  June 9th. Last Friday June 13th more than 500 kg (1100 lb) of cards were
  shipped to the QSL team which should arrive around the end of this week.
  We hope you will find this special card worth the additional waiting
  time...... Note: Because QSL bureaus are not equipped to handle a
  booklet, VP6DX QSLs delivered via the bureau will use a normal card with
  color photographs." Other details in the press release deal with:
          *  QSL processing status.
          *  Donors without callsigns in the database.
          *  Instructions for donors who have made an on-line QSL request,
             but have not received LOTW credit.
          *  List of donors without callsigns as of Monday, June 16th, 2008



  GM0HTT, GS0GRC/P, GT3FLH, J3/DL7VOG, LZ07IPY (via LZ3SM), LZ5A (via
  LZ3BJ), MD4K (via G3NKC), N2MUN, N2TK/NP2, NP3U (via WP4U), OE2S, PA6Z,
  S57DX, S59ABC, ST2R (via S57DX), SV5/DL6NBR, TM6JUN and UA9AYA

SILENT KEY. It is with great sadness to report that well-known YL DXer
and recently inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame, Nellie Saltiel de
Lazard, XE1CI, became a "Silent Key" (SK) on Monday, June 16th. She had
been fighting Pancreatic cancer. DXers around the world will miss this
YL's signal on the air. OPDX and its readers would like to pass on our
deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Nellie.

SV5, DODECANESE. Gerhard, OE3GEA, will be active as SV5/OE3GEA from Rhodes
(EU-001, MIA MGD-028, WLOTA LH-0045) between August 11-17th. Activity
will be on 40-10 meters CW, using only 30 watts. QSL via his home callsign,
direct or by the bureau. 

TO5, ST. BARTHELEMY (Update). Ed, W0SD, updates OPDX readers on their
6 meters DXpedition to St. Barthelemy which will take place between June
28th through July 6th. Operators Arliss/W7XU, Holly/N0QJM and Ed/W0SD
will be active as TO5E. Ed requests, "Please do not give us your grid
square. We are not interested in your grid square and it just wastes
time. Our grid square will be FK87nv for those wanting to confirm this
as a new grid square. There will be some night time HF RTTY and CW
operation on 30 and 20 meters when 6 meters sporadic E is over for the
day." Their approximate/sporadic HF activities will take place between
0200-1000z on the following bands and modes: CW - 10103 and 14023 kHz,
RTTY - 10123 and 14080 kHz, and SSB - 14195 and 14260 kHz. Activity on
6 meters will be on 50103 kHz CW/SSB listening up as directed. They will
have an on-line logs search on their Web site (thanks to logsearch.DE)
which will be uploaded nightly at:
If you are in the log, please don't call to decrease the chance of others.
The QSL route is via W7XU, direct or by the Bureau. Bureau cards will
take quite sometime and eventually they hope to upload all QSOs to LoTW
after all the QSLing has taken place which is likely to be mid 2009.

V3, BELIZE. Operators Eddy/K5WQG and Colin/KU5B will be active as
V31MR and V31UB, repsectively, from Placencia, Belize, July 7-21st.
Activity will be mostly CW, with some SSB and RTTY. They are planning
a Multi/Single entry in the IARU HF Championship (July 12-13th). QSL
V31UB via KU5B and V31MR via N5ET.

VE2008, CANADA (Special Event). Look for special event station VE2008VQ
to be active from June 28th to July 27th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters
to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Quebec City.
Operators will be VE2HO, VE2AWR, VA2RIO, VE2TKH and others from Quebec
City. QSL card for this event is via Serge, VE2AWR, direct or by the

YN, NICARAGUIA. Wayne, W5KDJ, will be active as YN2KDJ from YN2N's
station in Granada, Nicaragua, July 3-14th. Activity will be on 160-6
meters with priority on 160\80 meters. Operations will be on CW/RTTY
and the IARU Contest (July 12-13th). QSL via W5KDJ, eQSL and the LoTW.
Online log will be available at:

ZS8, MARION ISLANDS. There is still no activity reported. For updates
and the first offical announcement of ZS8T being on the air, please
visit the official ZS8T Web site at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
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Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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