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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   01.02.08 23:01l 244 Lines 14478 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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2 February 2008                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 874
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3Y0     - The team  on Bouvet  Island is  scheduled to  be  picked up  on  12
          February (the date  may change  due to  local conditions).  Petrus,
          3Y0E is active on 20 metres  SSB (14260 kHz with a  split of 5  kHz
          up) and operates barefoot with a  vertical antenna. QSL via  LZ3HI.
          Updates, log  search and  additional  information are  availabe  at

CE      - CE6TBN, HA1AG,  RA0FU  and  RV1CC  will  be  active  as  XR7A  from
          Ascension Island (SA-043) on  2-6 February and  as XR7W from  Wager
          Island (SA-053) on  9-12 February (weather  permitting). They  will
          focus on 30, 40 and 20 metres. Depending on Internet  availability,
          Zoli    (HA1AG)    will    try    to    update    his    travelblog
          ( during the trip. QSLs via HA1AG. [TNX HA1AG]
EA      - Adolfo, EA7TV reports he will  operate as EA7TV/P  from the two  El
          Rompido  lighthouses  (ARLHS  SPA-271  and  and  SPA-337)  on  8-10
          February. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
EA8     - Slavo,  SP2JMB  reports  he  will  be  active  as  EA8/SP2JMB  from
          Tenerife, Canary  Islands  (AF-004)  on  12-19  February.  He  will
          operate CW and SSB on 80-10  metres. QSl via  home call, direct  or
ES      - Twenty-six ES90  callsigns  (from ES90A  to  ES90Z) will  be  aired
          during February (but some stations will be active also later,  e.g.
          in  the  major  international  contests)  to  celebrate  the   90th
          anniversary of  the proclamation  of the  Republic of  Estonia  (24
          February 1918). [TNX ES2MC]
ES      - Vello, ES1QD  will be  active as  ES90M from  Muhu Island  (EU-034)
          sometime in February. QSL via home call. [TNX K1XN]
FJ      - Nigel, G3TXF is  currently active as  FJ/G3TXF from St.  Barthelemy
          (NA-146). He operates CW on  40-10 metres and  will be leaving  the
          island on on 5 February in his early morning. QSL via home call.
HH      - Yannick, HH2FYD will operate as HH2FYD/6 from Ile a Vache  (NA-149)
          from about 16  UTC on 2  February until about  23 UTC  on the  5th.
          Expect activity on 20 metres SSB (+/- 14260 kHz). On-line logs will
          be avialable at .
          QSL via F6FYD. [TNX F5NQL]
LU      - Dario, LU3DR  is active  as AY0DX  until 31  December. The  special
          callsign celebrates the 100th anniversary of the San Jose School in
          the city of Tandil, Argentina. QSL via LU3DR. [TNX LU3DR]
PY      - The PW2M team [425DXN 869] originally had planned to be active from
          Moela  Island  (SA-071)  until  8  February,  but  they  have  been
          authorized through the 5th only. Access is granted, permissions are
          given and transportation is supplied by the Brazilian Navy.  Expect
          PW2M to be aired on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK (plus  60m
          on an experimental basis for  the first time  in Brazil) with  four
          stations operating simultaneously depending on propagation. QSL via
          AI4U or (for Brazilian stations) PY2AA. [TNX PY2WAS]
PZ      - PZ5WW (AC8W), PZ5DD (K8DD), PZ5TX (KB8TXZ)  and PZ5AY (W5JAY)  will
          be operating from  the QTH of  PZ5RA, Suriname  on 13-18  February.
          Look for activity on 160-10 metres,  with a particular emphasis  on
          the low bands. They will participate  in the ARRL DX CW Contest  as
          PZ5WW (Multi-Single). QSL PZ5DD and PZ5WW  via K8DD; QSL PZ5TX  via
          KB8TXZ; QSL PZ5AY via W5JAY. [TNX K8DD]
S2      - S21ZDT is the new callsign issued to Toby, SM4XDJ for his  activity
          from Bangladesh  [425DXN 871].  He will  be active  from  different
          locations between  1 and  17 February,  and  will operate  SSB  and
          digital modes during his  evening hours and  the weekends. QSL  via
          SM4XIH. On-line logs will be available at
          [TNX SM4XIH]
TI9     - The TI9K licence, previously issued to TI2KAC, has been reissued to
          TI7WGI when Carlos decided to drop out of the expedition. The  TI9K
          final  team   of   operators   includes   Joe/AA4NN,   Oscar/EA1DR,
          Carlos/EA1IR,  Andy/DH8WR   (EA2CRX),  Fred/DH5FS,   Norbert/DJ7JC,
          Guenter/DL2AWG, Manfred/DL2EBR  (HS0ZEU), Craig/K9CT,  Arno/OE9AMJ,
          Gunter/TI7WGI, Yamini/VU2YAM  and Charles/W4GMY.  They plan  to  be
          active from Isla  del Coco (NA-012)  from 6 to  14 February with  6
          stations on 160-10m (plus 60m and  6m) CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and  EME.
          Announced frequencies are:
                 CW          SSB     RTTY    PSK
          160m    1815/1830   1845    1838    1838
          80m     3515        3794    3590    3580
          40m     7015        7089    7038    7035
          30m    10110       10135   10140   10138
          20m    14015       14205   14080   14070
          17m    18076       18155   18100   18100
          15m    21015       21260   21080   21080
          12m    24910       24950   24925   24920
          10m    28015       28495   28085   28070
          6m     50100       50120   50080   50080
          QSL via EA2CRX, direct or bureau. Further information can be  found
          at [TNX DJ7JC]
V3      - Gerd,  DJ4KW  (V31YN,
          and Gisela, DK9GG  (V31GW) are active  from Consejo Shores,  Belize
          until the end of February. On  19-25 February they will operate  as
          V31YN/p and V31GW/p  from Southwater  Caye (NA-180).  QSL via  home
          calls, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.
VP5     - Saul, WA1UKN is active as VP5/WA1UKN from Grand Turk (NA-003) until
          7 May. QSL to home call. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
W       - Dennis, WA2USA  will be  active as  either  WA2USA/4 and  K4D  from
          Dauphin Island (NA-213) on 9-18 February. QSL via home call, direct
          or bureau. [TNX]
YI      - Reidar Larsen,  K2PT  has obtained  a  licence  and  will  commence
          operation from Iraq imminently as YI9PT. Initially he will  operate
          on 17 and 20 metres utilizing  a wire antenna until a SteppIR  yagi
          arrives. Once fully operational, activity will be on 10-160 metres.
          Currently,  the  support  team  is  raising  funds  to  obtain   an
          amplifier. QSL via  N4XP. Additional information,  updates and  log
          check will be  avialbale on the  Stafford DX Association's  website
          ( [TNX N1DG]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> ARRL  DXCC  Manager  Bill Moore, NC1L  reports  that  the 2007
E4/OM2DX DXpedition to Palestine has been  approved  for DXCC credit.  If you
had cards rejected for this operation, please send an e-mail to the ARRL DXCC
Desk ( and you will be placed on the list for update.

TOP LISTS  ---> The  latest Topband,  Topmode and  Toplist listings  are  now
available  at  Please  send
your scores,  as well  as any  request for  further information,  to  Erminio
Pandocchi, I2EOW (

VP6DX ---> Robin, WA6CDR and the M/V Braveheart are on schedule, planning  to
arrive at Mangareva Atoll on 2-3 February. The remaining twelve operators are
converging on Tahiti between 3 and  4 February. On the  5th they will  depart
for Mangareva, where they will immediately board the ship and leave for their
final destination.  Arrival  at  Ducie is  still  expected  in  the  pre-dawn
darkness of 9 February.  Read the rest  of the latest  news bulletin (#9,  31
January), including details on the techniques VP6DX will use to help  achieve
geographical balance, on the expedition's website (

YT6T ---> The YT6T station active during  the CQ WW 160-Meter CW Contest  was
not not located in Montenegro, but in the Serbian province of Vojvodina,  and
it was operated by members of Radio Klub Senta. QSL via YU7JDE. [TNX YT5CC]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *****   QSL  ROUTES   *****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2HC       DL9HCU      CU1CB       EA5KB       L50E        LU2EE
3W2TXR      JA2TXR      CU2A        OH2BH       LU5FF       EA5KB
3W3W        OK1DOT      CU7T        CT1GFK      LX7I        LX2A
3Y0E        LZ3HI       CU8/CT3FN   HB9CRV      LZ130LO     LZ1KZA
3Z0CWZ      SP9PTG      CU8/CT3FN   HB9CRV      LZ9W        LZ1PM
4O/YT1HA    RX3RC [a]   CU8A        CT1GFK      OH0Z        W0MM
4O/YT1HA    YT1HA       CU8AT       CT1GFK      OL7T        OK2KJU
4O3A        AI4U  [b]   CW0TOP      CX5BW       ON1000NOTGER ON5VL [d]
4O3A        UA3DX [a]   CX7CO       KA5TUF      ON1000NOTGER ON6DP [e]
4O3A        YU1FW [c]   DL40RRDXA   DL1YFF      OO2O        ON4LDI
4Z8AY       F5LGE       DR25RIN     DL8OBQ      OY3QN       OZ1ACB
5B/KI0BP    UA6MF       E51WWA      AD7AF       P40LE       K2LE
5B8AD       W3HNK       EF5K        EA5KB       R1AND       RU1ZC
5H1CM       DL7CM       EF8M        RX3DU       R1ANR       RZ3BJ
5K3T        HK3O        EG5Y        EA5CY       RL3A        W3HNK
5P5CW       DL5SE       EI7JW       OK1TN       RW2F        DK4VW
8P0P        8P9NX       EK6LP       IK2DUW      S01MZ       EA1BT
8Q7AK       G7COD       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      SF700BF     SK6NL
9A/VE3ZIK   DO7ZZ       ES90J       ES1GE       SO9R        SP9SX
9A73AA      9A2AA       EW6GF       DL8KAC      T93J        T98U
9G1AA       PA3ERA      EX65SB      UA4AM       TF3CW       LX1NO
9G5XA       G3SWH       EX7MK       IK2QPR      TM2OP       F8DYD
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      EY8AW       DJ1MM       TM4A        F6KVP
A41MX       EB7DX       EY8CQ       DJ1MM       TM5M        F1NGP
A52K        JA1CG       HA80MRASZ   HA1DAE      TM5Z        F5RMY
A61AB       IZ8CLM      HB10DX      HB9AGH      TR8CA       F6CBC
A61AS       YO3FRI      HG100WTE    HA5AEZ      TT8PK       F4EGS
A61C        W4JS        HG1848I     HA3HK       TY5ZR       IK2IQD
A61Q        EA7FTR      HG550REX    HA5GY       UE3WDA      RW3WWW
A61R        EA7FTR      HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       VK7AAP      IK1PMR
A92C        A92GR       HL0LPM/2    6K2BWA      VK7CLA      IK1PMR
AN3A        EA3KU       HQ9R        K5WW        VP5/AE6XY   JA1CJA
AX7AAP      IK1PMR      HR9/WQ7R    AI4U        VP5/AE6YQ   JA3BZO
AX7CLA      IK1PMR      HS0ZID      WX8C        VP5/W3AVO   JA3AVO
BA4T        BA4TA       HS0ZIF      W1QA        VP6PR       JJ8DEN
BY4JN/4     BG4JUU      HS0ZII      DL1RTL      VP8CLE      G1OCN
C33IU       G4KEE       J47XCF      SV7FSK      VP8DIF      DJ9ZB
C6AGU       AA7JV       PJ5NA       K1NA        VP9I        N1HRA
C6ANM       WA2IYO      J79SJ       W5FO        VY2ZM       K1ZM
C91R        CT1BXT      J79XBI      SM7XBI      XT2ABN      F6ABN
CN2R        W7EJ        JY4NE       K3IRV       XV4IVG      IS0IVG
CO7EH       AD4C        K2A         KA3CTQ      XW1B        E21EIC
CO7PH       W3HNK       KG4AS       N4SIA       YT30FOC     YT1E
CO8LY       EA7ADH      KG4OS       KD4OS       YT6T        YU7JDE
CP4BT       EA5KB       KG4SS       K4MIL       Z29KM       EA7FTR
CS2GVA      CT1FUH      KG4WV       W4WV        ZD7X        W0MM
CT3AS       DJ8FW       KL7Z        W7IAN       ZF2BJ       K0BJ
CT9M        CT3EE       KP2M        AI4U        ZS6CCY      K3PD

[a] Russia and former USSR   [b] USA   [c] rest of the world
[d] bureau                   [e] direct

3D2AA  Aisea Aisake, P.O. Box 786, Navua, Fiji
BA4DW  Yujian David Zhou, 703-5-241 XinGuang Road, Shanghai, 200080, China
BA4TA  Binfeng Jin, 1-3202 Yichun Apt., Changjiang Road, Wuxi 214002, China
DJ9ZB  Franz Langner, P.O. Box 150, D-77950 Ettenheim, Germany
EL2DX  James Alpine, 8800 Monrovia Place, Dulles, VA 20189-8800, USA
EW8AM  Igor Katsuro, Molodezhnaya 24-3, Rechitsa 247500, Belarus
JJ8DEN Yoshitake Izumi, 7 Minami-24 Nishi-1 Obihiro-city, Hokkaido 080-0011,
LZ3HI  Emil Stoikov, P.O. Box 8, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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