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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     22.06.08 18:41l 546 Lines 26892 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 31154_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (June 12 - 20, 2008)
Sent: 080622/1549Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:31154 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (June 12 - 20, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
It seems the team is having a problem with power. A press release
yesterday reported they lost power just as they began operation. They
have a generator enroute but it wasn't expected to arrive until sometime
today. They were able to make a few contacts before the power was
cutoff. Look for activity to begin at any time. [K1XN & Golist]

12/06/2008:  Toshi, JA8BMK will be QRV from Vietnam as 3W2BMK from June
12-17th and from Cambodia as XU7BMK from June 18-20th. Activity will be
on 160-10m CW, SSB and RTTY. Note this is spare time operation. QSL
direct to JA8UWT (Kimiko Saitoh, 4-16-2-22 Kamui, Asahikawa, 070-8014
Japan). [NG3K]

12/06/2008:  Antonello/IK2DUW and Giorgio/IK2UVT will be active as
IM0/homecall from Sant'Antioco Island (EU-024, IIA CA-014, MIA MIS-032,
WLOTA LH-1388) from June 12-23rd. They will concentrate on the 6 meter
band. [425 DX News]

12/06/2008:  Operators JA1EJK/JD1, JA1JQY/JD1, JA1NND/JD1, JA1XEQ/JD1,
7N4AGB/JD1 plan to be active from Chichi Island (JIIA AS-031-003)
between June 12-18th and Haha Island (JIIA AS-031-005) between June
19-22nd, JD1 Ogasawara Island group (AS-031). QRV 1.8 to 28 Mhz and 50
MHz, using CW and SSB. QSL via their home calls. You can go direct or
via the bureau. For JIIA Award:

12/06/2008:  Hugh, K6HFA plans to be active as K7A from the Neragon
Island (NA-241, USi AK194S, WW Loc. AP71AU), Alaska, from June 12-18th.
He will use these suggested frequencies: CW - 7016, 7041, 14018, 14041,
10112, 18082 kHz (all +/-); SSB - 7078 Split per operator, 14153, 18122
kHz. Equipment will be IC 7000s + Amp + Vertical Dipole Array. QSL to
K6HFA, Hubert "Hugh" Clark, 545 West Vassar Ave., Fresno, CA 93705 USA.
For direct QSL reply, include Self Addressed Stamped Envelope or Self
Addressed Envelope and IRC or green stamps. If no return postage is
sent, QSL will be via bureau. Bureau cards answered via bureau. Your
donations now will make possible more rare Alaskan island activations
sooner in the future. [K6HFA/K6HTM]

12/06/2008:  Keith, G3TTC plans to tour Denmark, Sweden and Norway
between June 12th and July 14th, activating various islands. This will
be a holiday style operation and the dates may change by one or two
days. His schedule is as follows: June 12-13th as OZ/G3TTC/p from Romo
[aka Roemoe] (EU-125, DIA NS-001); June 15-16th as OZ/G3TTC/p from Mors
(EU-171, DIA NJ-002); June 19-20th as SM6/G3TTC/p from Hono (EU-043);
June 25-26th as LA/G3TTC/p from Spjaeroy (EU-061); July 5-6th as
LA/G3TTC/p from Averoya (EU-036); July 6-7th as LA/G3TTC/p from Godoya
(EU-056); July 7-8th as LA/G3TTC/p from Runde (EU-079, also count for
WLOTA LH-0074); and July 14th as LA/G3TTC/p from Toftoy (EU-055). QSL
via home call, direct or by the RSGB bureau. []

12/06/2008:  Operators RK3DZJ, RV3DPM, RW3FS, RX3AKL, RW3ATL and UA3DNR
will be active from Borodavkin Island (RRA RR-22-09), Lake Rybinsk,
located on the territory [Darvinskogo] state biospheric natural preserve
(RFF-033, RDA VO-29) from June 12-15th. CW and SSB on 40, 30 and 20
meters. All QSO's for this activity will be confirmed automatically,
through bureau. Direct QSL requests can be sent to Alexander, RV3DPM.

12/06/2008:  Oleg, RN3QN will be active June 12-16th as RN3QN/p from RDA
District VR-28 (Novousmansky), Voronezh oblast (#121, VR for the Rossija
Award). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

13/06/2008:  Team UE3WDA will be active June 13-14th from RDA Districts
KU-11 (Gorshechensky), KU-15 (Kastorensky), KU-28 (Sovietsky), KU-29
(Solntsevsky), KU-31 (Timsky) and KU-35 (Shchigrovsky), Kursk oblast
(#135, KU for the Rossija Award). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

14/06/2008:  The IARC is planning intensive Mobile activity, for the
Holyland award program, to commemorate its 60 years. The plan for the
coming 2 months (June - July) includes the following: June 14th - 4Z5PN
will activate F-19-AS, F-20-AS, G-19-AS, G-20-AS; 4Z5FI / 4Z4BS will
activate in BS region L-27, K-28, (L-28), K-29, K-30, J-30, J-31, J-32,
J-33. June 21st - 4Z5PN will activate E-18-AS, F-18-AS, G-18-JS,
G-19-AS; 4Z5FL will activate F-17-RH, F-17-RM, G-17-RM, G-17-JS. June
28th - 4Z5FL will activate F-17-JS, F-17-AS, F-18-RH, E-18-RH. July
5th - 4X1VF/4X4DZ will activate K-09-JN, J-09-YZ, J-08-YZ, H-08-YZ,
H-09-YZ, H-07-YZ, H-07-HF, H-07-HD, G-07-HD, G-08-HD, F-09-HD, F-10-HS;
4Z5LA/4X6HP will activate from regions: TK, SM and (YN) - more details
to follow. July 19th 4Z4KX and others - more details will follow.
Activity will be on 14265 kHz.+/-QRM or split between 2 mobiles.
Operation will start in the morning around 0400 UTC. Please send me list
of Regions or Areas required, and we shall try to activate it if
possible. (Region AZ and some other areas are at this moment impossible
to enter due to security reasons). More information will follow !

14/06/2008:  The Associação de Radioamadores da Vila de Moscavide
(A.R.V.M. - CT1RVM) will be active June 14-15th as CS2FD for the
Portugal Field Day, from Montemor Park near the city of Loures (WW Loc.
IM58JT). They will be active for 24 hours, on all bands, using Phone,
CW, RTTY and TVA. QSL via CT1RVM. Further information can be found at: [F5NQL]

14/06/2008:  Look for Kang, DS4DRE/4 and possibly others to be active on
all bands CW and SSB from Och'ong Island [Och'ong Do] (AS-148) and
lighthouse (ARLHS SKR-017, WLOTA LH-1863, Admiralty F4188, WW Loc.
PM26XD), South Korea, June 14-16th. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[425 DX News]

14/06/2008:  The Grantham ARC ( have changed the
destination of their trip. The Treshnish Islands (EU-108) have been
replaced by Tanera Mor, Summer Isles (EU-092, IOSA SC-10, SCOTIA CN-32).
Look for GB0SI to be active from June 14-21st. All of the QSOs will be
confirmed automatically via bureau (your return cards are not required).
The QSL manager for those who need a direct card is G0RCI. [425 DX News]

14/06/2008:  Peter/DH3NB (S79GB) and Wolfgang/DL6NBR (S79WF) will be
active from the Seychelles (AF-024) between June 14th and July 4th. They
will run 200W from 40-10m and 100W on 6m SSB. QSL via home calls, bureau
or direct. [NG3K]

15/06/2008:  Matthias, DD9HK will be active as EA6/DD9HK from Mallorca
Island (EU-004, DIE E-021, MIA MB-004, WLOTA LH-1902) from June 15-19th.
QRV holiday style on 160-6 meter SSB, with Icom IC7000 100 Watt and
dipole. QSL via home call. Further information can be found at: [NG3K]

15/06/2008:  Weather permitting, Bruno F5JYD/p will be QRV June 15th
from Les Ilots (DIFI 51009R, for the French Inland Islands Award),
commune of Aulnay-sur-Marne (CP 51150), Department Marne/51, Province
Champagne-Ardennes (DPF 08). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

15/06/2008:  The 89th division of the IARU Society he REF Union will be
on the air for the French Mills Day as follows: The Jariat Mill (DMF
89-037), city of Rogny les Sept Ecluses, Op F5MCC/p; the La Brenellerie
Mill (DMF 89-038), city of Rogny les Sept Ecluses, Op F5IYU/p; and the
Cotard Mill (DMF 89-039), city of Rogny les Sept Ecluses, Op F5JNE/p.
For all of these mills, the other references are: City of Rogny les Sept
Ecluses (CP 89220), Canton of Bleneau (DDCF 89-05), Department Yonne/89,
Province Burgundy (DPF 05). Activity will be on 80-10 meter CW and SSB.
QSL bureau preferred via home call and SWL cards welcome. [F5NQL]

15/06/2008:  Yasuko JF1IZM/1, Youichi JO1IRO/1 and Noboru JR1WEB/1 plan
to be active from Mikura Island (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-005), JA1 North Izu
group, from June 15-17th on the HF bands. They will look for Es openings
on VHF. QSL via their home call. You can go direct or via the bureau.
JIIA Award: [JI6KVR]

15/06/2008:  Serge, RZ3AMW will be active as RZ3AMW/1 from Kandalaksha
city, Ryashkov Island (EU-162, RRA RR-02-07, RDA MU-05, WLOTA LH-1803)
from June 15th to July 5th. He plans to operate daily between 1700 and
2100 UTC, on 40 and 20 meter CW and SSB. Other award references:
Kandalakshsky Nature Reverse (RFFA RFF-043), Murmansk oblast (#143, MU
for the Rossija Award). [425 DX News]

15/06/2008:  Bernd, DL8AAV will activate Tjorn Island (EU-043), Sweden,
as SD1B/6 from June 15-28th. Look for activity on the HF bands, on or
near the usual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call, direct or
by the bureau. []

15/06/2008:  Larry, K5JYD reports that he will be able to activate the
Point Bolivar lighthouse (ARLHS USA-069), Texas, for 3 or 4 days in June
after Ham-Com (June 13-14th), using an OHR 20m QRP rig and an end fed
wire for 20m, CW of course. He is not a member of ARLHS, but will be
there. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [K5JYD]

18/06/2008:  A group OM's from the UBA sections GNT, WLD, TRA and DNZ
will be QRV June 6th to July 5th from the Chalet Barsüla and the
campground Mittagsspitze in Triesen (WW Loc. JN47TC), Liechtenstein,
with the call HB0/ON4IPA using SSB, CW and RTTY on all HF bands
160m-10m. Operators mentioned are Eddy/ON6ZV, Martin/ON4PO, Jose/ON5SD,
Fernand/ON6UF, Peter/ON4TO, Noel/ON4APU, Rene/ON6OM, Bart/ON3BA,
Michel/ON3SMS and Matihieu/ON8DB. The catering will be done by
Carine/ON6ZV's XYL and Micheline/ON6OM's XYL. QSL via ON6ZV, direct or
bureau. Other IPA calls to look for during the first week of July as
ON4IPA and OO6P (QSL ON6ZV, direct or bureau). Detailed information
about the DXpediton and associated award can be found at: [UBA HF News]

18/06/2008:  Jimmy, W6JKV (SMIRK #4353)will be operating on 6 meters
only from Alaska as KL7/W6JKV between June 18-30th. Location is from a
mountain top 30 miles NE of Fairbanks with outstanding view in all
directions (Grid Loc. BP64). Altitude 2500 feet. Distance to London is
4200 miles, 4000 to Frankfurt, 4100 miles to Tokoyo. Will have 700 watts
and M2-7ele. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

18/06/2008:  Toshi, JA8BMK will be QRV from Cambodia as XU7BMK from June
18-20th. Activity will be on 160-10m CW, SSB and RTTY. Note this is
spare time operation. QSL direct to JA8UWT (Kimiko Saitoh, 4-16-2-22
Kamui, Asahikawa, 070-8014 Japan). [NG3K]

19/06/2008:  Tomas, LY1F will be QRV June 19-21st from Hong Kong as
VR2/VK2CCC. This will be irregular holiday style operation, mainly CW on
the higher bands. QSL route to be confirmed later. [NG3K]

20/06/2008:  Dennis, K7BV will be QRV as V36M from Caye Caulker Island
(NA-073, WW Loc. EK57XR), Belize, from June 20-26th. This will be a 6
meter only DXpedition. He will use a FT-450 with ACOM-1000 amplifier,
running 1KW into a 7 element and 3 element beam. The main frequency will
be 50.106.2 MHz USB and /B. The pilot station will be Pat, W5OZI. QSL
direct only to W1JJ ( Further information can be found at: [N8OFS]

20/06/2008:  Operators Jim/K4BI, Mario/K2ZD, Meredith/K8BBN and
Daphne/N2TIN will be on a 6 meter only DXpedition to Grand Cayman Island
(NA-016, WLOTA LH-1042), June 20-July 8th. QRV with 50.095/B beacon and
listening on 50.105 USB. Equipment will be FT-100D, Acom-1000 1KW
amplifier and M2-5 element yagi at 48 feet. They will be using the call
sign ZF2BI or ZF2ZD (still undecided). QSL via operator's instructions.

21/06/2008:  Look for Emir/9A6AA and Toni/9A7PJT to be active on June
21st only from Jabuka Island (Rare!, EU-016, ACIA 807, IOCA CI-032, MIA
MC-136). QRV early in the morning on 20 and 40 meters. QSL via 9A6AA
( More info at:

27/06/2008:  An expedition to Tyrke mountain, Crimea, Ukraine, will take
place between June 27th and July 8th. This mountain is located in the
mountainous area of Demerdzhi, with a height of 1296m above sea level
(WW Loc. KN74FT), Simferopol' district (URDA KR-22), southern coast of
the Crimean peninsula. Operators mentioned are: Alexander/UR5FIR,
Vladimir/US5ID, Aleksey/UU1JJ, Anatoliy/UU5JA, Alexander/UU5JDX,
Alexander/UU5JJ and Roman/UY7IQ. Look for them to be signing homecall/p
on 160, 80, 40, 20 and 17 meters, using SSB and CW. It is planned they
will operate in the field at the bottom of the mountain, while the
expedition takes place with the support of the rescue service of the
Crimea to the summit. QSL via operators instructions. [UZ1RR]

29/06/2008:  Special event station TM8CEC will be aired on Sunday June
29th, by a both French and Belgian operators, headed by XYL Claudine,
F5JER. Activty is part of the open doors at the French Army Training
Commandoes in Givet (Ardennes North of France). QRV on all HF bands,
using CW and SSB, from the Charlemont Fortress (DFCF 08-006) by Ardennes
area Hams (ED08), and friends, Bruno/ON7ZD, Philippe/ON7PV and may be
Eric/ON7RN. QSL via F5JER either direct or bureau. Further information
can be found at: [F5NQL]

01/07/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6ARDF to be active on all
bands and modes from July 1st through October 26th to commemorate the
All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet. Expect activity on all bands and modes.
QSL via JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Special event station 8N150IH will be aired from July 1st
to August 3rd to celebrate the 50th Itabashi Hanabi (or Fireworks)
Festival. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Jim, KH6JIM (ex WH6JP) reports that he will be portable for
most of the summer from Warren Island (USi ID-019L, Not IOTA), located
in Lake Pend Oreille, Bonner county, Idaho. If anyone wants ID019L send
an email to Jim and he will try to set something up (kh6jim at [USi]

06/07/2008:  Jon, WB8YJF, will make his yearly trip to Ocracoke Island
(NA-067, USi NC-001S, WLOTA LH-0466, Hyde County) North Carolina, this
year earlier than most times due to a scheduling conflict. He reports
that he will not be in the IOTA Contest from there this year, but will
be active as WB8YJF/4 from July 6-13th. Activity will be on 40-10
meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY. Please QSL direct for a FASTer QSL;
Bureau is OK but takes a lot longer. His address is on [OPDX

08/07/2008:  Frank, DL1FT plans to be active as ES0FTZ from Kuressaare,
Saaremaa Island (EU-034, WLOTA LH-1401, WW Loc. KO18FG) between July
8-18th. QRV on 80, 40 and 20 meter SSB. QSL via home call, direct or by
the bureau. Further info at:

23/07/2008:  Klaus/OZ7KDJ and Erik/OZ9V will be active as OZ8MW/p from
Anholt Island (EU-088, DIA NK-001) between July 23-28th. QRV on
80-40-20-15-10M before the contest, QRV in the IOTA contest. They will
be active on 6M, equipment FT920, 5-el tonna, with height of about 15M.

24/07/2008:  Cris, PY7GK will be active as ZW6GK during July 24-27th
from Morro de São Paulo, Tinharé Island (SA-080, DIB #60, for the Brazil
Islands Award), Bahia State, Brazil, as ZW6GK. He will be active
specially on CW, maybe SSB, on 20, 30 and 40 meters, using only 100
watts and G5RV antenna. QSL direct to PY7GK. []

26/07/2008:  GX8LED, will be active from Daventry Borough Hill, Marconi
site from 0000-2400z Saturday, July 26th for International Marconi Day.
Frst time from this location for IMD ( by the
Northampton Radio Club (G8LED) and Chris, M0DOL. QSL via M0DOL, direct
or bureau. [F5NQL]

26/07/2008:  Dave/G3NKC, Peter/G4MJS, Martin/G4XUM and others will be
active as MD4K from the Isle of Man (EU-116, also count for WLOTA
LH-0449) during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) as a Multi-? entry.
QSL via G3NKC. [NG3K]

26/07/2008:  Barry/K4CZ, Keith/W4KAZ and Nate/N4YDU will be active as
N4A during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) from Core Banks Barrier
Island - Cape Lookout (NA-067, USi NC033S, WLOTA LH-0596, Pamlico
county), North Carolina. They plan to be a M/S Low-Power Island
Dxpedition entry. Active on all bands SSB and CW. QSL direct only to
N4YDU ( [NG3K]

27/07/2008:  Swen, DL3YCF will be QRV holiday style from Santa Rosa
Island (NA-142, USi FL003S, Okaloosa county), Florida, as W4/DL3YCF
between July 27th and August 6th. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

25/10/2008:  Look for Toni, OH2UA to be active as CU2A from the
Azores-Finland Friendship Consortium contest station, Ponta Delgada,
Ilha de Saõ Miguel (DIP AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016), Azores (EU-003) during
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th), as a Single-Op/All-Band
entry. QSL via his home call, direct or bureua. [NG3K]

29/11/2008:  Toni, OH2UA will be active as CU2A from the Azores-Finland
Friendship Consortium contest station, Ponta Delgada, Ilha de Saõ Miguel
(DIP AZ-002, WLOTA LH-2016), Azores (EU-003) during the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 29-30th), as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via his
home call, direct or bureua. [NG3K]

10/06/2008:  Marq, CT1BWW will operate again as CQ4IPY from June
10-16th, September 1-7th and November 1-7th to celebrate the 4th
International Polar Year. Expect him to be active on 10-80 meter SSB,
CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further
information on the activity and the relevant award can be found at [425 DX News]

13/06/2008:  Special event station GB0CFD will be aired June 13th for
Cub Fun Day at Builth Wells, Powys. QSL via RSGB bureau. [GB2RS]

14/06/2008:  Special call sign SX2MT (Makedonian Tombs), will be active
in the International museums week end (June 21-22nd). They will also be
active June 14-15th. Activity from the Museum of Vergina - Royal Tombs.
Hellas-Greece. Operators include Kostas/SV2CWV, Diana/SV2HRV (DL2HRV),
Archelaos/SV2KBB and Kostas/SV2LBB Kostas. Museum number I.M.W. #5178.
EPC Nr. #3701, WW Loc. KN10DL. QSL via SV2KBB, direct only or eQSL.

14/06/2008:  The following twenty special call signs will be aired from
Greece between June 14th and 22nd to celebrate the (nearly) 24 centuries
elapsed since the birth of Alexander the Great (356 B.C.): SX24DRM,
SX24TSL, SX24VIO and SX24XAN. Expect activity on 160-6 meter CW, SSB,
RTTY and BPSK. The QSL route for all of the call signs is via SV2GWY.
Further information, including the relevant awards, can be found at: [425 DX News]

14/06/2008:  The Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club will be operating
with the callsign GB1AFP for International Museums Weekend from the
Ulster American Folk Park, an open-air museum in County Tyrone, Northern
Ireland, June 14th and 15th. QSL via MN0AKU. [Southgate ARC]

14/06/2008:  The Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is putting GB2TC,
Tamworth Castle Museums, on the air June 14th and 15th. They will be
using the HF and VHF bands. QSL via G8TRS. [GB2RS]

14/06/2008:  There are a lot of special event stations active on June
14th. Brief details are: GB0BTW for Boys & their Toys Weekend at Kings
Lynn (QSL via M0CNP, direct or bureau) and GB0MOC for the Museum of
Childhood in Sudbury (QSL via G3NFC). GB0WAM for Wickenby Air Museum in
Langworth (QSL via G7HNO) and GB2MOF Museum of Flight in East Fortune
(QSL via GM4UYZ); GB2GTM for Grampian Transport Museum in Alford (QSL
via GM4BKV) and GB0HMS for Helston Motor Show in Wendron (QSL via RSGB
bureau); GB2MKM for Milton Keynes Museum at Wolverton (QSL via G4UMW)
and GB2MSI for Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester (QSL via Op's
Info); GB2PPS for Papplewick Pumping Station in Ravenshead (QSL via
G3GQC) and GB2RRM for Ramsey Rural Museum in Huntington (QSL via RSGB
bureau); and finally, GB0ZLB for Zetland LifeBoat in Redcar (QSL via
G4OLK) and GB1COA for Callington In Air in Callington (QSL via RSGB
bureau). [GB2RS]

15/06/2008:  Look for special event stations GB0SLB from Selby,
Yorkshire (QSL via RSGB bureau) and GB4WWM for Wellesbourne Wartime
Museum in Warwick on June 15th (QSL via GX0SOA). [GB2RS]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

07/06-19/06 VP2MDD: Montserrat NA-103 6M 100W 5el yagi QSL M0AEP (d/b)

12/06-23/06 IM0/IK2DUW: Sant'Antioco Island EU-024 6M QSL H/C (d/b)

12/06-23/06 IM0/IK2UVT: Sant'Antioco Island EU-024 6M QSL H/C (d/b)

14/06-16/06 K2TER/R: ARRL VHF Contest 6M-10GHz various FN grids QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 K4GUN: ARRL VHF Contest Grids:FM27-FM17 50-144-222MHz QSL

14/06-16/06 K7XC: ARRL VHF Contest from Booker Mtn in DM18
6M-2M-222MHz-432MHz QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 KB7ME: ARRL VHF Contest from Green Mtn Oregon in CN93PJ
6M-432MHz QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 KI6MPQ: ARRL VHF Contest from McFarland Ranch in CM98
6M-10GHz QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 KJ6KO: ARRL VHF Contest, KJ6KO be mobile on Sunday heading
up US395 from Ridgecrest to Tahoe and over to Placerville beginning
around 10am. Will be running thru DM15,DM16, DM06, DM07,DM08 and CM98.
2M, 6M, 432 and 927.5 FM pl 100. pl may be OFF if there is no
interference.  QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 KR1ST/R: ARRL VHF Contest, Saturday (UTC): 18:00 - 21:00
FM03ae - 23:00 - 02:00 EM93va; Sunday (UTC): 11:00 - 14:00 FM02as -
16:00 - 19:00 EM92vw with 6M-2M-70cm and yagis QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 N3IQ/R: ARRL VHF Contest, Saturday afternoon/evening
FN11/FN01/FN10/FN00 near Snow Shoe PA and just south of there. Sunday am
FM09/FM08/EM98/EM99 near Elkins, WV, FM08 site is at 4200' (Bickle Knob
FM08dw); 6M-10GHz, yagi's & dish QSL H/C

14/06-16/06 W3DHJ/R: ARRL VHF Contest from DM87, DM88, DM77, DM78 Only

14/06-16/06 W4NH: ARRL VHF Contest from Soco Bald, NC in EM85HM
50-432MHz QSL H/C

20/06-01/07 N3C: 30th Creation Festival, Mt. Union, PA 50.125MHz USB QSL
N2CLB (d)

20/06-26/06 V36M: Caye Caulker, Belize Grid:EK57XR 50.106.2MHz USB 1KW
to 7el/3el QSL W1JJ

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS (Updated 06-12-08) at:

12/06-23/06  IM0/IK2DUW: Isola di Sant Antioco WAIL:SA-010,
ARLHS:SAR-045, WLOTA:1388, Admiralty:E1080 QSL H/C (d/b)

12/06-23/06  IM0/IK2UVT: Isola di Sant Antioco WAIL:SA-010,
ARLHS:SAR-045, WLOTA:1388, Admiralty:E1080 QSL H/C (d/b)

14/06-16/06  DS4DRE/4: Och'ong Do ARLHS:SKR 017, WLOTA:1863,
Admiralty:F4188 QSL H/C (d/b)

15/06-19/06  EA6/DD9HK: Isla de Mallorca WLOTA:1902 QSL H/C (d/b)

15/06-19/06  K5JYD/P: Point Bolivar ARLHS:USA-069 QSL H/C (d/b)

15/06-05/07  RZ3AMW/1: Ryashkov Zapadny WLOTA:1803 QSL H/C (d/b)

17/06-20/06  MM/K6EIL: Bressay, Scotland ARLHS:SCO-021, WLH:GM-009,
WLOTA:1079 QSL H/C (d/b)

20/06-23/06  ARLHS Summer Solstice SweepStakes (SSSS 2000). Full info at

20/06-08/07  ZF2BI/ZF2ZD: Grand Cayman Island WLOTA:1042 QSL Op's Info

AE3Z - Don - 3* - June 13, 2008 - SSB and CW - ECC accepted
**** AND BINGO (GOOD FOR MG) LV APPROX. 1200Z: NY - Chemung, Steuben;
PA - Tioga, Lycoming, Clinton, Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson, Clarion,
Armstrong, Butler, Venango and Mercer. - OHIO - Trumbell, Mahoning,
Columbiana, Jefferson, and Belmont. Return trip Monday is still up in
the air. I will run on the nets if possible.. CW will be on 30 & 40
unless needed on different band... May even try 17 meters... Send email
requests to DON AE3Z [County Hunter Web]

K2HVN - Bill - 2* - June 14-15, 2008 - SSB and CW
I will have 20 cw & ssb. 30 and 40 cw NO 40 SSB. I plan to run the
following counties on the fly.
Saturday June 14:
NH - Grafton, Belknap, Merrimack and Rockingham.
MA - Essex and Middlesex.
NH - Rockingham staying overnight (Sat.)
Sunday June 15 Happy Father's Day:
NH - Rockingham, Merrimack, Belknap and Grafton.
Send email requests to [County Hunter Web]

FRANCE - Clipperton
The TX5C log has been uploaded on LOTW. [F5NQL]

QSLs received Bureau - 3XM6JR/3XD2Z (via UA6JR), 9Q5MO, VP8/LZ1UQ.  :o)

QSLs received Direct - 3D2A (via VK4AN), 6W1SJ (via T93Y), 7P8FC (via
ON4CJK), 8R1PW (via G3SWH), 9X0W (via, CE6TC (via CE6DFY), CQ7P
EU-167 (via CT1ILT), EZ8AQ (via Buckmaster address), FK/JK1FNL (via
JK1FNL), FM/FM5LGE (via, J7DX (via W9IU), J20RR (via I2YSB),
OA4O (via, R1ANR (via RZ3BJ), TG9ANF, TO5A (via F5VHJ), V8FGM
(via PG5M), VP6PR (via JJ8DEN), YU8/OH2R (via OH2BN).

QSLs received LoTW - TX5C, VP6DX.
CS27R - 27th International Motard Meeting of Faro -
José/CT1EHX, Tóze/CT1GFK, Gonçalo/CT1GPQ, Miguel/CT1IUA, Rui/CT2IHP,
José/CT1DVG, José/CT1EPS, Arnaldo/CT2IOV, Moli/EA7AH, will be active as
CS27R on 6,10,12,15,17,20,30,40,80 and 160 meters hf (ssb,cw and rtty),
betwen 14th and 20 July 2008.
The activation will be on the local meeting, celebration the 27th
International Motard Meeting of Faro (organization Moto Clube Faro). Qsl
via CT1EHX bureau or direct. [CT1END]
North American QRP CW Club - NAQCC
- No dues or membership fees - open to any licensed radio amateur or
shortwave listener (SWL) worldwide.
- Dedicated to QRP/QRPp operation, using strictly CW. Some club awards,
challenges, and contests will place emphasis on using simple wire
- Encouraging use of CW and helping all hams increase CW speed and
proficiency is a top club priority.
- Monthly contests, sprints and challenges. Awards and special prizes to
the winners.
- Get your FREE NAQCC membership number, plus full club information, and
join the FUN at
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of ICPO:
Contest Calendar - DX Calendar - Lighthouse Activations
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All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD

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