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DL2BQV > DXNEWS   14.09.12 08:43l 500 Lines 18790 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : DXNL1797
Subj: DXNL 1797 (Sep 12, 2012)
Sent: 120914/0548z @:DK0BLN.#BLN.DEU.EU [Berlin-Koepenick] DP6.00 $:DXNL1797
From: DL2BQV @ DK0BLN.#BLN.DEU.EU (Horst)
To:   DXNEWS @ WW 
X-Info: Upload without password authentication

                 DXNL 1797 - Sep 12, 2012
                      DX Newsletter

               a free and weekly service of
           DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

             Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB

                translation by: Bob, DL7VOA

     Chab,YT7WA, announced to show up in BPSK and QPSK from Buljarice
     signing YT7WA/4O from Sep 14-23. QSL via bureau.

     The Preston Amateur Radio Society (G3KUE) is activating the special
     callsign GB0PGY (WLOTA 1841, Loc IO83os) until the end of September
     to celebrate the "Preston Guild Year", an event which takes place
     every 20 years in Preston/England. QSL via bureau.
     See also:

     Lothar,DK8LRF, will be QRV again as HK3JCL from Colombia working mainly
     in SSB on 20m and 40m between Sep 18 and Nov 19. Digital modes can be
     arranged via e-mail ( QSL via DK8LRF.

     Dennis,K7BV/HS0ZKS, of Yaesu, sponsored two FT2000D for the HQ station
     HS0AC of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST). The clubstation
     was completely destroyed during the heavy floods last year. After seven
     years of waiting, Thai hams are once again able to test for a license
     that gives them privileges on the HF bands so expect many new calls to
     show up on the bands soon. See also:  and

     Erik,LA2US, is working at the meteorological station on Bear Island
     (EU-027) until November and wants to be on the air as JW2US as often
     as possible, mainly in SSB on 40m-6m. eQSL only.

     The special event station SI9AM from the "King Chulalongkorn Memorial"
     in Ragunda is activated by Lars,SM3EAE, Joe,SM3FJF, and Goeran,SM5SIC,
     on Sep 15/16. Operation will take place on 160m-10m and in the upcoming
     Scandinavian Activity Contest (Sep 15/16). Listen for them on:
     CW:  1817, 3517, 7017, 10117, 14017, 18077, 21017, 24897, 28017 kHz
     SSB: 1840, 3760, 7060, 14210, 18160, 21310, 24960, 28510 kHz
     FM: 145.550 MHz and repeater RV49 on 145.612 MHz
     QSL via SM3CVM. See also:

T8, PALAU, OC-009
     Ulf,DL5AXX, will return to Palau for a combined dive and radio holiday.
     Once again he will be QRV as T8XX (CW) and T88UE (RTTY) on 160m-10m
     from Sep 14-28. QSLs are preferred via OQRS or via homecall.
     See also:

     T6SM is based in Afghanistan until November. His job there has nothing
     to do with telecommunications and his equipment there is rather sparse
     (IC7000 with 75 watts and Triple Leg after DK7ZB 7m high). He has the
     opportunity to be QRV only occasionally.

     Rod,YJ8RN, is staying on Loh Island (OC-110) and is mainly active in
     SSB on 20m signing YJ8RN/p. The length of his stay is not known.
     QSL via homecall.

     Franta,ZA/OK1HH, and Bob,ZA/OK2BOB, announced to be active in CW and
     SSB on 160m-6m from Sep 12-20. QSLs via homecalls.

Information about the DXCC entities of three autumn DXpeditions:
     The Documentary Archives Radio Communications offers detailed informa-
     tion about the DXCC entities and all previous activations of three
     major DXpeditions in autumn 2012: St. Peter & Paul Rocks, PT0S,
     Swains Island, NH8S, and Campbell Island, ZL9HR. You can also find some
     rarities like two QSLs of the initial activity of St Peter & Paul Rocks
     with a total of 40 QSOs. Furthermore, there is an exclusive interview
     with Herb Kline about his involvement in the faked Peter&Paul activity
     by Don Miller as reported by Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC:

Philippine HAMs get new QRGs: Following new frequencies can be used by
     Philippine amateurs now:
         35.7 kHz - 137.8 kHz
          472 kHz -   479 kHz
        7.201 MHz - 7.300 MHz
     See also:

TOP LISTS: The latest Topband, Topmode and Toplist listings are online now.
     Send your scores, as well as any request for further information, via
     e-mail to Luciano Lucini, IK2QPO (
     See also:

LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at:
     Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the
     VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at:

Sep 15     Thuringia Contest
Sep 15/16  Scandinavian Activity Contest
Sep 16     North American Sprint

IOTA                compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG  (e-mail:
Island activities:
IOTA Net: The IOTA Net meets Saturdays at 1300 UTC on 14260 kHz and Sundays
     at 1300 UTC on 21260 kHz. These are the QRGs of the island hunters:
     CW:  28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10114, 7030, 3530 kHz
     SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055, 3765 kHz

AF-014, CT3, Madeira Archipelago: DJ6QT, DK1MM, DK1QH, DK4QT, DL1YFF, DM3BJ,
     DJ3IW, E73Y and S56A will be active as CR3L (Santana-Madeira Island,
     WLOTA 0053) between Sep 16 and Oct 4, including the CQWW RTTY Contest.
     QSL via DJ6QT (bureau/direct).

AS-008, JA1, North Izu Islands: Take,JI3DST, is QRV again from Shikine Shima
     (Shikine Island, WLOTA 2267). He is signing JI3DST/JI1 in CW, SSB, RTTY
     and PSK31 on 40m-10m from Sep 12-16. He also plans to take part in the
     SAC Contest as JI3DST/1. QSL via JI3DST (bureau/direct).
     See also:

AS-095, R0Z, Bering Sea Coast group: Victor,RU0ZM/p, Valery,UA0ZC/p,
     Vlad,RA0ZJ/p, and Alex,UA0ZAM/p, are working on all HF bands from
     Starichkov Island (RRA RR-12-05, RDA KT-06, WLOTA 1837) until Sep 14.
     QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct).

EU-008, GM/MM, Inner Hebrides: Members of the Black Country DX & Contest
     Group will be QRV as MS0OXE from Tiree Island (IOSA NH04, SCOTIA DI10,
     Loc IO66ML, WAB NL94) from Sep 13-21. The station is works in SSB, CW
     and RTTY on 80m-10m using a HexBeam (
     QSL via M0URX (bureau/direct/LoTW).
     More information can be found on:

EU-013, GJ/MJ, Jersey: Jim,G0UPG, is signing GJ0UPG from Jersey in SSB on HF
     using FT-857D and vertical until Sep 15. QSL via G0UPG (bureau/direct).

EU-026, JW, Spitsbergen Island: Karl,LA8DW, and Kjell,LA9HH, will sign JW8DW
     from Longyearbyen on Spitsbergen Island (WLOTA 0125) from Sep 12-19.
     They will join the SAC Contest (Sep 15/16) as JW5E.
     QSL for JW5E direct via; QSL for JW8DW via LA8DW.
     See also:  and

NA-018, OX, Greenland: Listen for Henning,OZ1BII, to be active in CW only
     signing XP2I from the XP1AB clubstation in Kangerlussuaq (WLOTA 0072,
     WFF OZFF-006) from Sep 13-17. Activity will be in CW only on all HF
     bands, including the SAC Contest. QSL via OZ1BII (bureau/direct).
     See also:

NA-046, W1, Massachusetts State South (Bristol to Barnstable County) group:
     Larry,K4KGG, and members of the BRARA club will be QRV as K4KGG/1 from
     Martha's Vineyard (USi MA-005S, WLOTA 2804) mainly in SSB on 20m from
     Sep 14-18. If the conditions permit they plan to show up also on 28460,
     21260 and 7055 kHz. QSL via K4KGG (bureau/direct).
     See also:

NA-097, 6Y, Jamaica: Juergen,6Y5/DL3JH, is working on HF until Sep 22.
     QSL via DL3JH (bureau/direct).

OC-040, ZK2, Niue Island: Lance,W7GJ, and Bob,ZL1RS, are planning another
     EME DXpedition to Niue Island (WLOTA 2139, Loc AH51ba) until Sep 21.
     Lance is working as E6M on 6m and Bob signs E6RS on 2m.
     QSL for E6M via W7GJ (direct) and for E6RS via ZL1RS (direct).
     See also:

OC-097, 5W, Samoa Island: John,N7CQQ, and Ron,N6XT, are working from
     Savaii Island (WLOTA 4026, Loc AH36sg) mostly in SSB on 20m signing
     5W0QQ and 5W0XT until around Sep 20. Unfortunately they cannot go to
     Tokelau (ZK3) anymore but will return to American Samoa (KH8) on Sep 30
     QSLs via homecalls (direct).

SA-036, P4, Aruba Island: Robert,W3BTX, and Roy,W3TEF, will be active from
     Aruba (WLOTA 0033) using P49T (special callsign P49Towers 9/11) from
     Sep 14-21. QSL via W3BTX (bureau/direct).

NON-IOTA: Members of the TCSWAT plan to activate the lighthouse Gerze
     (Loc KN71ot, WEBLOTA 8) as TC6GLH on Sep 15/16.
     See also:

FFF: Eric,F5SIH, will be QRV from the WFF area FFF-1145 on Sep 15.
     His focus will be on 40m. QSL via homecall (LoTW or eQSL).

DATE           CALL           DXNL

28Aug-12Sep    3B8/IW5ELA..   1794/1796
01Aug-28Oct    3Z70ZK         1791
     -31Dec    4O60GBP        1790
Sep            5B/G3RWF       1795
     -2014     5Z4EE          1742/1753/1772
2012           6D0LM          1774
02Sep-22Sep    6Y5/DL3JH      1797 *
     -31Dec    7T50I..        1788
     -31Oct    8J0WAZA        1780
     -31Mar    8J1MBR         1788
     -31Dec    8J1MST         1779
     -31Mar    8J1SPY         1788
     -30Sep    8J2NDP..       1751
     -03Nov    8J2YDU         1794
     -21Oct    8J4HAM         1794 *
     -10Nov    8J4MANGA       1794
     -11Nov    8J4SINWA       1794
     -31Dec    8J50YAX        1794
     -31Dec    8J6O           1773
     -31Dec    8J6OKAJO       1788
     -30Sep    8J7EQ          1773
     -16Sep    8J8APRC        1794
     -31Oct    8N0CLEAN..     1788
     -31Dec    8N1TDU         1780
unknown        8Q7HA          1796
02Sep-14Sep    8Q7OE          1795
unknown        9G5ZS          1795
     -12Sep    9A/PA4JJ       1796
unknown        9J2JA          1796
     -2012     9J2RI          1739/1742
     -Oct/14   9V1RM          1751

     -Sep/13   A52SV          1752
     -Dec/13   C91IW          1787
     -31Dec    CN2YZ          1771
16Sep-04Oct    CR3L           1797 *
     -Dec      CY0/VE1AWW     1784
     -May/13?  D2SG           1748/1780
     -31Dec    DA0LSW         1785
2012?          DL0SLITISA     1764
     -13Jan    DL125HHZ       1778
01Jan-31Dec    DL1630Y        1760
     -31Dec    DL250COAL      1779
01Jan-31Dec    DM100MGY       1763

01Jan-31Dec    DM50KSJ        1763
     -31Dec    DM800ANH       1767
     -Feb/13   DP0GVN         1756
     -31Dec    DP87SIXD       1792
     -Jan/13   DQ0STRATEX     1770
     -31Dec    DQ125HSB       1763/1784
     -31Dec    DR50DTANGO     1791

     -15Sep    E51AND         1795
07Sep-21Sep    E6M..          1796/1797 *
     -31Dec    E720RS         1770
01Jan-31Dec    EI80IRTS       1763/1788
01Sep-14Sep    F/ON5GQ        1795
15Sep          F5SIH          1797 *
     -Mar/13   FH8NX          1747
     -Sep      GB0PGY         1797 *
09Sep-14Sep    GB2HST         1796
     -10Sep    GB4GBO         1790
     -31Dec    GB50WVR        1767
2012           GB80PW         1762
Sep            GO4BJC/A..     1796
09Sep-15Sep    GJ0UPG         1797 *
     -2013     H44RK          1793
     -31Dec    HA50ZH         1780
     -30Sep    HG1912PTTT     1796
     -31Dec    HG20CRT        1795
     -Sep/13   HI3/KL7JR      1745
18Sep-19Nov    HK3JCL         1762/1797 *
unknown        HP1/IZ6BRN     1787
unknown        HT9H           1792

06Sep-22Sep    IC8/OE3FHA     1796
     -Dec/12   ID9DXC..       1755
01Sep-20Sep    II3PAN         1795
01Jan-31Dec    II6LN          1763
02Sep-14Sep    IM0/IZ5JMX     1795/1796
     -Jul/13   J28UC          1734
     -Aug/14   J28NC          1796
12Sep-16Sep    JI3DST/JI1     1797 *
     -Nov      JW2US          1791/1797 *
15Sep/16Sep    JW5E           1797 *
12Sep-19Sep    JW8DW          1797 *
29Mar-Mar/13   JX9JKA         1769/1773
     -2013     KG4AJ          1756
14Sep-18Sep    K4KGG/1        1797 *
23Aug-12Sep    KL7/K8GU       1794
23Aug-12Sep    KL7/KJ4OAP     1794
23Aug-12Sep    KL7/W2NAF      1794
     -31Dec    LX75RL         1788
     -31Dec    LZ1818MOG..    1770
     -31Dec    LZ40YE         1795

13Sep-21Sep    MS0OXE         1797 *
05Sep-19Sep    NH8S           1795
08Sep-13Sep    N3U/Flt93      1796
May  -Oct      OD5/IV3XNF     1777
Jul  /Sep      OE2XXM..       1786/1795
     -Apr/17   OG3077F        1789
     -31Dec    OH150VR        1772
     -31Dec    ON500MERCATOR  1783
04Apr-31Dec    ON100TT        1775
     -31Dec    ON20OSA        1795
01Jan-31Dec    ON65BR         1763
     -31Dec    ON85RCL        1790
unknown        OX3LX          1790
10Sep-22Sep    OZ0AV          1796
01Jul-31Dec    P3EU           1786
14Sep-21Sep    P49T           1797 *
     -30Sep    PC12WSF        1796

     -30Sep    R1000M         1794
01Sep-30Nov    R15GGGR..      1795
12Jun-12Sep    R200V          1783
08Sep-14Sep    RA0ZJ/p        1797 *
08Sep-14Sep    RU0ZM/p        1797 *
     -Jan/13   RI1ANF         1765
     -Sep      RI1FJA         1741
     -Sep      RI1FJM         1741
     -31Dec    S555E..        1772
08Sep-15Sep    SB6HL          1796
15Sep-16Sep    SI9AM          1797 *
08Sep-14Sep    SM7DAY/p       1796
     -02Oct    SN63DNI        1792
01Aug-02Oct    SN7PW          1791
04Sep-18Sep    SV8/ON5CT/p    1796
09Sep-15Sep    SV9/EA1AP      1796
09Sep-15Sep    SV9/EA1SA      1796
Sep            SW9XB          1795
     -Feb/13   T6LG           1795
     -Nov      T6SM           1796/1797 *
     -30Sep    T6SS           1790
     -Sep      T6TJ..         1789
14Sep-28Sep    T8XX           1797 *
     -31Dec    TC50TRAC..     1770
30Jun-30Sep    TC6BLH..       1786/1793
15Sep-16Sep    TC6GLH         1797 *
     -31Dec    TM210VH        1770
     -31Dec    TM70TRS        1763
unknown        TR8CA          1795
unknown        TX0HF          1789

08Sep-14Sep    UA0ZAM/p       1797 *
08Sep-14Sep    UA0ZC/p        1797 *
     -16Sep    V5/DF2UU..     1795
     -Nov/14   V73NS          1604/1668/1752
09Sep-14Sep    VK7HVK/p       1796
     -Nov      VQ9JC          1755/1793
     -May/14   XE1/DM3DL      1730
14Sep-23Sep    YT7WA/4O       1797 *
13Sep-17Sep    XP2I           1797 *
unknown        YJ8RN/p        1797 *
12Sep-20Sep    ZA/OK1HH..     1797 *
18Aug-31Sep    ZD9KN          1794/1795
unknown        ZD9KX          1795
     -2014     ZY2014WC       1774

 * = new or updated
.. = and other calls

QSL information
3Z2X       via SP2YWL
3Z73HOWS   via SP9PDG
3Z707K     via SP5ZRW
4K6OF          (d), (*)
5H4BL      via IV3RTL
5W0QQ      via N7CQQ (B)
5W0XT      via N6XT
8Q7OE      via OE4JHW
9A204MX    via DJ2MX (B)
9N1FE      via EA5ZD
A61R       via EA7FTR (d)
A60A       via IZ8CLM (B), (*)
A60DWC     via IZ8CLM (B), (*)
A60ITU     via IZ8CLM (B), (*)
A60JJ      via IZ8CLM (B), (*)
A60WARD    via IZ8CLM (B),(*)
AY8A       via LU8ADX (B)
CR3L       via DJ6QT (B)
CT9/DJ1JM  via DJ1JM
CT9/DJ6KS  via DJ6KS
CT9/DJ8OG  via DJ8OG
DJ0ML/HI7  via DJ0ML
E6M        via W7GJ (d)
E6RS       via ZL1RS (d)
EE8YG      via EA8YG
EF8R       via EA8CAC (L)
EG1FIM     via EA1URV
EG1SDC     via EA1AUM (B)
EG9SDC     via EA1AUM (B)
EM125QN    via UT3QN
EO5UFF     via US5UFF
FK8DD      via LZ1JZ (B)
GB2OWM         sends automatically
GB0PGY         (B)
GJ0UPG     via G0UPG (B)
HF20IPA    via SP9BRP (B)
HK3JCL     via DK8LRF (B)
HK3TK      via F5CWU (B), (L)
I6/SQ6Y    via SQ6Y
IR7RAI     via IQ7DV
J28NC      via F5RQQ (d)
J47X       via SV7BVM (B)
J40TSL     via SZ2TSL
JT5DX      via JT1CO (B)
JW2US          eQSL
JW5E           (d)
JW8DW      via LA8DW (B)
K4KGG/1    via K4KGG (B)
LZ1737SSS  via  LZ1KCP
LZ2009KM   via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ75A      via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ02JP     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ02KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ03KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ04KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ05KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ06KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ07KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
LZ08KM     via LZ1BJ (B), (*)
MS0OXE     via M0URX (B), (L), eQSL
NH8S       via AA4NN (B)
OK/PA2A    via PA2A
ON50HC     via ON3AIM
P49T       via W3BTX (B)
PJ4R       via DL1THM (9/2012 only, d)
RA0ZJ/p    via RA0ZJ (B)
RU0ZM/p    via RU0ZM (B)
SG0U       via SM3CXS (B)
SI9AM      via SM3CVM (B)
SN1939HS   via SP5T
SN10APM    via SP5BUJ
SN40FTA    via SP3FTA (B)
SP9YFF/P   via SQ9IDG (d), (L)
SV2/LZ2HM  via LZ2HM (B)
SZ2SISO    via SV2GWY (B)
SZ3P       via SV3DCX (B)
T88ME      via 7K1RTO
T88TM      via JA5AUC (B)
T88UE      via DL5AXX (B), OQRS
T8XX       via DL5AXX (B), OQRS
TC6GLH     via TA1HZ (B)
TM1MAD     via F5KLJ (B)
TM34CDXC   via F5CWU (B), (L)
UA0ZAM/p   via UA0ZAM (B)
UA0ZC/p    via UA0ZC (B)
V63LR      via JK1QLR (B)
VU3DJQ     via EA7FTR (d)
VX3FAIR    via VE3XT
XP2I       via OZ1BII (B), (L)
YJ8RN/p    via YJ8RN (d)
YT7WA/4O   via YT7WA
ZA/OK1HH   via OK1HH      (B)
ZG2FX      via G3RFX (B)

(d) = only direct
(B) = bureau ok
(*) = new QSL manager
(L) = Logbook of the World (LoTW)
(r) = e-mail request

QSLs arrived direct: PJ2/DF8ZH

QSLs arrived bureau: 3C0C (EA7FTR), 4S7VK (DJ9ZB), 6V7D (UA0SE),
                     7Z7AA (7Z1CQ), 9H9OB (DH7WW), 9M2CNC, 9M2TO (JA0DMV),
                     9N7DX (4Z4DX), AL9A, AP2MB (2005), BV100 (BV2KI),
                     EY8AN, K8CW, KH6OO (GlobalQsl), PJ2/WX7P,
                     PJ2T (first QSL from W3HNK without Dollar or own QSL!
                     QSO from 2010), PJ5/AH6HY, RI1ANC (RN1ON), TJ9PF,
                     TT8DX (F5OGL), TX8DD (LZ1JZ), VP5/AC4S (QSO 9/97),
                     Z2/K0YY, ZS6TQ (K3IRV)

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DH5NBK,
F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, NG3K, VA3RJ and others.
The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at:
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