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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU7DR  > ICPO     08.06.08 17:36l 742 Lines 38236 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 29786_LU7DR
Subj: [ICPO] ICPO Bulletin (June 05 - 13, 2008)
Sent: 080608/1348Z @:LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA #:29786 [Ing. White] FBB7.00g
From: LU7DR@LU7DR.8103.BA.ARG.SA

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (June 05 - 13, 2008)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
01/06/2008:  Don, N1DG is currently travelling until June 13th in A6 and
A7. He will be installing new antennas at A61AD (United Arab Emirates)
and hopes to be active June 3rd and 4th, concentrating on 6 meters when
open. While in A7 he hopes to get to A71A (Qatar ARS, Doha, Qatar)and
operate as business allows. QSL via home call. [K1XN]

05/06/2008:  Mario, DL5ME will be active from Emsalö Island (EU-135) as
OH2/DL5ME from June 5-8th. QRV using CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20 and 15
meters. He will be running 100 Watts to a Butternut-Vertical, if
possible Spiderbeam too. QSL via DH5MM ( address only). [DL5ME]

06/06/2008:  Operators 6K5AQY, 6K5AYC , 6K5BHZ, 6K5ALT, DS5AJT and
HL5BMX will be active as 6M0W/4 from Paegya Island (AS-060), South
Korea, from June 6-8th. QRV 80-10m, using CW, SSB and Digital modes.
This operation also counts for Paekya Do lighthouse (ARLHS SKR-022,
WLOTA LH-3386). QSL via HL5BMX, direct or bureau. []

06/06/2008:  Patrick, ON7ARQ will spend his holidays on the Island of
Elba (EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022 WLOTA LH-0609), June 6-16th, using
the call sign IA5/ON7ARQ. QRV on HF-20m/50W/dipole + 6m/10W/Vertical +
2M/20W/4ele + 0.7m/5W/Vert. + 0,23m/2W/16ele, ATV/23cm/2W or 20W/16ele,
with TS50 kenwood HF+ITU FT817+FT290+FT690. The weekend QRV in VHF
Contests. QSL via home call, direct of bureau. [F5NQL]

06/06/2008:  JE3NJZ/JA6 and JA0KNM/JA6 plan to be active from Kuro
Island (IOTA AS-024, JIIA AS-024-009), JA6 Yaeyama Island group, from
June 6-9th. QRV 7Mhz to 28 Mhz and 50 MHz on CW and SSB. QSL via their
home calls, direct or bureau. (JIIA Award: [JI6KVR]

06/06/2008:  Ricardo/PY2EL and Waldir/PY2WC are going to participate in
the CB144 VHF contest from the island of Comprida (SA-024, DIB reference
SP-03 for the Diploma Islands Brazil). The main station as PY2EL on 2
meters and the second station will be HF operation as PY2EL/P and
PY2WC/P. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. []

06/06/2008:  Barry, G4BUD will be active from Samos Island (EU-049, MIA
MG-099, WLOTA LH-0609) as SV8/G4BUD/P between June 6th and 11th.
Activity will be holiday-style, operating 20 meter QRP (5 Watts) with a
dipole, CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSB. He will try to get on most evenings
around 1600 and again at 2000 UTC. QSL via home call, direct only
( []

06/06/2008:  The Association des RadioAmateurs des Côtes d'Armor ARC
(French Brittany) F6KBO, will be active using the special call sign
TM6BRE from Brehat Island (EU-074, DIFM MA-012 for the Metropolitan
French Islands Award, WLOTA LH-2010) between June 6-8th. Other
references: Canton of Paimpol (DDCF 22-28), commune Île de Bréhat (Zip
code 22870), Department Côtes d'Armor/22, Province French Brittany (DPF
06). QRV 80-2m (no WARC) using SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via F6KBO.

07/06/2008:  Operators BA4DR, BG4AJU, BG4CHO, BG4CJX, BG4CNB and BG4EIH
will be active as homecall/5 from Daqu Shan Island (AS-137), June 7-8th.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters SSB and also 2 meters. QSL via their
home calls, direct or by the bureau. [OPDX Bulletin]

07/06/2008:  Roland, HB9DPO will be active as EA8/HB9DPO from La Palma
Island IOTA AF-004, DIE S-013, WLOTA LH-1648, WW Loc. IL18CP) on 144,50
MHz and HF between June 7th and 14th. Preferred 2 meter and 6 meters.
Rig is IC706 and FT900 with 4 element beam for 6m and 9 element bean for
2m. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]

07/06/2008:  F4AFE/Nicolas and Florent/F4EJL will be active June 7th as
F4EJL/p from the Castle of Malbrouck (DFCF 57-003), city of Manderen (CP
57480), Department Moselle/57, Province Lorraine (DPF 14). QRV between
0700 and 1100 UTC on 40 meters. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

07/06/2008:  Look for François, F5JNE to be active June 7th along with
Claude, F5MCC as F5JNE/p from the Castle of Le Bois de Vassy (DFCF
89-301), in the city of Etaules (Zip code 89200) and Canton of Avallon
(DDCF 89-05). Other reference Department Yonne/89 and Province Burgundy
(DPF 05). As usual starting around 0600 UTC, 80 then 40 and may be 20m,
CW and SSB. QSL via the bureau preferred and SWL cards are welcome.

07/06/2008:  Tony/IT9NCO, Nunzio/IT9DTU, Paolo/IT9DCE and possibly
others will operate on 80-10 meter CW, SSB and digital modes from the
lighthouse at Cape Rasocolmo (WAIL SI-034, ARLHS ITA-032, EF-3276,
Admiralty E2046), Island of Sicily (EU-025, IIA SC-001, MIA MI-107), on
June 7th and 8th. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. [425 DX News]

07/06/2008:  JF6OID/6 and JK6IJE/6 plan to be active June 7-8th from O
Island (AS-036, JIIA AS-036-016) and Naga Island (AS-036, JIIA
AS-036-012), JA6 Iki/Tsushima group. Activity will be on the HF bands,
SSB only. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [JI6KVR]

07/06/2008:  Philippe/ON5PV and Bruno/ON7ZB will activate the Castle
Kasteel van Gelinden (BCA reference LB014, WW Loc. JO20PS), province of
Limbourg, using the call sign ON5PV/p on June 7th. Activity will be on
80, 40 and 20 meters. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [ON7ZB]

07/06/2008:  Nick/RA1QQ, Alexey/RA1QY and Dmitriy/RN3GM will be active
as homecall/p from Krasny Bor Island (RRA RR 22-New, RDA VO-29), Lake
Rybinsk group, June 7-8th. They plan to operate on 40-17 meter SSB and
CW. QSL via home calls. [425 DX News]

07/06/2008:  Operators Pavel/TA2ZAF (OK1MU), Slavek/OK1TN and Dan/OK1HRA
will activate the special call sign TC0W on the Turkish Island of Kefken
in the Black Sea, June 7-11th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW
and SSB. Antennas will be a SteppIR for 20-10m and loops for 40/30m.
Also, there may be possible activity on the VHF bands (locator KN51DF).
Thanks for BIG support from Ozer/TA2RC. QSL via OK2GZ, either direct, by
the Bureau or via the Web (no E-mail requests). For more info, photo
gallery, daily news, team bios, please visit: [OPDX Bulletin]

07/06/2008:  Graham, M0AEP will be active from the island of Montserrat
(NA-103) as VP2MDD from June 7-19th. QRV 80-10 meters with 200W and
Carolina Windom. Also on 6M with 5 element yagi and 100W. QSL via M0AEP,
direct or bureau. []

08/06/2008:  Weather permitting Helmut, DL5DSM plans to be active from
Great Blasket Island (EU-007), Ireland, on June 8th between 1000 and
1530 UTC. He will sign EJ/DL5DSM as a 1-man field day style operation
with generator, 100 watts and simple antennas. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau. [DL5DSM]

08/06/2008:  The Radio Club Guadeloupe FG5KC
( will operate portable from Terre de Bas
(DIFO FG-009), Iles de Petite-Terre (NA-102) on June 8th. If you have
trouble finding it on the map, look halfway between La Desirade and
Marie Galante. As a bonus, the island has a lighhouse valid for the
WLOTA program (LH-0339), also ARLHS GUA-006 and TWLHD WLH FG-005.

08/06/2008:  Doug, KF4VTT will be active June 8th as homecall/p from
Boca Grande Key (NA-062, USi FL-478 - new one!, Monroe county), Florida.
He will operate QRP on 40/20m CW/SSB. Doug will be heading out by boat
to Boca Grande for the afternoon. This is an uninhabited island about 10
miles west of Key West. QSL via home call. [USi]

09/06/2008:  Ric, DL2VFR plans to be active from various locations of
Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA LH-2975) using the call signs TF1/, TF5/ and
TF6/homecall between June 9-19th. He also plans to activate Hrisey
Island (EU-168) from 1800z June 10th to 1200z June 12th. QRV 80-10m
using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via DARC bureau to home call. Further
information at: [DL2VFR]

10/06/2008:  The Union de Radioaficionados Españoles, URE, (The Spanish
Amateur Radio League) is proud to announce a project in East Timor to
take place June 10-24th using the call sign 4W6R. URE's Radiosolidarity
Department will organize an Amateur Radio DXpedition, combined with
activities to promote Amateur Radio including the donation and setting
up of a complete amateur radio station at the University of Dili.
Operators include Angel/EA1QF (CW/Digital), Txema/EA5BWR
(CW/SSB/Digital), Eugene/EA4KA (CW), Pere/EA3CUU (CW), Jose/CT1ERC
(SSB/Digital) and Jose/EA4DB (CW/SSB/Digital) will be active from Dili,
Timor Leste (OC-148, WLOTA LH-0019) for two weeks in June. They plan to
operate CW, SSB and other modes using two stations, and to pay special
attention to 6 meters. QSLs will be via EA4URE, direct (EA4URE, P.O. Box
220, 28080 Madrid - SPAIN) or by the bureau. Further info, frequencies
and updates at:

10/06/2008:  Heinz, DL4AO will be active as DL4AO/p from Ruegen Island
(EU-057, O-07 for the German Islands Award) and as OZ/DL4AO from
Bornholm Island (EU-030, BO-001 for the Danish Islands Award, WLOTA
LH-2203) between June 10th and 26th. He will operate in his early
morning and late afternoon hours, mostly on 20 meters. While on
Bornoholm he will also operate on 6 meters, using CW and SSB. All of the
QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [425 DX News]

10/06/2008:  Jack, WB8FSV will be vacationing in Qingdao, China, again
from June 10-30th. This will be his fifth trip to China. He will operate
as WB8FSV/BA4IT in his spare time. Jack's XYL Lily is from Qingdao and
they will be staying with her family. On the way home they plan to stop
at Hong Kong to check out Hong Kong Disneyland, they are Disney nuts,
and to see Jack's friend Charlie, VR2XMT. However, he does not plan to
operate from Hong Kong. QSLs direct or via the bureau are fine. BA4IT
has 100 watts to an inverted vee up 80 feet, one block from the Yellow
Sea, but Jack will be surprised to work many North Americans. [NG3K]

11/06/2008:  Georg, DK7LX will be active holiday-style as FH/DK7LX from
Mayotte Island (AF-027, DIFO FH-001, WLOTA LH-0376) between June
11-23rd. He will be QRV mostly using CW, on all bands with an emphasis
on 30/40/80m. All other bands according to conditions. The equipment is
going to be an Icom IC-706 MKIIG and a HF9V-Multiband-Vertical that
might be placed next to the sea. QSL via home call, bureau or direct
(SASE and/or SAE + sufficient postage) to Georg Knoess, Am Weiderweg,
12, D-35510 Kirch-Goens/Butzbach, GERMANY. PLEASE NO DUPES!!! Further
information at: [NG3K]

12/06/2008:  Toshi, JA8BMK will be QRV from Vietnam as 3W2BMK from June
12-17th and from Cambodia as XU7BMK from June 18-20th. Activity will be
on 160-10m CW, SSB and RTTY. Note this is spare time operation. QSL
direct to JA8UWT (Kimiko Saitoh, 4-16-2-22 Kamui, Asahikawa, 070-8014
Japan). [NG3K]

12/06/2008:  Operators JA1EJK/JD1, JA1JQY/JD1, JA1NND/JD1, JA1XEQ/JD1,
7N4AGB/JD1 plan to be active from Chichi Island (JIIA AS-031-003)
between June 12-18th and Haha Island (JIIA AS-031-005) between June
19-22nd, JD1 Ogasawara Island group (AS-031). QRV 1.8 to 28 Mhz and 50
MHz, using CW and SSB. QSL via their home calls. You can go direct or
via the bureau. For JIIA Award:

12/06/2008:  Hugh, K6HFA plans to be active as K7A from the Neragon
Island (NA-241, USi AK194S, WW Loc. AP71AU), Alaska, from June 12-18th.
He will use these suggested frequencies: CW - 7016, 7041, 14018, 14041,
10112, 18082 kHz (all +/-); SSB - 7078 Split per operator, 14153, 18122
kHz. Equipment will be IC 7000s + Amp + Vertical Dipole Array. QSL to
K6HFA, Hubert "Hugh" Clark, 545 West Vassar Ave., Fresno, CA 93705 USA.
For direct QSL reply, include Self Addressed Stamped Envelope or Self
Addressed Envelope and IRC or green stamps. If no return postage is
sent, QSL will be via bureau. Bureau cards answered via bureau. Your
donations now will make possible more rare Alaskan island activations
sooner in the future. [K6HFA/K6HTM]

14/06/2008:  The IARC is planning intensive Mobile activity, for the
Holyland award program, to commemorate its 60 years. The plan for the
coming 2 months (June - July) includes the following: June 14th - 4Z5PN
will activate F-19-AS, F-20-AS, G-19-AS, G-20-AS; 4Z5FI / 4Z4BS will
activate in BS region L-27, K-28, (L-28), K-29, K-30, J-30, J-31, J-32,
J-33. June 21st - 4Z5PN will activate E-18-AS, F-18-AS, G-18-JS,
G-19-AS; 4Z5FL will activate F-17-RH, F-17-RM, G-17-RM, G-17-JS. June
28th - 4Z5FL will activate F-17-JS, F-17-AS, F-18-RH, E-18-RH. July
5th - 4X1VF/4X4DZ will activate K-09-JN, J-09-YZ, J-08-YZ, H-08-YZ,
H-09-YZ, H-07-YZ, H-07-HF, H-07-HD, G-07-HD, G-08-HD, F-09-HD, F-10-HS;
4Z5LA/4X6HP will activate from regions: TK, SM and (YN) - more details
to follow. July 19th 4Z4KX and others - more details will follow.
Activity will be on 14265 kHz.+/-QRM or split between 2 mobiles.
Operation will start in the morning around 0400 UTC. Please send me list
of Regions or Areas required, and we shall try to activate it if
possible. (Region AZ and some other areas are at this moment impossible
to enter due to security reasons). More information will follow !

14/06/2008:  Peter, DH3NB will be active from the Seychelles (AF-024) as
S79GB from June 14th to July 4th. QRV on 40-6 meters. QSL via home call,
DARC bureau or direct. [NG3K]

14/06/2008:  Wolfgang, DL6NBR will be active from the Seychelles
(AF-024) as S79WF between June 14th and July 4th. He will run 200W from
40-10m and 100W on 6m SSB. QSL via DL6NBR, bureau or direct. [NG3K]

15/06/2008:  Yasuko JF1IZM/1, Youichi JO1IRO/1 and Noboru JR1WEB/1 plan
to be active from Mikura Island (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-005), JA1 North Izu
group, from June 15-17th on the HF bands. They will look for Es openings
on VHF. QSL via their home call. You can go direct or via the bureau.
JIIA Award: [JI6KVR]

21/06/2008:  Celebrating the 50 aniversary of Radio Club de Honduras
(, the RCH DX Team will be on the air with the special
call sign HQ50RCH from June 21st until July 31st. Please give us a call
on the pile-ups. QSL: RADIO CLUB DE HONDURAS, HR Amateur Radio, Apartado
Postal 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortés Honduras, Centroamérica. [F5NQL]

27/06/2008:  Look for Peter, DJ2OS to be active from the island of
Ustica (EU-051, IIA PA-001, MI-116, WLOTA LH-0848) as IE9/DJ2OS from
June 27-30th. Look for activity on 80-10m. QSL via home call, direct
( or bureau. []

01/07/2008:  Special activity from Algeria during the complete month of
July, with the call sign 7Y46ND, activated by stations from the city of
Djelfa. QRV July 1-31st, 80-10 meters, all modes. QSL route will be via
7X2DD (Mohamed Djaballah, P.O. Box 467, 17000 Djelfa, Algeria). A
special certificate will be available for a fee of 5 Euro/US$7, if
requested beside the normal QSL card. [NG3K]

01/07/2008:  Look for special event station 8J6ARDF to be active on all
bands and modes from July 1st through October 26th to commemorate the
All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet. Expect activity on all bands and modes.
QSL via JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Special event station 8N150IH will be aired from July 1st
to August 3rd to celebrate the 50th Itabashi Hanabi (or Fireworks)
Festival. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/07/2008:  Kenny/K2KW and XYL Stephanie/KD8GKM will be vacationing on
Saba (NA-145, also count for WLOTA LH-2043, Grid FK87), Netherlands
Antilles, from July 1-7th. Casual operation signing PJ6/K2KW with focus
on 6m, and activity on 17-40m. 100w, 2 ele 6m yagi, and dipole for HF.
QTH is 370m high, looking over the ocean just 900m away. Great water
shot to North-East and Mid-West USA, EU and AF. Possible operation from
PJ7 on Dutch St Maarten July 8-10. QSL via WA4WTG. [NG3K]

12/07/2008:  Look for Massimo, IZ4DPV to be active as D4C during the
IARU HF Championship Contest (July 12-13th) from Mindelo, Ilha do São
Vicente (AF-086, WLOTA LH-1976), Cape Verde, as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power/SSB entry. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

19/07/2008:  Andy, DL7AT plans to be active from Bomlo Island (EU-055)
as LA/DL7AT between July 19th and August 3rd. QRV from 40-10m with 100
Watts and vertical GP, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. []

20/07/2008:  Mike/UT9IO and Harry/UX3IW will be active as homecall/p
from Zmeiniy Island (EU-182, UIA BS-07, Odesa Region/oblast OD, also
count for WLOTA LH-0725) from July 20th to August 5th. They will operate
SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK31 on 80-2 meters, and will take part in the RSGB
IOTA Contest (July 26-27th). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425
DX News]

25/07/2008:  Operators Jeroen/PD5CW, Will/PE1OPM and Manfred/PE1OXV will
be on a holyday weekend to the Island of Schouwenduiveland and Goeree
Overflakkee (EU-146). They will be QRV SSB only 80-10m from Zonnemaire,
Zeeland (WW Loc. JO11XQ), RSGB IOTA Contest included, using the call
signs PD5CW and PE1OPM/p. QSL all calls via PD5CW, direct or bureau.
More information at: []

26/07/2008:  The 40th anniversary of Noto Peninsula Quasi-National Park
special call 8J9HGR plans to be active from Hegura-jima [jima in
Japanese means Island] (AS-117, JIIA AS-117-039, JA9 Ishikawa
Prefecture, WLOTA LH-0056) from July 26-30th, including one station in
the RSGB IOTA Contest. QRV all HF bands, using CW and SSB. QSL via the
JARL bureau, or direct to JH9UYZ ( [JI6KVR]

26/07/2008:  Look for Jon, M0OVL/p to be active July 26-27th from
Longstone (EU-109, WLOTA LH-0234) for the RSGB IOTA Contest. He will be
joined by Harold/G8JUZ and Charles/M0GAX operating under their own
calls. Jon will also use another call 2E0OVL/p during his non contest
operating times to give as many stations as possible a chance to work
the island, but NO contest serial number will be given. In the event of
bad weather on the morning of the contest an alternative operation will
take place from Lindisfarne (EU-120). QSL via home call, direct or by
the RSGB bureau. Further information at: []

26/07/2008:  Paul, M3KBU will be active for the RSGB IOTA Contest from
the isle of Skye (IOSA NH-07, SCOTIA CN-14), Inner Hebrides (EU-008),
using the call sign MM3KBU/p on July 26th and 27th. QSL via M3KBU,
direct ( or bureau. []

26/07/2008:  Douglas, GM0ELP will be active as MM3T from the isle of
Islay (IOSA NH22, SCOTIA CS25, WLOTA LH-1826), Inner Hebrides (EU-008).
IOTA contest the category will be Single-Op, All-Band, Low-Power,
Expedition and period of operation will be 12 hrs. QSL via MM3T at eQSL.

26/07/2008:  Look for Netti/DO6XX and Rene/DL2JRM to be active as
OZ/homecall/p from Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland  (EU-171, NJ-001 for the
Danish Islands Award) between July 26th and August 9th. QSL via home
calls, bureau preferred. []

30/07/2008:  Matt, IK2SGC plans to be QRV as IA5/IK2SGC from the island
of Elba (EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA LH-0609) between July
30th and August 29th. Look for activity on all bands. QSL via LoTW is
preferred. []

02/08/2008:  Look for Paul, M3KBU to be QRV August 2nd from the island
of Great Bernera (IOSA OH12, SCOTIA HI27), Outer Hebrides (EU-010). Look
for activity on the ususual island and IOTA frequencies. QSL via home
call, direct ( or bureau. []

03/08/2008:  Paul, M3KBU will be active August 3rd (1100-1600 UTC) as
MM3KBU/p from the island of Scalpay (IOSA OH-25, SCOTIA HI-19), Outer
Hebrides (EU-010). QSL via M3KBU, direct or bureau. []

31/08/2008:  Fred, PA1FJ will be signing SV5/PA1FJ/p from the island of
Kos (MIA MGD-016, WLOTA LH-1730), Dodecanese (EU-001), between August
31st and September 7th. He will be running QRP with 5 watts, using a
Yaesu FT817 and Buddistick antenna or 2x5m dipole. QSL via home call
either direct (, eQSL or bureau. []

18/10/2008:  Joe/W8GEX, Joe/AA4NN, Janet/W8CAA, Jay/K4ZLE and Jim/K0RH
will be active as TO5DX from Saint Barthelemy Island (NA-146, DIFO
FJ-001, WLOTA LH-0377) from October 16-28th, including a Multi-Single
entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th). They plan to have
three stations, on all HF bands, SSB and CW. The QSL route will be
announced at a later date. [NG3K]

25/10/2008:  Operators Hal/W8HC, Jerry/K8OQL and Ruben/4Z5FI will be
active from the historic Masada at the Dead Sea as special event station
for Israel's 2008 60-year Anniversary using the special call sign 4X0C,
as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th).
They have been granted permission to operate as 4X0C as a special
event/contest station from atop Israel's historical Masada National
Park. Masada was built during 37 BC to 31 BC by Herod the Great and
served as a "nearly" impenetrable stone fortress and palace.
QSL via W8HC, bureau preferred. Logs will also be uploaded to LoTW.
Further information can be found at: [NG3K]

29/11/2008:  Look for John, W2GD to be active from the island of Aruba
(SA-036, also count for WLOTA LH-0033) as P40W for the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 29-30th), a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via N2MM.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [NG3K]

25/01/2009:  Operators Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano/I2YSB, Carlo/IK1AOD,
Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA and Stefano/IK2HKT will
be active as 9L3 from Sherbro Island (AF-056), Sierra Leone, between
January 25th and February 13th. Look for activity on all bands and
modes. QSL either direct to I2YSB or via the bureau to G6MBY. Further
information at: [NG3K]

01/06/2008:  Special event station 8J0MYOKO will be aired between June
1, 2008 and January 3, 2009 to celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of
Myoko-city and JARL Niigata branch meeting in Myoko. QSL via the JARL
bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2008:  Look for special event station 8J0YMA to be QRV on all
bands and modes from June 1st through August 31st to celebrate the 50th
Anniversary of JARL Joetsu Club - JA0YMA. QSL via the JARL bureau.

01/06/2008:  Special event station 8J4626H will be aired June 1-30th for
the 22nd Yuhara Rotenburo no Hi (or Yuhara-town Outdoor Hot Spring
Bath's Day). (A play on words: First, in Japanese, "2 = ni," "2 things =
futatsu," "6 = roku," and "6 things = muttsu." So - "June 26th" ->
"626" -> "roku-futatsu-roku" -> "ro(ku)-ten-fu(tatsu)-ro(ku)" ->
"ro-ten-fu-ro" -> "rotenburo." "4" is the call area number to which
Yuhara-town belongs.). QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2008:  Look for special event station 8N1E40A to be active from
June 1st to July 10th for the Opening of National Radio Astronomical
Observatory and the 40th Anniversary of Engai Amateur Radio Club. QSL
via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/06/2008:  Special event station 8N6RARC will be aired June 1st to
July 30th to celebrate 2008 Okinawa Amateur Radio Day (RARC: Ryukyu
Amateur Radio Club). Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via
the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

05/06/2008:  SFDXAG would like to announce the commemoration of the 64th
anniversary of the D-Day landing in Normandy at Ranville on June 06
1944. Members of the South Flanders DX Activity Group will be active as
F/ON6JUN/P from June 5-9th nearby Pegasis Bridge memorial museum.
Operators include Willy/ON4LBV, Hugo/ON4AAA, Xavier/ON4ALY, Nic/ON4MGY,
Fernand/ON6UF and Jos/ON5SD. QRV on all HF bands (especially WARC),
using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. Every QSO will be confirmed with a special
QSL-card (QSL via ON5SD). Further information can be found at: [ON5SD]

05/06/2008:  Celebrating the Italian Navy Day (10 June) and the 90th
anniversary of the battle of Premuda, special stations II0MM, II9LR and
II1GA will be active June 5-14th. QSL for all via IZ0INU, direct or
bureau. Information on the relevant award can be found at [425 DX News]

06/06/2008:  As every year since 1982, the 50th division of the
Ref-Union (Manche Area) will air the special call sign TM6JUN, from Utah
Beach, on June 6, 7 and 8th on all of the possible bands allowed by the
propagation, using CW and SSB. For the souvenir see also: [F5NQL]

06/06/2008:  Michel F6IPS, as usual over several years, will sign TM6SME
to commemorate the 64th anniversary of the landing in Normandy, from his
QTH located near Saint Mère l'Eglise between June 6th and 15th. Sainte
Mère l'Eglise owns now for years the Airborne Museum which was organized
around the souvenir and the glory of the American 82nd and 101st
airborne Divisions, dropped there in the night of 5th to 6th of June
1944. Look for activity on all bands, using CW and SSB. QSL via the REF
QSL bureau. [F5NQL]

06/06/2008:  Several members of the club SK0QO plan to hit the airwaves
during the "Museum Ships Weekend" on June 6-8th. Listen for 7S0SFJ and
8S0HRA from the ships "Finngrundet" from and the first Swedish offshore
icebreaker "S/S Sankt Erik". QSLs for both calls via bureau to SK0QO.
[DX Newsletter]

07/06/2008:  Members of Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs will
activate special event station LZ17EXPO between June 7-30th. Activity
will be on all bands and modes. Operations are to commemorate the 17th
anniversary of the "HOBBY RADIO EXPO" held at the "Culture House
ARSENAL" in Kazanlak on June 14-15th. QSL via LZ1YE. [OPDX Bulletin]

07/06/2008:  Special event station TM0GP will be active June 7-20th for
the French Formula 1 Grand Prix that will be held at Nevers Magny-Cours
on 22 June. QSL via F1HWL (all QSOs will be confirmed automatically via
the bureau. [425 DX News]

07/06/2008:  Look for special event station TM3O (Tango Mike 3 Oscar) to
be aired on June 7th and 8th for the 30th anniversary of the Vendée,
Mont des Alouettes repeater (West France). It will be aired too during
the French VHF Championship. Schedule - On Saturday June 7th, 40m
between 1000 until 1400 UTC; starting 1400 UTC same day, until Sunday
8th 1400 UTC, on 144 Mhz, 432 Mhz, 1.20 Ghz in and post contest.
Operators mentioned are Patrice/F8BON, Jean-Claude/F6AQI, Denis/F6DBA,
Patrick/F6GAF, Jean-Francois/F5BCB, Lucien/F5RFS, Christian/F5SVO,
Philippe/F5TRO, Yvonnick/F4BYF, Bruno/F4DXX, Maxime/F4FEY and
Eric/F4LJW. QSL via F5KEQ. [F5NQL]

07/06/2008:  Participating in the June 7-8th Museum Ships Weekend,
operators from ARMI will be active as II2IGTO from the submarine "Toti"
at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. Expect
activity on the HF bands SSB and CW from 0930 to 1830 UTC. QSL via I2AZ,
direct or bureau. Information on the relevant award can be found at [425 DX News]

07/06/2008:  Operators from ARMI and INORC will be active June 7-10th as
IY1SP from the Naval Museum at La Spezia, for the Museum Ships Weekend
and the Italian Navy Day. Look for activity on the HF bands SSB and CW.
QSL via I1SAF, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

07/06/2008:  Special event station 8J8S will be aired between June 7th
and July 9th for the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit. This activity will be
from inside the area of JARL Iburi-Hidaka-branch, which includes Toyako.
Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL bureau.

07/06/2008:  On 7 June there are also a number of special stations will
be active from the U.K. - GB0CFN, Candy Farm Naturally, near Doncaster;
GB0NOP, Nil Obstare Potest, from Cambridge and GB0SRG, Saint Robert
Gargrave, from Gargrave, North Yorkshire. QSL via the RSGB bureau.

09/06/2008:  Jose, CT2FFC will be active with special call sign
CS2008FFC from Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, between June 9th and 14th,
including participation in the Portugal Day Contest (June 14th). QSL via
CT2FFC, direct or bureau. [CT1END]

10/06/2008:  Marq, CT1BWW will operate again as CQ4IPY from June
10-16th, September 1-7th and November 1-7th to celebrate the 4th
International Polar Year. Expect him to be active on 10-80 meter SSB,
CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further
information on the activity and the relevant award can be found at [425 DX News]

U.S.A. Special event station information can be found at:

- FJ5DX likes 50.110MHz from 2230z to 0130z.

- PP5VX is active with CushCraft 5el and FT-897. Monitors 50.110MHz.

- V3/K7BV will be active in the June 50MHz Open Contest.

04/06-08/06  GM3USR/P: Yell EU-012 Grid:IP90JM 6M 100W USB 3el QSL H/C

04/06-09/06  JW5E: Spitsbergen Island Grid:JQ78TF 6M 100 watt 4el; 2m

07/06-19/06  VP2MDD: Montserrat NA-103 6M 100W 5el yagi QSL M0AEP (d/b)

14/06-16/06  K4GUN: Grids:FM27-FM17 QRV:50-144-222 ARRL VHF Contest QSL

14/06-16/06  K7XC: ARRL VHF Contest from Booker Mtn in DM18 6, 2, 222,
432 QSL H/C

GOT6??? - 6M Information by Andy, N8OFS at:

06/06-08/06  6M0W/4: Paekya Do ARLHS:SKR-022, WLOTA:3386 QSL HL5BMX

06/06-08/06  CI2PEI: New London ARLHS:CAN-341 QSL VE1FQ (b)/VE1DHD (d)

06/06-08/06  TM6BRE: Brehat Island WLOTA:2010 QSL F6KBO (d/b)

06/06-16/06  IA5/ON7ARQ: Isola d'Elba WLOTA:0609 QSL H/C (d/b)

06/06-11/06  SV8/G4BUD/P: Nisos Samos WLOTA:4163 QSL H/C (d)

07/06-14/06  EA8/HB9DPO: Isla de La Palma WLOTA:1648 QSL H/C (d/b)

07/06-08/06  IT9DCE/P: Cape Rasocolmo WAIL:SI-034, ARLHS:ITA-032,
Admiralty:E2046 QSL H/C (d/b)

07/06-08/06  IT9DTU/P: Cape Rasocolmo WAIL:SI-034, ARLHS:ITA-032,
Admiralty:E2046 QSL H/C (d/b)

07/06-08/06  IT9NCO/P: Cape Rasocolmo WAIL:SI-034, ARLHS:ITA-032,
Admiralty:E2046 QSL H/C (d/b)

07/06-11/06  TC0W: Kefken Adasi WLOTA:0691 QSL OK2GZ (d/b)

08/06             FG5KC/P: Petite-Terre ARLHS:GUA-006, WLH:FG-005,
WLOTA:0339 QSL H/C (d/b)

09/06-19/06  TF1/, TF6/DL2VFR: Iceland WLOTA:2975 QSL H/C (d/b)

10/06-26/06  OZ/DL4AO: Bornholm Island WLOTA:2203 QSL H/C (b)

11/06-23/06  FH/DK7LX: Mayotte Island WLOTA:0376 QSL H/C (d/b)

- AA8R - Randy - 2* - 06/06/08 to 06/10/08 - SSB and CW
Round trip to Wisconsin via the Michigan UP to visit family. We will
spend a couple days in Wisconsin visiting before head back. The route
could change based on XYL’s needs to shop. I hope to get started each
morning around 1300-1400z and I will try to update the next day’s route
each night. I will try to run 40 SSB first then CW on 40, 80,30, & 20 in
that order.
June 5. Michigan - Montcalm, Mescosta, Osceola, Clare, Roscommon,
Crawford, Otsego, Cheboygan, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, Delta & Menominee.
June 6. Wisconsin - Marinette, Oconto, Brown, (C/L) Kewaunee/Door,
Brown, Winnebago, Foud du Lac, Washington, Dodge & Dane.
June 8. Wisconsin - Dane, Columbia, Marquette, Waushara Portage, Wood
(maybe), Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida.
June 9. Wisconsin - Vilas, Iron. Michigan - Geogebic, Ontonagon, C/L
Houghton/Keneenaw, Baraga, Marquett, Alger, Schoolcraft, Luce, Chippewa.
June 10. Michigan - Chippewa, Mackinaw, Cheboygan, Ostsego, Crawford,
Roscommon, Clare, Osceola, Mescosta & Montcalm.
Send email requests to [County Hunter Web]

- K4ZGB - June 7, 2008 to June 7, 2008 - CW Only
AQP June 7, Winston, Walker, Marion, Fayette, Pickens, Tuscaloosa,
Green, Sumter, Hale, Marengo, Perry and Dallas. Operating mostly 40/20
(checking openings on 15/10). Will operate 80 later in the evening
working back over some of the previous counties in route home. NOTE:
MODIFIED ROUTE. I will begin in reverse order so Dallas county will be
my starting point. [County Hunter Web]

 - As of June 2, 2008, NI5DX, Buzz, is the QSL manager for S51ZZ, Vojko.
Buzz will be able to confirm past contacts with S51ZZ, as well as any
made from this date forward. [K1XN & Golist]
QSLs received Bureau - None to report :o(

QSLs received Direct - 1A3A (via IZ4DPV), 3D2AG/P (via 3D2AG), 5H3G (via
LA4YW), 5T5DC (via DH7WW), 6W8CK (via DH7WW), 7P8FC (via ON4CJK), 9X0W
(via DK2WV), A61Q/P (via ON5NT), A92GR, A92WHD (via A92GR), BD1NNI,
C31LJ, D4C (via IZ4DPV), EA9IE, EL2PM (via EI2JD/1), J5C (via F5TVG),
J8/DJ7ZG, (via DJ7ZG), PJ5NA (via K1NA), SU1SK (via QRZ info), SU8IOTA
(via QRZ info), SU60WW (via QRZ info), T70A (via I4ZQS), TI9KK (via
EA1DR), VK1AA/2 (via VE3EXY), YI9PT (via N4XP), ZB2EO.

QSLs received LoTW - 3B9C, 8P9TS, CT3DL, CX7TT, KQ6ES, NO6X, P40L,
I am Proud to announce the short term Award comemorating the 500 years
of Funchal City Foundation. You can find the complete information at . The Rules in Portuguese, Spanish and English
can be found in this page. Please spread the news and hope to meet you
in the bands. [CT3EE]
PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7 and PJ????
>From the Balkan DX reflector....
New DXCC-Entities to come: As found on the homepage of EUDXF, President
of EUDXF Hans, PB2T, visited ARRL HQ in Newington July 24th. There was
discussion about the DXCC status of Netherland's Antilles after December
15th, 2008. It looks like four new entities for Curacao, Sint Maarten,
Saba, Sint Eustatius and Bonaire for future DXCC. (DJ5AV: I remember
there should be no further Deleted Entities added to the existing
ARRL-DXCC list - compare DXCC Rules, Removal Criteria.) Political
Background: The association "Netherland's Antilles" will finish with
"Kingdom's Day", December 15th, 2008. Until late 2008 status of a new
system will be set up. Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius voted for closer
connection with the Netherlands, while Curacao and Sint Maarten want an
autonomous status like Aruba. [YT3W via ZL2AL]
  John, VK6JB, is the moderator of a 40m DX Net that presently runs on
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 1200-1330z. The frequency is 7077.5
kHz, but if this is unusable for some reason, they will move the net to
7092 kHz +/- QRM. John states that this net may be quite early in the
morning for some stations and is interested in starting another net
possibly between 7.125-7.200 MHz if a clear frequency could be found for
the duration of the net. He adds, "As the seasons change, so do the
broadcast stations, but it is worth a try to find a frequency so we can
all join in on the DX net together. There are many VK stations from the
west to the east coast that would like to work you. If you can join the
present net or assist in finding a clear net frequency, please send any
frequency reports to and I will collate them. I would
also like to offer an open invitation to any amateur interested in 40m
DX, to join our YAHOO group. Address details are as follows:
  Post message:
  List owner:
  There are many hams already on the list server, so please come and
join them. Please deseminate this to as many news or nets as possible."
[OPDX Bulletin]
-powered by Strange Radio Team-
As you probably know, we have made a survey on website for the WWDXT
We have received several replies concerning 48 different DXpedition that
have been considered interesting by our readers.
Among those 48 different expeditions 16 have received much more positive
comments and we will ask you to vote between them. [SRT]
AMSAT says that China will likely launch a new ham radio satellite in
2009. The ham radio space agency says that it has received a report from
Michael Chen, BD5RV, that indicates the CAS-1 amateur radio bird has
completed its IARU frequency coordination and the hardware has been
The payload of CAS-1 will likely include a CW telemetry beacon, a linear
transponder, an FM repeater and a digital store and forward transponder.
These operations will use 2 meters for uplinks and 70 centimeters for
downlinks at 500mW output power. The satellite is expected to be
launched from China into a sun synchronous orbit with a 670 km apogee.
According to Chen the CAS-1 team is waiting for another payload to be
finished before launch date is officially set. (ANS)

New Russian satellite RS30
On May 23rd had been launched with success the "Yubileiny" satellite,
named RS30, by rocket, from the Plesetsk, base, along with three other
communication birds. This launching was a mean to celebrate the50th
anniversary of the first artificial bird "Sputnik-1" The beacon is
sending on 435.315 MHz.
This is an educative bird. It will be able to transmit SSTV and vocal,
in the 435 MHz band (see 435.215 MHz). It seems too that a digital
transponder is aboard to the Russian Universities students use, to make
simulations of works to be made in the future on bigger satellites.
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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