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16 June 2012                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1102
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

1A     - A team of thirteen operators from Italy, France, Poland, Spain  and
         The Netherlands will  be  active  as  1A0C  from  Santa  Maria  del
         Priorato, home of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta  (SMOM)  on
         1-4 July. They will be active on the HF bands on 6 metres,  with  a
         "strong committment" to "offer the elusive 1A  entity  to  as  many
         hams outside Europe as possible". The  team  also  intends  raising
         funds - thanks to donations and contributions from QSL  requests  -
         in order to buy radio equipment for the Order  of  Malta's  Italian
         Relief Corps  (CISOM),  an  organization  specialized  in  bringing
         assistance and relief during emergencies. Complete information  can
         be found at You can request your QSLs  one  of  three
         ways: OQRS Direct, OQRS Bureau or direct to  Francesco  Cozzi,  Via
         Nazionale 8/O, 70128 Bari BA, Italy. The entire log is expected  to
         be uploaded to  LoTW  "within  one  year"  after  the  end  of  the
         operations. [TNX DX Coffee]
9H     - Jeff, N6GQ will be active as 9H3ZZ from  Malta  (EU-023)  on  17-29
         June. QSL via home call and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Gil F4FET, Diego F4HAU, Vincent F4BKV and possibly others  will  be
         active as TM0CEZ from IOTA group  EU-157  between  24  June  and  7
         July. They will operate  CW  and  SSB  from  three  islands  (Agot,
         Cezembre and Harbour)  during  their  daylight  hours  (6-17  UTC),
         dates will depend on sea and weather  conditions.  QSL  via  F5CWU.
         Further information can be found  at  [TNX
HH     - Chris, W3CMP will be active as HH4/W3CMP  from  Haiti  (NA-096)  on
         19-29 June. He hopes to be QRV on  the  HF  bands  in  the  evening
         hours, and to give 6  and  2  metres  a  try  (50.106,  50.117  and
         144.200 MHz). QSL via home call. [TNX QRZ-DX]
I      - Alessio, IZ0UIM will be active as IB0/IZ0UIM from Ventotene  Island
         (EU-045) on 15-19 June. He plans to be QRV  on  40-10  metres  SSB.
         QSL via home call, LoTW and eQSL. [TNX DX Coffee]
JA, JD - JA2MET will be operating as JD1BMG/JD1 from the  Ogasawara  Islands
         (AS-031) until 24 June. He will then go  and  be  QRV  as  JA2MET/1
         from Mikura-jima (AS-008) from 26 June to 1 July. QSL  via  bureau.
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LA     - Wolfgang, DM2AUJ will be active  as  LA/DM2AUJ  from  Senja  Island
         (EU-046) on 24-28 June and from the Lofoten Islands  (EU-076)  from
         30 June to 10 July. QSL via home call. [TNX]
P2     - Axel DL6KVA, Hans-Peter HB9BXE  and  Eddy  K5WQG  will  be  joining
         Derek G3KHZ (P29NI) and Hans  SM6CVX  (P29VCX)  for  the  announced
         IOTA expedition to Papua New Guinea [425DXN 1098].  Their  schedule
         is as follows:
         20-24 October  P29VCX  Emirau Island (OC-103)
         27-31 October  P29NI   Simberi Island (OC-099)
         2-4 November   TBA     Lihir Island (OC-069)
         The main team will fly home on 6 November, while Hans will continue
         the trip and be active from two other groups:
         6-9 November   P29VCX  Buka Island (OC-135)
         9-12 November  P29VCX  Manu Island (OC-025)
         Bookmark  for further  information  and
         updates. [TNX IZ1CRR]
TA     - Look for Berkin, TA3J to be active as TA3J/0  from  Yassica  Island
         (AS-099) until 17 June. He is QRV on  40-10  metres  SSB.  QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX TA3J]
TA     - The TC  Special  Wireless  Activity  Team  and  the  Giresun  Radio
         Amateurs and Nature Sports Club  will  be  active  as  TC6BLH  from
         Boztepe Lighthouse on 30 June-1 July, and  as  TC2KLH  from  Kefken
         Ada Lighthouse (IOTA AS-159) on 27-29 July, IOTA Contest  included.
         QSL via TA1HZ. Information on the Western Black Sea Lighthouses  On
         The  Air  award  at  [TNX
TF     - Volkmar, DL4AOJ will be active as  TF/DL4AOJ  from  Grimsey  Island
         (EU-168) on 15-19 June. He operates mainly  SSB  with  some  CW  on
         40-10 metres. [TNX DX Newsletter]
VE     - Look for Dick AH6EA and Harry K9DXA to operate SSB, CW and RTTY  as
         VY0/AH6EZ and VY0/K9DXA from Rankin Inlet, Nunavut between 21  June
         and 2 July.  They  hope  to  go  and  operate  from  Marble  Island
         (NA-185) "for several hours on one day"  in  the  25-29  June  time
         frame.  Further information  at  [TNX DX
VP2V   - Dave, W9DR will be active as  VP2V/W9DR  from  the  British  Virgin
         Islands (NA-023) from 21 June to 2 July. He  will  operate  CW  and
         SSB on 6 metres (50.115.6 Mhz and 50.115 Mhz). QSL via  home  call.
         [TNX VA3RJ]
VR     - David, VO1AU will be  active  as  VR2/VO1AU    from  Lantau  Island
         (AS-006), Hong Kong on 15-17 June.  He  will  run  100  watts  into
         "simple antennas", and will operate mostly CW and on 6 metres  when
         the band opens. QSL via VO1MX. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Dave, AC0QG will be active  as  AC0QG/5  from  South  Padre  Island
         (NA-092) from  18  June  to  13  July.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX]
W      - Look for AJ4T, KI4GGJ, KJ4AVG, KV4T  and  W4CCF  to  be  active  as
         homecall/p from Dauphin Island (NA-213) on 22-25  June.  KV4T  will
         concentrate on 17 metres CW and AJ4T on 20 metres  SSB,  while  the
         others will roam the bands. QSL via home call. [TNX]
YB    -  A  very  large  team   of  operators   will  be  active   as   YE0M
         (  from  Pulau  Kaliage  Besar,  Seribu    Islands
         (OC-177) on 6-9 July. They will be QRV on 160-2 metres CW, SSB  and
         RTTY with several stations. QSL  via  YB1GJS,  direct  and  bureau.
         [TNX YB0AZ]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE  --->    The  May  2012  issue  is  now  available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

CASS AWARD ---> The Cass Award  (  encourages  DXpeditions
to maximize the number of DXers they work by  annually  presenting  a  $1000
prize  to  the  single-operator  DXpedition  that  works  the   most  unique
callsigns within a 4-week interval. This award is named  in  honor  of  Cass
WA6AUD  (SK),  whose  stories  in  the  West  Coast  DX  Bulletin  taught  a
generation of DXers that DX IS! The winner of the 2012 Cass  Award  will  be
announced in March 2013. An "unlimited" award category with a  larger  prize
is under development for introduction in 2013. If you'd  like  to  pledge  a
contribution, send email to Contribution[@] [TNX AA6YQ]

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2012  Photo  Gallery  (306
pictures    collected    by    Tom,       K8CX)       can    be    found  at is  the  16th  year  for  the  Dayton
Photo Galleries.  There  is  also  a  recap  of  this  years  Hamvention  at If anyone  has  a  forum
review or interesting story, please submit it to  K8CX  to  be  included  on
this page. [TNX K8CX]

KH6RRC ---> The Hawaii IOTA Club was born to explore possibilities and -  if
permission is obtained from the Trustees of  the  Papahanaumokua'kea  Marine
National Monument - operate from IOTA new ones in the Northwestern  Hawaiian

QSL 4J9NM ---> Ralph, K2PF says he no longer handles QSL  cards  for  4J9NM.
Requests should now be sent direct to Denis Denisov, P.O. Box  18,  AZ  Baku
1000, Azerbaijan.

+ SILENT KEYS + Jean-Luc Gaveau (F6BIV) passed away unexpectedly a few  days
ago. He took part in four expeditions with the Radio Club de Provins  (TK7C,
TS7C, TJ9PF and PJ4C) and had joined the V84SMD team for the  November  2012
operation from Brunei.
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Hugh R.  Brand  (6Y5HB,  Jamaica
Amateur Radio Association's  IARU  liaison),  Marciano  Righini  (I4MY,  ARI
Ravenna Honorary President and a pioneer in  amateur  reception  of  weather
and earth imaging satellites), Philip W. David  (K6DLV,  ex-YB0ARA)  and  W.
Lane Tarleton (KC4CD - he had lived  in  Honduras  for  a  number  of  years
operating as KC4CD/HR2; his QSL manager N4AA says that he still has all  the
logs and "will maintain those  records  for  an  indefinite  period,  should
anyone want a card").

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2CWG      3A2LF       EM2012LL    UX7LL       LU5FZ       EA7FTR
3Z0LH       SP1PBW      EM2012LS    US4LS       LZ05WFF     LZ1BJ
3Z1BLH      SP1DOZ      EM2012MH    UR4MH       LZ109RF     LZ1YE
3Z2012BRP   SP9BRP      EM2012ML    UR2ML       N2W         W2GR
3Z2012YRY   SP2UUU      EM2012QN    UT3QN       OH0/SK3SN   SM3KIF
4A3RRC      EA5FL       EM2012QQ    UT8QQ       OK5EPC      OK1AW
4M6M        YV5MM       EM2012R     RA4LW       P29FR       I2RFJ
5H3EE       DL4ME       EM2012UF    UT8UF       PA300BPM    PD2GSP
5P1YF       DL1YFF      EM2012UO    UT4UO       PJ7MF       IZ1MHY
7P8CC       EI7CC       EM2012UU    US7UU       R1150TV     R3ID
7X2GK       IK2DUW      EM2012UZ    UY5UZ       R1150V      RK3VWA
7X2RO       OM3CGN      EM2012VA    US0VA       R11GGGR     UA6MM
7X5NZ       EA7FTR      EM2012W     UR5WD       R12GGGR     UA6MM
7X5QB       EA7FTR      EM4IFF      US5IQ       R200BP      RV3AGB
8S0HRA      SK0QO       EN2012GDX   UR5GDX      R200V       RK3LO
9H3AY       G3SDG       EN2012I     UY6IM       R275T       UA4HRT
9H3UT       DL9GDB      EN2012IO    UT8IO       R3GOFF      R3GO
9K2KCBB     9K2RA       EN2012IW    UT3IW       R44GGGR     UA6MM
9M2QQ       DF5UG       EN2012L     UT8LN       R44WFF      RA3AKF
9N7AK       K0YAK       EN2012LTX   UR4LTX      R55EPC      R9CBA
A41PB       EB7DX       EN2012MN    UR1MN       R66GGGR     UA6MM
A45KK       EA7FTR      EN2012NK    UT3NK       R73EPC      RK3DSW
A45WW       EA5ZD       EN2012UU    US1UU       R73GGGR     UA6MM
A52BA       JK1EBA      EN2012UZ    UR5UZ       R77GGGR     UA6MM
A52JY       JA1JQY      EN2012ZY    UT5ZY       SD1S        LZ1YE
A52KJ       JA1KJW      EN5RFF      UT1RT       SD7SUB      SM7EYO
A52MA       JA3MCA      EO2012EFC   UR3EZ       SG3U        SM3CXS
A52VE       JA8VE       EO2012IO    UY8IO       SN0DMP      SP9PGB
A61BK       NI5DX       EO2012IZ    UX5IZ       SN0ZKWT     SP3YAC
A62A        IZ8CLM      EO2012JT    UU2JT       SN2012ATE   SP9ATE
AH0I        JF1IRW      EO2012KW    US0KW       SN2012EB    SP4EOO
AJ2L/KH2    JR2KMX      EO2012LBL   UR4LBL      SN2012EURO  SP2KFL
C31CT       EA3QS       EO2012LD    UR9LD       SN2012FUD   SP2FUD
C4Z         G3SWH       EO2012LF    UX3LF       SN2012MZH   SP9MZH
C6ABB       N2RFA       EO2012LN    UX1LN       SN2012RKK   SP2RKK
C6AJR       W8GEX       EO2012LX    US3LX       SN2012WR    SP6NIC
CA3KHZ      EA5KB       EO2012NY    UT4NY       SN755BLONIE SP5KOG
CE1TT       EA5KB       EO2012UA    UY2UA       ST2UOK      EA7FTR
CO6LE       EA5GL       EO2012UC    UR4UC       SU9VB       UA4WHX
CO8TW       HB9SVT      EO2012UEFA  UR7UC       SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
CS5FAT      CT6ARL      EO2012W     US5WE       SX135HRC    SV1EOS
DA0LSW      DM3ZF       EO2012WZA   UT7WZA      TC48TCF     TA1CM
DD4T        IZ4AMS      EO25R       UT7RW       TM0MIT      F5CWU
E77DX       OE1EMS      EV1150P     EW6DX       TM1EJ       F5YD
E77XZ       DK6XZ       F/ON6JUN/p  ON5SD       TM210VH     F4GFE
EA6/G3SZU   M0OXO       FK8GX       W3HNK       TM24H       F6KFI
EA6QY       EB7DX       GB2QJ       G4IOG       TM5BBC      F2UW
ED3CW       EB3CW       GB4EPC      M0TVT       TM82L       F5MSS
ED5ATK      EA5ATK      GB60HRH     M0OXO       TT8FC       EA3GWK
ED5DM       EA5DM       GB60QE      G0TOC       TT8PK       F4EGS
ED5DWS      EA5DWS      GD4JVG      M0URX       UE40MD      UA4LU
ED5DY       EA5DY       HC1MD       K8LJG       V31IZ       JO1CRA
ED5FL       EA5FL       HE5LC       HB9LC       V44KAI      W5TFW
ED5HAB      EA5HAB      HF2012DWR   SQ1DWR      V47GIW      W4GIW
ED5JC       EC5JC       HF2012IYV   SQ6IYV      V73/AF6SU   G3ZVW
ED5KB       EA5KB       HF2012KV    SQ6KV       VI2FG30     VK2FFG
ED6QY       EA6QY       HF80WW      SP9KRT      VP2MDD      M0AEP
ED8DD       EA8DD       HS0ZEX      DL9MDZ      VP2MRT      KB4CRT
EG0FAS      EB1BSV      HZ1TT       IZ8CLM      W3WFF       N3GJ
EG4ANA      EA4AUG      II1WIL      IQ4FE       XV2W        W6NWS
EG5SUB      EA5HEW      II2IBCI     IQ2MI       XV9NPS      JA2NPS
EG7AO       EA7JDU      II2IGTO     IQ2MI       YP0CD       YO5BFJ
EH7MCB      EB7CVL      II9AS       IT9JPW      YI1RZ       IK2DUW
EH8FSJ      EA8RKL      J48SAI      SV1RK       YR6WFF      YO6KNE
EM2012AW    UR5AW       JT0YAB      DK1MAX      YU0EPC      YU7AOP
EM2012EURO  UR5LCV      JT0YPS      UA9YPS      YW5YL       YV5AJ
EM2012EZ    UR7EZ       JX9JKA      LA9JKA      Z21BB       W3HNK
EM2012F     UR5FAV      JY8SA       A71AM       ZF2LC       W2SM
EM2012HA    UR7HA       KH0N        JA6CNL      ZL2WL       NI5DX
EM2012IDX   UR8IDX      KH7Y        EA5GL       ZQ2FX       G3RFX
EM2012IO    UX3IO       KP4BD       NP3O        ZV3MAR      PY3AA
EM2012L     US0LW       LS1D        AC7DX       ZZ190GOB    PT2OP

DK1MAX   Max Wild, Westendstr. 17, 85084 Winden am Aign, Germany
EA3QS    Salvador Carol Tafall, Josep Calvet 64 Nave 6, 08302 Mataro
         (Barcelona), Spain
EA5FL    Jose Miguel Moncho Alcaraz, Apartado Postal 252, 03700 Denia
         (Alicante), Spain
IK2DUW   Antonello Passarella, Via M. Gioia 6, 20812 Limbiate MB, Italy
IZ8CLM   Salvatore Rapacciuolo, Ufficio Pompei, Casella Postale 10, 80045
         Pompei NA, Italy
JA1JQY   Shigeo Matsui, Shimoseya 2-31-10, Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi,
         Kanagawa-ken, 246-0035, Japan
JA1KJW   Hisashi Nakayama, Shibuya 1-17-8, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
         242-0023, Japan
JA3MCA   Kaoru Tachibana, Oba-cho 385-21,  Aoba-ku,  Yokohama-shi,
         Kanagawa-ken, 225-0023, Japan
JA8VE    Kunio Saito, 1-5-704 Nishi 11 Minami 9, Chuo-ku, Sapporo,
         Hokkaido, 064-0809, Japan
JK1EBA   Akira Hasegawa, Fukuda 3702-3, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 242-0024,
LA9JKA   Svein Rabbevag, Brendlia 12, 6013 Aalesund, Norway
TX5VT    Christian Veillet, P.O. Box 2124, Kamuela HI 96743, USA
UA9YPS   Aleksandr Y. Shishkin, ul. Kalinina 18-18, Rubtsovsk, Altajskij
         kr., 658213, Russia


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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