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TA2BBS > DXNEWS   25.05.12 19:41l 277 Lines 16374 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1099
Subj: 425 DX News #1099
Sent: 120525/1623Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW109

26 May 2012                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1099
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5B     - Members of the Paphos District of the Cyprus Amateur Radio  Society
         will be active as P3EU between 1 July and 31 December to  celebrate
         the first Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the European  Union.
         QSL via 5B4AHO, direct or bureau. [TNX 5B4AHJ]
CT     - CT1EPV, CT1GFK, CT1GPQ, CT1IUA and CT3FN will participate  in  this
         weekend's CQ WPX CW Contest as CS2W from Culatra  Island  (EU-145).
         QSL via  HB9CRV and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
DL     - Mike,  DG5LAC  will  be  active  as  DG5LAC/p  from  Usedom  Island
         (EU-129) on 27-29 July. He will be QRV  on  80-10  metres  SSB  and
         will participate in the IOTA  Contest.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX
EI     - "Father Ted" was a popular  sitcom  set  on  the  remote  fictional
         Craggy Island. EI0TED  (EJ0TED)  is  the  callsign  issued  to  the
         Craggy Island DXpedition Group,  whose  members  are  dedicated  to
         activation of offshore islands around the coast of  Ireland.  Their
         inaugural activity will be on 27  May  from  Glenquin,  Co.  Clare,
         main  island  of  Ireland  (EU-115).  Announcements    of    future
         operations will be posted to
F      - Keith, G3TTC will visit and be  QRV  from  several  French  islands
         between 26 May and 22 June:
         26 May     F/G3TTC/p   Cezembre  (EU-157)
         28 May     F/G3TTC/p   Brehat (EU-074)
         2 June     F/G3TTC/p   Batz (EU-105)
         5 June     F/G3TTC/p   Molene (EU-065)
         6 June     F/G3TTC/p   Ouessant (EU-065)
         9 June     F/G3TTC/p   Sein (EU-068)
         12 June    F/G3TTC/p   Glenan Islands (EU-094)
         14 June    F/G3TTC/p   Houat (EU-048)
         16-22 June F/G3TTC     Chausey Islands (EU-039)
         He will operate SSB on 40 metres and higher  bands.  QSL via G3TTC,
         direct  or bureau. [TNX]
F      - Commemorating  the   100th  anniversary  of  the  wireless  station
         established by radio pioneer Roberto Clemens Galletti  di  Cadilhac
         at Leschaux (Savoie), special callsign TM6GAL will be  active  from
         28 May to 10 June. QSL via F6HQP. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
F      - Diego, F4HAU and Gil, F4FET will  be  going  on  a  "Morbihan  Gulf
         Island Tour" on 1-8 June. They plan to be  active  as  TM0MIT  from
         Moines Island (DIFM AT-014, not IOTA), which  will  be  their  main
         QTH, as well as from other ten non-IOTA islands in that  area.  QSL
         via F5CWU.  Details  can be  found at [TNX
FO     - Pat, F4EBT will operate as FO/F4EBT from French Polynesia  on  1-24
         June. He will visit and be active holiday style  from  the  islands
         of Tahiti  (OC-046),  Moorea  (OC-046),  Raiatea  (OC-067),  Huaine
         (OC-067), Bora-Bora (OC-067) and Maupiti  (OC-067).  QSL  via  home
         call. [TNX NG3K]
HL     - Kei, HL2UVH and another operator will be active from Ch'ung  Island
         (AS-060) on 26-27 May. Look for HL0V during  the  WPX  CW  Contest,
         while HL0A will be used outside the CQ event. QSL via HL2UVH.  [TNX
         DX World]
I      - ARI Fidenza will participate  in  the  Museum  Ships  Weekend  (2-3
         June) as II1WIL from  La  Spezia,  where  the  former  presidential
         yacht USS Williamsburg has been moored  for  nearly  twenty  years.
         QSL via IQ4FE, direct or bureau. Further information can  be  found
         at [TNX IK4VFB]
I      - Gianni  I7PHH,  Davide  IK4DCT,  Andrea  IK4OLQ,  Vin  IK7IMO,  Art
         IK7JWY, Piero IK7VJX, Roby IK7XIV, Bartolo IW7ECA and Luigi  IZ7PDX
         will be active as IJ7A from San Pietro  Island  (EU-073)  on  26-29
         July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via  IK7XIV.  Further  information
         can be found at
JA     - Kan, JE1SCF and Yoshi,  JG4IQC  will  be  active  as  JE1SCF/6  and
         JG4IQC/6 from the Daito Islands (AS-047) from 29 June  to  2  July.
         They will operate CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via  home  calls,
         direct or bureau. [TNX JN6RZM]
JT     - Alex UA9YAB (JT0YAB) and Alex UA9YPS (JT0YPS) will be  active  from
         the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park from  31  May  to  4  June.  See for QSLling instructions. [TNX UA9YAB]
KH8    - Yuri, N3QQ and Dick, N7RO plan to be active in their spare time  as
         KH8/KL7RRC from Tutuila (OC-045), American Samoa for  one  week  in
         late May or early June. When in Pago Pago,  they  will  be  meeting
         FWS  officials  and  boat  owners  discussing  the  possibility  of
         activating Rose Atoll (OC-190) in December/January. [TNX DX World]
KL     - Rick, K6VVA has "suspended for an indefinite period" his 28-30 June
         expedition to IOTA group NA-240  [425DXN  1067]  for  a  number  of
         reasons. "In considering ALL factors now and  the  costs  involved"
         he says, "re-activating  NA-240  at  this  time  is  simply  not  a
         prudent decision" (read the details  at
         He adds that "with few exceptions,  future  IOTA  activations  will
         NOT be announced in advance. Notification will be made just  before
         leaving  for  the  airport,  or  while  in  route  to   the    IOTA
         destination". You may want to check Twitter (@k6vva).
OZ     - Once again the  OZ1RDP Scout  team (  will be  active
         from Romo Island (EU-125) on 25-29 May. They plan to operate SSB on
         10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and maybe 160 metres, and BPSK31  on 30  metres.
         QSL via DL9BCP, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
SM     - Look for 8S0DAY to be active from Rindo Island (EU-084) on 26  May.
         QSL via SM0MPV, bureau preferred. [TNX]
SV9    - Look  for Alex, SV9/SQ9UM to be active from  Crete  (EU-015)  until
         28 May. He operates mainly CW and RTTY on  40-6  metres,  and  will
         take part in the CQ WPX CW Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX SQ9UM]
VP5    - Look  for  VP5/W9RN and VP5/KX4WW to  be  active  on  160-6  metres
         from Providenciales (NA-002), Turks and Caicos Islands from 31  May
         to 7 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU     - The Malabar Amateur Radio  &  Scouting  Society  (VU2MLQ)  will  be
         active field day style as 8T1M on 27-30 May. They plan to  run  two
         stations on the HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via VU2MLQ and LoTW.
W      - The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (KK5W) will  operate  SSB  and
         CW on 40-10 metres from the radio rooms of USS Cavalla  (submarine)
         and USS Stewart (destroyer escort) during the Museum Ships  Weekend
         on 2-3 June. The ships are  located  at  Seawolf  Park  on  Pelican
         Island (NA-143). QSL direct to KK5W. [TNX KF2TI]
YB     - Kadek, YB9BU and others are expected to be QRV  from  Wamar  Island
         (OC-249) on 25-28 May. [TNX JN6RZM]
YV     - Alex, UA9YAB and Alex, UA9YPS will be active  from  two  Venezuelan
         island groups between 2 and 9 August. Look for them to  be  signing
         YV7/homecall from Margarita (SA-012) and as YV5/homecall  from  Los
         Roques (SA-035). QSL via home calls. [TNX UA9YAB]

CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 May):
Call          Category        Country            QSL
4L0A          SOAB            Georgia            LoTW
4U1GSC        SOAB HP         Italy              9A2AA
5X1RO         SOSB 15M        Uganda             F8DFP
6O3A          SO              Somalia  
6V7S          SOAB            Senegal            RK4FF
6Y3W          SOAB            Jamaica            RA4LW
9H3PP         SOSB            Malta              HA5PP
A5A           M/?             Bhutan             LoTW
CS2W          M/S             Portugal           HB9CRV
EE8X          SOAB            Canary Isls        W2GR
HK1NA         M/M             Colombia           K6IPM
HK1NA         M/M             Colombia           K6IPM
HL0V                          Korea              HL2UVH
HP1WW         SOAB            Panama             OH0XX
HQ2N          SOSB            Honduras           EA5GL
J48HW         SOAB  HP        Greece             HA0HW
KP2M          M/S             Virgin Isls        AI4U
KP2MM         SOAB            Virgin Isls        LoTW
LX7I          M/S             Luxembourg         LX2A
MJ0CFW        SOAB LP         Jersey             M0CFW
NH2T          SOAB HP         Guam               W2YC
OH0X          SO              Aland Isls         OH2TA
OH10X         SO              Finland            OH2BH
OH8X          SO              Finland            OH2UA
P40H                          Aruba              OK7MT
P49Y          SOAB HP         Aruba              AE6Y
PR5B          SOSB 80M        Brazil             6K5YPD
PR5W          SOSB 80M        Brazil             PY5FB
PT5T          SOAB HP         Brazil             K3IRV
PW0F          SOAB LP         F. de Noronha      OH2BH
PW5D          SOSB            Brazil             M0OXO
PX2W          M/S             Brazil             PY2YU
PZ5P                          Surinam            UA4LU
SF0530COH                     Sweden             SM0PSO
SJ2W          M/S             Sweden             LotW
ST2AR         SOAB            Sudan              S53R
SV5/N6GQ      SOAB QRP        Dodecanese         N6GQ
SV9/SQ9UM     SOAB LP         Crete              SQ9UM
SW8A                          Greece             LZ1QN
T6MO          SOAB LP         Afghanistan        K9GY
TC2X          SO              Turkey (AS)        OH2BH
TC7C          SOAB            Turkey             RA1QQ
TK4A          M/2             Corsica            LoTW
TX8CW         SOAB LP         New Caledonia      ZL3CW
V26E          SOAB LP         Antigua            AB2E
V31UB         SOAB            Belize             KU5B
V6A           SOAB            Micronesia         JA7HMZ
VC3T          SOAB            Canada             VE3DZ
VC6Z                          Canada             VE6BF
VK9PN         M/?             Lord Howe Island   VK2PN
XP2I          SOAB LP         Greenland          OZ1BII
YE0X          M/2             Indonesia          YB0ZZ
ZP9MCE        SOSB 10M        Paraguay           EA5ZD
ZW5B          SOAB HP         Brazil             K3IRV
ZX5J          SOSB            Brazil             AI4U
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, at http://.com/Misc/wpxc2012.html - good  contest to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXPEDITION COSTS ---> The enlightening  presentation  given by Don, N1DG  at
the recent Dayton hamvention is now available  for download  on the Northern
California  DX  Foundation's  website ( - it's  good food  for

GRENADA ---> Harry, AC8G (J37K) is planning a 6 (can be more) night stay  in
Grenada for the  CQ  WW  SSB  Contest  (27-28  October),  with  considerable
operating the days before the contest with  emphasis  on  non-contest  bands
and  modes.  If interested  in  joining the team,  please  contact  Harry at
hflasher[@] for more details. [TNX AC8G]

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Sponsored by the  Battleship  New  Jersey  Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's Museum Ships Weekend will  be  held  from
00.00 UTC on 2 June until 23.59 UTC on the 3rd. Information  on  the  event,
including the relevant certificate and the listing of  participating  ships,
can be found at

QSL 7O6T ---> The OQRS (Online QSL Request System) for 7O6T is  now  up  and
running at, and can be used for either direct  and
bureau cards. Traditional requests  can  be  sent  to  UA3DX,  direct  (Nick
Averyanov, P.O. Box  39,  Vlasikha,  Moskovskaya  obl.  143010,  Russia)  or
bureau. The entire log will be uploaded to LoTW by the end of November.

QSL HK0NA ---> The QSL cards have been printed  and  delivered  to  the  QSL
manager (N2OO). Approximately 35,000 QSOs have been  pre-processed  so  far,
and the first mailings will start going out around 2 June. "LoTW  upload  is
scheduled for sometime around early September 2012", N2OO says. "This  gives
us proper time to purify  the  log".  Bookmark  for

will deploy five stations in this year's event: OH0X from the Aland  Islands
(operated by OH2TA), OH10X from Finland  (operated  by  OH6KZP),  OH8X  from
Finland (operated by OH2UA), PW0F from  Fernando  de  Noronha  (operated  by
OH2MM/PY2ZEA) and TC2X from Asiatic Turkey (operated by OH2PM). [TNX OH2BN]

+ SILENT KEYS + Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML passed  away  on  23  May.  A  former
First Vice President of ARRL, one week ago  he  was  inducted  into  the  CQ
Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. Other  recently  reported  Silent  Keys  include
Xavier Paradel  (EA3ALV),  Masahisa  "Maza"  Matsubara  (JA1BHK),  David  G.
Gardner (K6LPL), Homer D. Wibel (K9ECE), James M. Mozley (W2BCH), Ronald  C.
Williams (W9YZ), Lou Grubb (WA7HZO) and B.A.N. Raju (VU2NR).


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8/SP2FUD,  3C0E,  3C6A,  3DA0NW,
4K8M, 4L0A, 4L8A, 4W0VB, 5R8RJ, 5X4B, 6O3A, 6Y0A, 7X5QB, 8Q7DV,  9M6/JA1PBV,
9N7MD, A25JR, A35XG, A35YZ, A52JR,  A65OO,  A71BU,  AT2DW  (AS-175),  B4R/5,
C21HA, C6AKQ, C6ANM,  C91NW,  CE9VPM,  CO6LE,  CO6LP,  CP4BT,  CR6K,  CX5BW,
D44AC, DP0GVN, DP0GVN/A, DV1UD, E51BKV, E51EWP, E51M,  E74X,  EA9AI,  ES3AX,
ET3SID,  EY7AD,  FK/F4BKV,  FK/I2GPT,  FK8GN,  FR/DJ7RJ,  FW0NAR   (OC-054),
KP2/W1EQ, LU1ZI, LY1FW, PJ2T, PJ4X, R0/US0IW (AS-039), R2KW,  S01MZ,  SU9VB,
TT8ES, TX6T/p, UK8AR, UM20Y,  UN7QX,  UP2L,  V25AA,  V26M,  V5/DJ2HD,  V55V,
V73/KJ6BBP, V85SS, VK0TH, VK8BI/p (OC-185), VK9/ZL1RS, VK9XS, VP2MMM,  VP6T,
VP9/W6PH, VR2KF, XR0Y, XV1X,  XV2RZ,  XW3DT,  YN2NW,  YS3CW,  Z32KI,  ZD7FT,
ZD7XF, ZD8XF, ZF2OE, ZK2C, ZL1RS, ZL7J, ZX2S (SA-028).


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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