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KB8NW  > DX       21.01.08 14:24l 547 Lines 30160 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.842
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 842
Sent: 080120/2208Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:35893 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.842
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 842
BID: $OPDX.842
January 21, 2008
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, WK3N,
W8UVZ, K9EL, K9WZB, W9ZR, DX-IS News Site, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, BD5RV/4,
CX5BW, DK8JB, DK9TN, DL5XL, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT,
for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 13th-January, through Sunday, 20th-January there were
223 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
3Y/b, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7,
A9, AP,  BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP,
CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK,
EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, G,
GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H2, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, JA, JD/m, JT, JY, K, KG4, KH0,
KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OJ0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S7, SM, SP,
ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T30, T32, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TL,
TR, TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YA,
YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD9, ZL, ZP,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later" (WFWL).

California DX Club). Press Release dated January 16th:
"To all DXers,
  The convention committee just wanted to let you know that registrations
for this year's convention are now being accepted. You can get registration
information and download the convention registration form at:
If you have problems downloading the registration form, please send an
E-mail to with your mailing address, and we will
mail you a copy.
  While you are there please take a look around the new convention Web
site (, many of the pages are now being updated
on a regular basis. Notices of updates, news and information can be
found on the breaking news page. So check the site often to keep up on
all the happenings..."
 73 & Good DX
 2008 Int. DX Conv. Committee

3A, MONACO (Op cancelled). Ghis, ON5NT, informs OPDX that his activity
from Monaco has to be cancelled because his host in Monaco has been

3Y, BOUVET ISLAND (Update). Rhynhardt, ZS6DXB, 3Y0E Pilot station and
Media Officer, announced this past week (edited): "Due to high QRM from
Europe and a lot of requests from people with restricted licenses, we have
moved 3Y0E operating frequency. Effective immediately, 3Y0E will change
operating frequency to 14.260 MHz working split 5-10 kHz up. Operating
times and schedule still remains the same due to the availability of power
on the Island. We wish all that need 3Y0E still in their logbook good luck
and good DX this weekend! Remember to visit the Web site to have
a look if you are in the online log and for regular and interesting updates
about the 3Y0E operation." Look for updates and announcements on the
official 3Y0E operation Web page at:
The 3Y0E log is now available online at:
INTEREST NOTE: OPDX has received a report that Petrus, 3Y0E, has been busy
due to a problem on the Island. One of the team members has been bitten
by an 400Kg elephant seal and Petrus is currently occupied looking after
the team member as he is the medic on the Island. We don't know how
critical the bite was, but we hope to receive an update soon.

4S, SRI LANKA (Top-Band). Nelson, 4S7NE, has been quite active on 160
meters lately. Activity seems to start around 1930z. It has been reported
that Nelson intends to listen daily for NA stations at 0000z which is
about 30 minutes before his sunrise. He will be transmitting on 1826 kHz.
He will also be active around 2200z most days for EC sunset. If Nelson
is not on the Top-Band, check 80 or 40 meters. Nelson is using a "T"
vertical with a 50 foot vertical section and approximately 20 radials.
He lives in a rural location and  has no man-made noise, so his receive
capabilities are excellent.

5X, UGANDA. Nick, G3RWF, will once again be active as 5X1NH from February
23rd to March 22nd. Activity will be limited because he is on holiday.
Activity will be on all bands except 160m and 6 meters. Modes will be
CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. He will use 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via

6 METER CARIBBEAN DXPEDITION. Dennis, K7BV, will be active this summer
from the Caribbean, but on 6 meters ONLY. Look for him to sign as V3/K7BV
from Caye Caulker Island (NA-073, WW Loc. EK57XR), Belize, from June
20-26th, and as HK0/K7BV from San Andres Island (NA-033, WLOTA LH-2990,
WW Loc EK92DM) between June 28th and July 6th. His equipment will be a
FT-450 with ACOM-1000 amplifier, running 1KW into a 7 element and 3
element beam. The main frequency will be 50.106.2 MHz USB and /B. The
pilot station will be Pat, W5OZI. QSL direct only to W1JJ ( For
more information, visit his interesting Web page at: 

8Q, MALDIVES (AS-013). Just a reminder that Andrew, G7COD, will once
again be active from Embudu Island, South Male Atoll (WLOTA L-3911) this
week using the callsign 8Q7AK between January 21st and February 2nd.
This will be the fourth time being active from here. Activity will be
mainly SSB with some CW. He plans to be operational everyday (approx.)
between 0900-1100z, 1400-1600z and 1800-1830z. Suggested frequencies are:
7093, 10123, 14147, 18133, 21253 and 24953 kHz (+/- 10 kHz). For complete
details of operating times, suggested frequencies, QSL information etc....,
please check 8Q7AK on QSL via G7COD, direct or by the bureau.

9A, CROATIA. Zrinko (Zik), VE3ZIK, will be once again active from Bilice,
between January 27th and February 1st. Activity will be mostly during
the evening hours on 40/30/20 meters, CW and Digital modes (RTTY, PSK31
and PSK63). QSL via DO7ZZ, DARC bureau OK. QSL E-mail requests at:

CE0Z, JUAN FERNANDEZ. Svein, LA6IKA, will be active as CE0Z/LA6IKA between
Jan 22-29th. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters, CW and PSK. QSL via his
home callsign.

CQ DX MARATHON (Submission Deadline). John, K9EL, DX Marathon Administrator,
reminds everyone: "The deadline for submission of logs for the 2007 CQ DX
Marathon is January 31, 2008. Official rules, CQ country list, submission
forms and more information is available at the official DX Marathon Web
Site at:         
A list of logs received as of January 18th, 2008, is on the Web site. High
claimed scores will be posted shortly after the submission deadline. Look
for official results and announcement of winners in an upcoming issue of
CQ Magazine."

CW0, URUGUAY. Pedro, CX5BW, informs OPDX that a team of CX operators
will use the special callsign CW0TOP during the CQ World-Wide 160 Meter
CW DX Contest (January 26-27th) as a Multi-Op entry. Operators mentioned
are: CX2AQ, CX3AL, CX4DX, CX5BW, CX6VM and possibly CX7CO. QSL via CX6VM.

CY0, SABLE ISLAND (Update). The CY0X 6 meter DXpediton to Sable Island
now has a Web page up and running (but still under construction) at:
The DXpedition is planned between June 25th - July 5th. Operators are:
Pete/VE3IKV, Dick/K5AND and Chris/W3CMP. Activity will be on CW and SSB.
The fixed 6m station (in FN93) will use the callsign CY0X and CY0RA (for
the portable station in GN03). The fixed station will use 800 watts into
a 7 element beam up 40 ft. The portable 6m station in GN03 will have 100
watts into a 5 element beam up 30 ft. Other references are: Sable Island -
East Lighthouse (ARLHS SAB-001, TWLHD WLH CY0-001, WLOTA:0758, WW Loc.
GN03CX) and Sable Island - West Lighthouse (ARLHS SAB-002, TWLHD WLH
CY0-002, WW Loc. FN93XW).

DAYTON HAMVENTION 160M DINNER BANQUET. George, W8UVZ, (this year's Chairman)
announced that the 18th Annual Top-Band Dinner Banquet will be held on
May 16th. More details are forthcoming in mid-February. Stay tuned!

SouthWest Ohio DX Association is pleased to sponsor the 23rd annual DX
Dinner to be held in conjunction with the 2008 Dayton HamVention ®. The
dinner will be Friday evening, May 16th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,
located in Dayton City Center. This is the same venue as in years past.
The program details are not final yet, but they will have a good one.
Although it should not be our main reason for attending, remember,
attendees have a chance at some nice attendance prizes as well! Tickets
are 37.00 USDs per meal, payable in U.S. funds to SWODXA. (Sorry, they
do not process PayPal or Credit Card payments.) Please advise if you want
a vegetarian meal when you order. You may order from Pete Meyer, N0FW,
at his CBA with SASE. They will attempt to honor group seating requests 
when tickets are ordered together. There is not a bad seat in the house,
but seating is definitely limited. Come join them for an evening of fun
and fellowship. Further information may be obtained at:
                             n0fw <at> live <dot> com
N0FW's CBA is 3049 New London Rd., Hamilton, OH  45013

DP0, ANTARCTICA. Felix, DL5XL (ex DP1POL), states that time is running
out to work DP0GVN. He informs, "This summer may very well be the last
chance to work the German Antarctic base 'Neumayer II' (WAP DEU-02, AA
DL-03) as the base is scheduled to close in February 2009, and there
will be no radio amateur on the wintering team 2008." Currently, there
are three operators at "Neumayer II" who are regularly active during
their spare time as DP0GVN. Their main times of activity are daily between
1800-2200z, usually on 40/30/20 meters. Operators are: Mirko/DG9BHQ (SSB
Op), Torsten/DL1TOG (SSB Op) and Felix/DL5XL (CW Op). All three operators
will leave the station by March 10th. QSL route for all DP0GVN QSOs after
2006 is DL5EBE, direct or by the bureau. There is an online log check
for all contacts for this summer's season available at: 
QSOs are expected to be uploaded to ARRL's "Logbook of the World" (LoTW).

DXCC NEWS......................
  Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, informs that the following
  operation is approved for DXCC credit:

  YI9QX - Iraq; Current operation effective December 2007.


EF8, CANARY ISLANDS (AF-004). Operator Valery, RD3AF, will be active as
EF8M during the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (February 9-10th) as a Single-Op/
All-Band/High-Power entry. Using the same callsign, he will also be active
in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (May 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-
Power entry. QSL both operations via RX3DU ( ADDED REMINDER: Also
look for Valery (using EF8M) during next weekend's CQ 160-Meter CW Contest
(January 26-27th) as a Single-Op entry.

FJ, ST. BARTHELEMY (DXCC Newest Entity!). Operators of TO5FJ (Paul/F6EXV
and Yuichi/JR2KDN) are now QRT, and by the time you read this both
operators should be home. Paul was the last operator to leave Saturday
late in the afternoon, but was very busy on the bands early Saturday
morning (his time). Just a reminder, online line logs (now with RTTY QSOs
as we were informed) are available at:

FJ, ST. BARTHELEMY (DXCC Newest Entity!). Craig, AH8DX, will be active
as FJ/AH8DX during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-
Op/All-Band entry. Look for RTTY operations before and after the contest.
QSL via AH8DX.

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Operators Mario/DJ2MX, Simon/DJ4MZ, Manfred/DJ5MW,
Matt/DK4YJ and Chris/DK9TN will be active as HB0/homecall between February
14-18th. The group plans to be active during the ARRL DX CW Contest as
HB0/N0MX as a Multi-2 category.  QSL via their home callsign (except for
HB0/N0MX: QSL via DJ2MX). The DXpedition Web site is at:

INTERESTING CALLSIGN OF THE WEEK (WOW! - Special Event). To celebrate the
Millenium of the death of Notger 1er, Prince-Eveque (930-1008), the founder
of the Principality of Liege, the UBA Section LGE (Liege) will be active
on the HF bands between January 17th and December 31st (2008), with the
special callsign ON1000NOTGER. The UBA Section LGE members will be active
on HF bands on SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK. A special double QSL will be printed.
QSL via Bureau to ON5VL or direct to ON6DP (

IOTA NEWS...............................
  AS-150.  Look for Ji Nan Radio Sports Association's callsign BY4JN/4
           to be activated from Tianheng Island on January 25-28th.
           Activity will be on CW, SSB, and on 80-15 meters. QSL BY4JN/4
           via BG4JUU.

  EU-089.  Operators Toze/CT1GFK, Manuel/CU1CB, Goncalo/CT1GPQ, Antonio/
           CU8AS and Hermann/HB9CRV will be active as CU8A from Flores
           Island (DIP AZ-008 for the Portuguese Islands Award, WLOTA
           LH-0947) in the CQWW 160m CW Contest (January 26-27th) as a
           Multi-Single entry. QSL via CT1GFK, the bureau is "OK". 

  EU-170.  Herve, F5RMY, will be active as F5RMY/P from Porquerolles
           Island (DIFM ME-010 for the French Islands Award, MIA MF-021,
           WLOTA LH-1107), between now and January 25th. Activity will
           be CW and SSB on 40-10 meters. QSL via his home callsign,
           direct or by the bureau.

  EU-175.  Operators Antonio/CU8AS and Hermann/HB9CRV will be active as
           CU7T from Cedros, Faial Island (DIP AZ-007, WLOTA LH-1830,
           ARLHS AZ0-020, TWLHD WLH CU-007), between January 31st and
           February 5th. Activity will be on CW/RTTY/PSK31 using K2/100
           radios, 500 watt amps and a HB9CV antenna. QSL via CT1GFK,
           direct or by the bureau. 

  NA-076.  Wade, AA8LL, will be active as AA8LL/4 from Cedar Key, FL,
           February 2-5th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-15 meters,
           mostly CW on the IOTA frequencies and RTTY. He will try to get
           Liz/K8LIZ/4 (his XYL) to operate some SSB. QSL direct or by the
           bureau to AA8LL. Logs will also be uploaded to the LoTW.

  OC-164.  John, VK6HZ, will once again be on holiday on Rottnest Island
           between March 24th and April 4th. Operations will be holiday
           style (especially with the recent addition to the family!).
           He will be active during the 2008 CQ WPX Contest. Equipment
           will be IC-7000 and Buddiepole. Online log may be available
           during the trip (he will confirm closer to the time). Keep
           an eye on the following Web site for more details at:
           He states, "Hope to work a few stateside this year!"

J5, GUINEA BISSAU. Members of the "F6KOP TEAM" continue to be active
from Bubaque Island (AF-020 and WLOTA 1145). Last word is: "We will
close down on Tuesday, January 22nd, immediately after sunrise. For more
details, log search and up-to-date info, visit their Web pages at:

J7, DOMINICA (NA-101). Bill, W5SJ, will be active possibly as J79SJ from
January 22-31st. Activity will be mostly CW on the 30/17/12 meter bands
and low bands. He also plans to participate in the CQWW 160m CW Contest
(January 26-27th). QSLs via W5FO. 

KG4, GUANTANAMO BAY (Update). Tip/N4SIA (KG4AS via N4SIA) informs OPDX
that he and Bill/W4WV (KG4WV via W4WV), Stu/K4MIL (KG4SS via K4MIL) and
Emmett/KD4OS (KG4OS via KD4OS) will be going to GTMO and arriving on
January 29th. They will stay for 2 weeks. The team will be erecting a
new Force 12 and a new windom antenna, plus make some repairs to other
equipment. They plan to be on the air on all bands. They are hoping to
have a special event station up on "Marine Hill" with the callsign KG4DD.
More info is forthcoming.

KL7, ALASKA. Jimmy, W6JKV, will be active as KL7/W6JKV between June
18-30th. Activity will be 6 meters only from a mountain top 30 miles
NE of Fairbanks with an outstanding view in all directions (Grid Loc.
BP64). Altitude is 2500 feet. Distance to London is 4200 miles, 4000
to Frankfurt, 4100 miles to Tokoyo. He will use 800 watts and a big
antenna. QSL via his home callsign. 

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Operator Lars, DF1LON, will be active as LX7I during the
CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 26-27th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via
LX2A. Logs will be put on the LoTW.

OJ1, ANTARCTICA. Mika, OH2FFP, who is the team leader on an expedition
from Finland to the Antarctica, continues to be active using the very
rare callsign OJ1ABOA. He was heard this past week on 14265 kHz around
0000z. He is expected to leave in mid-February.

P4, ARUBA. Garry/K9WZB and his wife Sharon/K7WZB will be active as P40ZB
from April 16-24th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/15/10/6 meters, CW, SSB
and RTTY. QSL direct to K9WZB.

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Goose, W8AV, will be active as PJ2/W8AV from
Curacao between February 4-18th. Activity will be CW and possibly some
RTTY. Goose tells OPDX, "Since I will be vacationing with my wife there,
I will be active as much as I can during that time frame. I will also be
one of the operators of PJ2T in the 2008 ARRL DX CW Contest."

PJ4, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Operators George/K8GG, Gary/KD9SV and George/
W8UVZ will be operating from Bonaire (SA-006) as PJ4/homecall from
January 31st to February 8th. Operating time will be concentrated on
160 meters, 80 meters and the 30/17/12 meters bands. QSL via operator's
home QTH.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL ROUTES by Johannes/DK8JB:
   UE70SVV via RU0SYL      UE70VSV via RV0CD
   UE70UVV via RW0UM       UE0AWW  via RW0AQ 
   UE70UWW via RW0UM

  FJ/OH2AM QSLS (Update). Just after going to print last week, OPDX
  received another (revised) press release by Jarmo, OH2BN, which added:
  "We have offered to put our log onto the LoTW immediately to ease the
  situation, but it can only be facilitated by the ARRL around May 2008
  due to LoTW technicalities."

  HV50VR QSLS. Alex, IW0GPN, informs OPDX that the HV50VR QSL cards have
  arrived on January 18th from the printer's shop. He hopes to send all
  waiting requests out very soon, and all back logged cards will be out
  at the end of the month. Thanks for your patience.

  Khos, JT1CD, announced that he has uploaded the some QSOs of JT1BJ to
  the LoTW. He (Ebi) has been a "Silent Key" (SK) since 2005.

  Adam, VP8DKF (KC4/K2ARB) reports that the logs for the KC4AAA operation
  by Helmuth, W6KDX, between the period of December 2007 and January 2008
  have been received. All stations wishing to confirm a QSO or submit an
  SWL signal report are invited to do so via Larry, K1IED, at his address
  as found on All QSOs will shortly be uploaded to LoTW as well.

  QSLS VIA LOTW: AM5R, E51A, E51MMM, E51NNN, JT1BJ, K4AU/WH1 (1998), OF5Z,
  ON7DR, V8FDM, VA6FJA, VP5W and T88RY

  V63BBQ, V63KZ, V63MP, VK9WWI, VP2EDL, WH0DX, WH2D, YN2N and ZD7X

  QSLS RECEIVED VIA THE BUREAU: None reported this week!

S2, BANGLADESH. Just a reminder that John, KX7YT, will once again return
to Dhaka and be active as S21YV. He will be there between January 24th
and March 11th. He plans to be active in the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest
(February 9-10th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry and also the ARRL DX SSB
Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via KX7YT.

T32, EASTERN KIRIBATI. Operators Bill/N7OU and Bob/W7YAQ will be active
from Christmas Island (OC-024), February 12-26th. The duo will be a Multi-
Single entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 16-17th). Outside of the
contest they will be active mostly on 160-10 meters, on CW, but some SSB
and RTTY, using only 100w and verticals antennas. More details will be
forthcoming soon.

TC800, TURKEY (Special Event). Members of the Turkish group called SWAT
(Special Wireless Activity Team) will be active as TC800NH to celebrate
the 800th anniversary of the Turkish folk hero Nasreddin Hoca. Activity
will be mainly on 40/20/17 meters, CW and SSB. Detailed info is available

TX5, CLIPPERTON ISLAND (Press Release/Update). Jay, K4ZLE, provides OPDX
with another "Clipperton 2008 Update": "I love it when a plan comes
together! The plans are, indeed, coming together. A new vendor has joined
the team. Alpha Radio Products has become a major sponsor. As a result
Alpha HF amplifiers will be used exclusively by the TX5C team. ICOM
America, SteppIR and DX Engineering had previously agreed to provide major
support. In addition, there are other suppliers who have agreed to help
with financial support or discounts on equipment purchases. Be sure to
check out the sponsor list at:
   These are the organizations and individuals who are making this
operation possible. When you need to purchase equipment remember these
vendors who are actively supporting the hobby!
   Emails are flowing amongst the team to finalize details. Lists
[equipment, not callsigns  J ]) are being made, checked and rechecked.  
The team is eagerly anticipating gathering in San Diego in late February
to sail for Clipperton. It is our desire to meet the need and exceed the
deeds of past operations. 
  Remember: The expected dates: March 7-17th, 2008; The callsign TX5C.
More information can be found on the Web site, including data on how you
too can contribute to the effort. BTW, if you think planning and
preparation for this type of DXpedition is a simple task, check out the 
staging garage at:
We'll be lis'nin' for ya!"

VK6, AUSTRALIA. Steve, VK6VZ, will be active during the CQ 160-Meter CW
Contest (January 26-27th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via his home callsign.

VK9W, WILLIS ISLAND. It has been announced that the callsign for the
planned Willis Island DXpedition in October 2008 has been issued. It
will be VK9DWX. Operators will be DJ7EO, DJ9RR, DL1MGB, DL3DXX, DL5LYM,
DL6FBL, DL8OH and DL8WPX. They will be active with four high power
stations for about 17 days from 160-10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. More
information about the DXpedition is available at:

and Takeo/JA3BZO (AE6YQ) will be active as VP5/US-callsign from January
21-25th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK. They will
stay at "The HAMlet" ( ) owned by Jody, VP5JM.
QSL to their home JA callsigns.

VP6, PITCAIRN ISLAND (OC-044). Yoshitake, JJ8DEN, is now active from
Adamstown as VP6PR between now until February 9th. Activity will be on
all HF bands, using CW, RTTY and PSK (NO SSB!). The following are suggested
  CW  - 1821, 3503, 7003, 10103, 14003, 18071, 21003, 24893 and 28003
 RTTY - 14083, 18103, 21083, 24923 and 28083
  PSK - 14071, 18101, 21071, 24921 and 28071 kHz
 His equipment is an IC-7000 w/100w, using a 160/80m Inverted-L or full
size DP, 40m GP, 30m DP and a beam for 20/17/15/12/10m. QSL via JJ8DEN,
direct to: Yoshitake Izumi, 7 Minami-24 Nishi-1 Obihiro-city, Hokkaido
080-0011 JAPAN. Please send a SASE with 2 USDs or 1 IRC. Yoshitake
requests that the envelope be 162mm X 114mm or more. If a small envelope
is sent, he will return the QSL card by surface mail (ship mail). See the
information for VP6PR on 

VP6, DUCIE ISLAND (Update). Robin, WA6CDR (member of the VP6DX team),
who is in Tauranga now and will sail with Braveheart to Mangareva to
meet the rest of the operators there, has been delayed leaving Tauranga
for a day or so because of a typhoon off the northern tip of NZ. Read
his update on the VP6DX Web page at:

VP8/G, SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND. Lars, MM0DWF, will be active as VP8DIF from
the old whaling station Husvik between January 27th and February 28th.
He is expected to arrive in Husvik around January 26th and will leave
the island on March 1st. Activity will be limited to his spare time.
According to his Web page, 15 meters will be his main band, but he will
have access to most HF bands. QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or by the bureau.
Visit his interesting Web page at:

YASME PRESS RELEASE. Wayne A. Mills, N7NG, President of the Yasme
Foundation, sent out the following release on January 18th, 2008:
                   "Winners - Yasme Excellence Awards"
  "The Directors of the Yasme Foundation are proud to announce the first
winners of the recently announced Yasme Excellence Awards (
These awards are given for service and dedication to amateur radio as
recognized by the foundation's Directors. The prizes are in the form of a
plaque and a monetary award. The winners of the first Yasme Excellence
Awards are hereby introduced to the public.
  Joseph L. Arcure, Jr., W3HNK, $2,000 for his long service to DXers as
  a QSL manager. Joe's efforts on behalf of DXer's everywhere promote
  international goodwill by facilitating cultural exchanges between
  operators that may never meet in person, yet share a common bond of
  DX operation.

  Sheldon C. Shallon, W6EL,  $2,000 for his work with propagation
  prediction software. By making propagation more accessible, Shel has
  done much to advance the technical skills of HF operators in under-
  standing the physical environment of radio.

  James Brooks, 9V1YC, $2,000 for DXpedition organization and videography.
  James' professional videos make the skills and excitement of DX operating
  and expeditioning more accessible to hams that haven't yet tried DXing
  and to non-hams alike.

  Jukka Salomaa, OH2BUA, and Antti Kantola, OH5TB, $2,000 (shared) for
  conceiving, operating, and maintaining the DX Summit, the first widely-
  used Web-based spotting network portal.  They created a tool that
  fundamentally changed the nature of HF operating, a true advancement of
  the radio art.

  These amateurs have given unselfishly their time and expertise. On behalf
  of all amateurs, we would like congratulate these winners and thank them
  for their service.

  For the Yasme Foundation,
    Wayne A. Mills, N7NG, President
    Fred Laun, K3ZO, Vice President
    Kip Edwards, W6SZN, Secretary
    Rusty Epps, W6OAT, Treasurer
    Martti Laine, OH2BH, Director
    Charles "Mac" McHenry, W6BSY, Director
    Ward Silver, N0AX, Director
    Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Director"

ZA, ALBANIA. Franck, F4DTO, along with his father Patrick, will be active
from Elbassan, Central  Albania, under the callsign ZA/F4DTO, between
April 22nd and May 3rd. Activity will be on 20/17/10 meters SSB with an
emphasis on 10 meters. They will be using a FT100 w/100 watts into a
Wave vertical on 10m and dipoles on other bands. QSL only direct (bureau
cards are not delivered to Franck). See Franck's address on QRZ.COM.
Please enclose SAE + postage (1 USD or 1 valid IRC for Europe, 2 USDs or
1 valid IRC for elsewhere.) Visit Franck's Web page at:

ZM2, NEW ZEALAND. Members of the East Coast Contesters Club will be
active as ZM2M during the CQ WW WPXSSB  Contest (March 29-30th) as a
Multi-Op/Two-Transmitter entry. Operators menitoned are: Lee/ZL2AL,
Stan/ZL2ST, Peter/ZL2LF, Mike/ZL2FAR and ZL2QM. QSL direct or by the
Bureau via ZL2AL. Address is available at

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
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Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
                  1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

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