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IK2XDE > DXNEWS   02.12.11 20:11l 334 Lines 20692 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
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03 December 2011                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1074
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2_r  - Tony, 3D2AG will be active again as 3D2AG/p from Rotuma  between  9
         December and 9 January 2012.  He  will  operate  barefoot  on  80-6
         metres SSB and  CW,  and  the  station  will  be  entirely  run  on
         renewable energy solar panels and batteries. This "green"  activity
         will  coincide  with  the  launch  of  the  International  Year  of
         Sustainable Energy For All 2012. QSL  direct  only  (see
         [TNX DX World]
KC4    - Francis KD0MUM is now based at  Palmer  Station  on  Anvers  Island
         (AN-012), Antarctica until April 2012. He plans to  operate  on  20
         metres as KC4AAC in his spare time. QSL via K1IED. [TNX DX World]
LY     - On 14 December 1911 a team of  five  people  led  by Roald Amundsen
         reached the South Pole for the first time  in  history.  Vilmantas,
         LY3BY will be active as LY100SP on  5-25  December  to  commemorate
         that 100th anniversary. He will operate mainly CW on the HF  bands.
         QSL via LY3BY, directo or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
PY     - The Cantareira DX Group will be active as ZV2LOW  from  the  island
         of Montao de Trigo (SA-071) on 3-4 December. This  will  be  a  QRP
         operation on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW and SSB.  All  of  the
         QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX PY2ZA]
UR     - Celebrating the 20th anniversary  of  the  Urainian  Amateur  Radio
         League ( number of special callsigns will be in use  on
         1-30 December: EM20C (via UX5PC), EM20L (via US0LW),  EM20LTD  (via
         UR3LTD), EM20UARL (via UT7UT), EM20UJ  (via  UR5UJ),  EM20UKR  (via
         UR7UC), EM20UU (via US7UU), EM20V (via UR2VA), EN20C  (via  UX7CQ),
         EN20UARL (via UT5UIA), EN20UO  (via  UX5UO),  EN20UP  (via  UT4UP),
         EN20UZ (via  UR5UZ),  EN20W  (via  UR5WA),  EO20IGN  (via  US7IGN),
         EO20IM (via UW5IM), EO20IO (via UX3IO), EO20IZ (via  UX5IZ),  EO20K
         (via UR4KWA), EO20M (via UX7MA), EO20UD (via  UR7UD),  EO20UM  (via
         UT0UM), EO20UR (via UT7UR), EO20X (via UT5XA), EO20ZZ (via  US0ZZ),
         EO20HC (via UT2HC), EO20UU (via UT7UU).
T8     - Eugene, RA0FF will be active as T88OW from  Koror  (OC-009),  Palau
         from 30 December to 8 January. He will operate mainly CW on  160-10
         metres, with a focus on 160 and 80m. QSL  via  home  call  (direct)
         and LoTW.
V2     - Dan, K6IF will be active as V25R  from  Antigua  (NA-100)  on  9-11
         December. Operations will concentrate on 10 metres SSB  during  the
         ARRL 10 Meter Contest, with limited activity on 40  and  20  metres
         after 10m close at night. QSL via K6IF. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
V6     - Chip, K7JA and his wife Janet, KL7MF will be active  as  V63RR  and
         V63QQ from Pohnpei (OC-010),  Micronesia  on  5-12  December.  They
         will operate holiday style on 20-6 metres. QSL via K7JA. [TNX NG3K]
VE     -  To  celebrate  the  75th  anniversary  of  the  CBC/Radio  Canada,
         Canadian amateurs may use the following prefixes on 1-31  December:
         VG for VA, VX for VE, XJ for VO, XK for VY. [TNX Southgate ARC]
VP8_ant- Mike, VP8DMH (M0PRL, will be  spending  three
         months at Halley Station V (Antarctica), until the end of  February
         2012, working as a summer operator and helping out  with  the  move
         to the  new  base  (Halley  VI).  "The  short  summer  season  will
         obviously be very busy, especially with the  commissioning  of  the
         new station, but my intention is to put both the old and  new  base
         on the air as time permits", he says. QSL direct to M0PRL.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ARRL 10 METER CONTEST ---> The annual ARRL 10 Meter Contest will be held  on
10-11 December. Complete details can be found at

DXCC NEWS ---> ARRL Awards Branch Manager  Bill  Moore,  NC1L  reports  that
5X1VJ (Uganda, 2011 operation) has been approved for DXCC credit.

MALPELO 2012 ---> This is the  latest  information  released  by  the  HK0NA
DXpediton organizers on 28 November.
"Recently three US members (K4UEE, N4GRN and  W6IZT)  of  the  Malpelo  2012
DXpedition flew to Cartagena, Colombia and met with six of  their  Colombian
counterparts.  The purpose of the two day meeting was to make some  critical
decisions about the upcoming DXpedition to Malpelo Island. Also,  checklists
and inventories were finalized and all team members'  responsibilities  were
Since it is highly unlikely that  the  various  Colombian  authorities  will
permit another DXpedition to Malpelo anytime soon; a decision  was  made  to
extend the DXpedition to 16-17 days from the previous 12-14 day plan.    The
approximate dates of operations will be January 21,  2012  through  February
5/6, 2012.
Four team members will travel  with  all  equipment,  radios,  antennas  and
infrastructure to Malpelo in early January.  They  will  be  transported  by
the Colombian Navy.  They will arrive about two weeks prior to the  rest  of
the team and  will  set  up  camp,  the  two  operating  sites,  radios  and
antennas. They will spend about 30 days on the island. This will  allow  the
rest of the team to begin  radio  operations  immediately  upon  arrival  by
chartered vessel.
As mentioned there will  be  two  operating  sites,  each  with  a  complete
complement of antennas and radios with  amplifiers.    The  first  operating
site will be co-located with the Colombian marine's camp on  the  east  side
of the island. It is clear to East Coast USA, EU and  Africa.  In  order  to
have a clear shot at JA/Asia, the  Pacific  region  and  W6/W7;  the  second
operating site will be located near the top of the highest mountain peak  on
the island. However, to lessen the physical risks to the team  members,  the
operating site will be located on platforms situated below the actual peak. 
Still, it will be a 45 minute uphill  climb  to  reach  the  platforms.  The
antennas for that site will be on the top of the mountain peak.   At  times,
there will be as many as nine stations QRV with the capability of dual  mode
operations on all bands.
Safety of the team is paramount.  We will be installing a  winch  system  to
hoist team members and all  of  our  equipment  from  our  chartered  ship's
Zodiac onto the island.  From there, manpower will carry the  equipment  the
300 meters straight uphill to the marine camp.  The trail  to  the  elevated
operating site is extremely  dangerous.    We  will  utilize  harnesses  and
safety ropes to minimize the risks.  This is going to  be  a  difficult  and
expensive DXpedition. Every effort will  be  made  to  maximize  QSOs  while
protecting the safety of the team members. It is a delicate balance.
Your financial support is necessary and gratefully  accepted.  Contributions
can be made via our website at:

QSL A71CV ---> Buzz, NI5DX, has  assumed  the  duties  of  QSL  manager  for
Abdulla A71CV, whose previous manager (A71AN) is  now  a  SK.  Abdulla  will
soon send Buzz his logs and the two will work on the design  of  a  new  QSL
card. No cards should  be  expected  from  NI5DX  until  the  new  QSLs  are
received from the printer (the process could take as  long  as  6-8  weeks).
[TNX The Golist]

QSL ET3AA ---> The QSL route for contacts made  with  ET3AA  and  ET3SID  on
8-13 December [425DXN 1071] is via N2OO. Either direct and bureau cards  can
be requested online by going to

T2T ---> The T2T DXpedition to  Tuvalu  (
will go QRT on 3 December, a few days earlier than planned.  "We  have  been
doing everything possible to avert this",  VK4FW  says,  "but  realistically
have no choice due to persistent power problems". The T2T online log  totals
(on 30 November there were 39347 QSOs) also include  contacts  made  by  T2V
during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Speaking of which, during  the  contest  "we
inadvertently sent 32 as our zone. So if you put that in your log, then  you
copied our exchange Correctly. We have since realised that  it  should  have
been 31... and have advised the contest committee. How this  error  will  be
managed will be up to them. We sincerely apologise for this mistake!"

TOP LISTS ---> The latest Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist  listings  are  now
available  at   QSOs    confirmed
through LoTW or included in on-line logs  are  eligible  for  listing.  Send
your scores, as well as any request  for  further  information,  to  Erminio
Pandocchi I2EOW (i2eow[@]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0NW      K9NW        EX2X        EA5KB       SG3U        SM3CXS
3V8SS       LX1NO       EY3M        W5UE        SJ2W        SM2LIY
3Z5W        SP5KP       EY8MM       K1BV        SK3W        SM5DJZ
4J11BAKUTEL 4J5A        EY8ZE       W5UE        SN3R        SP6HEQ
4K7Z        UA5DX       F8UFT       F6ICG       SN6F        SP6PRT
4K85K       4K4K        FM/KL7WA    UT5UGR      SO4M        SP4MPG
4K9W        DL6KVA      FM1HN       NI5DX       SO8A        SP8YB
4L2M        EA7FTR      FY5LH       F5KDR       SO9Q        SP9QMP
4L5O        N3SL        G5D         G3UJE       SP0OTC      SP2IW
5B4AIA      UA6MF       G6T         M0URX       ST2AR       S53R
5H3CMG      ZR6CMG      GB0SA       GM4UYE      SU/HA3JB    HA3JB
5H3EE       DL4ME       GM5X        N3SL        SV0XBZ/9    YL2VW
5T0JL       ON8RA       HB10K       EA7FTR      SX1L        DL1JCZ
5W0OJ       DL4RDJ      HB9CA       HB9FMU      T2V         VK4FW
5X1NH       G3RWF       HC2SL       EA5KB       T6RH        NI5DX
5Z4HW       DL7DF       HF3R        SP3GEM      T6RS        N8WP
6V7V        N1SNB       HG7T        HA7TM       T6SM        IZ7VLL
6W7RV       F8CMT       HH2/HB9AMO  PA7FM       T88CR       JA8CCL
6Y3M        VE3NE       HI3A        ON4IQ       TC2X        OH2BH
7X5QB       EA7FTR      HK1AA       EA5KB       TC3A        LZ1NK
8P5A        NN1N        HK1X        EA7FTR      TC7B        W3HNK
8Q7DV       R9DX        HP1WW       OH0XX       TF3CW       LX1NO
9G5MP       W3HNK       HQ5X        IK2ILH      TF3W        TF3GB
9G5XA       G3SWH       HQ9R        K5WW        TI5A        TI5KD
9H3PP       HA5PP       HR5/NQ5W    W0MM        TK4W        DJ2MX
9H9BH       OH2BH       HT7A        TI4SU       TL8ES       IK3GES
9J2BO       G3TEV       HZ1FI       DL2RMC      TM4Q        F6FYA
9J3A        S57S        IB3X        IV3ZXQ      TM6M        F4DXW
9L0W        DK2WV       ID9DXC      IT9YVO      TM6X        F5VHY
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       IH9R        IZ1GAR      TM90RCNF    F8KKH
9M2IDJ      JA6IDJ      II0MZ       IW0EFA      TM95BV      F6KUP
9M2TO       JA0DMV      II1A        IK1SPR      TO3A        VE3EY
9M6JU       JA1RJU      II3MM       IZ3DBA      TO7A        UT5UGR
9M6NA       JE1JKL      II9T        IT9CHU      TP50CE      F5LGF
9M8YY       JR3WXA      IO5O        IK5RLP      TR8CA       F6CBC
9N1FE       EA5ZD       IR2R        IZ2EWR      TX8NC       LZ1JZ
9Y4W        DL4MDO      IR4M        I4IFL       UA2FL       RN3RQ
A52SV       JA2PSV      IR4X        I4EAT       UE70K       RN3DK
A61M        EA5GL       IR8C        IZ8TDP      UE70MB      RD3FI
A640        EA5ZD       IR9Y        IT9ABY      UK8OAH      IK2QPR
A65CA       RV6AJJ      IS0/K7QB    IN3QBR      UN7MMM      EA7FTR
A71EM       EA7FTR      J28AA       K2PF        UN9GD       DL8KAC
A73A        EA7FTR      J28RO       F8DFP       UN9L        LZ1YE
AH0BT       7L1FPU      J68HZ       K9HZ        UP0L        DL8KAC
AH0J        JA1NVF      J6M         N1NK        UP20BEW     UN7BEW
AH0KT       JH8PHT      J79WE       DL8WEM      UP20CH      UN7CH
AH0S/KH2    JH1DVG      JD1AHC      JA1BVA      UP20GW      UN9GW
AH2R        JH7QXJ      JD1BMV      JK1EBA      UP20IT      UN7IT
AL1G        AC7DX       JF6YME/6    JA6WFM      UP20KAZ     UN7ECA
AU2JCB      VU2DSI      JT5DX       JT1CO       UP20LU      UN9LU
B1Z         EA7FTR      JT5NM       UA4NW       UP20LWZ     RW6HS
B3C         BA4EG       JT5NW       RW4NW       UP20M       UN7MAU
BV100       BV2KI       JY4NE       K3IRV       UP20N       UN7NFD
BV100ROC    BM2JCC      JY5MM       IK2DUW      UP20NF      UN7NF
BW100       BM2JCC      KB7Q/C6A    WA4WTG      UP20PT      UN8PT
BX100       BM2JCC      KC4USV      K1IED       UP20RK      UN7Z
C4Z         G3SWH       KG4AJ       AH0AJ       UP20CC      EA5KB
C50C        OM2FY       KH2RU/KP4   NP3O        UP20MAC     UN7MAC
C5A         OM2FY       KH6LC       WA6WPG      UP20NR      UN7NR
C6AAW       WA4WTG      KH7M        KH6ZM       UP20TO      UN7TO
C6AKX       WA4WTG      KH7X        K2PF        UP2L        UA9AB
C6AQQ       ND3F        KP2B        K2DER       UP5P        UN7PL
C6ATA       WA4WTG      KP2M        AI4U        V26K        AA3B
C6ATR       N6XG        LN3Z        LA9VDA      V31AE       EB7DX
C91JR       GI4FUM      LN8W        LA9VDA      V31AO       W2LK
C91NW       K9NW        LP1H        EA5KB       V31QS       N4QS
CE1/K7CA    NW7O        LS1D        LW9EOC      V31SX       K2SX
CE4A        VE3LYC      LT1F        AC7DX       V44KAI      W5TFW
CF3A        VE3AT       LU8YE       EA7FTR      V85/9M6XRO  M0URX
CM8AKD      EA7FTR      LW6DG       EA5KB       V85/9M8Z    M0URX
CN2LO       ON4LO       LX5T        LX1KC       V85/AH2Y    HL1IWD
CN2R        W7EJ        LX7I        LX2A        VE2EKA      VA2WDQ
CN8KD       EA5XX       LZ5R        LZ1YQ       VK0TH       JE1LET
CO2JD       AD4Z        LZ8E        LZ2BE       VK4UC       N3SL
CO6CAC      EA5KB       LZ9A        LZ2HM       VK6AA       DL8YR
CO6LC       EA5GL       LZ9W        LZ1PM       VK6LW       VK6IR
CO6LP       EA5GL       MD2C        MD0CCE      VK8NSB      M0URX
CO6RD       8P9NX       MD4K        G3NKC       VP2EAT      VE3IKV
CO8LY       EA7ADH      MW5B        G3TXF       VP2MGO      DF7OGO
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       NH2T        W2YC        VP2MOR      W0OR
CR2X        OH2BH       NL7G        OK1DOT      VP2MTA      N0AT
CR3E        W3HNK       NP4A        W3HNK       VP2MTL      N0STL
CR3L        DJ6QT       NP4Z        N4AO        VP2MWG      N0AT
CR5WFF      CT1EJB      OD5PY       KU9C        VP2MWT      K3WT
CR6K        CT1ILT      OE3K        OE1DIA      VP2V/N3DXX  K2PF
CR6T        CT1ESV      OE4A        OE4RGC      VP5CW       W5CW
CS2C        OK1RF       OH0V        OH6LI       VP9/N3AD    W3HNK
CS2W        HB9CRV      OH0Z        W0MM        VQ91JC      ND9M
CT9/E77XZ   DK6XZ       OH8X        OH2UA       W3JH/KH2    JR3QFB
CW5W        CX6VM       OK3R        OK1DVM      WA6O/C6A    WA4WTG
D2SG        GM4FDM      OK6W        OK1MU       WH0E        JH3LFL
D44TLL      YL2KL       OL3Z        OK1HMP      XE2B        EA5OL
D4C         CT1ESV      OL60DG      OK1DG       XF1M        XE2HUQ
D7G         HL4CEL      OL8M        OK1DRQ      XR3A        CE3DNP
D9G         DS4GGM      OM7M        OM3PA       XR45EI      CE1SZZ
DU1/JJ5GMJ  JH5RXS      OM8A        OM2VL       XU7ACY      W2EN
E73W        E73Y        OX3LX       OZ1PIF      XV1X        OK1DOT
E74X        E77E        OX3XR       OZ3PZ       XV2LC       VK6LC
E74Y        EA5KB       P33W        UA3DX       XV2RZ       OH4MDY
E77A        9A2AA       P3J         5B4AHJ      XV9DX       OM3JW
E7DX        E77E        P3Z         5B4AFM      XW1A        E21EIC
EA6URA      EA3AIR      P40F        R5GA        YI1RZ       IK2DUW
EA8OM       DJ1OJ       P40K        WM6A        YL6W        YL2GD
EA9EU       EA5KB       P40L        WA3FRP      YN2CC       AJ9C
ED1R        EA4RCH      P40W        N2MM        YP8T        YO8KGA
ED9M        HA1AG       PG65ISWL    PA0FAW      YP9W        YO9WF
EF2A        EA2AYD      PJ2T        W3HNK       YR1C        YO4NA
EF8M        UA3DX       PJ4A        K4BAI       YR9F        YO9FNP
EF8S        OH2BYS      PJ5G        DL7VOG      YS1RS       EB7DX
EI6DX       RX3RC       PJ7I        JG2BRI      YS3CW       I2JIN
EK3SA       DJ1CW       PJ7TM       K2GSJ       YW4D        EA7JX
EK6LP       RN4LP       PJ7XK       JA7WFT      Z300D       Z35M
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      PR5B        6K5YPD      Z35X        DJ0LZ
EL2A        G3SXW       PW2D        M0OXO       ZD8N        G3ZVW
EL2ES       AA7A        PW7T        PT7WA       ZD8W        W6NV
EL2LF       KY7M        PX2V        PY2KJ       ZD8X        OH2KI
EL2MF       KC7V        PZ5T        VE3DZ       ZF1A        K6AM
EL2WS       N7CW        R115GV      RU3XP       ZF2BI       K4BI
EM0RSE      UZ9RR       R1941MB     R2DX        ZF2SL       AC6T
EM0UBC      UR4UXD      R1941OM     UA3A        ZK2V        N3SL
EM1000USK   UT8UF       RI1ANC      RN1ON       ZL2J        ZL2JU
EO12WFS     UR5WA       RU0LL       IK2DUW      ZM4M        ZL4PW
EO20HC      UT2HC       S01MZ       EA1BT       ZM4T        ZL2AL
EP3PK       IK2DUW      S550ACP     S59ACP      ZP5R        ZP5KO
ER4A        RA4LW       SA1A        SM1TDE      ZS2DL       NI5DX
ES9C        ES5RY       SE0X        SM0MDG      ZW5B        K3IRV

A45XR    Krzysztof Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman
DK2WV    Karl-Heinz Ilg, Max-Low-Str. 15, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
EA5ZD    Miguel Rabadan Mendez, P.O. Box 31, 30120 El Palmar (Murcia), Spain
EA7FTR   Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque (Huelva),
HA3JB    Kutasi Gabor, Siofok, P.O. Box 243, 8601, Hungary
IK3GES   Gabriele Gentile, Via Baratta Vecchia 240, 31022 Preganziol TV,
IW0EFA   Gian Paolo Volpato, Via Piave 13, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy
IZ7VLL   Salvatore Mele, Via Santa Lucia 40, 73025 Martano LE, Italy
JE1JKL   Satoshi Nakamura, 1-27-2 Kamiya, Ushiku-shi, Ibaraki-ken,
         300-1216, Japan
LZ1JZ    Tony Stefanov, P.O. Box 43, 6450 Harmanli, Bulgaria
NI5DX    William M. Loeschman, 717 Milton, Angleton TX 77515, USA
OM2FY    Branislav Daras, P.O.Box 6, 820 08 Bratislava 28, Slovak Republic
S57S     Aleksander Zagar, Golisce 132, SI-1281 Kresnice, Slovenia
T70A     A.R.R.S.M. Radio Club, Casella Postale 77, 47890 San Marino,
         Repubblica di San Marino
VE3IKV   Peter Helmuth Csanky, 4 Ravensdale Rd. Cobourg ON K9A 2B9, Canada
VE3LYC   Cezar Trifu, 410 College St., Kingston, Ontario K7L 4M7, Canada


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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