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26 November 2011                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1073
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Bert, CX3AN and Mario, CX4CR will  be  active  as  8Q7HU  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) from 25 January  to  5  February.  They  plan  to
         operate SSB, CW and digital modes on 80-6 metres.  QSL  via  CX3AN.
         [TNX CX3AN]
9J     - Niko, S53A is active again as 9J3A from the  Kafue  National  Park,
         Zambia until 30 November. Main activity will take place during  the
         CQ WW CW Contest, as either a SOSB  (10m)  or  a  SOAB  entry,  low
         power. QSL via S57S, direct (preferred) or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
9U     - Francesco, IV3TMM will be active as 9U3TMM from Bujumbura,  Burundi
         from 28 December to 4 January. He plans to operate SSB and RTTY  on
         the HF bands. QSL via home call, bureau preferred.
BV     - Yuri, N3QQ plans to be  active  possibly  as  BW/N3QQ  from  Kinmen
         Island (AS-102) on 3-6 December. He will  operate  SSB  and  CW  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via N7RO. [TNX DX World]
DP0_ant- Felix, DL5XL and  Lars,  DL1LLL  will  be  active  as  DP0GVN  from
         Neumayer III Station, Antarctica starting in December.  DL5XL  will
         return to Germany in late February 2012, while DL1LLL  will  remain
         at the base until February 2013. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
E4     - Peri, HB9IQB will be active as E44PM from Palestine  for  a  couple
         of weeks starting on 16 December. He plans to operate CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY on 40-10 metres with a focus on CW and 12, 17 and  30  metres.
         QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau,  and    LoTW.    Further
         information,  log   search    included,    can    be    found    at
F      - On 14 December 1911 a team of five people  led  by  Roald  Amundsen
         reached the South Pole for the first  time  in  history.  Francois,
         F8DVD will be active as  TM100SP  during  December  to  commemorate
         that 100th anniversary. Expect  activity  on  40-10  metres  mainly
         SSB. QSL via F8DVD, direct or bureau.
FY     - F4ACR, F4CRE, F4DNU, F5OQK, F6AIM, FY5LH and possibly  others  will
         be active as TO5G from Ile Royale (SA-020), French  Guiana  on  2-7
         January. They plan to operate  CW,  SSB,  RTTY  and  PSK  on  160-6
         metres. QSL via F5KDR. Further information and log  search  can  be
         found at
HH     - Pierre, HB9AMO will be active as  HH2/HB9AMO  from  Haiti  until  9
         January. He operates CW only in his spare time, usually during  the
         weekends and his evening hours. QSL via PA7FM and LoTW.
J7     - Volker, DL8WEM will be  active  as  J79WE  from  Dominica  (NA-101)
         until 8 December. He operates mainly CW on 40-10 metres,  and  will
         take part in the CQ WW CW Contest.  QSL  via  home  call.  [TNX  DX
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ will be active again [425DXN 1056] as JG8NQJ/JD1  from
         Minami Torishima (OC-073) from mid-December until  mid-March  2012.
         QSL via bureau or direct to JA8CJY. [TNX The Daily DX]
JD1_oga-  JG7PSJ  will  be  active  as  JD1BMH  from  Chichijima   (AS-031),
         Ogasawara from 30 December to 7 January. He plans  to  operate  CW,
         SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres. QSL via JG7PSJ. Further  information
         can be found at
KH2    - Aki, JR3QFB will be active as W3JH/KH2 from Guam (OC-026)  from  30
         November to 5 December. He will operate SSB, RTTY and  PSK  on  80,
         40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres. QSL via JR3QFB.  [TNX  The  Daily
T2     - K4ZLE, VK4AN and VK4FW will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest  as
         T2V from Tuvalu. The  other  T2T  team  members  will  continue  to
         operate non-contest modes and bands. QSL via VK4FW. [TNX NG3K]
T32    - From 17 January to 2 February 2012, a team of  six  operators  will
         be active from Kiritimati (OC-024), Eastern Kiribati:
         AC8W       T32WW   QSL via KB8TXZ
         K8AQM      T32TR   QSL via KB8TXZ
         KB8TXZ     T32TX   QSL via KB8TXZ
         KG8CO      T32CO   QSL via KB8TXZ
         N8LJ       T32LJ   QSL via K8ESQ
         VO1AU      T32AU   QSL via VO1MX
         They will operate CW and SSB (plus RTTY and PSK by T32WW and T32CO)
         on 160-6 metres. The group will put in a full effort  for the CQ WW
         160m  CW Contest  (27-29 January)  as T32XX  (QSL via KB8TXZ). [TNX
V5     - A group of German operatos will be active from Namibia as follows:
         2 December - 16 January    V5/DJ2BQ   QSL via DJ2BQ
         26 December -  5 January    V5/DH3WO   QSL via DH3WO
         26 December -  5 January    V5/DK1CE   QSL via DH3WO
         26 December - 16 January    V5/DJ2HD   QSL via DJ2HD
         They will be QRV on 160-10 metres,  with DJ2HD concentrating on the
         low bands and RTTY. [TNX NG3K]
VP5    - Dave, W5CW will be active  as  VP5/W5CW  from  23  November  to  14
         December. He will operate CW and SSB  on  160-6  metres,  and  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW, ARRL 160 Meter ARRL 10 Meter  contests
         as VP5CW. QSL via W5CW. [TNX NG3K]

CQ WW DX CW  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 November):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA
02     VE2EKA        SOAB LP      Canada               VA2WDQ
04     VC3R          SOAB HP      Canada                VE7VR
05     VP9/N3AD      SO LP        Bermuda               W3HNK
07     HP1DCP        SO           Panama                EA5KB
07     HQ2X          SOSB 10m     Honduras             IK2ILH
07     HQ9R          SOAB HP      Honduras               K5WW
07     TI5A          SOSB         Costa Rica            TI5KD
07     V31AO         M/S          Belize                 W2LK
08     6Y3M          M/S          Jamaica               VE3NE
08     C6AAW         M/M          Bahamas              WA4WTG
08     C6AQQ         SOAB LP      Bahamas                ND3F
08     J6M           M/?          St Lucia               N1NK
08     J79WE         SO           Dominica             DL8WEM
08     KP2MM         SOAB LP      Virgin Isls            LoTW
08     NP4Z          SO           Puerto Rico            N4AO
08     PJ5G          SO           Sint Eustatius       DL7VOG
08     TO3A          M/S          St Barthelemy         VE3EY
08     TO7A          SOAB HP      Martinique           UT5UGR
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua                AA3B
08     VP2EAT        SO           Anguilla             VE3IKV
08     VP2MWG                     Montserrat             N0AT
08     VP2V/N3DXX    SOAB         British Virgin Isls    AA7V
08     VP5CW         SOAB         Turks & Caicos         W5CW
08     YN2CC         SOAB         Nicaragua              AJ9C
08     ZF1A          M/S          Cayman Isls            K6AM
09     5K3W          SOAB LP      Colombia               LoTW
09     9Y4W          SO           Tobago               DL4MDO
09     FY5FY         SOSB LP      French Guiana         FY5FY
09     FY5KE         SOSB 15m     French Guiana
09     HK1AA         SOSB 160m    Colombia              EA5KB
09     HK1MW         SOSB 80m     Colombia              K4AMW
09     HK1N          SOSB 10m     Colombia              EA5KB
09     HK1R          SOSB 15m     Colombia              K6IPM
09     HK1X          SOSB 40m     Colombia             EA7FTR
09     HK3TU         SOSB 20m     Colombia              HK3TU
09     P40F          SOAB         Aruba                  R5GA
09     P40W          SOAB HP      Aruba                  N2MM
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao               W3HNK
09     PJ4A          M/2          Bonaire               K4BAI
09     PZ5T          SO           Suriname              VE3DZ
14     CR2X          SO           Azores                OH2BH
14     EA6FO                      Balearic Isls
14     EA6URA        SOSB 10m     Balearic Isls        EA3AIR
14     ED1R          M/2          Spain                EA4RCH
14     F8UFT         M/S          France                F6ICG
14     GU4CHY        SOSB 15m     Guernsey             GU4CHY
14     GU4YOX        SOSB 10m     Guernsey             GU4YOX
14     HB9CA         M/2          Switzerland            LoTW
14     LX7I          M/S          Luxembourg             LX2A
14     MD4K          SOSB         Isle of Man           G3NKC
14     MJ0ASP        SOSB 15m     Jersey                 LotW
14     OY1CT         SO HP        Faroe Isls            OY1CT
15     9H3BH                      Malta                 OH2BH
15     9H3PP         SOAB         Malta                 HA5PP
15     9H9BH         SO           Malta                 OH2BH
15     E7DX          M/S          Bosnia-Herzegovina     E77E
15     II9T          M/2          Italy (Sicily)       IT9CHU
15     OH0V          SOSB 40m     Aland Isls            OH6LI
15     OH0X          SO           Aland Islands         OH2TA
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls             W0MM
15     OH2BH         SO           Finland               OH2BH
15     OH8X          SO           Finland               OH2UA
15     SN6F          M/M          Poland               SP6PRT
15     T70A          SOAB HP      San Marino             T70A
15     TK4W          M/2          Corsica               DJ2MX
16     ER4A          SOAB         Moldova               RA4LW
17     EY3M          SOSB         Tajikistan             W5UE
17     EY8MM         SOSB         Tajikistan             K1BV
17     UK9AA         SOSB 160m    Uzbekistan            UK9AA
19     RU0FM         M/S          Asiatic Russia         LotW
20     5B/G4IRN      SOSB 20m HP  Cyprus                 LoTW
20     5B/US7IDX     SOAB LP      Cyprus                RN3QO
20     P3J           SOSB 10m     Cyprus               5B4AHJ
20     T6MO          SO           Afghanistan            K9GY
20     TC2X          SO           Asiatic Turkey
20     TC3A          M/2          Asiatic Turkey        LZ1NK
20     TC7B          SOAB         Asiatic Turkey        W3HNK
22     8Q7DV         M/S          Maldives               R9DX
22     A52SV         SO           Bhutan                 LoTW
22     VU2PTT        SOAB         India                  LoTW
24     BV100         M/?          Taiwan                BV2KI
26     E21EIC        SO LP        Thailand             E21EIC
26     E27EK         SOAB LP      Thailand              E27EK
26     XV9DX         SOSB 15m     Vietnam               OM3JW
27     AH0BT         M/2          Mariana Is           7L1FPU
27     AH0KT         SOAB LP      Mariana Isls         JH8PHT
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     DU1/JJ5GMJ    SOAB HP      Philippines            LoTW
27     KG6DX         SOSB 10m     Guam                   LoTW
27     NH2T          SOAB         Guam                   W2YC
28     9M6/JF2QNM    SOAB HP      East Malaysia        JF2QNM
28     9M6NA         SOAB         East Malaysia        JE1JKL
28     9M8/AI6V      SOSB 15m     East Malaysia          AI6V
29     VK8AR         M/S          Australia             VK8AR
31     KH6/WJ2O                   Hawaii                 WJ2O
31     KH7M          SOAB HP      Hawaii                KH6ZM
31     KH7X          M/S          Hawaii                 K2PF
32     T2V           M/S          Tuvalu                VK4FW
32     TX8NC         SO           New Caledonia         LZ1JZ
32     ZK2V          SOAB         Niue                   N3SL
32     ZM4T          M/S          New Zealand           ZL2AL
33     3V8SS         SOAB LP      Tunisia               LX1NO
33     CR3L          M/2          Madeira               DJ6QT
33     EA8AY         SOAB         Canary Isls            Lotw
33     ED9M          M/S          Ceuta and Melilla     HA1AG
33     EF8M          SOAB HP      Canary Isls           UA3DX
33     IH9R          SOSB 40m     (African) Italy      IZ1GAR
34     ST2AR         SOAB         Sudan                  S53R
34     SU/HA3JB      SOSB         Egypt                 HA3JB
35     6V7V          SOAB         Senegal               N1SNB
35     9G5MP         SO           Ghana                 W3HNK
35     9G5XA         SO           Ghana                 G3SWH
35     9L0W                       Sierra Leone          DK2WV
35     C5A           M/M          The Gambia            OM2FY
35     EL2A          M/2          Liberia               G3SXW
36     9J3A          SO           Zambia                 S57S
36     ZD8N                       Ascension Isl         G3ZVW
36     ZD8W          M/S          Ascension Isl          W6NV
37     5Z4EE         SOAB         Kenya                  NV7E
37     C91NW         SOAB         Mozambique             K9NW
38     V5/DJ4SO      SOAB         Namibia               DJ4SO
39     VQ91JC        SOAB LP      Chagos Isls            ND9M
40     TF3CW         SOSB 20m     Iceland               LX1NO

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at - good  contest to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

HBFF ---> The website for the newly established Swiss  Parks  Award  can  be
found on the Radio Club Locarno's web site ( [TNX HB9OAE]

+ SILENT KEYS + Jean-Pierre Guillou (F9RM)  has  recently  passed  away.  An
active DXer since 1948, he had  336/380  (current/total)  confirmed  in  the
ARRL DXCC Mixed standings, and was the IOTA Honour Roll leading station  for
a very long time.
Other recently reported Silent Keys include Rashed Saffar  Abdulla  (A71AN),
Pedro Jose Ruiz Sanchez (EA4AYU), Charlie  McCrystal  (GI6DCC),  Uwe  Stobbe
(HS0ZGW/DF3HS), William H. Taylor, Jr. (K6TQ), Franciso "Pancho"  Jovanovics
(LU3OE), Raymond Biltgen (LX1RB), Frederick  Donald  Muehlen,  Jr.  (N5WLA),
Heinz H.  Blankenhagen  (NR0X),  Leonid  V.  Belyj  (RU3DS),  Pavel  Malyuta
(RZ0AK), Edwin "Bunty" Z. Wattman (W1SIK) and Edward E. Reinberg (W6JI).


QSLs received direct  or  through  managers:  3A2MD,  3DA0GF,  4L1UN,  4L8A,
4S7BRG,5B8AD, 5C2P (AF-068),5R8KS, 5W0YA, 5Z4/JA7SGV,  6W/AA1AC,  6W/PA3EWP,
6W/WJ2O, 7P8JK,  7Z1TT,  8Q7DV,  8Q7QX,  9M6XRO,9Q6AL,A25BI,  A41OF,  A41OO,
A45XR,A61Q, A92GR, AA4V/VP9, C31BO, C31CT, C31MO, CX6DH, DU3/N0QM  (OC-042),
IT9EJW/p (EU-166), J6/K8EAB, J6/VE3CZF,  J79EA,  J88DR,  JG8NQJ/JD1,  JT1RF,
K0AP/5  (NA-089),  K9YNF/1  (NA-137),  MM0RAI/p   (EU-189),    NH0S,  OJ0UR,
PJ5/SP6EQZ, PJ7MF, PQ8XB (SA-045), PY0FO,PY2XB/1  (SA-029),  RI1FJA,  S01MZ,
S21YZ,  S79UFT,  ST0R,  T88UE,  T8XX,  TF8GX,  TG7WW,  TI2CF,   TI5N,  TM5SM
(EU-081),TX8CE, TX8DD, TZ6TR, UG6GAE, UK/JA0VSH, V25Z, V26M,  V26OB,  V31AT,
V31XB (NA-073), V44KAI, V63DX,  V73ZZ,  V85/WK1S,  VK0KEV,  VK0TH,  VK7HVK/p
(OC-233),  VP2MMM,  VP8DMN,  VU2ELJ,  VU2XO,XV1X,XV2RZ,  YB0/WK1S,   YB0AKM,
YB1GJS, YB8/WK1S, YB9/WK1S, YJ0ANR,  YN2GA,  YN2MJ,  Z2/K0YY,  Z21BB,  Z24S,
Z30U, Z35T, ZD7X, ZD8D, ZD8ZZ, ZF2PI, ZK2V, ZK3YA.


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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