OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

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PE1RRR > CONTST   04.02.23 14:34l 229 Lines 7029 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9041-PE1RRR
Subj: HF Packet Contest Announcement
Sent: 230204/1100Z @:EA5URD.EAMU.ESP.EU #:56380 XFBB7.07 Bid:9041-PE1RRR

R:230204/1059Z @:EA2RCF.EAVI.ESP.EU #:39500 [Vitoria] $:9041-PE1RRR
R:230204/1059Z 3784@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM LinBPQ6.0.23
R:230204/1059Z 37602@W0ARP.#NCO.CO.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.23
R:230204/1058Z 3872@N3HYM.MD.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23
R:230204/1057Z 3865@IW6CAE.IW6CAE.IMAR.ITA.EU BPQ6.0.23
R:230204/1057Z @:PE1RRR.#NBW.NLD.EURO #:9041 [Rijen] $:9041-PE1RRR


Network105 HF AX.25 Packet Contest
February 4-5, 2023
Sponsored by the Hackettstown Center for the Arts Radio Society
Prof. Chris Lance, WW2BSA, Artistic Director

1. Objective:
Welcome to the First Packet-Only Contest! The spirit of the contest
is to develop a functional 300 baud HF AX.25 packet station, to test
the ability of the operator and to make as many qualifying contacts
as possible while having fun!

Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other
amateurs using AX.25 packet on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.
Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once
per band.

2. Date and Contest Period:

First full weekend of February.
Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, ends 2359 UTC Sunday (February 4-5, 2023).

3. Operating Period:

Entrants may operate any time during the entire 30-hour contest

4. Frequencies (LSB)
7.104    Network105 Frequency
14.105   Network105 Frequency

IMPORTANT: Avoid all IBP/NCDXF beacon frequencies. Always practice
proper operating etiquette.

5. Entry Categories

5.1 Single Operator:

The use of spotting assistance or automated, multi-channel decoders
is permitted.

100 watts transmitter output or less: Designate as LOW in the
Cabrillo log file. Above 100 watts transmitter output: Designate as
HIGH in the Cabrillo log file.

5.2 All entrants are allowed only one transmitted signal at any
given time.

6. Exchange:

Call sign and 6 character Grid Square designator.
Example: WW2BSA FN20ou

7. Scoring:

7.1 QSO Points:

Count one (1) point for each completed QSO. RF keyboard to RF
keyboard direct or through a HF node.

No Internet Gateway contacts.

Originate                          Destination
RF Keyboard <----------------> RF  Keyboard  Yes!
RF Keyboard <----> Node <----> RF Keyboard   Yes!
RF Keyboard <----> Node <----> Any Mailbox or BBS Yes! See Bonus
Points Non-RF Internet <------------> RF  No.

7.2 Bonus Points

7.2.1 Mailbox Scavenger Hunt (5 points)

They are out there! Packet mailboxes set up by individual operators
or clubs for local messages. They may handle third party traffic and
may or may not forward. The most common mailboxes are configured for
the Kantronics KPC series or AEA/Timewave PK-232 series TNCs. You
must connect to and leave a short message using the SB (send
bulletin) command. The body of the message should say HF Packet
Contest. Send an email or make a note in Log file of the connect.
Connecting to your own mailbox is not valid.

7.2.2 Connect to a Network105 BBS on 14.105 (5 points)

Connect to a HF BBS and send a one-time private message to
WW2BSA@WW2BSA.NJ.USA.NOAM with “HF Packet Contest” in the Subject
Field.  Enter your Call Sign and Grid Square in the body of the
message. Completing this bonus tests the forwarding capabilities of
the packet BBS network.

7.2.3 Send one NTS Packet Message to WW2BSA from a Network105 BBS on
14.105 (5 points)

Packet National Traffic System messages can be sent from most BBS
systems. The format is as follows:

At the BBS prompt, issue the command

ST 07840@NTSNJ

When the BBS responds with the "Title/Subject" prompt enter:


Then in the body of the message, type in the following message
substituting your info where necessary:

PO BOX 243

The BT and AR are used in the same fashion as on Morse Code and
Phone. At the end of the message, enter either a Control-Z key
combination or /ex to tell the BBS that you have finished entering
the message. The BBS will then start to relay the message according
to the address. Completing this bonus tests the cohesion of NTS

7.2.4 Volunteers On the Air (VOTA)

Yours truly, Chris Lance, WW2BSA, is a Life Member and worth 2
points towards your VOTA leader board score. In other words, all you
have to do is make a live contact with me without the Internet and
when I upload my log to LOTW, you will automatically get 2 points
towards your Leaderboard score. For more info:

8. Reporting/Submitting Your Logs

8.1 Seven (7) Day Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or
emailed by 2359 UTC February 12, 2023.

8.2 Submit logs in Cabrillo format. Example: Ham Radio Deluxe, or
your favorite logging program.

8.3 File name should simply include your call sign. Ex: W1ABC.ADI

8.4 E-Mail Address:

8.5 If you to mail you log: Chris Lance, WW2BSA, PO Box 243,
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

9. Miscellaneous:

9.1 Always practice proper operating etiquette. Check the frequency
before operating.

9.2 Only AX.25 packet mode is permitted.

9.3 Entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category
when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.

9.4 Do not exceed the total output power limitation of the chosen
entry category on any band. Total output power on any band at any
time is measured at the output of the active amplifier(s).

9.5 Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.

9.6 Alternating CQs on two or more frequencies on a band is not

9.7 All requests for contacts, responses to calls, and copying of
call signs and contest exchanges must be accomplished during the
contest period using the mode and frequencies of the contest.

9.8 Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest,
by use of any database, recordings, email or other methods is not

9.9 Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged over the
air by the entrants during the QSO.

9.10 QSO finding assistance is permitted in all entry categories.

10.  Awards:
Participant Certificates, will be awarded to all contestants who
submit a log and can be downloaded online when available. In
addition, certificates to the Top Ten Single Operators will be

10.1 Log Checking:

All logs are checked using software and human judgment.

10.2 Duplicate contacts are removed with no additional penalty.

10.3 Contacts with an incorrect received exchange are removed with
no additional penalty.

10.4 Call sign errors (bust) or call signs not in the other log
(NIL) are removed and receive a penalty of the QSO point value for
that contact.

11.0 Contact:

Email all questions, logs, and bonus information to:

Paper logs and bonus material may be sent to:

Chris Lance, WW2BSA, PO Box 243, Hackettstown, NJ 07840.

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