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VK4TUB > CONTST   11.03.13 11:19l 201 Lines 11242 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 7145_VK4TUB
Subj: John Moyle Field Day Contest 2013
Sent: 130311/0911Z @:VK4TUB.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:7145 [WormHoleBBS] FBB7.00i $:7145

Presented by Denis Johnstone (VK4AE/VK3ZUX)
16 - 17 March, 2013
0100 UTC Sat - 0059 Sun
I wish all entrants good luck, and look forward to hearing
you on air during the contest!
N.B. new Email address: will be set up close
to the event for entries and you can check out latest info at
1.  The aim is to encourage and provide familiarisation with portable operation,
and provide training for emergency situations.
The rules are therefore designed to encourage field operation.
2.  The contest takes place on the 3rd full weekend in March each year, and runs
from 0100 UTC Saturday to 0059 UTC Sunday, 16 - 17 March 2013.
3.  The contest is open to all VK, ZL and P2 stations.
Other stations are welcome to participate, but can only claim points for contacts
with VK, ZL and P2 stations.
4.  Single operator portable entries shall consist of ONE choice from each of the
following (e.g. 6 hour, portable, phone, VHF/UHF):
a.  24 or 6 hour;
b.  Phone, CW, Digital or All modes;
c.  HF, VHF/UHF or All Bands.
5. Multi-operator portable entries shall consist of ONE choice from each of the
following (e.g. 24 hour, portable, phone, VHF/UHF):
a.  24 or 6 hour;
b.  Phone, CW, Digital or All modes;
c.  HF, VHF/UHF or All Bands.
6. Home and SWL entries shall consist of ONE choice from each of the following
(e.g. 24 hour, portable, phone, VHF/UHF):
a.  24 or 6 hour;
b.  Phone, CW, Digital or All modes;
c.  HF, VHF/UHF or All Bands.
7.  Portable HF stations shall score 2 points per QSO.
CW only contacts to score 4 points per QSO for contacts with either
home or portable stations.
8.  On VHF/UHF portable stations for Phone and Digital each contact
scores 2 points per contact, and CW contacts score 4 points.
In addition the VHF/UHF Portable stations shall add a distance score
of the following on 6 m:
a.  0-49 km, 2 points per QSO;
b.  50-99 km, 5 points per QSO;
c.  100-149 km 10 points per QSO;
d.  150-299 km 20 points per QSO;
e.  300-499 km 30 points per QSO;
f.  500 km and greater, 2 points per QSO.
9. Portable stations shall add an additional distance score on 144 MHz and higher:
a.  0 to 49 km, 2 points per QSO;
b.  50 to 99 km, 5 points per QSO;
c.  100 to 149 km, 10 points per QSO;
d.  150 to 299 km, 20 points per QSO.
e.  300 km and greater, 30 points per QSO.
10.  For each VHF/UHF QSO where more than 2 points are claimed,
both the latitude and longitude of the station contacted or other satisfactory
proof of distance such as the 6-figure Maidenhead Locator must be supplied.
11.  Home stations shall score:
a.  Two points per QSO with each portable station.
b.  One point per QSO with other home stations.
c.  For VHF/UHF QSO Home stations shall add as a distance score on 6 m:
i.  0-49 km, 1 points per QSO;
ii.  50-99 km, 2 points per QSO;
iii.  100-149 km 5 points per QSO;
iv.  150-299 km 10 points per QSO;
v.  300-499 km 15 points per QSO;
vi.  500 km and greater, 2 points per QSO.
d.  Home stations shall add as a distance score on 144 MHz and higher:
i.  0 to 49 km, 1 points per QSO;
ii.  50 to 99 km, 2 points per QSO;
iii.  100 to 149 km, 5 points per QSO;
iv.  150 to 299 km, 10 points per QSO.
v.  300 km and greater, 15 points per QSO.

Log Submission
12.  For each contact: UTC time, frequency, station worked, RST/serial numbers
sent/received and claimed score.
(VHF and above location of other station and distance showing the Lat/Long or
Maidenhead Locator to 6 figures for the station worked.)
13.  Logs must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing: call sign, name,
mailing address, section entered, number of contacts, claimed score,
location of the station during the contest, and equipment used, and a signed
declaration stating
"I hereby declare that this station was operated in accordance with the rules
and spirit of the contest and that the contest manager's decision will be accepted
as final".
For multi-operator stations, the names and call signs (legible) of all operators
must be listed.
14.  The Email address for this year's JMMFD contest should be setup a
few days before the contest, and I would suggest to those who will be
sending in your Logs electronically, to send in a test email with the
words "TEST JMMFD 2013", in subject the line and also set the
"READ REQUEST RECEIPT flag.  Your call sign can then be added into
the database for this year's contest.
When actually submitting your log, if you do not receive an e-mail
acknowledging receipt, then the log has not been received.
15.  Paper logs may be posted to "John Moyle Contest Manager, 27 Laguna Ave,
Kirwan 4817 QLD". Alternatively, logs may be e-mailed,, or snail mailed via the WIA Contest Manager,
JMMFD, P.O. Box 2042 Bayswater, VIC 3153.
Club stations must forward in the first instance an electronic version of their log.
Club Stations who submit only a paper log will have that log returned as unreadable,
due to the very large amount of work involved in entering and checking large paper
16.  The following formats are acceptable: Microsoft Excel or Word, ASCII text or
the print log output from electronic log programs such as VK Contest Log (VKCL).
Logs sent by disc or e-mail must include a summary sheet and declaration,
but the operator's name (legible) is acceptable in lieu of a signature.
Logs must be postmarked no later than 19 April 2013.
Certificates and Trophy
17.  At the discretion of the Contest Manager, certificates will be awarded
to the winners of each portable section.
Additional certificates may be awarded where operation merits it.
Note that entrants in a 24 hour section are ineligible for awards in a 6 hour section.
18.  The Australian portable station, with the highest overall score will be
awarded the President's Cup, a perpetual trophy held at the Executive Office,
and will receive an individually inscribed wall plaque as permanent recognition.
19.  General WIA contest disqualification criteria, as published in Amateur Radio
from time to time, applies to entries in this contest.
Logs which are illegible or excessively untidy are also liable to be disqualified.
20.  A portable station comprises field equipment operating from a power source,
e.g. batteries, portable generator, solar power, wind power, independent
of any permanent facilities, which is not the normal location of any amateur station.
21.  All equipment comprising the portable station must be located within an
800m diameter circle.
22.  A single operator station is where one person performs all operating, logging,
and spotting functions.
23.  A single operator may only use a call-sign of which he/she is the official holder.
A single operator may not use a call-sign belonging to any group, club or
organisation for which he/she is a sponsor except as part of a multi-operator entry.
24.  A multi-operator station is where more than one person operates, checks for
duplicates, keeps the log, performs spotting, etc.
25.  A multi-operator station may use only one call sign during the contest.
26.  Multi-operator stations may only use one transmitter on each band at any one time,
regardless of the mode in use.
27.  Multi-operator stations must submit a separate log for each band.
28.  Logs submitted electronically can use a separate Excel worksheet for each
band linked to a summary sheet.
A typical example is shown at which can be copied
and adapted for the individual use of either a single or multi operator station.
29.  A station operated by a club, group, or organisation will be considered to be
multi-operator by default.
30.  None of the portable field equipment may be erected on the site earlier than
28 hours before the beginning of the contest.
31.  Single operator stations may receive moderate assistance prior to and during
the contest, except for operating, logging and spotting.
The practice of clubs or groups providing massive logistic support to a single operator
is, however, totally against the spirit of the contest.
Offenders will be disqualified, and at the discretion of the Contest Director,
may be banned from further participation in the contest for a period of
up to three years.
32.  Phone includes SSB, AM, Simplex FM and Simplex D-Star.
33.  CW includes CW hand or computer generated.  Fully automatic operation is
not permitted. CW contacts will score 4 points for HF and 4 points for VHF & UHF
contacts plus the distance points.
34.  Digital modes such as PSK31, RTTY, and packet may be used in the contest,
but if they are, they shall be classed as Digital.  Other modes such as ATV may be
used and will be classed as Digital for scoring.  Digital contacts will score points
at the same rate as Phone.
35.  All amateur bands may be used except 10, 18 and 24 MHz.
VHF/UHF means all amateur bands above 30 MHz.
Note: On 50 MHz, the region below 50.150 has been declared a contest free zone,
and contest CQs and exchanges may only take place above this frequency.
Stations violating this rule will be disqualified.
36.  Cross-band, cross-mode and contacts made via repeaters or satellites are
not permitted for contest credit.  However, repeaters may be used to arrange a
contact on another frequency where a repeater is not used for the contact.
37.  Stations may make repeat contacts and claim full points for each one.
For this purpose, the contest is divided into eight consecutive three-hour blocks:
0100-0359, 0400-0659, 0700-0959, 1000-1259,
1300-1559, 1600-1859, 1900-2159, 2200-0059 UTC.
If you work a station at 0359 UTC a repeat contact may be made after the start
of a new block providing they are not consecutive, or are separated by at least
five minutes, since the previous valid contact with that station on the same
band and mode.
38.  Stations operating on Phone must exchange ciphers comprising RS plus a
3 digit number commencing at 001 and incrementing by one for each contact.
39.  Stations operating on CW must exchange ciphers comprising RST plus a
3 digit number commencing at 001 and incrementing by one for each contact.
Where the CW contact is with an overseas station that is unable or unwilling
to give a valid serial number, the serial number shall be assumed to be 001.
40.  Portable stations shall add the letter "P" to their own cipher, e.g. 59001P.
41.  Multi-operator stations are to commence numbering on each band with 001.
42.  Receiving stations must record the ciphers sent by both stations being logged.
QSO points will be on the same basis as for Home Stations, unless the receiving
station is portable.
43.  The practice of commencing operation and later selecting the most profitable
operational period within the allocated contest times is not in the spirit of
the contest, and shall result in disqualification.
The period of operation commences with the first contact on any band or mode,
and finishes either 6 or 24 hours later.
If anyone wishes to contact me privately to discuss rules etc,
my home phone number is (07) 4723 4229, and my snail mail and e-mail address
is as shown in the Log Submission section above.
Denis Johnstone (VK4AE/VK3ZUX)

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