OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

N1URO  > BBS      16.02.20 12:40l 47 Lines 2010 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 96471_W3XSC
Subj: Re: PE1RRR > JNOS Convers query.
Sent: 200216/1140Z @:EA5URD.EAMU.ESP.EU #:6193 XFBB7.04h Bid:96471_W3XSC

R:200216/1137Z @:EA2RCF.EAVI.ESP.EU #:53428 [Vitoria] $:96471_W3XSC
R:200216/1137Z 9289@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM LinBPQ6.0.19
R:200216/1137Z @:LU4ECL.LP.BA.AR.SOAM #:35242 [35243] FBB7.01.35 alpha $:96471_W3XSC
R:200216/1123Z 13226@N3HYM.MD.USA.NOAM BPQK6.0.19
R:200216/1136Z 22246@N7HPX.#BOI.ID.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.19
R:200216/1136Z 15703@GB7YEW.#79.GBR.EURO LinBPQ6.0.18
R:200216/1136Z 44828@VE3UIL.#EON.ON.CAN.NA LinBPQ6.0.19
R:200216/1135Z 36433@N9PMO.#SEWI.WI.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.19
R:200216/1124Z @:N6RME.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM #:35620 [El Dorado] $:96471_W3XSC
R:200216/1118z @:W6XSC.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM [Santa Clara Co] #:16832 $:96471_w3xsc
R:200216/1113z @:W1XSC.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM [Santa Clara Co] #:17176 $:96471_w3xsc
R:200216/1056z @:W3XSC.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM [Santa Clara Co] #:96475 $:96471_W3XSC
R:200209/1634z @:N6MEF.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM [Santa Clara] #:18604 $:40365_N1URO
R:200209/1630Z @:N6RME.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM #:35344 [El Dorado] $:40365_N1URO
R:200209/1630z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU $:40365_N1URO
R:200209/1630Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:44382 [Caterham Surrey GBR]
R:200209/1620Z @:N1URO.#CCT.CT.USA.NOAM #:40365 [Unionville] $:40365_N1URO

To  : BBS@WW


Conversd compiled within JNOS does not have the ability to display as a
separate NetRom node, it's a service offered to users from within the
mailbox prompt. The conversd in JNOS is modeled after the standard WWC
ping-pong conversd system which uses TCP port 3600 that's been around for
decades, not NetRom for linking chat nodes.

FYI; if you're using JNOS in a lan environment where you're running multiple
BBS, you may want my modified JNOS code with allows for it natively.
Then you can use PE1RRR as your H: addressing and it'll be allowed by
JNOS to accept other PBBS mail from your callsign as well. Took me a few
years to find the code to do it but I was able to modify the JNOS code
so that it can be done, and also added a new line to config.h for defining
multiple BBS.

SendBBS v1.1 by N1URO for LinFBB

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