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G8MNY  > ATV      27.03.23 08:05l 144 Lines 7885 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 43692_GB7CIP
Subj: Black & Burst Sync Buffer
Sent: 230327/0659Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:43692 [Caterham Surrey GBR]
To  : ATV@WW

By G8MNY                        (CQTV 2001, new to Packet Feb 05)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

When genlocking video sources together sometimes there is cable or camera
crosstalk from the genlock source feed when distributed with ordinary video as
the genlock source. This circuit will solve that problem while still allowing
the use of a non genlock camera as the genlock source master rather than the
use of a PAL colour SPG.

This 6 transistor circuit (4 PNP & 2 NPN) is a precision vision buffer amp, or
sync black & burst stripper amp, providing 3 outputs. It uses no hard to find
or obsolete ICs that many video projects need, indeed many constructors will
find all the bits are in their junk box. All transistors can be 100mA general
purpose silicon small signal types as transistor performance has mainly been
designed out of this circuit.

Construction can be UGLY, MATRIX or PCB, but be careful if using Stripboard as
the paralleled inductance lines can cause instability!

              2x amp       Sync Sep    DC clamp       Video Amp
         ³   ³     R6         ³/e         R12           R15  R17  ³
         ³   R4    22R     ÚÄÄ´ T3        2K7          470R  3R3 +³680u
         ³  470R    ³      ³  ³\       ÚÄÄÄ´  Phase2     ³    ³  ===
        R2   ³    ³/e      ³    ³     _³_  ³  VC2        ³  ³/e  _³_
        1M   ÃÄÄÄÄ´    C2  ³    ³     /_\  ³ 100p/\      ÃÄÄ´T6
         ³   ³ T2 ³\   u1  ³    ³      ³   ³ ÚÄ´ÃÄÄ¿     ³  ³\ +    R18
         ³   ³      ÃÄÄ´ÃÄÄ´    ³      ³   ³ ³/    ³     ³    ÃÄ´ÃÄÂÄ68RÄ(o
Video    ³   ³      ³+     ³    ³      ³   ³ ³ R14 ³   ³/     ³1500³ 
In &     ³ ³/       ÃÄÄ´ÃÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ)ÄÁÄ4K7ÂÁÄÄÄ´T5    ³ uF ÃÄ68RÄ(o 
 o)ÄÂÄ´ÃÄÅÄ´T1    470R C3  ³    ³          ³      ³    ³\e    ³    ³ R19
 o)Ä´ u1 ³ ³\e     R7 4u7  ³    ³          ³    ³/e      ÃÄÄÄÄÙ    ÀÄ68RÄ(o
 out³    ³   ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ´      ³    ÃÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄ´T4      ³           R20
   75R  R3  100R    R8     ³   2K2  10K    ³    ³\      R16
    R1  M39  R5    330R    R9  R10  R11    ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ´     180R 1/2W
SW1 o    ³ /\³ VC1  ³/\    1M   ³    ³ /\ R13     ³+     ³
Term/'   ³  ===100 100R    ³ n27³   VR2   2K7    ===C6   ³
    ³    ³   ³\pF /VR1     ³ C5===  /22K   ³      ³4u7   ³
           Phase1  Gain          Sync³ SW2  ³                    _³_
The video input can be looped through or terminated with R1 (this can be made
from 2x 150R in parallel if needed). Vision is fed to a high input impedance
(>200k) transistor amp T1 & T2 with a gain of just over 2. The low value of
pull up resistor R4 & the use of the PNP emitter resistor R6, ensure very good
colour linearity. Presets VR1 and VC1 set the gain & colour phase (delay) of
the amp.

The 2V P-P video feeds a lightly biased T3 PNP transistor to make a sync
stripper stage. Its collector is high during syncs & VR2, R11 & C5 form a sync
& colour burst timing window that will operate the blanking stage T4 PNP
transistor during picture time. Resistor R10 in series with C5 lets fast sync
rise time edges through. Mode switch SW2 will allows composite or black & burst
modes by disabling the blanking stage. Capacitor C5 can be omitted if the
colour burst is not wanted.

The amplified video also feeds through C3, then it is clamped at 0.6V below
from the half supply rail with D1. Using a 2V P-P video level this point sets
the black video level to approximately the bias rail with standard sync
amplitude of the genlock source without the need for a proper black level
clamp. When the collector of T3 is 0.5V more negative than the half rail
(during picture time) T4 is turned on, shorting out the picture video that has
gone through R14 & VC2 to the half rail.

Transistors T5 & T6 make up a unity gain video buffer amp, with a low value of
pull down resistor R16 to provide good syncs while driving 3 loads. Again a low
value of pull up resistor R15 & the use of the PNP emitter resistor R17, ensure
very good video & colour linearity. VC2 trimmer sets the HF gain & colour
phase. Good LF performance is ensured with a large value output C7 & each of
the 3 output source impedances will be very close to the ideal 75R with the use
of 68R as the feeding resistors.

            ³  ³  ³__³GnÃÄÄ¿
            ³  ³__³  ³__³MaÃÄÄ¿
      Colour³     ³__³  ³__³RdÃÄÄ¿
       Burst³        ³__³  ³__³Bl³
Line    ÚÄ¿ ³Video input³__³  ³__³Bk     BurstÚÄ¿       No Picture
Sync   _³ ³_³  100% Colour ³__³  ³__         _³ ³________________________
   ³  ³ ³ ³ .         Bars    ³__³  ³    ³  ³ ³ ³      Video Output      ³
   ³  ³ ÀÄÙ .                       ³    ³  ³ ÀÄÙ    Sync, burst & Black ³
   ³  ³     .                       ³    ³  ³                            ³
   ÀÄÄÙ     .                       À    ÀÄÄÙ                            À
   .        .                       .
+12V__      .                       .     __
   ³  \     . T3 Sync Seperator     .    ³  ³      T4 Blanking current
   ³   `.   .     Waveform          .   .³..³____........................
...³.....`........................... Clamp Diode³         ___...---'''
---'       `------------------------'   Current  |...---'''
           T4 Blanking Transistor on

The circuit should draw about 35mA from 12-14V DC anything wildly different
should be investigated. Using an oscilloscope check the 2x amplifier is working
OK. Then in black & burst mode, check the sync separator output, it should have
inverted line syncs from 12V to 6V with a lazy back edge. Check at frame rate
that there is no LF problems with the syncs.

Scoping the output buffer (T6 Collector) you should have just syncs & burst
with no picture content at about 6V DC. Adjust the burst window preset VR2 so
that blanking starts just after the burst. In composite mode there should be
around 2V P-P. Terminate all the outputs into 75ê & check that the buffer amp
output stays nearly constant (showing that the buffer amp has nearly zero R
output impedance). Scope the output on one of the terminations, & adjust gain
preset VR1 for unity overall gain of the circuit. Also check at frame rate that
there are no LF droop problems.

Colour phase is best set up with a colour bar source & a vectorscope using
identical leads. Adjust the 2 HF phase presets for best phase & amplitude match
on the vector display. It will be seen that the two presets do have slightly
different effects & by alternate tweeks the correct phase & amplitude can be
obtained. Switching to black & burst mode the phase of the bursts should not

But for those without a vectorscope & colour bars, adequate phase setup can be
done by subtraction comparison using an evenly lit brightly coloured card in
front of a colour camera & a dual beam scope with channel subtraction.
Calibrate the scope by probing the video input with both probes & adjusting the
timebase & gains to show a single colourful line. Put the scope into subtract
mode, & tweek channel gains & scope probes adjustments to produce the best
nulled out blank line. Now move a probe to one of the terminated outputs &
adjust the 2 HF phase presets for best burst & colour picture carrier null.

In composite mode the buffer amp works as well as can be expected. In the back
& burst mode the video blanking is only approx at the black level & will depend
on source sync levels. The exact amount of picture vision left after blanking
may depend on the component layout. Both of these should not have any affect on
the kit being genlocked.

Why Don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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