CX2SA > LETTER 24.04.20 11:02l 547 Lines 26737 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : ARRL3817
Subj: ARRL3817 ARRL Letter
Sent: 200424/0852Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:29676 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:ARRL3817
The ARRL Letter April 23, 2020
- ARRL, AMSAT Seek "Relatively Minor Changes" In FCC Orbital Debris
Mitigation Proposals
- ARRL Suggests Taking a Creative Approach to Field Day 2020
- Ballot Counting Postponed in Four Section Manager Elections
- ARRL Podcasts Schedule
- Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna
- 2020 Youth on the Air in the Americas Camp is Canceled
- FCC Seeking World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee Members
- The K7RA Solar Update
- Just Ahead in Radiosport
- NOAA Updates Solar Cycle 25 Prediction
- Japan's Radio Amateurs Gain Expanded Access to 160 and 80 Meters
- In Brief...
- Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
COVID-19 Impact & News
Find the latest news and information on the impact of the coronavirus
pandemic to ARRL members and our global amateur radio community.
ARRL, AMSAT Seek "Relatively Minor Changes" In FCC Orbital Debris Mitigation
On April 8, ARRL Washington Counsel Dave Siddall, K3ZJ, and AMSAT-NA
Executive Vice President Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, discussed with senior FCC
International Bureau staff by telephone the FCC's draft Report & Order (R&O)
on mitigation of orbital debris (IB Docket No. 18-313). The amateur
representatives told the FCC staff that "two aspects of the draft
regulations are of particular concern... and would seriously hinder amateur
radio's future operations in space, if adopted as proposed without the
relatively minor changes that we propose."
First, ARRL and AMSAT requested a revision to proposed language that
otherwise would allow only private individual licensees to indemnify the US
for the operations of an amateur space satellite. ARRL and AMSAT requested
that satellite owners be added to that provision. The amateur
representatives, noting that amateur radio licensees may only be individuals
under the amateur rules, stated that "[i]n no other service would an
individual be required to personally make a similar indemnification" and
that "it would be difficult to impossible to find an individual amateur
radio licensee willing to bear that risk."
Second, ARRL and AMSAT asked the FCC to delay by 3 years the proposed
effective date of April 23, 2022, for a rule that would require satellite
operators to certify that space stations "be designed with the maneuvering
capabilities sufficient to perform collision avoidance" for spacecraft
designed to operate above 400 kilometers in altitude. Citing the long lead
times to design and construct amateur satellites, ARRL and AMSAT suggested
that a more reasonable date would be April 23, 2025 and noted that, based on
recent past years, only an estimated threeamateur satellites likely would be
launched during the extra period.
"We do not disagree with the purpose of this requirement," they told the FCC
staff, but "the proposed effective date is unreasonable in the case of
amateur radio satellites." The new effective date "would allow time for
amateur spacecraft designers to adapt to this new requirement," they said.
Citing the value of amateur satellites to the development of the commercial
small satellite industry, and student participation in such projects, ARRL
and AMSAT said a strong and robust Amateur Satellite Service will help
inspire future developments in satellite technology. The requested changes
to the draft R&O would help ensure that amateur radio continues to have a
future in space and contribute to the public interest on an educational,
non-pecuniary basis.
The FCC was expected to consider the R&O at its April 23 open meeting.
House Leaders Request that FCC Delay Action
Members of the US House Science, Space, and Technology Committee asked the
FCC to delay action on the "Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space
Age" rulemaking proceeding. Science Committee members raised several
concerns, including the timing of the action during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Given the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, the
immense effort undertaken to recover from the pandemic, and the potential
for the FCC's proposal to exacerbate impacts on US industry and
international competitiveness at a critical period in our nation's history,
we hope that you will agree to postpone future action," the letter reads.
The lawmakers' letter also raises concerns with the rule itself, with the
rulemaking process, and with the potential for regulatory and legislative
inconsistency, noting significant stakeholder concerns.
"The proposal contradicts Executive Branch policy and is inconsistent with
existing and proposed legislative action," the letter states. "Regulatory
action by the FCC at this time, without clear authority from Congress, will
at the very least create confusion and undermine the Commission's work, and
at worst, undermine US economic competitiveness and leadership in space."
The letter also suggested that FCC action could duplicate efforts now under
way by the Department of Commerce.
ARRL Suggests Taking a Creative Approach to Field Day 2020
This year, ARRL Field Day promises to be a unique iteration of this annual
event, with many individuals and groups coming up with new and interesting
ways to adjust their approach. As an event, Field Day is structured to be
versatile and can be adapted for any situation.
Many groups have asked how they can adjust their Field Day planning to
address social-distancing guidelines that may be in effect in many areas of
the country, as gathering at their traditional Field Day site may not be
feasible or safe. Instead of participating in a group event this year,
consider operating as a Class B, C, D, or E station, utilizing your own call
ARRL will include club names for all participating stations in the published
results, so the efforts of your club's members can be acknowledged. While we
will not publish an aggregate club score, seeing the name of your club
associated with various individual member's results is certainly a way to
highlight your club's activity.
Myriad opportunities are possible in this year's Field Day setting. A few
options are as follows:
Consider having an intra-club competition among members, seeing who can
make the most contacts during the event. You can award prizes or distribute
certificates at a club meeting. This can be a fun way to bolster the
activities of individual club members, even though they cannot all gather
together at the same location this year.
Set up a Field Day Challenge with rival clubs in neighboring
communities. See how many members of each club get on the air from their own
stations and participate in the event. In addition to "bragging rights,"
perhaps certificates to the top-scoring individual entries in each category
can be presented as part of this inter-club camaraderie.
One club is planning to conduct its Field Day as a 4A club group, with
participants spaced to comply with social distancing guidelines within the
required 1,000-foot-diameter circle and operating individual stations. This
club also plans to set up a "Get on the Air" (GOTA) station. The club's plan
is to have the GOTA coach at the Field Day site, while GOTA operators
participate via remote link.
ARRL invites your stories about the interesting and creative ways you're
planning to use to adapt your Field Day operation. Share these on the ARRL
Field Day Facebook page.
Another club is planning to set up a remote-controlled station at its usual
Field Day site, with club members taking turns controlling the station from
their homes. The club is developing a schedule that outlines when each
member of the club will be at the helm via the remote link.
Whatever approach you take to this year's Field Day, keep up to date with
the current guidelines issued by local and state health agencies that may
impact your proposed operation.
For the latest news and updates, visit the Field Day webpage. -- Thanks to
ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE
Ballot Counting Postponed in Four Section Manager Elections
During these unprecedented times of social distancing and staying at home,
the ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee (E&E) has postponed ballot counting
for four contested Section Manager elections.
Since March 23, ARRL Headquarters staff has been working remotely under the
Governor of Connecticut's mandate, which is currently in effect through May
20 and may be extended into June. The ballots for the Section Manager races
in Illinois, Indiana, Oregon, and Maine were scheduled to be counted on
Tuesday, May 19 as directed by the ARRL rules and regulations for Section
Manager elections. Due to the circumstances, ARRL Interim CEO Barry Shelley,
N1VXY, asked the E&E Committee for an extension that would allow ballot
counting to happen as soon as practicable before mid-June.
Although this extension was granted, it does not change the Friday, May 15,
2020 deadline for ballots to be received at ARRL HQ. Standard operating
practice dictates that any ballots received after this deadline will not be
counted. The Governor's mandate and social distancing practices do not
affect this section of the election rules.
Terms for election winners are scheduled to begin on July 1, 2020. ARRL
hopes to see the Governor's restrictions relaxed in time to have a team of
tellers inside HQ to count the ballots and publish the elections' results in
enough time that the terms of office will not change. The E&E Committee will
have to decide the course of action, should any unforeseen circumstances not
allow the ballots to be counted by mid-June.
The safety of our staff and members remains the highest priority as we work
through these difficult times. Thank you for your understanding.
ARRL Podcasts Schedule
The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 4) focuses how to
create a family emergency communications plan and includes an interview with
Dino Papas, KL0S, about attaching coaxial connectors with crimping tools.
The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 6) includes an
interview with ARRL Assistant Laboratory Manager Bob Allison, WB1GCM, about
key clicks and a discussion with NCJ editor Scott Wright, K0MD, about
artificial intelligence software and amateur radio.
The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom.
Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well
as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.
Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the ARRL Public Relations Committee
has extended the nomination deadline for the Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver
Antenna Award until Monday, June 15, 2020.
The Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award is presented annually to a
radio amateur who has demonstrated success in his or her public relations
efforts on behalf of amateur radio and who best exemplifies the volunteer
spirit of the award's namesake, journalist Philip McGan, WA2MBQ (SK). McGan
was the first chairman of the ARRL Public Relations Committee, which helped
reinvigorate ARRL's commitment to public relations. To honor McGan, members
of the New Hampshire Amateur Radio Association joined with the ARRL Board of
Directors to establish an award that would pay lasting tribute to the
important contributions he made on behalf of amateur radio.
Public relations activities for which the McGan Award is presented include
efforts specifically directed at depicting amateur radio in a positive light
in the media and for the general public. This may include traditional
methods, such as issuing news releases or arranging interviews, or by
less-traditional methods, such as hosting a radio show or serving as an
active public speaker.
The ARRL Board of Directors will choose the award winner at its July 2020
meeting, based on recommendations from the ARRL Public Relations Committee.
The Committee has responsibility for reviewing the nominations and
supporting material.
Eligible nominees must be full ARRL members in good standing at the time of
nomination. The award is given only to an individual, and nominees may not
be current ARRL officers, directors, vice directors, paid staffers, or
members of the ARRL Public Relations Committee. Nominees must not be
compensated for any public relations work involving amateur radio --
including payment for articles.
A nominee's efforts must fit the definition of public relations and
recognize the promotion of amateur radio to the non-amateur radio community.
Nominations must be received at ARRL Headquarters by the close of business
on Monday, June 15, 2020. Nominations must be on an official entry form.
Anyone may make a nomination.
For more information, contact ARRL Public Relations Committee Chair Sid
Caesar, NH7C, or send an email to the ARRL Headquarters Public Relations
2020 Youth on the Air in the Americas Camp is Canceled
The inaugural camp for radio amateurs in the Americas aged 15 through 25 has
been put off until next year. It was set to take place June 21 - 26 at the
National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester Township
(North Cincinnati, Ohio). It has been rescheduled for July 2021. Campers
accepted to the 2020 camp will have the first chance to register for next
year's camp. The daily schedule and plan for the 2020 camp will be the same
for the 2021 camp as much as possible. The committee found that July was a
more accessible date for the widest range of campers to attend.
The committee is also looking at ideas for a shortened, virtual camp this
summer, so that campers can participate in limited activities from home. The
camp was meant to focus on building peer and mentor relationships and taking
amateur radio to the next level.
While many sponsors and donors have already expressed support for holding
over funds received for 2020 to use in 2021, refunds of donations made to
the camp are being offered. Groups or individuals wishing to receive a
refund should contact director Neil Rapp, WB9VPG. Less than $350 of the
money spent thus far went to items that may not be usable in 2021, Rapp said.
More information about YOTA in the Americas can be found at YouthOnTheAir
and on YOTAregion2 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
FCC Seeking World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee Members
The FCC has announced that it's looking for individuals or entities to serve
on its World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee. The committee
will provide advice, technical support, and recommended proposals in the
run-up to World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). In particular,
the committee will focus on international frequency spectrum issues
identified on the WRC-23 agenda. The committee will be charged with
gathering data and information necessary to formulate meaningful
recommendations for these objectives.
The FCC seeks applications from interested individuals, organizations,
institutions, or other entities in both the public and private sectors.
Selection will be based on factors such as expertise and diversity of
viewpoints necessary to effectively address the questions before the
Applicants should describe both their specific interests and their expertise
or experience as it relates to the questions before the committee, including
such matters as wireless communications infrastructure and equipment,
telecommunications, fixed, mobile, broadcasting, satellite, and other
radiocommunication services, consumer advocacy, and underserved populations.
It's anticipated that the committee will meet in Washington, DC, up to three
times per year in preparation for WRC-23.
Submit nominations, including contact information and the statement of
qualifications, by email no later than May 29, 2020.
The K7RA Solar Update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: The last day with a visible sunspot was
April 4.
Over the April 16 - 22 reporting week, the average daily solar flux was 69,
down 0.5 point from the previous week's average of 69.5.
Average daily planetary A index was 7.3, while the mid-latitude A index was
7, up from 6.1 and 5, respectively, mainly due to the first geomagnetic
storm of 2020, which pushed the planetary A index to 18 on April 19.
Recent solar flux numbers have been soft, with averages over recent weeks of
71.1, 69.4, 70.2, 69.5, and now 69. Lower solar flux probably means less
radiation that might excite the ionosphere. Predicted solar flux is 71 on
April 23 - 30 and 69 on May 1 - June 6.
The predicted planetary A index is forecast at 10 on April 23; 5 on April 24
- 29; 8 on April 30; 5 on May 1 - 4; 12 on May 5; 5 on May 6 - 16; 12, 10,
8, and 10 on May 17 - 20; 5 on May 21 - 23; 10, 5, 5, and 8 on May 24 - 27;
5 on May 28 - 31; 12 on June 1, and 5 on June 2 - 6.
Sunspot numbers for April 16 - 22 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with a mean
of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.5, 67.9, 69.8, 68.6, 68.2, 69.1, and
70.7, with a mean of 69. Estimated planetary A indices were 5, 4, 4, 3, 18,
9, and 8, with a mean of 6.1. The middle latitude A index was 5, 4, 4, 2,
16, 8, and 10, with a mean of 5.
A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL website. For
more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical
Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...," and check out K9LA's
Propagation Page.
A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer
propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.
Share your reports and observations.
Just Ahead in Radiosport
April 25 - 26 -- 10-10 International Spring Contest, Digital
April 25 - 26 -- SP DX RTTY Contest
April 25 - 26 -- Helvetia Contest (CW, phone, digital)
April 25 - 26 -- Florida QSO Party (CW, phone)
April 26 -- BARTG Sprint 75 (Digital)
April 27 - 28 -- QCX Challenge (CW)
April 29 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (CW)
See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth reporting
on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest Update via your
ARRL member profile email preferences.
NOAA Updates Solar Cycle 25 Prediction
Frank Donovan, W3LPL, notes that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has published
its official updated prediction of Solar Cycle 25 in new, interactive Solar
Cycle Progression graphs. The updated prediction is based on the results of
NOAA's Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel.
"SWPC forecasts a solar maximum between 105 and 125, with the peak occurring
between November 2024 and March 2026," Donovan said. "There is broad
consensus that solar minimum is ongoing this year -- or may have already
occurred -- and that Cycle 25 will have no major change in the level of
solar activity compared to Cycle 24."
As Donovan explained, for many years the SWPC's solar cycle predictions have
used the Royal Observatory of Belgium's International Sunspot Number. SWPC's
official solar cycle prediction now uses the SWPC sunspot number. The
International Sunspot Number is typically about one-third lower than the
SWPC sunspot number.
"While this is SWPC's official Cycle 25 prediction, it's important to note
there is still divergence among various forecasting methods and members of
the space weather forecasting community," Donovan said. "Most forecasts and
forecasters agree that the Cycle 25 peak is likely to be within ñ20% of
Cycle 24 and is likely to occur between 2024 and 2027."
More information is on the Springer Nature website. -- Thanks to The Daily DX
Japan's Radio Amateurs Gain Expanded Access to 160 and 80 Meters
Effective on April 21, Japanese radio amateurs have new privileges on 160
and 80 meters. The new allocations are 1800 - 1810, 1825 - 1875, 3575 -
3580, and 3662 - 3680 kHz.
ARRL Life Member Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX/N6BDX, said the new regime allows
Japanese radio amateurs to operate FT8 on 80 meters (3574 ~ 3577 kHz), and
on 160 meters (1840 ~ 1843 kHz) as well as WSPR (1836.6 kHz).
On 160 meters, the allocations are:
1800 - 1810: All modes (new assignment)
1810 - 1825: CW only
1825 - 1875 kHz: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)
1907.5 - 1912.5: CW and data (A1A, F1B, F1D, G1B, and G1D)
On 80 meters, the allocations are:
3500 - 3520: CW (A1A) only
3520 - 3535: CW and data (A1A, F1B, F1D, G1B, and G1D)
3535 - 3575: CW, phone, and image, and data only permitted for making
contacts with non-JA amateurs
3575 - 3580: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)
3599 - 3612: CW, phone, image, and data
3662 - 3680: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)
3680 - 3687: CW, phone, and image
3702 - 3716, 3745 - 3770, and 3791 - 3805: CW, phone, and image (no data).
Additional details are on the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) website.--
Thanks to Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX/N6BDX
In Brief...
The ARRL 2020 Teachers Institute sessions have been canceled. The landscape
of education in the US has been greatly affected by the current pandemic. As
K - 12 school systems and universities have been forced to move entirely to
remote learning, teachers and students have had to make dramatic adjustments
to their teaching and learning methods. After considering these educational
challenges, along with travel restrictions and restraints on the ability to
gather in groups, ARRL leadership feels it is appropriate and necessary to
cancel the 2020 Teachers Institute. We look forward to bringing back this
important program in 2021, so that we can continue promoting amateur radio
in the classroom through our Education and Technology Program (ETP). ARRL
will communicate directly with those who have already applied, and they will
receive a full refund. Please direct questions to EAD@arrl.org.
The Medical Net, a special COVID-19 net, is running Wednesdays, 0130 UTC, on
7.222 MHz. The net deals with correct data on COVID-19 epidemiology care,
care issues, and more. Net control will be Dr. Harry Przekop, WB9EDP, a past
president of the Medical Amateur Radio Council Organization (MARCO) and now
a director at large. Przekop is a specialist in infectious diseases and
biomedical physics and is board-certified as an expert in HIV care.
Participants do not need to be physicians or medical providers to check in,
ask questions, and otherwise take part, but no diagnoses can be rendered.
The regular MARCO Grand Rounds Net is held on Sundays, 1500 UTC, on 14.342
Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be online and free. Tim Duffy, K3LR, has
announced that CTU USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday, May
14, starting at 1245 UTC. CTU 2020 is free. The CTU course outline has been
posted online. Connection details to the CTU Zoom bridge will be posted on
the Contest University site 1 week prior to CTU. Sessions will be recorded
for viewing any time after May 14. Slide decks will be posted on the CTU
website as well. At the end of CTU 2020, Dave Siddall, K3ZJ, will present
the 2020 CQ Contest Hall of Fame awards.
A Welsh radio amateur copied the Titanic distress call, but authorities did
not believe him. April 15 marked the 108th anniversary of the Titanic
disaster. As the passenger vessel was going down, frantic shipboard radio
operators transmitted repeated distress calls. Arthur "Artie" Moore, MNX,
near Pontllanfraith, Wales, heard one of the calls for help: "CQD CQD SOS de
MGY Position 41.44N 50.24W. Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We
have struck an iceberg. Sinking." At that time, operators used "CQD" (come
quickly, distress) and "SOS" interchangeably. MGY was the RMS Titanic's call
sign. The then 26-year-old Moore picked up the distress calls from the
stricken ship thousands of miles away, and, as recounted in The South Wales
Argus newspaper, he raced to inform police about what he'd heard, but the
authorities would not believe him. It wasn't until a day or two later that
the grim news reached the shores of Great Britain. More than 1,500 people
died in the tragedy, including some prominent individuals, on the voyage
from England to the US on the Titanic's maiden voyage.
Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
Note: Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due to
the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the ARRL
May 9 - MicroHAMS Digital Conference 2020 (Virtual Event)
June 12 - 13 -- Ham-Com, Plano, Texas
June 20 -- Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee
Find conventions and hamfests in your area.
ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for
Amateur Radio News and Information.
Join or Renew Today! ARRL membership includes QST, amateur radio's most
popular and informative journal, and On the Air, a new bimonthly magazine
for beginner hams. ARRL members can choose which magazine to receive in
print, and can view the digital editions of both magazines online.
Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.
Subscribe to...
NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features articles
by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA Sprint, and QSO
QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published bimonthly,
features technical articles, construction projects, columns, and other items
of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.
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The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members and
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Copyright ¸ 2020 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and
distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
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