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CX2SA  > ARES     21.04.23 19:22l 393 Lines 21090 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : ARES042023
Subj: The ARES E-Letter - 04/2023
Sent: 230421/1252Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:25834 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:ARES042023

                              The ARES E-Letter

Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE                                     April 19, 2023

- ARESİ Briefs, Links
- Tahoe Basin ARES Conducts Cyber Attack SET
- 2023 National Hurricane Conference Virtual Amateur Radio Workshop
- ARRL Ohio Section ARES NVIS Antenna Day
- Notable Events on the Timeline of Amateur Radio Disaster Communications
- Field Day is Around the Corner: Emergency Communications Categories
- ARESİ Resources
- ARRL Resources

ARESİ Briefs, Links
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released a final version
(March 2023) of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) Functional Guidance. The guidance, which
provides a framework for communications resources within incident
management, officially includes support from amateur radio operators. The
expanded Communications Unit (COMU) structure now includes the Auxiliary
Communicator (AUXC) role, which covers personnel from services that provide
communications support to emergency management, public safety, and other
government agencies. This includes amateur radio.

NIMS guides government, non-governmental organizations, and the private
sector to work together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from
disasters and other emergencies. "This is a major step in the recognition of
the need and usefulness of amateur radio and other communications services
in our national preparedness," said Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, ARRL Director of
Emergency Management. "It also gives official guidance to pave the way for
future training and education of volunteers in ARRL's ARESİ program,
Johnston added.
The NIMS ICT guide (PDF) is available from FEMA.

FEMA Region 3 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Virginia and West Virginia) Regional Emergency Communications Coordination
Working Group (RECCWG) members held their spring plenary over two days,
April 4-5, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were briefings from the
Region 3 states, commonwealths, and the District of Columbia on their
communications systems and initiatives. RECCWG partners provided topical
presentations that informed RECCWG members of current programs and support
initiatives. Topics included:

The FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) program
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Volunteer Support [emphasis added].
FCC overview of emergency response support capabilities and in-depth
discussion of the Network Outage Reporting System (NORS) and Disaster
Information Reporting System (DIRS)
Verizon, FirstNet, and T-Mobile disaster response capabilities
FEMA Disaster Emergency Communications Division (DECD) RECCWG and State
Annex support

On Day 2, RECCWG members participated in a tabletop exercise (TTX)
facilitated by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),
that simulated the effects an earthquake would have on public safety
communications in the region. The TTX focused on the "human side" of
continuity-of-operations planning (COOP). Participants shared lessons
learned and potential gaps in communications interoperability to take back
to their home agencies. Eric Wagner, Region 3 RECCWG Co-Chair, emphasized
that relationships established in the RECCWG inevitably pay off when these
partners need each other the most. This two-day event exemplifies RECCWG
efforts across the country to bring together communications professionals
from the public and private sectors to solve today's toughest communications
challenges. -- FEMA Disaster Emergency Communications News Clippings and
Topics of Interest Vol. 12 Issue 7, April 1-15, 2023

2023 Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (EHPC) Hurricane
Communication and Information Sharing Exercise - to be held May 4, 2023,
this exercise covers North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia,
Kentucky, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, and
Mississippi. "Hopefully, this will prepare us all for any eventual real-life
request to provide information about our immediate environment should it be
required," said Steve Waterman, K4CJX, [DHS CISA SHARES Auxiliary (Winlink
Admin); FEMA R4 RECCWG AuxComm Committee, Chair; Tennessee Emergency
Management Agency COMU, Williamson County, Tennessee]. Waterman added:
"Having a successful showing will certainly re-enforce the capability and
use of what is offered to our civil authorities and their NGO partners by
illustrating that they can depend on us for situational awareness from our
respective geographical areas." More information is available here.

Tahoe Basin ARES Conducts Cyber Attack SET
South Lake Tahoe with its high volume of winter tourism in the region was a
perfect test bed to practice emergency communications without using
traditional methods such as phone, text, or email. Thus, the Tahoe Basin
ARES (TB-ARES) held a cyber-attack simulated emergency test (SET) on March
18, 2023 to demonstrate the ability to communicate with the various involved
emergency centers both in California and Nevada that would now be dependent
upon radio communication only.

The scenario was described as mass outages of all telecommunications
services throughout the South Lake Tahoe basin and its corresponding
communities across the state line in northwestern Nevada. The situation was
described as continuing to worsen with sweeping blackouts in various
portions of the region. Panic was evident among the citizens as roads were
becoming gridlocked to buy supplies, such as groceries, and fuel from
localities not currently experiencing a loss of power. Additionally, lines
at banks formed due to fears that credit/debit cards may be unusable, and
citizens were withdrawing cash at an alarming rate. The situation was
further complicated by civil unrest.

Simulated Net Control stations were set up at the EOCs in South Lake Tahoe
(California) and in Minden on the Nevada side. Additional operators also
simulated communications from various hospitals, shelters and mobiles on
both sides of the state line. Ham radio operators were to act as if they
were physically at each location during the SET.

For this simulated cyber-attack, the ICS-205 (Communications Plan) called
for Winlink packet Peer to Peer, and Winlink Gateways accessed both direct
and through a digipeater. Additionally, simplex FM voice frequencies were
active to provide communications over the Sierra Nevada range. Again, only
radio station communications powered by a generator, battery backup and
handhelds were in play.

This allowed the participating TB-ARES members the ability to communicate
with out-of-area agencies using only amateur radio emergency power
resources. Procedures and traffic used:

Structured messages to practice correctly utilizing ICS forms for
official messaging
Health and welfare messaging to the designated PIO in our area
Receive situational utility reports from both agencies and individuals
in the affected areas.

The goal was to provide timely and accurate communication to the Tahoe
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) so that appropriate action/reaction would
be generated, as needed.

The TB-ARES Emergency Communications Officer, Michael Cullen, KM6UWG, was
very pleased with the result of the SET, notwithstanding a few lessons
learned regarding the ability (or lack thereof) to communicate over the
mountain summit from the basin. Yet you could say all communications were
sent and received through the efforts of those relaying messages through
simplex -- a real team effort ending in another successful exercise of our
radio equipment and Amateur Radio operators. -- Cathy Etheredge, AC7CE,
Public Information Coordinator, ARRL Nevada Section

2023 National Hurricane Conference Virtual Amateur Radio Workshop
Amateur radio was again represented at the 2023 National Hurricane
Conference which was held this year in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year,
the workshop was conducted both live at the conference and over Zoom for a
"hybrid workshop." The conference theme was to improve hurricane
preparedness, as it has been in past years. After the workshop was
completed, the Amateur Radio Workshop was uploaded to YouTube for those who
couldn't attend the sessions live. For 2023, all the amateur radio sessions
were conducted on April 3. Each presenter gave not only an overview of their
respective group but also how their group handled the significant hurricanes
over the past year.

Bob Robichaud, VE1MBR, from the Canadian Hurricane Centre presented on
Hurricane Meteorological topics including the last two years in review and
the forecast for 2023. Julio Ripoll, WD4R, presented on WX4NHC, the National
Hurricane Center amateur radio station, operations and an overview on the
Hurricane Watch Net (HWN). A representative from the National Hurricane
Center also presented on the importance of Amateur Radio surface reporting.

Rob Macedo, KD1CY, presented on the VoIP Hurricane Net and best practices in
SKYWARN Tropical Systems. Bill Feist, WB8BZH, presented a SATERN (Salvation
Army Team Emergency Response Radio Network) overview. ARRL Director of
Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, gave an ARRL update.

ARRL Ohio Section ARES NVIS Antenna Day
The ARRL Ohio Section ARES NVIS Antenna Day is a non-contest operating
activity open to all radio amateurs. This year's event is scheduled for
April 22. In the case of an emergency, amateur radio operators may need to
communicate over short distances to stations within the state of Ohio and
neighboring states. The value of short-distance HF communications was proven
in the immediate wake of Hurricane Michael in 2018. Michael disrupted all
communications along the Gulf Coast. Many radio amateurs resorted to
80-meter local contacts, including the North Florida Traffic Net, for
emergency communications. Because repeaters were down, HF proved to be the
workhorse for passing messages.

Temporary NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave) antennas are the technology
to do this with, but which are the best designs? In addition, how does your
antenna work? Experimenting with antennas is still one of the most fun
aspects of the hobby. Tie the two purposes together, add a group of friends,
plenty of coffee, a BBQ grill, and you have a formula for a really good time!

The Ohio State EOC Amateur Radio station in Columbus, "The Sarge" - W8SGT,
will be in operation to compare signals and provide a consistent signal
strength report. Remember the overall goal is still to figure out your best
NVIS antenna, and contact as many other NVIS stations as possible to plot
your coverage area. Take pictures! Submit your antenna evaluations: which
designs you used, how they performed, etc., and submit a log report with
overall number of contacts, your location and operators. -- Blair ARES
Alert!, April 2023 issue, newsletter of the Blair County, Pennsylvania, ARES
program [Emergency Coordinator Kevin Lear, W3XOX; Editor Drew McGhee, KA3EJV]

Notable Events on the Timeline of Amateur Radio Disaster Communications
Far from an exhaustive list, here are a few events involving amateur radio
communications support over the past 100 years that may help define our role
over time and its evolution.

1906 -- According to family lore, radio amateur Barney Osborne, later W6US,
provided emergency traffic handling during the San Francisco Earthquake and

1913 -- Hams provided emergency communications during Midwest storms and
floods with spark-gap transmitters and crystal receiver sets, as vacuum
tubes wouldn't emerge until after World War I and 1919.

1916 -- A national traffic relay system was organized to provide relay of
messages cross-country, and 9XE in Illinois originated a message that was
received in California in 55 minutes, and on the East Coast an hour after

1926 -- The cover of the May issue of QST featured a drawing of a railroad
engineer holding an ARRL Radiogram with the caption reading, "Amateurs Give
Emergency Service for Railroads When Wires Are Down"

1920s -- A motor provided emergency power to the plates of newly invented
vacuum tubes in a station of an "RM" -- a "Radio Man" -- during a
Mississippi flood.

1925 -- Amateur radio provided the only communications (5 watts CW) during
the failed rescue attempt of caver Floyd Collins.

1933 -- Radio amateurs at W6BYF provided disaster communications for the
Long Beach, California earthquake. Although his house was demolished, famous
ham Don Wallace, W6AM, operated a portable station through his surviving
extensive antenna farm with the help of the Navy in supporting the relief

1935 -- Predecessors of ARES established. ARRL had a vision of them in 1917.

1936 -- The catastrophic floods of the northeast (from Maine through to the
Ohio River valley) wrecked the ARRL HQ station in Hartford (along the
Connecticut River), with amateur radio again providing support. Famous VHF
pioneer and ARRL HQ staffer Ed Tilton, W1HDQ, and his wife provided

1937 -- Dr. Joseph Vancheri, W8BWH, was a key relief communications asset,
arranging for aid to refugees from the Johnstown floods.

Late 1930s -- Commercial emergency amateur radio gear appeared and was
advertised: an example was the battery-powered 50-S transmitter from Harvey
Radio Laboratories of Brookline, Massachusetts.

1948 -- Flooding of Vanport, Washington, after the rupture of a Columbia
River dike prompted an Amateur Radio Emergency Corps response under EC
W7DIS, with amateurs using handheld radios (walkie-talkies).

1957 -- RACES was involved in providing communications support during the
Malibu-Topanga Canyon (California) fires. Deputy Chief Radio Officer W6QJW
operated under RACES tactical call sign CPT19 and controlled a net on 3995
kHz. The Gonset Communicator was an iconic Cold War/Civil Defense portable

1964 -- The Great Alaskan Earthquake hit Anchorage, drawing a massive
amateur response in handling emergency and health-and-welfare traffic. It
was the most powerful earthquake in North American history, and the second
most powerful in recorded history of the world. There was sweeping
destruction in the city and the region. George Hart, W1NJM, wrote about the
amateur response in the July 1964 issue of QST: 314 Alaskan amateurs
supported the disaster relief effort, with 1,200 more from around the rest
of the country actively supporting them. "KL7DVY reports he operated 20
hours on 2 meters, relaying messages from the Alaska Native Hospital to c.d.
headquarters in Anchorage." See the August 2014 issue of QST, Public Service
column, "Alaska Shield 2014."

1979 -- Hurricanes Frederic and David wrought destruction on the Gulf Coast
and East Coast, respectively. Amateur radio support of relief efforts was in
evidence in both cases.

That brings us up to the modern era and the emergence of the contemporary
emergency management model. A few of the major events beginning in the 1980s
that come to mind are hurricanes Gilbert (1988) and Hugo (1989), and the
spate of four hurricanes in 2004 that affected us here in Florida
extensively. Hurricane Andrew (1992) also wreaked incredible devastation in
Florida. Hurricanes Katrina (2005) and Sandy (2012) were game-changers for
emergency management thinking and policy for this country. Amateur radio was
extensively involved in all cases. And, of course, amateur radio was
involved in the colossal relief effort in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

[Much of the above was culled from an excellent presentation given at the
ARRL Pacificon convention in San Ramon, California, 2010, by Bart Lee, K6VK,
ARRL State Government Liaison, ARRL Volunteer Counsel, Historian and
Archivist, California Historical Radio Society, and lecturer, Antique
Wireless Society. A tip of the ARRL fedora to him. -- K1CE]

Field Day is Around the Corner: Emergency Communications Categories
ARRL Field Day is the grandaddy of all emergency communications exercises.
One of the most popular activities on the ARES communicator's agenda, it
will be held this year on June 24-25. Below are two classes of Field Day
operation of special interest to the emergency communications operator or

(Class E) Home stations - Emergency power: Same as Class D, but using
emergency power for transmitters and receivers. Class E may work all Field
Day stations.

(Class F) Emergency Operations Centers (EOC): An amateur radio station at an
established EOC activated by a club or non-club group. Class F operation
must take place at an established EOC site. Stations may utilize equipment
and antennas temporarily or permanently installed at the EOC for the event.
Entries will be reported according to number of transmitters in simultaneous
operation. Class F stations are eligible for a free VHF station. At Class 2F
they are also eligible for a GOTA station. For Field Day purposes, an
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is defined as a facility established by:
a) a Federal, State, County, City or other Civil Government, agency or
administrative entity; or, b) a Chapter of a national or international
served agency (such as American Red Cross or Salvation Army) with which your
local group has an established operating arrangement. A private company EOC
does not qualify for Class F status unless approved by the ARRL Field Day
Manager. Planning of a Class F operation must take place in conjunction and
cooperation with the staff of the EOC being activated. A Class F station may
claim the emergency power bonus if emergency power is available at the EOC
site. The emergency power source must be tested during the Field Day period
but you are not required to run the Class F operation under emergency power.

See the full rules here. Catch you on the air for Field Day 2023!

ARESİ Resources
Download the ARES Manual [PDF]
ARES Field Resources Manual [PDF]
ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Fillable PDF]
ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Word]
ARES Group Registration
Emergency Communications Training

The Amateur Radio Emergency Serviceİ (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs
who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with
their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service
when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in
ARRL or any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for
membership in ARES. Training may be required or desired to participate fully
in ARES. Please inquire at the local level for specific information. Because
ARES is an amateur radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible
for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable,
but is not a requirement for membership.

How to Get Involved in ARES: Fill out the ARES Registration form and submit
it to your local Emergency Coordinator.

ARRL Resources
Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive QST or
On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when they renew their
membership. All members can access digital editions of all four ARRL
magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ.

Subscribe to NCJ -- the National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly,
features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA
Sprint and QSO parties.

Subscribe to QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published
bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects, columns, and
other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

Free of charge to ARRL members: Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public
service and emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update
(biweekly contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much

Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

ARRL offers a wide array of products to enhance your enjoyment of amateur

Donate to the fund of your choice -- support programs not funded by member

Click here to advertise in this newsletter, space subject to availability.

The ARES Letter is published on the third Wednesday of each month. ARRL
members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data
Page at

Copyright ¸ 2023 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and
distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes
require written permission.

                     * CX2SA 1978-2023 - Salto Uruguay *

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