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CX2SA  > ARES     21.12.20 14:36l 662 Lines 31121 Bytes #999 (0) @ ARRL
BID : 45919-CX2SA
Subj: ARES E-Letter December 16, 2020
Sent: 201221/1230Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:45919 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:45919-CX2SA

The ARES E-Letter December 16, 2020
Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE

- 2020 SKYWARNƒ?½ Recognition Day a Success
- Exercise Bluebolt - A North Carolina County's SET
- ARRL Simulated Emergency Test: San Mateo, California, Great ShakeOut
- Considerations for Radios in the EOC
- Letters: The Problem with Complex, Menu-Driven Handhelds
- Handheld Radio Field Guide, Second Edition -- Book Review
- San Lorenzo Valley ARES Assists Animal Services in CZU Fire
- ARES Connect Year-to-Date Activity Report
- San Diego Emergency Communications and Amateur Radio: the Auxiliary
  Communications Service
- K1CE for a Final: Giving is The Spirit of the Season

ARES¶© Briefs, Links

Winter Field Day is right around the corner, January 30-31, 2021. View the
rules. From the Winter Field Day Association (WFDA): The WFDA "is a
dedicated group of amateur radio operators who believe that emergency
communications in a winter environment is just as important as the
preparations and practice that is done each summer but with some additional
unique operational concerns. We believe as do those entities of ARRL
organizations such as ARES...that maintaining your operational skills should
not be limited to fair weather scenarios."

Many ARES and other groups have formal relationships supporting the health
care sector. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
privacy protocols apply to working with hospitals and other health
facilities. Here are links to a recent RATPAC presentation on HIPAA by two
physicians: View Zoom Presentation; Download Zoom presentation; Download
Documents -- Thanks to the Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities
Committee (RATPAC), which comprises ARRL section managers and appointed
field leadership. They host nationwide Amateur Radio Zoom presentations
twice-a-week, Wednesdays on general radio topics and Thursday on amateur
radio emergency communications. The topics are selected from audience
recommendations that planning committee then seeks topic experts or
discussion panel members.

San Mateo County (California) Supervisors Commend Fire Responders, Notes
ARES -- Angelo Dragone, N6QAD, La Honda, California, Emergency Coordinator
led the SC4ARES team 24/7 through 13 days of emergency communications
activity during August's disastrous mountain fires there. The SC4ARES team
was noted in a November resolution by San Mateo County,
excerpted:...WHEREAS, the La Honda Fire Brigade aided by SC4ARES Ham radio
group [emphasis added], South Coast CERT, South Skyline CERT, Coastside CERT
and the San Mateo County Large Animal Evacuation Group provided firefighting
resources, emergency incident communications, animal evacuations and
logistical support to firefighters working the Fireline..." -- Lisa Chupity,
W6LSC, Public Information Officer

2020 SKYWARNƒ?½ Recognition Day a Success
Judging by the large list of over 700 registered participants - NWS Offices,
amateur radio operators, non-amateur radio spotters, and non-SKYWARNƒ?½
spotters - SKYWARN Recognition Day 2020 (December 5) met its goal of
celebrating the contributions that SKYWARN volunteers make to the NWS
mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators
comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN volunteers across the country;
they provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if
normal communications become inoperative. Hams were the first SKYWARN

The NWS Milwaukee Forecast Office reported more than 150 contacts logged
across 35 states for SKYWARN Recognition Day, and thanked all SKYWARN
spotters. The NWS office in Springfield, Missouri, tweeted, "What would
SKYWARN Recognition Day be without a special thanks to the net control
operators?" The NWS Chicago office tweeted, "SKYWARN Recognition Day has
come to an end, thanking everyone for attending and to all of our spotters
across the nation."

SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) planner and organizer Michael Lewis, KG4KJQ,
Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Northern Indiana NWS Forecast Office,
thanked the SRD Planning Team and the Facebook Live Stream Presenters for
making it happen. "Personally, I learned a lot, had fun and made it through
the 24 hours relatively unscathed," said Lewis, SRD-IWX-1587, adding "I even
know how to do a live stream on Facebook now." There were 34 radio amateurs
registered under the Northern Indiana Forecast Office, which serves 37
counties in Northern Indiana, Southwest Lower Michigan and Northwest Ohio.

Lewis said, "The planning team chose to try something new this year, but to
keep as much of the past as we safely could and charge forward." He added,
"Were all the rules for engagement perfected? Nope; but really that's the
challenge of working in the world of weather; sometimes the rules don't
apply." Normally radio amateurs participate from home stations and from
stations at National Weather Service (NWS) forecast offices, with the goal
of making contact with as many NWS forecast offices as possible during the
event. However, this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, participation from
NWS forecast offices was minimal. The focus was shifted to contacting as
many SKYWARN trained spotters as possible during the event. New for this
year, SKYWARN Recognition Day was opened to all SKYWARN Spotters.
Additionally, a SKYWARNƒ?½ Recognition Day Facebook page was created,
hosting a variety of live and recorded segments throughout the day. As more
reports are filed, they will be summarized in the January issue.

[Editor's note: I operated the event, looking for SRD stations on 40 meters
where conditions were sometimes suboptimal. However, they were good enough
to hear the fine levels of activity. I'd like to thank Dave Pfeiffer, W9DLP,
SRD-UNK-680, a SKYWARN net control station from northern Indiana, for his
patience in eking out our contact through difficult conditions. He reported
35 degrees and light snow at his location. - K1CE]

Exercise Bluebolt - A North Carolina County's SET
The Moore County, North Carolina ARES group/Moore County Amateur Radio
Society (MOCARS) conducted their ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on
Halloween, Saturday, October 31 from 0800-1200 noon local time. The SET was
based on supporting a public event with communications via multiple modes
including 2-meter duplex and simplex, 440 MHz and Winlink with verified

ARES served the Moore County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the Lee
County EOC, a law enforcement center, county airport, railroad stations, the
West Moore Shelter, health department/shelter and the state EOC in Raleigh
with simulated emergency communications.

Exercise Bluebolt was conducted in cooperation with the Lee County Radio
Officer, Ben Griffin, KJ4DEM, and the county's CERT team. With real world
COVID-19 as backdrop, the exercise simulated state emergencies of
mid-Atlantic wildfires burning much of Virginia, along with a
Baltimore-DC-Richmond 7.0 earthquake leaving the corridor with major
destruction. In the exercise play, Moore and Lee counties were reception
areas for refugees and relief supplies. The Moore regional hospital staff
simulated establishing the facility as a medical command post for the
mid-Atlantic relief effort.

SET objectives for ARES and other participating radio amateurs included
downloading the Radio Mail Server (RMS) software from Winlink, establishing
an account, and sending a message via Winlink. They were tasked with driving
to and communicating from assigned Moore county ARES key field posts. The
drill emphasized defining operations coverage area, circuit discipline, and
ability to communicate with Bluebolt technical control for converting voice
messages into Winlink-formatted messages to send to served partner agencies
in Lee county and the state EOC in Raleigh. In the end, HF communications
were successfully maintained between Lee and Moore counties across the
entire exercise, on several bands.

For the first time, SET participants also exercised the Did You Feel It?
USGS crowdsourcing seismic damage reporting and assessment program. In
addition to the regular SET participants, a host of mobile and base stations
popped up spontaneously on the air to support the SET. Exercise Bluebolt
turned out to be a major Moore and Lee counties' amateur radio success.
-Chris Kushay, KA3LJR

ARRL Simulated Emergency Test: San Mateo, California, Great ShakeOut
The San Mateo, California, coast rocked by an earthquake at precisely 10:15
AM on Saturday, October 10, 2020, was the scenario, triggering the CERT/ARES
"Great ShakeOut" exercise up and down a 20-mile stretch of the coast. This
drill was by far the largest and most successful emergency preparedness
exercise the region had ever seen.

More than 100 CERT members, along with 20 ARES operators, responded. The
CERT members performed damage assessment (simulated by counting neighborhood
ShakeOut participants) in coastal communities from Montara to La
Honda/Pescadero, and reported back to Incident Command at Coastside Fire
Station 40 at Half Moon Bay. Each participating neighborhood used Family
Radio Service (FRS) walkie-talkies to gather the participant counts, while
one or more hams in each neighborhood reported the CERT teams' numbers back
to Incident Command where the Half Moon Bay Amateur Radio Club (HMBARC)
members had set up tactical nets on two Coastside repeaters, connecting the
hams back to Station 40.

A central amateur radio team used equipment that had been prepositioned at
Station 40, plus a radio and antenna that were brought in (Field Day-style)
on the morning of the exercise itself. Each central station was staffed by a
Net Control Operator, a Scribe, and a Runner (for message handling).

A full communications Incident Action Plan (IAP) had been drawn up by
HMBARC, circulated to all participating hams in advance of the exercise, who
were briefed during two pre-event Zoom conferences.

Each neighborhood CERT team canvassed its area to count the number of
household participants shown on placards that were posted by the residents.
These counts were relayed back over the ham nets to the Department
Operations Center (DOC), where they were totaled and reported to the
Incident Commander for the exercise. These counts simulated actual
earthquake damage reports.

By the end of the 1-hour test, more than 600 neighborhood residents had been
counted. In addition, the DOC radioed several problem/response scenarios
back to the field teams, and even handled traffic from the Disaster Airlift
Response Team (DART) at the Half Moon Bay airport, which reported on road
closures in and out of the area.

South of Half Moon Bay, the DOC at Station 57 in La Honda was activated and
participated by responding to injects and relaying participant counts from
their area as a part of the exercise.

A post-event Zoom conference, conducted by the Battalion Chief of Station
40, was used to debrief the participants, and to record observations and
lessons learned that could be used to improve the conduct of future
exercises. The exercise was a solid demonstration of improving first
responders' situational awareness through the use of amateur radio and CERT
volunteers. -- Brian Hunt, K0DTJ, and Paul Grigorieff, N1HEL, Half Moon Bay
Amateur Radio Club, via Heatherly Takeuchi, N6HKT

Considerations for Radios in the EOC
Emergency Operation Center planners and ARES Emergency Coordinators should
consider a number of factors related to public safety and amateur radio in
the EOC. For examples: Will agencies provide or pay for amateur radio
equipment, including radios, or will this factor be left up to the ARES
operators? Will the installation be temporary (requiring handheld and/or
mobile-style radios) or permanent (requiring a radio base-style station)? If
agencies provide the radios, will the radio amateurs advise EOC personnel on
recommended radios, ancillary gear and antennas? Will the EOC managers
provide AC and/or DC power (batteries, generators, etc.) and antenna
installs for extended operations? Will radios be available in the Operations
Room (Ops Room), or monitored in a separate communications room? Will
different radio systems create interference with each other? Does the EOC
have enough electrical outlets for all the expected equipment? Are chargers
necessary for radios, cell phones, pagers, and so on? - Adapted from FEMA
NIMS Alert 36-20: FEMA Offers Comment Period and Webinars on Two Emergency
Operations Center Toolkit Documents

Letters: The Problem with Complex, Menu-Driven Handhelds
In re the November 2020 ARES Letter, I read with interest the announcement
of the release of the second edition of the Handheld Radio Field Guide, by
Andy Cornwall, KF7CCC. I agree Andy's book is a fantastic resource for all
hams, older ones in particular who may have limited experience with newer
technologies. I highly recommend this book to all amateurs.

To my point, however, is the reliance upon complex,
microprocessor-controlled and menu-driven radio equipment in austere or
emergency conditions. This is particularly true of handhelds of fragile,
consumer-grade design using SMT construction, lead-free solder, and
"toy"-quality switches, pots, and connectors. These are fine for the casual
op. They're the last thing you want to rely on for critical communications.

I have some experience with this; I've worked for a major distributor of
Motorola equipment in New England, and was there when the first transition
was made to microprocessor-based frequency synthesized handhelds, and later,
trunked radio systems and the migration of municipal licensees from low-band
VHF to 800/900 MHz. I subsequently moved on to other positions, and I'm now
with a global professional services firm. I've traveled the world in this
capacity, often setting up telecommunications equipment in places you really
don't want to go.

I can attest that in a stressful and possibly dangerous situation, the last
thing a responder or anyone dragged into the mess needs to deal with is a
multi-step drop-down menu on a tiny screen. That's why military VHF/UHF
radio designs are largely limited to having channel, volume, and squelch
controls on the front panel. It's to ensure operability in stressful

I understand that in an emergency, you make do and improvise with the
equipment you have on hand. Hams are great at this. But if one has a choice
beforehand, my recommendation would be acquiring simple, durable handhelds
lacking novel features but enjoying reliable and robust construction.
Representative equipment might be the Motorola MT- and later Radius- line
handheld and mobile equipment. These radios were designed to survive
police/fire/public utility use. -- Walt Mahoney, KC1DON, Providence, Rhode

Handheld Radio Field Guide, Second Edition -- Book Review
Author Andrew Cornwall, KF7CCC/VE1CCC, sent me a copy of the second edition
of his book, the Handheld Radio Field Guide, as reported in last month's
issue. The publication presents clear pictures and simple, straightforward
instructions for front-panel programming (FPP) of handheld radios you might
see at events and incidents today. The second edition gives programming
information for 85 radios, including mine, an Icom IC-V80.

I checked the integrity of his information by using his instruction set to
reprogram my radio (pp. 108-111). After a brief recitation of the V80's
specs, it launched into a summary of standard, basic tasks, the kind of
tasks that would be of most immediate use in the field: set frequency,
offset, tone, power level, write to a memory and select that memory. I
selected and set the parameters and memory channels on my radio quickly and
successfully. There are also instructions on locking/unlocking the radio,
adjusting volume and squelch, changing RF power output, and resetting the
radio to its defaults. The text also discusses the "Weird Modes" of the
radio, and presents other "Useful Information."

It seemed to me that Cornwall's book would make an excellent addition to the
go-kit of any operator, ARES Emergency Coordinator, RACES Radio Officer,
CERT leader, COML, COMT or any other radio amateur in a field leadership
position. Scenarios where the book would be of value include when an
operator deploys to an incident or event site with a radio that he has
seldom used, has dusted off now for the communication assignments at hand,
and cannot remember how to program it (the operating manual having long been
committed to the dark recesses of time). In a potentially unstable disaster
area with responders buzzing around the incident command post like bees from
a hive that just got hit by a stick, the last thing any radio operator or
leadership official wants to do is sit on a log and read through a thick,
detailed technical operating manual to program the incident response
frequencies into their radios.

Don't skip the insightful and sometimes amusing commentary Cornwall provides
at the beginning of the book: "A Plea for Sanity" suggesting a standard for
radio programming across brands and models. "All radios should have a button
labeled PROGRAM - pressing it should start a sequence of prompts to the user
for all the parameters necessary for programming a memory..." There is a
good discussion of the evolution of batteries for handhelds ("Dead Battery
Blues"), and for old-timers like myself, a walk down memory lane with radios
like the late 1970s era Icom IC-2A that had no buttons at all. (See the
Mahoney letter above). The second edition of the Handheld Radio Field Guide
is published by Listening Bird Press, and is available on Amazon, $22.95.-

San Lorenzo Valley ARES Assists Animal Services in CZU Fire
On August 16, a severe dry lightning storm swept through the central coast
of California, hitting the hardest in Santa Cruz County. Several ARES
members around the county were wakened by thunder and high winds,
immediately checking in to local repeaters. Lisa Schallop, KN6IAB, spotted
flames near her property and called in the initial fire report. At least 10
other fires were sparked in the area, and by August 18, they converged to
make the northwestern flank of Santa Cruz County one of the largest wildfire
hotspots in California.

Santa Cruz District Emergency Coordinator Robert Ritchey, KJ6FFP, gave the
go-ahead to activate the San Lorenzo Valley and Santa Cruz coastal ARES
groups. Ritchey called on John Gerhardt, N6QX, to set up a resource net. The
situation was growing and changing rapidly, and communication needs were not
yet clearly defined. Many ARES members were already evacuated, some
completely out of the area. However, enough ARES members were available for
service and a schedule was drafted.

The first assignment was to provide communications at evacuation centers in
Scotts Valley and Watsonville. Then, Santa Cruz County Sheriffs requested
assistance from a few experienced radio operators to ride along in
back-country areas where normal communications were down.

On August 26, ARES was paired with Equine Evac under the supervision of
Santa Cruz County Animal Services; many evacuees had fled their rural homes
on short notice, without means to transport their livestock and pets. The
fire had swept past some neighborhoods, but mass evacuation orders were
still in effect and evacuees could not return to care for their animals.
Requests had come in to Animal Services for wellness checks and care.

Ritchey made the activation call, and Gerhardt put out the request for
operators with the necessary credentials/clearance. Gary Watson, K6PDL,
provided EOC support, processed paperwork, made clearance badges, and
briefed the volunteers for deployment. This was going to be a difficult
assignment, as some of the terrain still had smoldering hot spots.

The most experienced radio operators were given net control shifts. San
Lorenzo Valley EC Bob Fike, KO6XX, Roberta Joiner, AJ6KN, and Watson worked
long days running the tactical net over the course of the operation. They
set up their base at the Scotts Valley evacuation center but soon had to
relocate to county Animal Control several miles away.

Equine Evac volunteers were paired up to drive ATVs along rural roads
cleared of immediate fire danger to locate and check on the welfare of
owners' animals, and feed and water them. Each team was assigned a radio
operator from ARES who would stay in constant contact with net control for
safety, communicate location information, and report on animal welfare as

After-Action Notes

As with any emergency operation, it took a day or two for the planning and
organization to catch up with the situation. Three organizations with
different approaches had to learn how to work together. The biggest
challenge was matching the requests with assignments, consulting maps and
determining the most efficient route for each team. But within a couple of
days, they were well organized and running smoothly.

Animal Services was impressed with how prepared and professional the ARES
organization was, and surprised at the thoroughness of reporting by the
radio operators. Not accustomed to the level of detail provided, they
requested that reports be scaled back after the first day. ARES/animal
welfare assignments continued through September 4. More than a dozen ARES
radio operators were involved in the animal welfare operation. Several
commented that the deployment felt quite familiar, and they realized that
the time they had spent volunteering at sports events and training in prior
years had given them "muscle memory" of the proper procedures to follow in
an actual situation. -- Allison Hershey, KM6RMN, PIO; with thanks to the
Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association and the Half Moon Bay Amateur Radio Club

ARES Connect Year-to-Date Activity Report
ARES Connect is ARRL's tool for registering all - not just ARES -- radio
amateurs' credentials, training, activity hours, and report generation. It
is a total management recording system that allows a more robust and
efficient way of leading all of our Amateur Radio volunteers throughout the
country. This system is designed to track the hours of participation for
every amateur radio volunteer. See the table for a summary of activity
tallied nationwide for the year (2020) to date, January-December 4. --
Thanks to Ohio Section Manager Scott Yonally, N8SY, for compilation of the

National Volunteer Amateur Service Activity for January - December 4, 2020

Category of Event

# Events



Communications Emergency




Community Event




































San Diego Emergency Communications and Amateur Radio: the Auxiliary
Communications Service
The San Diego (California) County Sheriff's Department Auxiliary
Communications Service is made up of specially trained communications
volunteers managed by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department
Communications Center. These volunteers help provide support when there is a
need for supplemental communications during planned events and emergencies.

Using amateur radio, public safety radio networks, and other communications
systems, ACS volunteers are prepared to provide emergency auxiliary radio
communications during disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or wildfires.
When the San Diego County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated
during these types of incidents, ACS provides communication support and
works with the County of San Diego's Office of Emergency Services, the
various cities in San Diego County, the American Red Cross, the Amateur
Radio Emergency Service (ARES), the State of California Governor's Office of
Emergency Services, and many other emergency management and disaster

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department owns and maintains a network of
closed Amateur Radio repeaters in various bands to facilitate auxiliary
communications support during planned events, emergencies, and disasters.

ACS is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) organization for
the San Diego County Operational Area as outlined in Title 47 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 97, Section 407 of the Federal Communications
Commission Rules and Regulations. ACS is granted this authority by the San
Diego County Unified Disaster Council. - San Diego Sheriff's Department

K1CE for a Final: Giving is The Spirit of the Season
If you are an average ham like me, you have a radio on the top or bottom
shelf of your ham shack operating table or closet, gathering dust from
non-use. Consider taking it down, putting it back in its original box, and
donating it to a new or veteran ham that may need one, but can't afford it.
With your radio in their hands, perhaps they'll use it as a new member of
your ARES group. You can donate it anonymously; just ask your local club,
ARES group, or net leader to suggest a good candidate to receive your radio.
You can then ask them to deliver it to the selected ham. No one will know
except you. Imagine the good feeling you'll get when you hear the ham using
the radio to check in to your ARES net.

And last, but not least, to close out this historic year of challenge, I
looked high and low for a message from an ARES official in the field that
would resonate with all of us radio amateurs as we head into a new year. I
found it in my backyard, the ARRL Northern Florida (NFL) Section. The
following was written and reported by Section Emergency Coordinator Karl
Martin, K4HBN. Karl is a soft-spoken individual who displays the finest
quality of humanity: service to others in all aspects of life. Here is his
editorial, published originally in the ARRL NFL newsletter:

By the time you read this, the 2020 hurricane season will be over. Saying
this year was an abnormal season is saying it lightly. With COVID-19 and an
active hurricane season, this has been the busiest year I have been involved
in ARES. The last time was the hurricanes of 2004. 2020 will be a year for
the record books. The Section didn't reach activation Level I Full
Activation, but we did reach Level II Partial Activation several times. With
every activation, I was impressed with how many people participated. Those
who could deploy went to shelters and Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs).
Others operated from home or other locations. No matter how you helped, I
appreciate you coming out for your community. HF conditions were one of the
biggest challenges in this year's activations. Luckily we had a dedicated
team of Net Control Stations (NCS) and Relay stations all across the state
of Florida and across the nation. Some stations operated for hours with
little rest. In a section the size of the Northern Florida Section, it would
be practically impossible without these stations. Thank you. Over the past
years after hurricane Michael, Florida ARRL sections have improved skills,
training and professionalism. I am proud of everyone that serves their
partner agencies, neighbors and community. I am impressed with the one that
has chosen to go above and beyond the necessary level of ARES Level I and
challenged themselves to reach ARES Level II or ARES Level III. Remember, no
one is alone. We all work at training as a team. Without a strong and active
team, we couldn't do what we do. Thank you to everyone for the hard work and
dedication during the past year, and I hope for a better new year. -- Karl
Martin, K4HBN, ARRL Northern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator

ARES Resources

¶ú Download the ARES Manual [PDF]

¶ú ARES Field Resources Manual [PDF]

¶ú ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Fillable PDF]

¶ú ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book [Word]

¶ú ARES Plan

¶ú ARES Group Registration

¶ú Emergency Communications Training

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service¶© (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs
who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with
their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service
when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in
ARRL or any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for
membership in ARES. Training may be required or desired to participate fully
in ARES. Please inquire at the local level for specific information. Because
ARES is an amateur radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible
for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable,
but is not a requirement for membership.

How to Get Involved in ARES: Fill out the ARES Registration form and submit
it to your local Emergency Coordinator.
ARRL Resources

Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive QST or
On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when they renew their
membership. All members can access digital editions of all four ARRL
magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ.

Subscribe to NCJ -- the National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly,
features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA
Sprint and QSO Parties.

Subscribe to QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published
bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects, columns, and
other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

Free of charge to ARRL members: Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public
service and emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update
(biweekly contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much

Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

ARRL offers a wide array of products to enhance your enjoyment of amateur

Donate to the fund of your choice -- support programs not funded by member

Click here to advertise in this newsletter, space subject to availability.

The ARES Letter is published on the third Wednesday of each month. ARRL
members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data
Page as described at

Copyright ¸ 2020 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and
distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes
require written permission.

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