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[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

LU9DCE > APRS     29.07.16 23:59l 506 Lines 24970 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4815_LU9DCE
Sent: 160729/2154Z @:LU9DCE.TOR.ARG.BA.SOAM #:4815 [TORTUGUITAS] $:4815_LU9DCE


APRS and Mic-Encoder are Trademarks of Bob Bruninga
ALL APRS README files are Copyrighted 1992 to 2008 by Bob Bruninga.
See LICENSE.TXT for licensing APRS applications...

Updated 14 Nov 08 to clarify Q byte in NRQ in DF report.

PACKET TYPE:  All APRS transmissions use AX.25 UI frames  

RETRIES:      Being an unconnected protocol, there are no "retries" but
              all packets are redundantly transmitted on a decaying
              algorithm so that new information is transmitted more
              frequently than old data.but without acknowledgment.  
              In general the period between each packet is on the order
              of 1.5 to 2 times the previous period.  Down to a maximum
              period called the "Net Cycle Time".  Other reasonable
              timings are permitted.

NET CYCLE:    There is an assumed maximum refresh period that all data
              is at least transmitted once.  For special events, this
              is 10 minutes.  For local area, 20 mins and for routine
              wide area operations, this is 30 minutes.  APRS uses the
              number of digipeaters in the UNPROTO path to determine
              this maximum refresh period.  For none or one digi, it
              is 10.  For 2 hops it is 20, and for 3 or more, it is 30.
              Other forms of adjusting the NET-CYCLE TIME are permitted.

UNPROTO TO ADDRESS:   APRS uses the TO address in several ways depending
on the type of sending station as follows:

   BEACONS - Many common beacon addresses are assumed:  AP, BEACON,
         TOCALLS are ignored to protect ALTNETS.  These are all wildcarded
         to the right.  (actually I have these additional ones in my code,
         but cannot right now remember what they were for:


   STAND-ALONE-TRACKER - These TNC's send to the call of GPSxyz where
         the xyz is used to indicate the APRS ICON.  SPCxyz is used for
         special events.  SYMxyz is also defined, but not in general
         use.  All APRS software should capture these packets.

   GRID-IN-TO -  For special events such as digipeating via the SAREX
         or space station MIR, the stations gridsquare is sometimes
         transmitted in the TOCALL to keep the packet as short as
         possible.  In this case, the packet must begin with ]$[, where
         $ is from the primary symbol table.  And the ] character tells
         APRS to look for the grid square posit in the BText.

   Mic-Encoder -  The Mic-E includes part of its position in the TOCALL.
         Therefore these need to be decoded by everyone. 

   APRS STATION -  APRS Stations use the TOCALL to indicate the intended
         network, or group of recepients.  This can allow multiple groups
         of stations to all share the same channel with minimum 

         ALLCALLS:  These are copied by everyone.  All APRS software  will 
                    accept packets addressed to the generic BEACON calls
                    listed above and will normally ignore all others.
                    Notice that the TOCALLS used by the various versions of
                    APRS fit the above list as APR817, APRSW, APRSM, APRSA4
                    All other TO addresses are ignored unless you set 
                    CONTROLS-FILTERS-OTHER to ON.
         VERSION:   APRS software should use the TOcall announcing the
                    version number.  This takes advantage of these other
                    wise unused bytes.  Since AP is wildcarded, the 
                    following list of version identifiers is used:
                    APRxxx APRSdos
                    APMxxx MacAPRS
                    APWxxx WinAPRS
                    APKxxx Kenwood
                    AP0xxx APRS+SA
                    AP.... etc

         SPECIAL:   This is for special events.  All APRS versions will 
                    accept packets addressed to SPCL.  But stations 
                    operating in SPECIAL mode will ONLY see other packets 
                    addressed to SPCL.  This is so they will not be 
                    cluttered by other traffic on the channel NOT involved 
                    in their special event.
         ALTERNATE NETS:  Other stations can use other TO calls.  THey will 
                    transmit to the ALTNET call and will receive ONLY packets
                    to that same call.  These stations thus can operate on 
                    the channel with other APRS, but will only see themselves.
                    And will not be seen by others.

APRS FORMATS:  In the following APRS on-air formats, the abbreviations are 
D for degrees (or DAY), M for minutes (Both lat/long and time), h for 
hundredths (or Hours), N for North and W for West.  Base91 characters are
the ASCII printable characters from ! to }.

ICONS:  The APRS ICONs are identified by a two byte combination of a TABLE 
character and a SYMBOL character.  There is a primary table, the alternate 
table, and overlay characters.  See SYMBOLS.TXT. 

TIME FORMATS:  APRS generally uses a military style DATE-TIME-GROUP 
consisting of the two digit day and 4 digit hour and minute.  These can 
be expressed in local and zulu time.  Recently only zulu formats are
transmitted on the air.  In addition, a DATELESS format is also supported.

     121234/ is local time 1234 on the 12th
     121234z is zulu time 1234 on the 12th
     123456h is hours minutes and seconds in zulu 12:34:56 zulu

FORMAT CHARACTER:  The first character of any APRS packet is a format 
identifier.  It determines the format of the remainder of the packet.

THIRD PARTY FORMAT:  One special format character } allows any APRS
packet to be carried or transmitted by any other station.  This is 
what allows the both the ZIPLAN and IGATE messaging capability!  On 
receipt of a 3rd party packet, the original header is dropped and the 
packet is recursively parsed again, beginning at the {.  To show that 
it has been carried by another station, the call of that station is 
extracted from the as-received header and inserted  as a pseudo digi* 
in the digi path.   Example:


will be processed as  W4ABC>APRS,WIDE,W3XYZ,DIGI*:>121234zStatus

Notice how the "carrying station" W3XYZ is inserted as if it had been
a digi in the path

POSITION REPORT:  There are many POSITION formats as determined by the
first format character.  There is one exception, and that is the !FIXED 
format which may occur anywhere up to the 40th character position in the 
packet.  This variability is to support X1J TNC digipeaters which have
a string of un-modifyable text at the beginning.  All LAT/LONG formats
are fixed field and use Degrees and Decimal minutes.  Any of the lesser
significant decimal digits may be replaced with Spaces to indicate
several orders of magnitude of inprecision.

There are two subsets of posits.  THose with and without time stamps
and those indicating stations that may or may not have message
capability.  If a position begins with @ or = then APRS is running and the
station is message capable.   If only a TNC is running, then a ! or a /
indicates that there is no  APRS messaging capability on line.  In this
case, the date-time means  the time that APRS was last running.  Here are
the common formats currently in use:

...!DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...      Fixed format (digipeaters) no APRS
   =DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...      Fixed but is APRS message capable
   /DDHHMMzDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...   Stationary, time of last fix
   @DDHHMMzDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$CSE/SPD/... Moving (with APRS)
   [XXnnyy]....                  Grid Square
   [XXnn]...                     Grid Square
    /YYYYXXXX$csT                Compressed format which can be used
                                 in place of LAT/LONG/cse/spd in all
                                 formats. /$ are the ICON bytes and T
                                 is a TYPE byte.  See YYYYNNNN.txt
   $GPRMC,...,...,...           Raw NMEA strings from stand-alone-trackers

COURSE/SPEED:  The 7 bytes following the symbol character can be any of
   the following additional formats:
      CSE/SPD - these are fixed field 3 bytes each
      PHGabcd - Power, ant/height, Gain and Directivity
      DFSxbcd - Omni DF report (Same as PHG, but x=sig str)
POWER-HEIGHT-GAIN:  This optional field replaces the CSE/SPD fields with a
report of transmitter power, antenna height-above-average-terain and 
antenna gain.  APRS uses this to plot radio range circles around all 
stations.  The following details the format to be used in the BText of 
a TNC dedicated as an APRS digipeater:

    !DDMM.mmN/DDDMM.mmW#PHG5360/WIDE...(identifying comments)...
      |         |      | | ||||  |_____ makes station show up green
      |         |      | | ||||________ Omni (Direction of max gain)
      |         |      | | |||_________ Ant gain in dB
      |         |      | | ||__________ Height = log2(HAAT/10)
     LAT      LONG     | | |___________ Power = SQR(P)
                       | |_____________ Power-Height-Gain identifier *
                       |_______________ # is symbol for digipeater

     As you can see by the integers in the PHG string, there are only 10
     possible values for each of these fields as follows:

     DIGITS   0  1  2   3   4   5   6    7    8    9         Equation
     POWER    0, 1, 4,  9, 16, 25, 36,  49,  64,  81  watts  SQR(P)
     HEIGHT  10,20,40, 80,160,320,640,1280,2560,5120  feet   LOG2(H/10)
     GAIN     0, 1, 2,  3,  4,  5,  6,   7,   8,   9  dB
     DIR   omni,45,90,135,180,225,270, 315, 360,   .  deg    (D/45)

     The DIRECTIVITY field offsets the PHG circle by one third in the
     indicated direction.  This means a front to back range of 2 to 1.
     Most often this is used to indicate a favored direction or a null
     even though an OMNI antenna is at the site.  Note that 0 means
     OMNI and 8 means 360 or a NORTH offset.

     HIGHTS are ABOVE-AVERAGE TERRAIN!  Not above ground or sea
     level. ALso, since DOS version 8.0 the Height character may be any 
     ascii character 0-9 and above.  This is so that higher heights for
     aircraft or satelites may be incorportated.

On receipt, the PHG values are converted to a usable radio range using
the following algorithms:
     POWER = P^2
     H = 10 as a default
     H = ASCII(Hchar)-51   converts it to a decimal value
     HAAT = 10*2^H
     GAIN = 10^(G/10)      converts from DB to decimal
     RANGE = SQR(2*H*SQR((P/10)*(GAIN/2)))

PHG FOR MOBILES:  Due to fading and multipath on mobile signals which
can average 6 to 10 dB and peak at 20 to 40 dB, the effective range of 
packets for mobiles is about HALF the range of Fixed stations.
Thus in APRS852 I reduced the PHG circles by 50% when using the MAPS-
PLOTS-PHG command and you need to hit MAPS-PLOTS-FIXED to see the PHG 
for fixed stations (like in all previous versions)

by plotting the overlapping signal strength contours of all stations 
hearing the signal.  This OMNI-DF format replaces the PHG format with DFS 
to indicate DF Signal strength, and the transmitter power field is replaced 
with the relative signal from 0 to 9.  The following beacon would
represent a weak signal heard on an antenna with 3 dB gain at 40 feet:


   A signal of ZERO (0), is equally SIGNIFICANT beacuse APRS uses these 
   0 signal reports to draw BLACK circles where the jammer is NOT!  
   These BLACK circles are extremely valuable since you will get a lot 
   more reports from stations that don't hear the jammer than from those 
   that do.   This quickly eliminates a LOT of territory! 
WEATHER REPORT:  APRS uses the underline symbol character for WX reports.
For these, the COURSE/SPEED field is used for the WIND and the remainder 
of the comment line contains other weather items.  See WX.TXT 

    r is in hundredths of an inch of rain in the LAST HOUR
    p is in hundredths of an inch of rain in the LAST 24 HOURS
    P is in hundredths of an inch of rain since midnight
    s is INCHES of snow in the last 24 hours
    b is in tenths of millibars
    h is percent humidity (00=100%)
    dU2k is Ultimeter 2000, /U5 is the 500 and /Dvs is Davis
         The "d" means it is running DOS
    Lxxx is luminosity in Watts per square meter 999 and below
    lxxx is luminosity in Watts per square meter 1000 and above
         L is inserted in place of one of the rain values.
OBJECTS:  OBJECT reports are identical to POSITs except that the
posit is preceeded with a fixed nine character object name.  The semicolon
is the FORMAT identifier and a * separates the name and the posit.  The
position is time stamped in the usual manner.  The call of the station
sending the object should be attached to the object.


ITEMS:  Items are the same as objects, except that the Format identifier
is a ), there is no time stamp, and the item name is variable length from  
3 to 9 bytes followed by the standard ! format posit.

This is the same format as the .POS files in the .POS directory.

REPLACEMENT OBJECT:  A fundamental precept in APRS is that any station
may take over reporting responsibilty of an object by simply transmitting
the object in a new location (or the same location).  The original station
will cease transmitting that object when it sees an incoming same-named
object from another station.  Names ARE case sensitive.   All receiving
software must attach to the object the call of the sending station.

KILLED OBJECT:  The station reporting an object may KILL the object from
everyone elses screen by continuing to transmit it but with the * replaced
with an underscore _.  The format is the same. 

AREA OBJECTS:  Area objects can draw large shapes (BOX,CIRCLE,TRIANGLE
and LINE) on the map with a size of from below a mile to 400 miles.
The symbol character is L and the size and offset of the shape and
its color is conveyed in the next 7 bytes normally used as the
CSE/SPD field.  Including the symbol char, then this format is LTyy/Cxx.

Where "l" is the area object symbol characetr (lower case L)
      "T" is they type of area (line, circle, square, triangle)
      "C" is the color (1 of 8 dos colors)
      yy  is the Y axis offset in .01 degrees latitude squared
      xx  is the X axis offset in .01 degrees longitude squared
      {zzz is an optional width parameter in the comment text for
           drawing lines of a given width.  This is useful for
           weather watch areas such as 50 will draw a dotted
           line +/- 50 miles on either side of the original line.

The types are either filled in or not.
 0 circle     (5 is filled in)
 1 line       (6 is line in opposite quadrant)
 2 reserved   (7 reserved
 3 triangle   (8 is filled in)
 4 box        (9 is filled in)
LINE OBJECTS:  The LINE object above can additionally draw "a line 
X miles either side of the line" if the width of this box is defined
in the comment text within braces: {120}.  This is for Weather watch

SIGNPOST:  This special object will only appear on a map below the 8 mile
scale.  It appears as a highway sign and will display up to a 3 digit
value on the sign if it is included in the comment text within braces
{30}.  The intention of this object is for displaying the speed of the 
flow of traffic past a point or any other changable quantity suitable for
a sign.

STATUS PACKET:  These packets announce the stations current mission or 
any other single line status to everyone.  Each station may transmit one
and only one.  Only one is maintained on receipt.  These packets are time
stamped so the sender knows when they were entered.


ALL OTHER PACKETS:  Any packet that does NOT meet any of the formats in
this document are assumed to be a STATUS beacon and will show up as 
status as long as no other properly formatted Status has been received.  
TYpical TNC ID packets fall into this category.  Once a STATUS packet has
been received it will not be overwritten by other non-status non-identified
packets.  Mac/WIn/+SA may capture and list ID packets separately.

APRS MESSAGES:  Station to station messages begin with a colon and a 9
character addressee name padded with spaces to a total of nine characters
followed by a colon:

    :W3XYZ____:one line message text......{345 (the {345 is the line#)

LINE NUMBERS:  Line numbers begin with the "{" character and may have 
from one to 5 bytes in them.  Any printable ascii character may be used
but short numerical bytes are preferred.  An ACK returns a copy of the 
line number.

MSG ACK:   An ACK is just a message with the letters ACK# where the # is 
the message line number (following the { character at the end of the line).


If there is no message line number, then no ack should be sent.

MESSAGE TYPES:  There are many types of messages:

  MESSAGES TO/FROM YOU:  THese are to be displayed separately and forced
  on the user whenever a new messages arrives.  Messages to any of your
  SSID's should be captured as TO YOU, but only a match to your MYCALL 
  should be acked.

  MESSAGES BETWEEN OTHERS:  These messages are not to/from you and are
  separately displayed as TRAFFIC on the APRSdos TRAFFIC page for example.

  MESSAGE GROUPS:  You can specify special MESSAGE GROUPS to be calls 
  that your station will also capture on your message page as if they 
  had been addressed to you.  Receive them as TO YOU, but do not ACK.

BULLETINS:   BULLETINs are simply messages to the call signs of BLN1, BLN2, 
... BLN#.  They will never be acked, but all APRS stations will capture
and sort them onto the special BULLETINS page.  Bulletins sent to BLN# will 
decay to very long periods but bulletins sent to BLNx will decay down to 
once every NetCycle time and stay at that rate.   Users must be alerted
on arrival of a new BULLETIN.

BULLETIN GROUPS:  Bulletins may be sent to Bulletin groups, such as BLN#GRP
All stations will also copy these bulletins, but if a station selects
a list of Bulletin Groups, then his station will IGNORE all other bulletin
groups (while still receiving the general BLN# bulletins).  For example:

     :BLN#WX___:This is a bulletin to the WX group

Everyone will receive it.  But if a station is only interested in WX and
nothing else, then he may set his BULLETIN GROUP to include WX.  As soon
as his BULLETIN GROUP is non zero, then he will IGNORE all other Bulletin
groups except those in his list. (He still gets all basic BLN#'s tho)

DF REPORTS:  The DF report includes a NRQ field in addition to the
position, course and speed of the vehicle plus the bearing line.
     @DDHHMM.xxN/DDDMM.xxW\CSE/SPD/BRG/NRQ/DF report...

     NRQ indicates the quality and range of the report.  The "N" 
     byte is unique to the N7LUE DF unit interface.  If N is 0, 
     then it means nothing.  Values from 1 to 8 give an indication 
     of the number of hits per period relative to the length of the 
     time period.  So 8 means 100% of all samples possible, got a hit.  
     The N is only significant from the automatic DF units.  The byte
     may be used to indicate a manual bearing report by entering a 9.

     The range (R) indicates the approximate area of interest.  In 
     APRSdos, this is automatically inserted by the sending station
     by using the range-scale of the current map in use.  The R byte
     is computed as 2^R so, for R=4 would be 16 miles.

     The Q byte is QUALITY and is a relative measure of the degree
     of unknown in the beam heading.  Although APRSdos displays this
     as the degree-of-dottedness of the bearing line, it is best
     interpreted as a BEAMWIDTH as follows:

     9 = 1 degree wide
     8 = 2 degree
     7 = 4 degree
     5 = 8 degree
     4 = 16 degree
     3 = 32 degree
     2 = 64 degree
     1 = 128 degree
     0 = OMNI

QUERIES:  THere are two types of APRS Queries.  One is general to all
stations and the other is in a message format to a single station.  Queries
always begin with a ?, are one-time transmissions (not scheduled for retry) 
and should not be acked.  Similarly the responses to queries are one-time
and should not be scheduled for repeated transmission and also should be
send without line numbers so that they are not acked.  

  ?APRS?                    Queries all stations (respond in 2 mins)
  ?APRS?LLLLLL,OOOOOO,RRRR  Queries a radius around a LAT/LONG point
                            If RRR is less than 8 then respond immediately
  ?WX?                      Queries all WX stations
  :W3ABC____:?APRS?         Queries just W3ABC  (his posit/status)
  :W3ABC____:?APRSP         Queries for  W3ABC's Posit
  :W3ABC____:?APRSS         Queries for  W3ABC's Status
  :W3ABC____:?APRSM         Queries for  W3ABC's messages
  :W3ABC____:?APRSO         Queries for  W3ABC's Objects
  :W3ABC____:?APRSD         Queries for stations heard DIRECT by W3ABC
  :W3ABC____:?APRSH W4XYZ   Queries to see if W3ABC has heard W4XYZ
                            W3ABC sends back a packet with W4XYZ as an OBJ
                            and sends back a message with the number of
                            packets heard per hour from him.

  W3ABC responds with his Posit, Status, Messages or Objects as appripriate.
  For the APRSD he responds with a single MESSAGE back to the query 
  station as follows:   Directs= N3ABC W4XYZ AB3GH N5QSO ...

  In the case of the ?APRSH query, W3ABC sends back the POSIT of W4XYZ as
  an OBJECT and sends back a single line message as follows:
                        Hrd:  14  15  4  .  10  6  7  .
  Which are his Heard statistics per hour for the last 18 hours.

APPENDIX:  This table gives a one line summary of all APRS protocols:

   >.....................     Status packet
   >DDHHMMz..............     Time stamped status packet
   !DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...    POSIT ( no APRS)
   =DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...    POSIT (APRS message capable)
   /DDHHMM/DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...   Time of last fix (No APRS)
   @DDHHMM/DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$CSE/SPD/... Moving (with APRS)
   [XXnnyy]....               Grid Square
   [XXnn]...                  Grid Square
   ]$[.....                   Grid-In-Tocall using symbol $
   ./YYYYXXXX$csT             Compressed (Used in any !=/@ format)
   $GPRMC,...,...,...         Raw NMEA strings from stand-alone-trackers
   'lllc/s$/.........         Mic-E no message capability
   'lllc/s$/>........         Mic-E message capability
   `lllc/s$/>........         Mic-E old posit
   +OBJECT___*DDHHMMzDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$CSE/SPD/comments...  dos Internal
   -OBJECT___*DDHHMMzDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$CSE/SPD/comments...  Kill object
   _OBJECT___*ditto  Internal by APRS DOS showing object was killed
   )ITEM!DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW$...  Similar to .POS file format
   :ADDRESSEE:Message text ........{XXXXX    Up to 5 char line number
   :ADDRESSEE:ackXXXXX                       Ack for same line number
   :ADDRESSEE:Message text ........{MM}AA    Line# with REPLY ACK
                                             ACKS previous msg# AA also
   :BLN@     :Bulletin text long term        @ is serial line number
   :BLN#     :Bulletin text short term       # is serial line number
   :BLN#GROUP:Short or Long term GROUP Bltn
   %BRG%Q                                    DF Bearing and Quality
   *DWTRRRRrrrr    Ultimeter-II MPH? (I may have these reversed)
   #DWTRRRRrrrr    Ultimeter-II KPH?
   !!....,......   Ultimeter-2000
   $ULTW........   Ultimeter-2000 Packet mode
   ?APRS?.......   Many Query formats.  See above
   <............   Reserved  (Mark?)
   (............   Avail 
   }packet......   3rd Party Packet
   ^............   Not used?
   \............   Not used?
   &............   Not used?


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