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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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CX2SA  > SATDIG   08.04.12 21:03l 708 Lines 27728 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V7 112
Sent: 120408/1902Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SA #:57837 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB7112

Today's Topics:

   1. Space Week Proclamation (Clint Bradford)
   2. Re: Space Week Proclamation (Clint Bradford)
   3. San Francisco High School Students Plan Near-Space	Balloon
      Mission (EMike McCardel)
   4. ANS-099 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins (Lee McLamb)
   5. Prototype Prediction web service (David A. B. Johnson)
   6. Prototype Prediction web service (David A. B. Johnson)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2012 12:07:48 -0700
From: Clint Bradford <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Space Week Proclamation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII

The City of Jurupa Vallley will declare the week of April 15-21 "Space Week"
at their April 19, 2012 regular city council meeting.

Students at Flabob Airport's aviation school will be conducting a ham radio
conversation with an astronaut aboard the International Space Station
that week. "I am so excited to participate in the radio communications with
the Space Station," declared mayor Laura Roughton. "I would like to
have the students who are participating in the event come to the council
meeting and be recognized, as well as Flabob's Kathy Rohm."

The city proclamation acknowledges that space technology is used in the
solution and resolution of problems of regional, national, and global
significance and the applications of space research are used for economic,
social, and cultural development - and also specifically cites the efforts of
the students at The Tom Wathen Center's Flabob Airport Preparatory Academy,
who have spent months learning about space exploration while
preparing for their amateur radio contact with the ISS.

More information on the Flabob project may be found on their Web site at -

This city council meeting will be held at 7PM on April 19, 2012, at the
Jurupa Unified School District Board Chambers located at 4850 Pedley Road,
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509. The city's Web site is -


Clint Bradford


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2012 12:11:10 -0700
From: Clint Bradford <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Space Week Proclamation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII

The City of Jurupa Valley is in California - sorry - that media alert I just
sent out was for our local news outlets, and
I forgot to "better" detail it for this international audience.

Clint K6LCS


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 17:12:42 -0400
From: EMike McCardel <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] San Francisco High School Students Plan Near-Space
Balloon Mission
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8

They following two articles were reported in the April edition of the Mount
Vernon (OH) ARC Newsletter "CQ". Barry Butz, N8PPF is the father of Craig
Butz, KJ6DYP, one of the teachers involved in the project. I thought I would
post in event anyone was interested in following the ballon launch.

by Barry Butz N8PPF
Very soon we will be joining our son Craig KJ6DYP and his students for their
third near-space balloon launch. It will be in the Black Rock Desert in
northwest Nevada on April 11.
Two students and another teacher have recently earned their technician
licenses. One of the students has participated in the project for three
years and his newly issued call will be used on the ham radio carried by the
You can track the balloon on by searching for KJ6VFJ-11.
This will bring up a Google map showing
the position along with speed and altitude data. Two pursuit vehicles will
also be sending APRS positions using calls KJ6DYP-7 and N8PPF-1.
Real-time updates will be sent over the Internet, as explained in Craigs
article. Launch time is estimated as between 9:30 and noon Eastern time. The
launch site is in a very remote area and I don't know if cell service or
Internet will be available. Nevertheless, anyone interested should email me
at beforehand and I will try to send last minute updates.

San Francisco High School Students Plan Near-Space Balloon Mission
Students in the space club at The Bay School of San Francisco have spent
this school year planning a third near-space balloon mission. After several
all-day meetings spent building the probe, the group plans to launch Ikaros
III from the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada on April 11, 2012 to
recover images of the earth and the blackness of space along with
atmospheric data from 100,000 feet altitude?three times as high as
commercial airliners fly.
The group is lead by Craig Butz, KJ6DYP (son of Barry Butz, N8PPF, who plans
to attend the launch) and Feroze Munshi, KJ6UTH. Two students passed their
amateur radio license exams in preparation for the mission: Nolan Van Dine,
KJ6UIM and Jesse Greenfield, KJ6VFJ.
Live updates on the mission and details about tracking the balloon and
ground crew via APRS will be found on the project website: . Its APRS call will be KJ6VFJ-11.
Ikaros III will use an all-new Arduino-based flight computer to collect,
record, and transmit GPS location and atmospheric pressure and temperature
data. Arduino is an open-source microcontroller platform that makes
interactive electronic and robotic projects accessible to hobbyists. Both
the tracking and data- logging circuit boards were constructed by students.
The data board is a kit from Maker Shed that records data to an SD card,
with temperature and pressure sensors added by the team. The ?Trackuino?
APRS tracking board was designed by Javier Martin EA5HAV and Kyle Crockett,
KJ6KUV, both of whom have flown their own balloons. If all goes according to
plan, Ikaros will also use the services of HAM social networking site to send its own tweets with status reports from the edge of space
under the handle @xxxxxxxxxxxx. Miniaturizing the equipment will also help
the club meet its goal of getting the probe to even higher altitudes than
previous missions.
Ikaros III will be a follow-up to previous successful missions on May 22,
2010 and April 15, 2011.
During a one-hour-thirty-three minute flight, Ikaros II flew from the hills
east of the San Francisco Bay Area over the Central Valley, landing 57 miles
away. It reached an altitude of 83,772 feet. During the flight, the payload
got a taste of the harsh conditions beyond the protection of the Earth's
atmosphere. Temperatures dropped as low as 76 degrees below zero and
atmospheric pressure was 2% of what it is at sea level. Ikaros I reached
75,774 feet over Pinnacles National Park, and experienced 173 mile-per-hour
winds in the jet stream.

EMike McCardel, KC8YLD
ARRL Ohio Section Affiliated Club Coordinator
Associate Director Education, AMSAT-NA
AMSAT-Edu Moderator
Sent from my iPhone


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2012 20:56:22 -0400
From: Lee McLamb <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-099 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed


ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America,
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a
worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in
designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital
Amateur Radio satellites.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:

* Volunteers are needed to help at the AMSAT booth at Dayton. Gould  *
* WA4SXM, is looking for volunteers to help man the AMSAT booth dur- *
* ing the 2012 Hamvention. People are needed all 3 days for 2 hour   *
* shifts. Please send the days and times you are available to help   *
* as well as how many shifts you are willing to work via e-mail to   *
* wa4sxm at                                               *
* Monitor  *
* for the latest AMSAT at Dayton news and developments               *

In this edition:
* Fox-1 Project Educational Goals Align With NASA ELaNa Requirements
* AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nominations
* EPFL Announces Nanosat Ion Drive - To The Moon on 100 mL of Fuel
* European ATV-3 Edoardo Amaldi Arrives at ISS & Performs Reboost
* California Students Contact ISS Astronaut
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.01
ANS-099 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 099.01
April 8, 2012
BID: $ANS-099.01

Fox-1 Project Educational Goals Align With NASA ELaNa Requirements

Project ELaNa, NASA's "Educational Launch of NanoSat" managed by the
Launch Services Program at the Kennedy Space Center, announced on
February 10 that the AMSAT Fox-1 cubesat has been selected to join
the program. AMSAT will work with NASA in a collaborative agreement
where NASA will cover the integration and launch costs of satellites
deemed to have merit in support of their strategic and educational

In an article published in the AMSAT Journal, AMSAT Vice-President
of Engineering, Tony Monteiro, AA2TX noted that meeting NASA's edu-
cational goals for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
was the cornerstone in the successful acceptance of Fox-1 into the
ELaNa project.

Fox-1 continues AMSAT's long record of success as an all-volunteer
organization providing access to space communications for students
in a curriculum setting as well the private citizen.

The Fox-1 communication package provides a learning and techologi-
cal stepping-stone using commonly available amateur radio equipment.
Students gain first-hand experience in setting up and operating equip-
ment, orbital prediction, communication to distant places, and growth
in overall space literacy. In the classroom, Fox-1 will allow schools,
teachers, and students to actively participate in space technology
with a unique experimental hands-on learning approach that includes
communicating through a satellite in orbit.

All of the Fox-1 experiment and telemetry data will be collected and
stored on our internet server and made publicly available for use in
the classroom and shared with the CubeSat community.

In addition to mentoring university student cubesat mission teams,
AMSAT satellites have also hosted university experiments aboard our
spacecraft. In addition to the communications package, Fox-1 will
host an experimental payload developed as a capstone project at Penn
State University. The Penn State project will have impact on future
CubeSat systems as the students design, construct, and orbit an atti-
tude experiment based on a 3-axis micro-electro-mechanical gyroscope.

Fox-1 Project Reviews
The Fox-1 Team participated in a Merit Review and Feasibility Review
with a panel including education and industry experts at the Doctorate
level, a developer of 29 satellites, and directors of research.

The results of the Fox-1 Merit Review found:

+ AMSAT "nailed" the NASA education requirements of the NASA Educa-
   tion Strategic Coordination Framework and the NASA Education Imple-
   mentation Framework. In fact, AMSAT has a history of space education
   that pre-dates most university programs.

+ The Fox-1 program will be accessible to an entire classroom or
   school with only the teacher or outside volunteer requiring an
   amateur radio license.

+ The archive of telemetry data collected during actual space flight
   will prove valuable in future educational projects that have yet
   to be imagined.

The results of the Fox-1 Feasibility Review found:

+ While AMSAT relies on an all-volunteer development team the tre-
   mendous depth and experience of the Fox-1 team far exceeds the
   capability of a typical CubeSat team. AMSAT has developed its
   satellites this way for 40 years and has never missed a launch.

+ AMSAT does not rely on critical technology for flight and leverages
   our experience from prior successful missions:

   o Fox-1 is designed to operate in sunlight without batteries
     once the battery system fails. This applies lessons learned
     from AO-51 and ARISSat-1 operations.

   o In case of IHU failure Fox-1 will continue to operate its FM
     repeater in a basic, 'zombie sat' mode, so that the repeater
     remains on-the-air.

   o Fox-1 is designed as the immediate replacement for AO-51. Its U/V
     (Mode B) transponder will make it even easier to work with modest

   o From the ground user's perspective, the same FM amateur radio
     equipment used for AO-51 may be used for Fox-1.

AMSAT's Fox-1 project timeline is based on
targeting a launch in the second half
of 2013. NASA will determine on which flight each of the Project ELaNa
fly. They have updated their CubeSat Launch Initiative web page including
AMSAT's participation at:

[ANS thanks the Fox-1 Team for the above information]


AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nominations

It is time to submit nominations for the upcoming open seats on the
AMSAT-NA Board of Directors. A valid nomination requires either one
current Member Society, or five current individual members in good
standing, to nominate an AMSAT-NA member for the position.

Three directors and two alternate directors have terms expiring this
year. The director seats open for election are held by Tom Clark,
K3IO; Lou McFadin, W5DID; and Gould Smith, WA4SXM. The alternate dir-
ector seats open for election are held by Mark Hammond, N8MH and
Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK.

The three nominees receiving the highest number of votes will be
seated as regular board members with two year terms. The two nom-
inees receiving the next highest number of votes will be seated as
alternate directors for one year.

Written nominations, consisting of names, calls and individual signa-
tures, should be mailed to: AMSAT-NA, 850 Sligo Ave #600, Silver
Spring, MD, 20910. They must be received no later than June 15th. No
other action is required.

Nominations may also be made by electronic means including e-mail,
FAX, or electronic image of a petition. Electronic petitions should
be sent to or faxed to 301-608-3410, and also must
be received by June 15th. If using any electronic submission, there
is a second, verifying step:

   traditional written petition MUST be received at the AMSAT-NA
   office at the above address within 7 days following the close
   of nominations.

[ANS Thanks AMSAT Secretary Alan Biddle, WA4SCA for the above


EPFL Announces Nanosat Ion Drive - To The Moon on 100 mL of Fuel

An article posted on reported the EPFL University
in Switzerland announced the first prototype of a new, ultra-compact
motor that will allow small satellites to journey beyond Earth's
orbit. (See:

EPFL said the MicroThrust ion motor will be capable of reaching the
Moon using just a tenth of a liter of fuel. The complete thruster
weighs just a few hundred grams and is specifically designed to pro-
pel small (1-100 kg) satellites, which it enables to change orbit
around the Earth and even voyage to more distant destinations -
functions typically possible only for large, expensive spacecraft.

Instead of a combustible fuel, the new mini motor runs on an "ionic"
liquid, in this case the chemical compound EMI-BF4, which is used
as a solvent and an electrolyte. It is composed of electrically
charged molecules (like ordinary table salt) called ions, except that
this compound is liquid at room temperature. The ions are extracted
from the liquid and then ejected by means of an electric field to
generate thrust. This is the principle behind the ionic motor: fuel
is not burned, it is expelled.

After six months of acceleration, the microsatellite's speed increases
from 24,000 km/h, its launch speed, to 42,000 km/h. The acceleration
is only about a tenth of a millimeter per square second, which trans-
lates into 0-100 km/h in 77 hours. But in space, where there is no
friction to impede motion, gentle but steady acceleration is the way
to go.

"We calculated that in order to reach lunar orbit, a 1-kg nanosatel-
lite with our motor would travel for about six months and consume 100
milliliters of fuel," explains Muriel Richard, a scientist in EPFL's
Swiss Space Center.

A video about the MicroThrust has been posted at:

[ANS thanks for the above information]


European ATV-3 Edoardo Amaldi Arrives at ISS & Performs Reboost

After a successful launch on March 23, the heaviest cargo ship ever
has arrived and docked to the International Space Station. The 20-ton
European ATV-3 cargo ship, named "Edoardo Amaldi" after the Italian
physicist and spaceflight pioneer, made a "smooth and gentle" docking
on March 28. It delivered 7 tons of food, drinking water, clothing,
oxygen, spare parts and fuel for the 6-member ISS crew.

A video of the docking with ISS can be viewed at:

On Saturday, March 31 the ATV reboosted the space station's orbit to
389.8 km. The ATV's thrusters ran for 351 seconds, increasing ISS vel-
ocity by 1.0 m/s and boosting average altitude by 1.73 km. This is a
standard test performed as soon as possible after docking.

The successful test burn means that ATV is ready for a series of
larger planned reboosts (the first expected on 5 April) and to con-
duct debris avoidance manoeuvres when necessary.

Read more on-line at: ( (

An article posted on on April 2 reports that the
huge cargo freighters, weighing more than 20 tons fully loaded, will
stop flying in 2014 when the fifth resupply craft delivers equipment
to the International Space Station. ESA member states decided to dis-
continue the program after briefly considering redesigning the throw
away cargo craft to return hardware in a hardened re-entry capsule.
Read the full article on-line at:

The ESA published a new video on their youtube channel showing ESA
astronaut Andr? Kuipers and cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko opening the hatch
to the ATV and begin unloading the cargo. See:

[ANS thanks and for the above


California Students Contact ISS Astronaut

The amateur radio club at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
Obispo, California arranged for an Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) contact for elementary school students, 4H-club members and
Scouts on Tuesday, March 27. The connection was
made by telebridge station AH6NM
in Hawaii. Approximately 150 students were in attendance. Local news station
KSBY and the Cal Poly newspaper Mustang Daily covered the event; NASA-TV
replayed the contact audio on March 28. The ARISS
event complemented the science
fair held to get students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM).  To view the article, see:

and the news clip:

[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI, for the above information]


Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ Education and Technology Program Director Mark Spencer, WA8SME
   will try to activate W1AW on AO-27 on April 10 for the 1830Z
   pass. Fastest QSL is via his callbook address.

+ The 50 MHz and Up Group has issued the first call for papers for
   the 2012 Microwave Update Conference to be held October 18-21 in
   Santa Clara, California. For more information on submitting papers
   as well as all other aspects of the conference please go to:

+ The International Space Station Benefits for Humanity brochure
   is a collection of in-depth descriptions about benefits from
   research on the space station. The benefits outlined serve as
   examples of the space station's potential as a ground breaking
   scientific research facility. This collection was developed
   collaboratively by the members of the Canadian Space Agency,
   European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
   NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency. To view the brochure,
   visit (

+ A NASA Educator's Guide about Rockets is available on-line at: (

+ Bob, WB4APR noted a need for an Australian Amateur Astronomer and
   HAM operator in Canberra on 4-6 June 2012. Assistance is needed to
   support a science team of students from the USA to observe the last
   transit of Venus this century in Canberra. We want a local Austra-
   lian Ham to be there to see if we can use ham radio and the speed
   of light to share observations with our sister team in Japan (and
   any other observation sites). Interested individuals for this his-
   toric event, contact

+ Tom Medlin, W5KUB, known for his live webcasts from the Dayton
   Hamvention and Huntsville Hamfest will also broadcast from the
   Memphis FreeFest on Saturday, April 14 between 0900-1500 CDT
   (UTC-5). Tom says, "This is a small hamfest but we will have a
   few prize drawings during the broadcast. All you need to enter
   the drawing is to be in our chatroom when the drawings are ann-
   ounced." The internet video feed and the chatroom can be found
   at: This page streams previously recorded video
   from Dayton when live broadcasts are not airing.

+ The next Hudson Valley Satcom net date is Thursday, April 12 at
   8:00 PM EDT (UTC -4) on the 146.970 MHz repeater, and also on
   the N2EYH-L Echolink node. More info:
   (via Stu, WA2BSS)

  [ANS thanks everyone for the above information]

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi-
tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership
at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students
enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu-
dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status.
Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership

This week's ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 13:31:45 +0100
From: "David A. B. Johnson" <dave@xxxxx.xx.xx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Prototype Prediction web service
Message-ID: <4F818531.6020108@xxxxx.xx.xx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I'm doing some work with RESTful web services and have thrown together a
prediction service that generates XML.

For a URL of:  (the ISS catalogue

you get:


adding locator and amsl (metres)

you get:


The keps are collect every 12 hours from AMSAT (nasabare) and CELESTRAK
and the systems stores the latest keps for the catalogue number.

Hitting the refresh key on the browser gives you the latest position.

I've got more ideas for it:

next N hours AOS/TCA/LOS for single satellite
ditto for constellation of satellites
satellite name aliases for catalogue number

The code is written in Java based on my predict4java library and I'm quite
happy to make it Open
Source if any project would be interested.

If you do try it, it may take a couple of seconds to start up as the server
is in the Amazon Cloud
and goes to sleep after a period of inactivity.




Message: 6
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:21:35 +0100
From: "David A. B. Johnson" <dave@xxxxx.xx.xx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Prototype Prediction web service
Message-ID: <4F819EEF.3050804@xxxxx.xx.xx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


Further development this afternoon...

note the URI change to /passes
the value 6 being the number of hours ahead



and for swisscube:



Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 7, Issue 112

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