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[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

CX2SA  > SATDIG   13.02.12 13:10l 738 Lines 26494 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V7 71
Sent: 120213/1204Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SA #:50809 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB771

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: moving Sat contacts to LOTW and DXLab
      (Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK))
   2. Re: Preliminary TLE's For Mondays Vega Launch (Mark L. Hammond)
   3. TLEs for Vega Maiden Flight (Alberto)
   4. Re: moving Sat contacts to LOTW and DXLab (Clayton Coleman W5PFG)
   5. Re: Preliminary TLE's For Mondays Vega Launch (g0mrf@xxx.xxxx
   6. Bravo, K8YSE (Working UT1FG/MM Primer) (Clayton Coleman W5PFG)
   7. K7UGA this evening (Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK))
   8. K7UGA report for Sunday,	upcoming passes through Tuesday
      (14th) afternoon (Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK))
   9. Video of K7UGA working AO-7 this evening now available
      (Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK))
  10. Vega launch (Graham Shirville)
  11. Re: Vega launch (Stefan Wagener)
  12. Re: Vega launch (Mani VU2WMY)
  13. Vega Launch Success ? Satellite Signals Heard (Trevor .)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 13:08:59 -0700
From: "Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)" <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: moving Sat contacts to LOTW and DXLab
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Clayton!

> I will be very interested to see what "QSL rate" you get after uploading
> 16K contacts. ?I highly encourage others to utilize LotW for satellite
> confirmations. ?I personally love paper and always QSL via mail but enjoy
> the "instant gratification" of a Logbook of the World QSL.

I'm with you on that.  I like receiving cards, don't mind sending them
out, and also like LOTW.  I'm doing my part to support office-supply
stores for the cardstock and printer supplies, as well as my local
post office.  :-)

> Out of roughly 1200 satellite contacts I've uploaded, I am seeing a 4% QSL
> rate via Logbook of the World. ?Most of those are repeat contacts who
> regularly upload to LotW like me.

For my 11K+ satellite QSOs made from all locations, I'm seeing
about 13% confirmed in LOTW.  I know it helps that I'm operating
from different places, but I'm putting every QSO into LOTW - even
if it is the umpteenth QSO with the same station.  Then I have a
complete copy of my log I can access online, in addition to the
spreadsheet copies that are on backups here at home and on a
flash drive with me.

> Just for other statistics... I have only confirmed 63 grids of the 200+ I
> have confirmed on paper. ?And the majority of those 63 LotW confirmations
> are from stations like WD9EWK or K8YSE who have gone rover.


I need to run through my log to see how many grids I have confirmed,
on paper and in LOTW.  I think it is near 500 now, and 134 of those are
confirmed in LOTW, for my Phoenix-area activity.

> My advice is to ensure your satellite names and grids (yours and theirs)
> correctly match up for all contacts. ?It is critical for LotW satellite
> confirmation. ?If you did any portable or rover satellite work outside your
> home grid, this becomes very critical.

And make sure to include your grid when you define a station location
in the TQSL program!  Otherwise you get confirmation for the QSO, but
it is useless toward a VUCC award.  Multi-grid QTHs work fine in LOTW,




Message: 2
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 16:40:11 -0500
From: "Mark L. Hammond" <>
To: "Trevor ." <m5aka@xxxxx.xx.xx>,
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Preliminary TLE's For Mondays Vega Launch
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here is an updated version of the info for SatPC32, to match the name/case
in the TLE's posted by Trever.

MASAT,437345.0,145950,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,GFSK 625/1250BPS,CW
ALMASat-1,437465.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 packet
ALMASat-1,2407850.0,435100.0,FM,FM,Nor,2256000.0,0, Sband FM
UNICUBESAT,437305.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,9k6 packet
UNICUBESAT,437345.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,9k6 packet
PW-SAT,145900.0,435020.0,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,12kBPSK and xpdr
PW-SAT,145902.0,435032.0,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,12kBPSK and xpdr
GOLIAT,437485,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
ESTAR,437445,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
ROBUSTA,437325,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
XATCOBEO,437365,145940.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK Simplex
XATCOBEO,145940.0,437365,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK SSR dwnlnk

By the way---if you are having trouble with the TLEs as posted---try opening
the .TXT file from within Word; copy the info, and paste into a new .TXT
file.  That fixed the LF/CR issues I was seeing...


Mark N8MH

At 05:23 PM 2/12/2012 +0000, Trevor . wrote:
>Preliminary sets of TLE's for a launch at 1000, 1100 or 1200 UT are
available via
>73 Trevor M5AKA
>Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>Subscription settings:


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 15:33:38 +0100
From: Alberto Gonz?lez, GENSO User Support
To: genso-us@xxxxxxx.xxxx amsat-bb@xxxxx.xxxx
Cc: Fernando Aguado Agelet <faguado@xxx.xxxxx.xx>,
Subject: [amsat-bb] TLEs for Vega Maiden Flight
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear all,

Find below in this email (or attached) the predicted Two Line Elements for
the VEGA Maiden Flight, kindly calculated by the University of Bologna.

These TLEs were calculated on a best-effort basis with some simplifying
assumptions but they will be ok for the first few orbits.

There are three different sets of TLEs for different launch scenarios at
10:00, 11:00 and 12:00 UTC on 2012 Feb. 13.

We would like to thank University of Bologna and ESA Education Office for
their efforts to have these TLEs ready for the launch.

Best regards,

Alberto Gonz?lez - University of Vigo
User Support team
GENSO European Operations Node

Launch: 13/02/2012 10:00UTC
1 00002U 12006B   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    16
2 00002  69.4857 238.7662 0796847  45.0971 191.9357 14.06476807    13
1 00003U 12006C   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    18
2 00003  69.4857 238.7662 0796159  45.0883 191.9444 14.06339990    10
1 00004U 12006D   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    12
2 00004  69.4857 238.7662 0795841  45.0842 191.9484 14.06276813    11
1 00005U 12006E   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    10
2 00005  69.4856 238.7662 0796758  45.0912 191.9422 14.06456720    16
1 00006U 12006F   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    11
2 00006  69.4856 238.7662 0796254  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356736    11
1 00007U 12006G   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    14
2 00007  69.4856 238.7662 0796068  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319864    16
1 00008U 12006H   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    12
2 00008  69.4856 238.7662 0796936  45.0885 191.9454 14.06489697    10
1 00009U 12006I   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  12728-3 0    17
2 00009  69.4857 238.7662 0792733  45.0462 191.9858 14.05660435    12

Launch: 13/02/2012 11:00UTC
1 00002U 12006B   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    16
2 00002  69.4857 253.8073 0796845  45.0970 191.9357 14.06476323    17
1 00003U 12006C   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    18
2 00003  69.4857 253.8073 0796156  45.0882 191.9444 14.06339491    16
1 00004U 12006D   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    12
2 00004  69.4857 253.8073 0795838  45.0842 191.9484 14.06276301    13
1 00005U 12006E   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    10
2 00005  69.4856 253.8072 0796757  45.0911 191.9422 14.06456510    14
1 00006U 12006F   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    11
2 00006  69.4856 253.8072 0796253  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356511    14
1 00007U 12006G   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    14
2 00007  69.4856 253.8072 0796067  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319626    14
1 00008U 12006H   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    12
2 00008  69.4856 253.8072 0796936  45.0885 191.9454 14.06489696    12
1 00009U 12006I   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  12728-3 0    17
2 00009  69.4857 253.8073 0792730  45.0462 191.9859 14.05659674    17

Launch: 13/02/2012 12:00UTC
1 00002U 12006B   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    17
2 00002  69.4856 268.8483 0796843  45.0970 191.9357 14.06475954    14
1 00003U 12006C   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    19
2 00003  69.4856 268.8483 0796154  45.0882 191.9444 14.06339111    13
1 00004U 12006D   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    13
2 00004  69.4856 268.8483 0795836  45.0842 191.9484 14.06275908    13
1 00005U 12006E   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    11
2 00005  69.4856 268.8483 0796756  45.0912 191.9422 14.06456373    13
1 00006U 12006F   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    12
2 00006  69.4856 268.8483 0796252  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356363    10
1 00007U 12006G   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    15
2 00007  69.4856 268.8483 0796066  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319466    17
1 00008U 12006H   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    13
2 00008  69.4856 268.8483 0796936  45.0885 191.9454 14.06489697    15
1 00009U 12006I   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  12728-3 0    18
2 00009  69.4857 268.8483 0792727  45.0461 191.9859 14.05659070    13
-------------- next part --------------
1 00002U 12006B   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    16
2 00002  69.4857 238.7662 0796847  45.0971 191.9357 14.06476807    13
1 00003U 12006C   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    18
2 00003  69.4857 238.7662 0796159  45.0883 191.9444 14.06339990    10
1 00004U 12006D   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    12
2 00004  69.4857 238.7662 0795841  45.0842 191.9484 14.06276813    11
1 00005U 12006E   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    10
2 00005  69.4856 238.7662 0796758  45.0912 191.9422 14.06456720    16
1 00006U 12006F   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    11
2 00006  69.4856 238.7662 0796254  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356736    11
1 00007U 12006G   12044.46627998  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    14
2 00007  69.4856 238.7662 0796068  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319864    16
U967-3 0    16
2 00002  69.4857 253.8073 0796845  45.0970 191.9357 14.06476323    17
1 00003U 12006C   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    18
2 00003  69.4857 253.8073 0796156  45.0882 191.9444 14.06339491    16
1 00004U 12006D   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    12
2 00004  69.4857 253.8073 0795838  45.0842 191.9484 14.06276301    13
1 00005U 12006E   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    10
2 00005  69.4856 253.8072 0796757  45.0911 191.9422 14.06456510    14
1 00006U 12006F   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    11
2 00006  69.4856 253.8072 0796253  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356511    14
1 00007U 12006G   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    14
2 00007  69.4856 253.8072 0796067  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319626    14
1 00008U 12006H   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    12
2 00008  69.4856 253.8072 0796936  45.0885 191.9454 14.06489696    12
1 00009U 12006I   12044.50794664  .00000000  00000-0  12728-3 0    17
2 00009  69.4857 253.8073 0792730  45.0462 191.9859 14.05659674    17
-------------- next part --------------
1 00002U 12006B   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    17
2 00002  69.4856 268.8483 0796843  45.0970 191.9357 14.06475954    14
1 00003U 12006C   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    19
2 00003  69.4856 268.8483 0796154  45.0882 191.9444 14.06339111    13
1 00004U 12006D   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  26912-3 0    13
2 00004  69.4856 268.8483 0795836  45.0842 191.9484 14.06275908    13
1 00005U 12006E   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31201-3 0    11
2 00005  69.4856 268.8483 0796756  45.0912 191.9422 14.06456373    13
1 00006U 12006F   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  28115-3 0    12
2 00006  69.4856 268.8483 0796252  45.0851 191.9481 14.06356363    10
1 00007U 12006G   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  26588-3 0    15
2 00007  69.4856 268.8483 0796066  45.0829 191.9503 14.06319466    17
1 00008U 12006H   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  31967-3 0    13
2 00008  69.4856 268.8483 0796936  45.0885 191.9454 14.06489697    15
1 00009U 12006I   12044.54961331  .00000000  00000-0  12728-3 0    18
2 00009  69.4857 268.8483 0792727  45.0461 191.9859 14.05659070    13


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 17:15:52 -0600
From: Clayton Coleman W5PFG <>
To: AMSAT <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: moving Sat contacts to LOTW and DXLab
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

> And make sure to include your grid when you define a station location
> in the TQSL program!  Otherwise you get confirmation for the QSO, bute first grid may get
depreciated.   Several stations, including myself, have witnessed this
behaviour.  To test it, go create a new station location with two grids.
Example: "DM00, DM01"  Save that station location.  Go back into it and see
if both grids appear.  If only the DM00 grid appears, you need to update
your TQSL Configuration file per instructions in above paragraph.



Message: 5
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 18:54:59 -0500 (EST)
To: marklhammond@xxxxx.xxxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Preliminary TLE's For Mondays Vega Launch
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 Hi Mark / group

Thanks for that.

If you've run the keps you will have seen that the satellites will be over
the East Coast of the USA just 15 minutes after they start transmitting. 
AOS  for the East coast is around 1 hour 50 minutes after launch. Some of
the University ground stations will not hear their own signals for 5 hours.

>From launch,  Vega travels north up the Atlantic and deploys the cubesats
about half an orbit later to the south of Australia.
Allowing a little time to move apart, the sats start transmitting over the
Pacific to the West of Chile.  15 mins later  they are in range of Florida
and the East coast.
The telemetry and signal levels should be interesting as they seem to be in
almost constant sunlight and the altitude varies from 1450km down to 300km.     for launch coverage.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark L. Hammond <>
To: Trevor . <m5aka@xxxxx.xx.xx>; amsat-bb <>
Sent: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 22:00
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Preliminary TLE's For Mondays Vega Launch

Here is an updated version of the info for SatPC32, to match the name/case in
the TLE's posted by Trever.

MASAT,437345.0,145950,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,GFSK 625/1250BPS,CW
ALMASat-1,437465.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 packet
ALMASat-1,2407850.0,435100.0,FM,FM,Nor,2256000.0,0, Sband FM
UNICUBESAT,437305.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,9k6 packet
UNICUBESAT,437345.0,145950,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,9k6 packet
PW-SAT,145900.0,435020.0,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,12kBPSK and xpdr
PW-SAT,145902.0,435032.0,USB,FM,Nor,0,0,12kBPSK and xpdr
GOLIAT,437485,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
ESTAR,437445,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
ROBUSTA,437325,145900.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK
XATCOBEO,437365,145940.0,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK Simplex
XATCOBEO,145940.0,437365,FM,FM,Nor,0,0,1k2 AFSK SSR dwnlnk

By the way---if you are having trouble with the TLEs as posted---try opening
.TXT file from within Word; copy the info, and paste into a new .TXT file. 
fixed the LF/CR issues I was seeing...


Mark N8MH

At 05:23 PM 2/12/2012 +0000, TA
log. I plan on working all of the passes I previously posted,
including the late-evening 0503 UTC SO-50 pass.  I hope
to work more stations on the next few passes tonight.




Message: 8
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 22:21:46 -0800 (PST)
From: "Patrick STODDARD \(WD9EWK/VA7EWK\)" <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] K7UGA report for Sunday,	upcoming passes through
Tuesday (14th) afternoon
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


The Central Arizona DX Association's commemoration of the Arizona
Statehood Centennial is underway.  Thanks to Bob K7BHM, the CADXA's
organizer of this week-long event and the K7UGA QSL manager, I was
able to get on the air this evening as the UTC clock passed the
midnight hour earlier today, starting with an AO-7 pass.  K7UGA
logged a total 16 QSOs on 5 different passes, using 3 different
satellites (AO-7, SO-50, VO-52).  Thanks for the QSOs!

K7UGA will also be on the HF bands from stations around Arizona,
with some of the HF operations already in progress.  More will
be on the HF bands after 1500 UTC today, through next Sunday (19th).
To read more about the CADXA's commemoration, which received the
OK from the Arizona Centennial Commission as an official event
connected with the state centennial celebrations, please visit

For Monday evening (early Tuesday on the UTC clock), I am planning
to work the following passes:

VO-52 at 0218-0230 UTC (passes to the east of Arizona)
SO-50 at 0351-0404 UTC (passes from the north of Arizona to the southeast)

I know there is a second VO-52 pass I could work at the same time
as the SO-50 pass, but I would like to work both SSB and FM where
possible.  The 0218 UTC VO-52 pass practically covers from coast
to coast, and those on the west coast can get an early jump on the
0351 UTC SO-50 pass before that footprint stretches too far east.

Tuesday, 14 February, is Statehood Day here in Arizona.  Along
with the planned operations on HF from the 3 cities that served
as capitals in Arizona's pre-statehood territorial days (Phoenix,
Tucson, and Prescott) and my planned activity tomorrow night (which
will be the 14th on the UTC clock), I am hoping to be able to work
one or two passes around the 1930-2030 UTC timeframe from here in
the Phoenix area.  This will allow satellite operators a chance to
do the same thing as those working HF.  I see an SO-50 pass at
1943-1958 UTC on Tuesday, followed by an AO-27 pass where the
repeater should switch on around 2019 UTC.  I would like to work
both passes if possible, but will try for at least one of the two.

I will take a closer look at the Tuesday evening (early Wednesday,
UTC time) passes tomorrow.  I expect there should be VO-52 and
SO-50 passes that K7UGA can be on, and I will post more about that


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK (K7UGA on the satellites this week)


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 22:53:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "Patrick STODDARD \(WD9EWK/VA7EWK\)" <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Video of K7UGA working AO-7 this evening now
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


During the first AO-7 pass I worked as K7UGA this evening, I
made a video of that pass.  Since I only made 3 QSOs early in
the pass, I trimmed it down to about 6 minutes in length.
The video is now available on YouTube at:

More videos should follow later, either like this one or
combinations of the audio I record when working each pass
combined with still photos to make a slideshow that plays
with the audio track.  I'm using the same two FT-817NDs I
used in other videos I recently posted, along with an Elk
log periodic.




Message: 10
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 08:56:20 -0000
From: "Graham Shirville" <>
To: "AMSAT BB" <amsat-bb@F-8"

Latest update from Kourou timed at  0724UTC

?The chronology is on going smoothly for a launch today at 11:00 for a
launch window that has been extended to 3 hours.
The launcher is under control, flight software is up loaded in the on board
computer, the inertial reference system is aligned.
Mechanical teams are now removing the mobile gantry. Meteo is fine for the
launch up to now.?
(I believe the 11:00 time indicated is actually 11:00 CET therefore the
start of the launch window remains at 10:00 UTC)


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 17:19:09 +0700
From: Stefan Wagener <>
To: Graham Shirville <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Vega launch
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Nice launch!

Let's see how satellite separation works. Great job by ESA.

Stefan, VE4NSA

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Graham Shirville
<> wrote:
> Latest update from Kourou timed at ?0724UTC
> ?The chronology is on going smoothly for a launch today at 11:00 for a
launch window that has been extended to 3 hours.
> The launcher is under control, flight software is up loaded in the on
board computer, the inertial reference system is aligned.
> Mechanical teams are now removing the mobile gantry. Meteo is fine for the
launch up to now.?
> (I believe the 11:00 time indicated is actually 11:00 CET therefore the
start of the launch window remains at 10:00 UTC)
> 73
> Graham
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 16:51:47 +0530
From: Mani VU2WMY <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Vega launch
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"

Congratulations to ESA,Vega and all other Cubesat teams. Really 'Great
and perfect Text Book'launch.

Good luck and wishes to all the cubesat missions and looking forward
to hear the telemetry signals from all the cubesats over India.

Hope VEGA would carry more satellites for Radio Amateurs !!

73 de

Mani, VU2WMY
Secretary & Station-In-Charge
Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC
ISRO Satellite Centre
HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
Mobile:  91-80-98803 41456
E-mail ID:

Quoting Stefan Wagener <>:

> Nice launch!
> Let's see how satellite separation works. Great job by ESA.
> Stefan, VE4NSA
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Graham Shirville
> <> wrote:
>> Latest update from Kourou timed at  0724UTC
>> ?The chronology is on going smoothly for a launch today at 11:00
>> for a launch window that has been extended to 3 hours.
>> The launcher is under control, flight software is up loaded in the
>> on board computer, the inertial reference system is aligned.
>> Mechanical teams are now removing the mobile gantry. Meteo is fine
>> for the launch up to now.?
>> (I believe the 11:00 time indicated is actually 11:00 CET therefore
>> the start of the launch window remains at 10:00 UTC)
>> 73
>> Graham
>> G3VZV
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Message: 13
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 12:01:19 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Trevor ." <m5aka@xxxxx.xx.xx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Vega Launch Success ? Satellite Signals Heard
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

73 Trevor M5AKA


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