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[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

CX2SA  > SATDIG   29.09.11 21:06l 716 Lines 28329 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V6 542
Sent: 110929/1904Z @:CX2SA.LAV.URY.SA #:29711 [Minas] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB6542

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request) (n4csitwo@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx
   2. Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request) (Douglas Quagliana)
   3. Re: HB9DRV (Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr))
   4. Nigeria satellite (R Oler)
   5. Re: HB9DRV (Gordon JC Pearce)
   6. NA1SS Chats with Lompoc, CA (David Wing)
   7. Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request) (Gordon JC Pearce)
   8. Re: NA1SS Chats with Lompoc, CA (AJ9N@xxx.xxxx
   9. Re: AO-27 Scheduler (George Henry)
  10. Re: HB9DRV (Gordon JC Pearce)
  11. Re: HB9DRV (Thomas Schaefer)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:52:59 -0400
From: <>
To: "Stuart Balanger" <>, <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request)
Message-ID: <91168969BAE947B6B9C03662D276CACF@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

14:50 UTC - 9/29/2011 ... I'm receiving ARISSat-1 very strong over Orlando.
Reading the voice ID, voice TLM, SSTV and messages with little fading on a
ground plane with preamp.

Dave, AA4KN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart Balanger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 9:48 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request)

> *Hi All,
> I was listening on the 145.95 Voice telemetry Beacon Freq.
> @ 1310 UTC pass here in ENY & didn't hear a peep from
> ARISSat-1 , & was wondering if it has gone silent?
> My Grid Square is FN31!             73,.Stu (WA2BSS)
> PS (a request)
> Was wondering if someone has a Duplexer?
> *IE a Box, on 1 nd is where the Coax gets connected, & on other
> end is 2 short coax cable lengths; & 1 length goes to 2 meters;
> & the other length goes to 70 CM1) (I have a Kenwwod TS-2000)
> *
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:52:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Douglas Quagliana <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 Hi Stuart,
    As of right now, ARISSat-1 is up.  Telemetry has come in from multiple
stations within the last few minutes.

    Depending on the orbit, there is often a delay between the time when
ARISSat comes
out of eclipse and the time when it starts transmitting telemetry.  If
anyone in the satellite's
footprint is running ARISSatTLM and sending telemetry into the Internet
telemetry server,
then the telemetry web pages will get updated (within about a minute).  Note
sometimes the orbit takes the satellite out over the Pacific and over areas
of the world
without any active ground stations (that receive the telemetry), so it can
be two or
three hours before ARISSat-1 goes over another groundstation that is
submitting telemetry
and hence the web page could be two or three hours "old" and that does not
indicate a

The telemetry web pages are at


Douglas KA2UPW/5

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Balanger <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 9:04 am
Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request)

*Hi All,

I was listening on the 145.95 Voice telemetry Beacon Freq.
@ 1310 UTC pass here in ENY & didn't hear a peep from
ARISSat-1 , & was wondering if it has gone silent?
My Grid Square is FN31!             73,.Stu (WA2BSS)


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 08:53:28 -0400
From: "Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)" <ldeffenb@xxxxxxxx.xx>
To: "<>" <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HB9DRV
Message-ID: <4E846A48.6070909@xxxxxxxx.xx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

WONDERFULLY STATED!  I have been agonizing on whether to decloak and
write something similar to your essay, but you said it very well.  I'd
only add one more point to ponder.

Many of us developers don't lean toward open source code simply because
of time constraints.  We'd rather take our time and work on the code and
the functionality than to take that same time (and more) to explain
what's already been done, why it was done that way, why another way is
(or is not) better, and to review the proposed changes to consider
adopting them into the baseline.  And, if the implication of "thousands
of eyes" interested in my pet project is true, that could easily swamp
all available time for the original developer to the point that s/he
throws up hands and walks away from the project because it's just too
demanding and nothing is actually being DONE!

Thanks, but no thanks.  I'll continue to be open to suggestions (and
sometimes insistence) for new features/functions to be added to my own
project, but that's about the extent of it.  When I die or become no
longer interested or capable of continuing development, I plan to find
another dedicated developer (if any are available that are willing to
put up with G4ILO's picture of such development at or
I'll be posting the whole enchilada to a source code repository and let
it be Open.

So, it's not quite "Open Source over my dead body", but almost.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 9/29/2011 8:17 AM, David Moisan wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@xxxxx.xxxx On
Behalf Of Thomas Schaefer
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 10:53 AM
> To: Simon HB9DRV
> Cc:<>
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HB9DRV
> I have to say the statement about people not having the experience, time
and patience to maintain it is pure egotistical nonsense. Plus it completely
misunderstands the idea of maintainers of the source tree. Open source code
is always better because no matter how clever ones thinks they are as a
programmer, there are always better coders. If HRD was open sourced, I
guarantee the satellite tracking piece would work perfectly for all radios
because we would have fixed it.
> -----
> I've been lurking this thread for some time.  My day job is in IT and I am
familiar with Linux.  The devil is very much in the details.  There are
several caveats I'm obliged to point out.
> 1) Depending on the problem domain, "thousands of eyes", could be just
"hundreds of eyes" or even "tens of eyes".  And that is only if these eyes
are able to take the time to look at the code.  That can be the hardest
thing to do unless you are very experienced and can see the bug jump right
out at you through intuition.  There have been a number of security bugs in
open source code that have been only found years later.  I don't pretend I
can download Apache source and understand it enough to make a change, and
try to commit it--and Apache is a very widely used and successful project in
a very well understood *and well documented* domain;  most open source
projects are not so fortunate.  There is much, much more to understanding a
project than by just reading the source, and many, if not most open source
projects seem to fail at this.
> 2) I said problem domain in my first point, and that can mean rig control.
 Or framework design, libraries or even lower-level drivers.  We don't know
what code Simon has used under license, but if it is only just rig control,
I would be very surprised.  More likely, it is the framework he used and the
terms he had to use it under.  That is a very important decision that a
developer must make early on.  Usually, developers just use what's "out of
the box", like .NET or another common framework like Qt.  That can affect
everything, including the licensing.  Everything.
> 3) The GPL that many people advocate is a viral license.  By itself, the
GPL requires that if you change the code, you have to publish it.  Plus all
the other parts, which can include libraries, at least in some
interpretations.  Other licenses like the BSD or the LGPL don't have this
condition, but they also don't require (by themselves) that the changed code
be public.  Some code repositories, like Codeplex, will not allow GPL'd code
for this reason.  There's been much controversy over the use of such code in
libraries and whether the license terms apply to the main code that calls
> 4) If you get through these points and you do change the code, no one is
obligated to accept your changes.  Going back to my first point, of all the
users and potential developers that can see the source code, there are
historically only a small number of those that propose, and commit, code
changes.  Sometimes, if there is a dispute between factions on a project,
the code gets "forked".  Imagine seeing HB9DRV and HB9DRV-2, though it would
probably be called HRD and "HR Super Betterer Deluxe" or something like that
:) .  That can be a bad thing to happen, particularly in a small community
like ours.  I believe this, and other related issues, have crippled Linux
badly enough to affect its long-term future.
> The best chance that the group holding HRD would have towards the goals of
open source, or at least what most people here seem to be asking for, would
be to publish an API (Application Programming Interface) and ABI
(Application Binary Interface) to its control interface.  That limits the
scope of the developer, but makes it much more likely for him or her to
succeed.  In other words, publish the specifications of the rig control
interface.  That is still a big job not to be underestimated.  But it is
much more feasible, and it may lead to a genuine standard in our field.
> 73, N1KGH
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:36:53 -0500
From: R Oler <>
To: Amsat BB <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Nigeria satellite
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I was in Nigeria while this sat was being built and got a great tour of the
space facilities in Abuja...the implications for this sort of imagery for
world security and peace is a good thing

Robert G. Oler WB5MZO life member AMSAT ARRL NARS


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:33:44 +0100
From: Gordon JC Pearce <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HB9DRV
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:17:45 +0000
David Moisan <> wrote:

> 1) Depending on the problem domain, "thousands of eyes", could be just
"hundreds of eyes" or even "tens of eyes".  And that is only if these eyes
are able to take the time to look at the code.  That can be the hardest
thing to do unless you are very experienced and can see the bug jump right
out at you through intuition.  There have been a number of security bugs in
open source code that have been only found years later.

But they *have* been found.  Who knows how many defects in closed-source
OSes are out there, with viable exploits?  Some eastern european guy,
possibly, with a massive botnet. You? Me? Not bloody likely.

> 2) I said problem domain in my first point, and that can mean rig control.
 Or framework design, libraries or even lower-level drivers.  We don't know
what code Simon has used under license, but if it is only just rig control,
I would be very surprised.  More likely, it is the framework he used and the
terms he had to use it under.  That is a very important decision that a
developer must make early on.  Usually, developers just use what's "out of
the box", like .NET or another common framework like Qt.  That can affect
everything, including the licensing.  Everything.

Clearly if the absolute core of the OS is under some licence fundamentally
incompatible with any OSI licence, then the whole gig is a failure from the
start.  Oh well, no matter.  These things happen.

> 3) The GPL that many people advocate is a viral license.  By itself, the
GPL requires that if you change the code, you have to publish it.  Plus all
the other parts, which can include libraries, at least in some
interpretations.  Other licenses like the BSD or the LGPL don't have this
condition, but they also don't require (by themselves) that the changed code
be public.  Some code repositories, like Codeplex, will not allow GPL'd code
for this reason.  There's been much controversy over the use of such code in
libraries and whether the license terms apply to the main code that calls

Ah, the "viral licence" story.  I wondered when that was coming out!  You do
realise that by using Microsoft's libraries and development tools for (for
example) C#, you have to hand over the rights to your code to them?  Check
the EULA carefully - if Microsoft say they want it, you have to hand it over
or you are no longer licensed to use their stuff.  You have to be *so*
careful with these things.

There's nothing to stop you dual-licensing code, even if one of those
licences is the GPL.

> 4) If you get through these points and you do change the code, no one is
obligated to accept your changes.  Going back to my first point, of all the
users and potential developers that can see the source code, there are
historically only a small number of those that propose, and commit, code
changes.  Sometimes, if there is a dispute between factions on a project,
the code gets "forked".  Imagine seeing HB9DRV and HB9DRV-2, though it would
probably be called HRD and "HR Super Betterer Deluxe" or something like that
:) .  That can be a bad thing to happen, particularly in a small community
like ours.  I believe this, and other related issues, have crippled Linux
badly enough to affect its long-term future.

"Crippled", eh?  I'm sure you can give some good examples, too.

> The best chance that the group holding HRD would have towards the goals of
open source, or at least what most people here seem to be asking for, would
be to publish an API (Application Programming Interface) and ABI
(Application Binary Interface) to its control interface.  That limits the
scope of the developer, but makes it much more likely for him or her to
succeed.  In other words, publish the specifications of the rig control
interface.  That is still a big job not to be underestimated.  But it is
much more feasible, and it may lead to a genuine standard in our field.

Is there really any point in doing that?  As I've said in previous posts,
controlling radios is a solved problem.  You *do not need* to reinvent that
particular wheel yet again.  It's been invented, we have one, it's called
hamlib, and it works.

No, the rig control interface is the least of the problems.  The messy and
incomprehensible UI needs work first.

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <>


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:37:55 -0700
From: "David Wing" <>
To: <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] NA1SS Chats with Lompoc, CA
Message-ID: <000e01cc7ec6$2414d070$6c3e7150$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I was checking out my equipment and had the ISS rising out of the Pacific.
I rarely try to work the ISS but thought I would give it a try and manually
swung the antennas over to the correct azimuth.

I heard some chatter and was initially irritated that someone would be
having a QSO on the downlink frequency but then from the conversation I
realized that it was someone on the ISS describing seeing hurricanes in the
Pacific.  I could not believe my luck that NA1SS was actually working
contacts!  Not being able to hear the uplink, I gingerly threw out my
Callsign a couple of times hoping to get into the rotation and then to my
great embarrassment, it became apparent that NA1SS (Mike Fossum) was working
a school contact in Lompoc, CA.  I sure am glad that I just threw out my
callsign twice  before I clued in on things.

At any rate I was able to monitor NA1SS down to about 3 degrees.really
clean, strong signal.  First time for me hearing the ISS because I rarely
check it out and typically don't have SatPC32 even tracking it.  Sure glad I
decided to use it as a test target!





Message: 7
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:50:14 +0100
From: Gordon JC Pearce <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: ARISSat-1 Silent? (& Request)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:48:55 -0400
Stuart Balanger <> wrote:

> Was wondering if someone has a Duplexer?
> *IE a Box, on 1 nd is where the Coax gets connected, & on other
> end is 2 short coax cable lengths; & 1 length goes to 2 meters;
> & the other length goes to 70 CM1) (I have a Kenwwod TS-2000)

That would be a diplexer, not a duplexer.

There *used to be* a very, very good design, easily build and readily
repeatable, on that site.
It appears that the site owner has had a hissy-fit over criticism of a
"magical antenna" design, and has pulled it down.  A spot of googling will
turn up a copy of the original article, though, which I won't link to
directly just in case HB9ABX gets even more upset.  Alternatively you could
email him and see if he'll sell you a copy.

Nothing is ever entirely deleted from the Internet.  Nothing.

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <>


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:05:59 -0400 (EDT)
To: david@xxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: NA1SS Chats with Lompoc, CA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Hi all,

I post all upcoming ARISS contacts times to the SAREX BB.  You  might want
to subscribe to that one if you don't already.  You can also use  the link
that is posted on the AMSAT main webpage.

Yes, you were hearing Lompoc have a great contact.  The ISS crew  will
ignore any callsign it hears except for the school one.  Plus they are  not
using the public uplink frequencies.

We welcome all listeners; that is why the 145.8 MHz frequency is used for
all voice contacts (general or school).  Perhaps this will get you started
getting involved with a school that may want to do an ARISS contact.

Thanks for listening!

Charlie AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors

In a message dated 9/29/2011 11:48:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I was  checking out my equipment and had the ISS rising out of the Pacific.
I  rarely try to work the ISS but thought I would give it a try and
swung the antennas over to the correct azimuth.

I  heard some chatter and was initially irritated that someone would be
having  a QSO on the downlink frequency but then from the conversation I
realized  that it was someone on the ISS describing seeing hurricanes in
Pacific.  I could not believe my luck that NA1SS was actually  working
contacts!  Not being able to hear the uplink, I gingerly threw  out my
Callsign a couple of times hoping to get into the rotation and then  to my
great embarrassment, it became apparent that NA1SS (Mike Fossum) was
a school contact in Lompoc, CA.  I sure am glad that I just  threw out my
callsign twice  before I clued in on  things.

At any rate I was able to monitor NA1SS down to about 3  degrees.really
clean, strong signal.  First time for me hearing the  ISS because I rarely
check it out and typically don't have SatPC32 even  tracking it.  Sure glad
decided to use it as a test  target!




Sent  via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an  AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite  program!
Subscription settings:


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:33:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Henry <>
To: David Wing <>, AMSAT BB <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 Scheduler
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

That's due to normal precession...  over time, the ground track moves
causing the workable passes to occur about 28 minutes earlier each day. 
soon see workable passes in the evening, which will work their way into the
afternoon as they get earlier, day by day.

What goes around, comes around.

George, KA3HSW

----- Original Message ----
> From: David Wing <>
> To: AMSAT BB <>
> Sent: Thu, September 29, 2011 9:50:24 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-27 Scheduler
> Has the schedule on AO-27 changed radically?
> Here in the  western US I've been used to being able to work AO-27 twice
> during the early  afternoon but now it seems like the transmitter operation
> is during the wee  hours of the morning.  Has something changed in the last
> few months  while I have been off the birds?
> David


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 18:45:42 +0100
From: Gordon JC Pearce <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HB9DRV
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 08:53:28 -0400
"Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)" <ldeffenb@xxxxxxxx.xx> wrote:

> WONDERFULLY STATED!  I have been agonizing on whether to decloak and
> write something similar to your essay, but you said it very well.  I'd
> only add one more point to ponder.
> Many of us developers don't lean toward open source code simply because
> of time constraints.  We'd rather take our time and work on the code and
> the functionality than to take that same time (and more) to explain
> what's already been done, why it was done that way, why another way is
> (or is not) better, and to review the proposed changes to consider
> adopting them into the baseline.  And, if the implication of "thousands
> of eyes" interested in my pet project is true, that could easily swamp
> all available time for the original developer to the point that s/he
> throws up hands and walks away from the project because it's just too
> demanding and nothing is actually being DONE!

If you've written good code and good comments, you shouldn't need to take
the time to do this.  If you *haven't* written good code and good comments,
you haven't a hope of understanding it in six months time.  I and many
others know this from experience ;-)

> Thanks, but no thanks.  I'll continue to be open to suggestions (and
> sometimes insistence) for new features/functions to be added to my own
> project, but that's about the extent of it.  When I die or become no
> longer interested or capable of continuing development, I plan to find
> another dedicated developer (if any are available that are willing to
> put up with G4ILO's picture of such development at
> or
> I'll be posting the whole enchilada to a source code repository and let
> it be Open.

What's stopping you posting it to a source repository with the caveat that
if you want to dig around in it, you're on your own?  That's pretty much
what I do.

G4ILO has a fairly "interesting" attitude to it all, but his last paragraph
is just about the truest thing written about software, ever.  RTFM and say
thank you.  Oh, and send in bug reports and (if you have access to the
source) patches!

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <>


Message: 11
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:04:23 -0400
From: Thomas Schaefer <>
To: Gordon JC Pearce <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HB9DRV
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

While I have grown tired of the thread and shall retreat into the wood work,
I do object to the generalization in the first reply that one has written
bad code if one cannot handle multiple eyes on it. That seems  unfair to
make such a sweeping "black-or-white" statement. Forgive the pun, but too
binary for my taste.

It has been fun and I look forward to those that want to release their code
doing so and those that do not want to do that, keeping it under wraps. This
has encouraged me to get something checked into the github or SourceForge
(another thread?).

Tom NY4I
On Sep 29, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 08:53:28 -0400
> "Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)" <ldeffenb@xxxxxxxx.xx> wrote:
>> WONDERFULLY STATED!  I have been agonizing on whether to decloak and
>> write something similar to your essay, but you said it very well.  I'd
>> only add one more point to ponder.
>> Many of us developers don't lean toward open source code simply because
>> of time constraints.  We'd rather take our time and work on the code and
>> the functionality than to take that same time (and more) to explain
>> what's already been done, why it was done that way, why another way is
>> (or is not) better, and to review the proposed changes to consider
>> adopting them into the baseline.  And, if the implication of "thousands
>> of eyes" interested in my pet project is true, that could easily swamp
>> all available time for the original developer to the point that s/he
>> throws up hands and walks away from the project because it's just too
>> demanding and nothing is actually being DONE!
> If you've written good code and good comments, you shouldn't need to take
the time to do this.  If you *haven't* written good code and good comments,
you haven't a hope of understanding it in six months time.  I and many
others know this from experience ;-)
>> Thanks, but no thanks.  I'll continue to be open to suggestions (and
>> sometimes insistence) for new features/functions to be added to my own
>> project, but that's about the extent of it.  When I die or become no
>> longer interested or capable of continuing development, I plan to find
>> another dedicated developer (if any are available that are willing to
>> put up with G4ILO's picture of such development at
>> or
>> I'll be posting the whole enchilada to a source code repository and let
>> it be Open.
> What's stopping you posting it to a source repository with the caveat that
if you want to dig around in it, you're on your own?  That's pretty much
what I do.
> G4ILO has a fairly "interesting" attitude to it all, but his last
paragraph is just about the truest thing written about software, ever.  RTFM
and say thank you.  Oh, and send in bug reports and (if you have access to
the source) patches!
> --
> Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <>
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!

End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 542

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