OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

LU9DCE > PACKET   28.12.16 15:37l 159 Lines 7889 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 16170_LU9DCE
Sent: 161228/1334Z @:LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM #:16170 [TORTUGUITAS] $:16170_LU9DC


by Larry Kenney, WB9LOZ


The following is an example of what you see when listing messages on
a BBS. On some systems the information is displayed in a different
order, but the same information is given.

14723 PN   1084 WD5TLQ WA6XYZ N5SLE  0604/1240 Software
working great!  14721 B$    771 PACKET WB9LOZ WUSA   0604/1154
INTRO TO PACKET-Part 7 of 20 14717 BF   2387 EXAMS  W6NLG  NCA
0603/1020 FCC Exams: March - June 14715 TN    275 94114  W1AAR
0604/0959 San Francisco 415-821 14714 BF   1663 DEBATE N2DEQ  WW
0602/2314 CW REALLY NEEDED?  14712 BF    918 INFO   N6ZYX  NCA

The MESSAGE NUMBER is assigned by the BBS program when the message
is received and it cannot be changed. The numbers are assigned

The STATUS of the message includes several different bits of
information. The first letter of the STATUS indicates the TYPE
of message: B for Bulletin, P for Personal, or T for Traffic for
the National Traffic System. Bulletins are messages of general
interest to all users, and they can be read by everyone using
the system. Personal messages are listed only for the sender, the
addressee and the sysop, and they're the only ones who can read
them. The list above would have to have been requested by WD5TLQ,
WA6XYZ or a sysop. Can you see why? It lists an outgoing personal
message. (NOTE: Although personal messages can't be read by everyone
using the BBS, anyone in monitor mode can see a personal message as
it's being sent over the air, of course.) Traffic messages, type
T, are listed for everyone and can be read by anyone. In fact,
all users are encouraged to participate in the delivery of NTS
messages addressed to your area. (Refer to part 12 of this series
for information on NTS messages.)

STATUS also shows whether or not the message has been read, has
already been forwarded to all designated stations, or has not been
forwarded. You might see one of these letters: N - no, it hasn't
been read, Y - yes, it has been read, F - it has been forwarded,
$ - it has not been forwarded, I - it's in the process of being
forwarded right now.

The SIZE indicates the combined total of characters, including
punctuation, in the message text. The forwarding headers (explained
below) are considered to be part of the text and are included in
the size. What starts out as a short message can grow in size as
it's forwarded from BBS to BBS.

TO is the callsign of the addressee for personal messages, the
category or interest group for bulletins and the zip code of the
addressee for NTS messages. While you might find bulletins addressed
TO AMSAT, TO PACKET or TO SALE, they're actually messages about
AMSAT, about PACKET or about equipment for SALE. You're apt to see
anything in the TO column: ALL, USERS, EXAMS, CODE, SALE, WANTED,

FROM shows the callsign of the station originating the message.

@ BBS is used for forwarding a personal message to someone at another
BBS, for forwarding NTS messages and for general distribution of
a bulletin using a forwarding designator. In the list shown above,
the personal message would automatically be forwarded to WD5TLQ at
the N5SLE BBS. By entering a special designator, such as NCA, in the
"@ BBS" column a bulletin may be forwarded to specific areas. (See
parts 6 and 7 of this series for details on the addressing of
personal messages and bulletins and on using the forwarding
designators. Addressing of NTS messages is discussed in part 12.)

Next is the DATE and TIME showing when the message was received at
the BBS you're using, or when the message was written. (This varies
depending on the type of software being used at the BBS.) If the
message originated at another BBS, the date and time when the message
was originally entered will be shown in the forwarding headers,
as explained below, and at the top of the message when you read
it. The date and time indicated can be either local time or GMT
(Zulu time) depending on the time used by the BBS.

The SUBJECT (or TITLE) is a short description of the message
content. For bulletins, this is the information that determines
whether or not someone is going to read your message when he sees
it in the message list. It should be brief, but it also should be
informative. You need to tell the other users what the message is
about as clearly and concisely as you can with just 30 characters.

The parts of the message mentioned so far are all seen when you ask
for a message list using the L (LIST) command. On some systems,
entering a semicolon after the list command will give you more
information about the message, such as the message ID, the full
hierarchical address, the number of times the message has been read,
etc. Example: LL 35 ;

If a message has been forwarded from another BBS, forwarding
headers are added at the top of the actual message TEXT. This
information is added by each BBS that is used to get the message
from its origination point to the destination. Each BBS adds one
line showing the time the message was received by that particular
BBS, its callsign and address, and possibly the QTH, zip code,
message number and other information. If you use the RH or V command
(depending on your software), rather than just R, when reading a
message, you'll receive complete headers. With just the R, headers
are reduced to a list of the BBS callsigns. The complete headers
are useful if you want details on the path a message took to reach
you or how long it took to be forwarded from system to system from
the source to destination.

The TEXT of the message contains the information you want to convey
to the reader. It can be of any length. However, if the message will
be going to a distant BBS and will most likely be forwarded on the
HF network, there is a 2.5K size limit. This limit has been set
by the HF gateway sysops to keep traffic moving smoothly despite
poor conditions and QRM. Extremely long messages can tie up the
forwarding system unnecessarily, so users are advised to break up
long messages into parts.

As mentioned in part 6, when entering a message into a BBS, use
carriage returns at the ends of your lines, as if you were using a
typewriter. The normal screen width is 80 characters, so you should
enter a carriage return prior to the 80th character on each line. A
message entered without the carriage returns can be very difficult to
read as words are cut at improper points, lines vary drastically in
length, and blank lines are often inserted. On some terminal programs
and printers, any line exceeding 80 characters without a carriage
return inserted will not be seen or printed past the 80th character.

You should include your name, call and packet address at the end
of the text so that the person reading your message will be able to
send a return message to you if he or she wishes to do so. You end
your message with a control-Z or a /ex at the beginning of a new
line. This will tell the BBS to save the message. Don't disconnect
until you receive the prompt back from the BBS. Otherwise you won't
know whether or not your message was saved.

        __  __  __ __
|  /  \(__\|  \/  |_    BBS GF05OM TORTUGUITAS 145010Mhz
|__\__/ __/|__/\__|__   TELNET LU9DCE.DYNU.COM PORT 6300
== power by linux ===   NODO LU9DCE.DYNU.COM PORT 3694




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