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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU9DCE > PACKET   28.12.16 15:37l 185 Lines 9393 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 16166_LU9DCE
Sent: 161228/1334Z @:LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM #:16166 [TORTUGUITAS] $:16166_LU9DC


by Larry Kenney, WB9LOZ


Digipeater is the term used to describe a packet radio digital
repeater. Unlike the FM voice repeaters, most digipeaters operate
on simplex and do not receive and transmit simultaneously. They
receive the digital information, temporarily store it and then
turn around and retransmit it. Your TNC can be used by others as
a digipeater if you have the command DIGIPEAT turned ON.

You use a digipeater by entering its callsign after a V or VIA in
your connect sequence. Here are some examples of proper connect


In the first example, the sequence shown means: Connect to W6PW-3
via the WB9LOZ-2 digipeater.

Your TNC will allow you to enter up to eight digipeaters in your
connect sequence or in your UNPROTO path, but using more than 3
usually means long waits, lots of repeated packets and frequent
disconnects, due to noise and other signals encountered on the

When entering the list of digipeaters in your connect sequence,
you must make sure that you enter them in the exact order that your
signal will use them. You must separate the calls by commas, without
any spaces, and the EXACT callsigns must be used, including the
SSID, if any. That means you need to know what digipeaters are out
there before you begin randomly trying to connect to someone. Turn
MONITOR ON and watch for the paths that other stations are using.

Something to remember when using digipeaters is the difference
between making a connection and sending information packets. If
the path isn't all that good, you might be able to get a connect
request through, but will have a difficult time with packets after
that. The connect request is short so it has much less of a chance
of being destroyed by noise or collisions than a packet containing
information. Keeping information packets short (PACLEN set to 40 or
less) can help keep retries down when the path is less than ideal.

Net/Rom, TheNet, G8BPQ packet switch and KA-Node are names that
refer to a device called a packet node. This is another means of
connecting to other packet stations. Later on in this series you'll
find a complete review of node operation, but for now we'll cover the
basics so that you can begin to use the node network. The difference
between a digipeater and a node that you should note here is that
you connect to a node rather than using it in a connect path as you
do with a digipeater. Some packet stations are set up so that they
can be used as a digipeater and as a node.

First, you need to determine what nodes are located close to
you. You can do this by monitoring and watching for an ID, or by
watching to see what other stations in your area are using. It
is most common for a node to have an alias ID in addition to its
callsign. Once you determine the callsign or alias of a local node,
you connect to it the same way as you connect to any other packet
station. You may use either the callsign or the alias to make the
connection. For example, the node I operate has the alias ID of
BERKLY and the callsign of WB9LOZ-2, so you could connect to it
using: C BERKLY or C WB9LOZ-2 Either one will work.

When you connect to a node, your TNC automatically switches
to converse mode, just like when you connect to any packet
station. Anything you now type is sent to the node as a packet,
and the node acknowledges each packet back to your TNC. For the
remainder of your connection your TNC works only with this one node.

To use the node network to connect to another local station, you
simply connect to the node and then enter a connect request to the
other station. Say you wanted to connect to K9AT using the WB9LOZ-2
node. You first connect to WB9LOZ-2: C WB9LOZ-2 and then, while you
ARE STILL CONNECTED TO THE NODE, you enter the connect request to
K9AT: C K9AT The node will then retransmit your connect request and
you'll receive one of two responses: "Connected to K9AT" or "Failure
with K9AT". Once you are connected you hold your QSO just as if you
had connected direct or via a digipeater. When your QSO is finished,
go to command mode on your TNC (Control C) and enter: D <CR> and you
will be disconnected from the node and the station you were working.

Some nodes have a BYE command available for disconnecting. You
can get a list of available commands from any node by sending a
question mark. All of the node commands will be covered in detail
later in this series.

NOTE: If the node you're using is a G8BPQ packet switch, it might
have several frequency ports. You'll have to enter a port number
between the C and the callsign in your connect request to indicate
the frequency you want to use, such as: C 2 K9AT Enter PORTS for
a list of the frequency ports available.  NODE NETWORK:

The packet nodes work together to form a packet node network. Once
an hour each node transmits a list of other nodes that it knows
about. The neighboring nodes use this information to keep track
of the other nodes in the network. We will discuss how all of this
works later on in the series.

When you're connected to a node you can enter: NODES <CR> or N
<CR> and you'll receive a list of other nodes that you can reach
on the network from the node you're using. You'll note that the
node list will vary in length and in the calls listed as you move
from frequency to frequency, since all frequencies are not linked
together. The list gives both an alias ID and a callsign for each
node. The alias ID often gives you a hint as to where the node
is located, but not always. To find out for sure where a node is
located you'll need to get a copy of the descriptive node listings
that are available on most packet bulletin board systems. These
complete lists give the alias, callsign, location, frequency and
other information on each node in the network.

To connect to a station in another area using the node network
you first must determine which node is closest to the station you
want to work. For demonstration purposes, let's say we want to
connect to N6XYZ. He's told you he uses the W6ABC-3 node, so you
check the node list and see that GOLD:W6ABC-3 is listed. WHILE YOU
ARE STILL CONNECTED TO YOUR LOCAL NODE you connect to the distant
node by sending a normal connect request, in this case: C GOLD or C
W6ABC-3 Your TNC will send this as a packet to your local node and
your local node will acknowledge it. The network will then go to
work for you and find the best path between your local node and the
one you're trying to reach. Remember, with digipeaters you needed
to know the exact sequence of stations. With nodes you don't. The
network does that for you.

You might have to be a little patient here, since it sometimes
takes a few minutes for the connection to be completed. Don't
type anything while you're waiting for a response because any new
information received by your local node will override any previously
entered information. When the network has completed its work you'll
receive one of two responses: "Connected to W6ABC-3" OR "Failure with
W6ABC-3". If it can't connect for some reason, try again later. It
could be that W6ABC-3 is temporarily off the air or the path has
decayed and is no longer available. We're going to be positive here
and say we received the first option and got connected to the node.

Once you're connected to W6ABC-3, enter: C N6XYZ Again, your TNC
will send this as a packet to your local node and the local node
will acknowledge it and send it down the path to W6ABC-3. W6ABC-3
will then attempt to connect to N6XYZ. Here again you'll get one of
the two responses: "Connected to N6XYZ" OR "Failure with N6XYZ". If
you get connected, you hold your QSO just as you normally would, but
there's one BIG difference -- your TNC is receiving acknowledgements
from your local node, and N6XYZ is receiving acknowledgements from
W6ABC-3. The acknowledgements do not have to travel the entire
distance between the two end stations. Each node in the path handles
the acknowledgement with the next node in line. Because of this,
retries are greatly reduced and your packets get through much faster
than when using a similar number of digipeaters.

When you're finished with the QSO, you disconnect in the normal
manner. Use the BYE command, if available, or go to Command Mode
on your TNC and enter: D <CR> Using either method, the entire path
will disconnect for you automatically.

Nodes offer a variety of other features besides allowing you to
connect to other stations. We'll look at those and go into much
more detail on the packet network in parts 10 and 11 of this series.

        __  __  __ __
|  /  \(__\|  \/  |_    BBS GF05OM TORTUGUITAS 145010Mhz
|__\__/ __/|__/\__|__   TELNET LU9DCE.DYNU.COM PORT 6300
== power by linux ===   NODO LU9DCE.DYNU.COM PORT 3694




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