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Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

KB2VXA > PACKET   13.06.16 12:25l 99 Lines 5359 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 20627_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: N2OHH > Versions of history,
Sent: 160613/1017Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:20627 [Boyanup] $:20627_VK6ZRT

Hi (unsigned) and all,

Oh boy, this surely is a long delayed echo (LDE). (;->) Let's not argue, 
that's not The Spirit Of Radio (Rush) but clarify. I said W0RLI Hank's land 
line lid nonsense aka Packet Wars did not kill packet for a reason, it 
CRIPPLED packet. What killed packet were three UK trolls who drove all 
remaining users away leaving mainly sysops, bulletin robots and Japanese 7+ 

Oh just one Internet thing, I remember the old dial up land line BBSes, I 
used a few within my local toll free area and a friend of many years Larry 
N2HGY had the last one in New Jersey. Telnet BBS on the Internet? Not hardly, 
Telnet protocol is a dinosaur with no security, today it's web sites on 
Apache servers using htpps encryption. Swim over to the Island of Misfit 
Hams, you can stay at our luxurious Alpha Hotel where our bartender serves 
great tropical drinks with those cute little umbrellas stuck in the heads of 
Tiki gods screaming in pain.

Meanwhile here's our Island pinup girl who made many a man wish he was a toon.

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"New Jersey, the most American of all states. It has everything from
wilderness to the Mafia. All the great things and all the worst,
like Route 22."
Jean Shepherd K2ORS (SK) & WOR radio personality

73 de Warren
Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 13-Jun-2016 at 10:17 GMT

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