OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

VK2AWZ > PACKET   29.12.13 00:42l 35 Lines 1661 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2B0031VK2AWZ
Subj: RE: Not enough USERS
Sent: 131228/2342Z @:ZL2BAU.#79.NZL.OC #:16664 [Waimate] $:2B0031VK2AWZ

   Hi Bob and noted your comments re lack of users and BBS's disappearing
	However it is not just packet that is suffering from lack of ham support!
        Take Echolink for instance. A few times I have connected to and
called on all such VK nodes, about 30 and half of which are linked to
repeaters.  The result not an answer!
        So it seems hams are content to be seen but not heard!
      The same applies to APRS stations who do not move, but just have
their beacon there. Also if one sends a message to one, NO reply. So gave
that away.
    Also our 2 metre and 70 cm repeaters, I hear many, but just useless
calling CQ. In earlier years I logged over 100 different stations using
them, but now these good repeaters can be quiet for weeks on end. I even
ran a voice activated recorder, with a dual band receiver scanning and
ZILCH, no one heard over long periods.
     If we don't use them, we will loose them and not only repeaters but
to bandwidth hungry Governments looking at juicy megacycles of waaste .
    So it is hard to make a contact now, but I will say this for packet,
as when all else fails, I can hit the packet download button on your BBS
and there is action with headers and sometimes a PNL!
    It is user friendly and always there. Such that it is my favorite mode
and like others have said, will stay with it whilst so ever there are
BBS's out there. So please don't give up.
   40 metres is now very quiet, unless there is a contest quiet, except
for established nets.

73 - Dave, VK2AWZ @ vk6ZRT

Message timed: 10:41 on 2013-Dec-29
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80

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