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[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

VK2XB  > PACKET   25.04.08 14:53l 154 Lines 6792 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3141_VK2XB
Subj: Re: Time To Switch Off
Sent: 080425/1152Z @:VK2XB.#RIV.NSW.AUS.OC #:3141 [Hay, QF25KL] $:3141_VK2XB

GerDay Andy & All,

With regards to your original message and the subsequent replies, I have a
couple of things to comment.

Firstly.  One of the wonderful things about this hobby is the scope and
breadth (spelling???) of interests, knowledge and application that is
available to us, as well as the vast cross section of people who populate
the hobby.

That's right. It is a HOBBY, not a lifestyle, not a means of earning a
living (because, in the strictest sense, one is excluded and precluded
from earning a living DIRECTLY from on air activities, unless I am wrong)
and it sure as hell is not life and death.

Because it is a hobby, it necessarily draws from all levels of competence
and skill as well as interests.

I never condemn those who post here, irrespective of the content of their
posts. Many, I have to say, have been dubious at best, but it isn't my job
to be the arbiter of what is appropriate or not - other than as my
responsibility as a sysop.

If you wish to post technical articles for the education of the masses,
you are entitled to do so. If others wish to talk of frogs or blue roos or
bats, then it is their prerogative.

I will say, however, when, for example, I asked for some assistance with
regards to electronic engine management system noise generated by Cat
C15's, the very same fellows that you berate, Andy, were the very same
fellows to make suggestions. In fact, they were the FIRST to respond. I
seem to recall an individual in the UK (although I forget whjo it was) who
just sent a dismissive comment and that was all. Seems to me that they
(those who responded positively to my request) have a pretty well rounded
sense of what MAY be encompassed by the hobby.

There are a number of ways to generate discussion on any given topic. 
Lets take, for example, technical discussions.

You can force feed people with your OWN opinions, whether they already
have the knowledge or not, or you can INVITE people to pass their
knowledge on to you.

I will give you an example.

I have operated, on and off, on HF since 1984, in many and various
vehicles.  I have probably had more on air contacts that possibly anyone
else in Australia whilst mobile.  I have COMPLETELY CURED noise issues
many, many times in the past, however I am also not adverse to accepting
advice or suggestions.  I probably have more practical experience in this
regard than most people reading this bulletin. If you ask around the traps
I have CURRENTLY one of the biggest signals heard on air on the 2 bands I
mostly use (80 & 40) and it is NOT due to a KW linear or similar.  I
actually have a fair idea of what I am doing, believe it or not.  I would
want to - I have done something in the order of about 4 million Kms
(probably considerably more but who is counting) mobile on those 2 bands.

I already had a number of strategies for dealing with the humungous noise
levels generated by Cat diesels, including some from development labs of a
couple of leading automotive electrical companies, as well as advice from
Kenworth (the truck manufacturer) and subsequently from Caterpillar

I asked the question on THIS forum to give OTHER people the opportunity to
visit their knowledge and experience, not only upon me, but to share their
capacities with ALL of us.

There is a couple of people who's advice I will ALWAYS seek, via the
telephone, as much to confirm my own thoughts as well as to enhance my
knowledge.  They know who they are.  I also regularly seek their council
on a raft of other matters, not necessarily matters technical, because I
have enormous faith in their capacity to elmer. 

I sure as hell did not NEED to seek assistance via packet, BUT I was
providing an opportunity for individuals to SHARE their skills in a such a
way that others could derive benefit.

Personally, I have no objection to people presenting whatever they wish
with a little humour and good grace.

As an aside, I am STILL inviting ALL technocrats to provide us ALL with
suggestion with regard to noise reduction in modern, electronically
controlled, fuel injected motors.  Cats are NOT the only engine that
"talks" to fuel injectors with square waves!!  I can think of 2 or 3
PETROL injected CARS that generate equal levels of noise.

When the new truck comes (next week, I hope ... finally) and I get the
time to eventually reduce or totally obliterate the garbage radiated from
the motor, I will write an article and place it ... somewhere ... so
others may not have to re-invent the wheel.

Aside from my activities here on packet and the waffling I do on air,
talking junk a good deal of the time, I ALSO am involved in many aspects
of the hobby that is completely unseen and I intend to keep it that way. 
I, like you, Andy, contribute - it's just that my contributions are less
obvious, perhaps.

So you see, there IS room on packet, as well as the hobby at large for all
levels of participation.

Even the "frog" talk has its place for many of us who are under tremendous
pressure from all sorts of directions. Some of us need to be able to
absorb such ...... activity to give us balance.

I look forward to more technical posts on antennas that I will never build
as I am rarely home to use them, projects that I will never have time to
build, as I have precious little time at home to even contemplate picking
up a darned soldering iron, much less design and build .... anything.  You
see, Andy, I leave Sunday afternoon, EVERY week, am on duty from then
until I get home on Friday night or Saturday morning, only to turn around
and do it all over again.

When I DO get home, I have all the domestic chores to do that DON'T get
done on the occasions that a 9 to 5 employee could. Hell, I don't even
have the time to EMPLOY someone ELSE to do them!  I am not whinging about
it, as this is how I earn my crust.

Even though I will NEVER have time to build ANY of the projects that
regularly go the rounds on packet, I do those who send them the courtesy
of reading their bulletins (but not necessarily commenting upon them) and
I do NOT berate them for posting them out, thus occupying bandwidth or
whatever the objection may be.

Should there be a post that I don't wish to read, I simply don't read it!
I think that is the ultimate form of choice available to all.

Have a good week.

Kindest Regards

Kindest Regards


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