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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KB2VXA > PACKET   20.07.13 15:04l 142 Lines 8391 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 41408_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: G8PZT > What to talk about?
Sent: 130720/1237Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:41408 [Boyanup] $:41408_VK6ZRT

Hi Paula and anyone left among the dead and dying,

I can't think of anything that may be of interest to others either so I'll 
write something in response to your bull as always. Mr. Original? Not me. 

Yeah I DO find bees on the lawn interesting, I haven't seen that since I was 
a child. Why? No bees, no lawn or both. Then when I lived with a beekeeper we 
had plenty of bees (until the die off here in the US) but no flowers (damn 
deer) although a neighbor complained of dead bees in her birdbath. They need 
water and with little bug brains they're not the smartest, at the creek back 
in the woods they probably ended up in Barnegat Bay. BTW the name of the town 
is West Creek, now you know why.

FB on the heat wave and yes, I know all about it as you probably know about 
ours here in the eastern US, more on that later. My home away from home is 
The Island Of Misfit Hams (an internet site as if you might be puzzled by 
navigation charts) and we have Misfits from Spain, (an American transplant) 
The Netherlands, The UK, New Zealand Canada, and the odd Aussie. Did I forget 
anyone? We have ongoing threads where we complain about the weather and you 
may remember Glen aka WEIRDO who keeps me posted via e-mail what's oot n' 
aboot in Edinburgh, mostly mowing the lawn and tending shrubs and gardening. 
Well let me tell you, it's bloody HOT 'round here and himididtity making it 
feel like I'm in a bag in a microwave cranked up to max. UGH! At least the AC 
takes the edge off it, I pity those without it particularly the elderly. The 
heat is taking it's toll on the infrastructure too, railroads experiencing 
sagging overhead wires (catenary) and sun kink, that is heat warped rails. 
Trains are going slow to avoid snagging the pantograph and tearing down 
catenary, then with rail geometry all screwed up staying on the track is a 
bit challenging. The other day a garbage train (;->) derailed blocking a 
commuter line from NYC to upstate NY and has everybody upset, not to mention 
workers putting up with the stink of sun ripened garbage. There have been a 
few heat related power failures (outages if you're PC) due to air conditioner 
overload, in Queens, NY wires actually caught fire and fell in the street. 
Eh, could be worse, a couple of years ago an antiquated underground system 
caught fire and left most of the borough without power for two weeks in 
sweltering heat. Well, come tomorrow it's expected to break and temps drop to 
seasonable levels.

Well let's see, ants are interesting to ME at least. When I was a kid 
somebody gave me an ant farm, OK, it started my interest in ants but they 
never supply a queen and the ants die off in a few weeks. Planned 
obsolecense, the very heart of Capitalism. Summer is the time to watch 
nature's ant farm, especially migrations and when they hit the mother lode, 
an attractive food source. Then you see ANTS! Back in West Creek we had ant 
lions in the front yard, sand is their environment. Ants would go walking by 
their pits oblivious to them so I intervened with a small twig and steered 
some to their doom. When they fall into the conical pit they can't get out 
with sand sliding down on them, then out pops the ant lion and they both 
disapear under the sand. Remember that weird looking sand critter in The 
Wrath of Kahn? It looked like a really big ant lion, nasty looking thing.

I fed the spiders on the porch too, (no, I don't light cats on fire) and one 
day witnessed a battle to the death, I tossed a wasp in a web. Out comes the 
spider and torn between hunger and fear cautiously and very gingerly went at 
the wasp wrapping it up and invenomating it BUT wasps are tough, it kept on 
fighting. Then it happened, WHAM! The wasp nailed the spider, it staggered a 
few inches and stopped dead in it's tracks, literally. Had the wasp won? 
Hardly, it's still caught in the web and going nowhere. Ah, boring, I went in 
the house and checked on the wasp a bit later, dead, the spider venom did 
it's work. <cue Taps>
Yeah, we have nothing to say but let's see, maybe we started something? I 
hope so, I just KNOW we have a few lurkers, Ian, Barry, Dave and a few whose 
names escape me so WAKE UP and post something dammit! Here's something to 
talk about... he he he.

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73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 12:28 on 2013-Jul-20 GMT

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