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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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F6INI  > ALL      13.04.08 15:59l 26 Lines 991 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 16586_F5KCK
Subj: Research tube of 2m !
Sent: 080412/0612Z @:F5KCK.FRPA.FRA.EU #:16586 [Sartrouville 78] $:16586_F5KCK
To  : ALL@WW

Dear om's !
And old teacher of physics has contacted us at the club radio (F5KTR) to 
get information on the following subject:

- He is looking for old pictures of emission's tubes of high power, high 
waves (not the vapotrons ones, the previous generation). I have heard 
about giant tubes of 2m hitg, but I couldn't find anything really 
convincing in internet about the subject. The radio websites give somme 
blurred pictures and witout any indication on the scale size. A colleague 
of mine have seen a pisture fromm 1965-70 in a revue, as radio plan, 
shooing a technician in a giant tube doing the maintenance of this 
one..... from my part I have found nothing after many hours of search... 
if in the area of radio amateurs you have any information on this 
subject, please can you contact MATHIEU (F4ACU) e-mail: or my self we will transfer the information to 
this person....

Many tnanks and 73 !


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