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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KA9LCF > NEWS     28.04.12 00:00l 106 Lines 3802 Bytes #999 (0) @ ALLIN
BID : 36075-KA9LCF
Subj: Amateur Radio Newsline #1810
Sent: 120427/0242Z 36075@KA9LCF.#NEIN.IN.USA.NOAM [167150]FBB7.01.35 alpha $:36

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1810 with a release
date of April 20th, 2012 to follow in several messages.

The following is a QST.  A new report released by a ham in
Germany highlights various radar sources that could
interfere with amateur radio; the Sun shows its might again
as a major eruption hits the North-East limb; amateur radio
responds to tornado devastation in the central U-S; Scouting
gets its own IRLP Topic Channel and Riley is coming to CQ
Magazine.  Find out the details are on Amateur Radio
Newsline(T) report number 1810 coming your way right now.


A new paper released by a ham in Germany may shed some light
on sources of interference on the ham bands caused by radar
systems world-wide.  Jim Davis, W2JKD, has more:


Wolfgang Hadel DK2OM has made available a report documenting
High Frequency Over The Horizon radar systems used around
the world.  Also included are Ionosphere and Troposhere
Diagnostic Radars as well as well as Ocean Wave and Coastal
Radars.  All of these can interfere with amateur radio and
shortwave listening.

The report is an exceedingly thorough look at these various
Radar systems and their uses.  It also includes explanations
of how some of these systems work and include photographs,
maps and graphs of some of the operations.

The 36 page report is free to anyone who wants a copy.  You
can download it in Adobe .pdf format at

I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD.


Again that U-R-L to obtain a free copy of the paper is




A follow-up and a possible answer to the question raised
last week of just what aeronautical radar system Gary Dent,
AF6HP, was issued a Notice of Violation by the FCC for
interfering with.  Its now been made public that the FAA is
in the process deploying a new generation of Common Air
Route Surveillance Radar that operates in the 23 centimeter
band.  Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom with what
we know:


Well Don, most of what we know comes in the form of a news
release from the ARRL Letter.  It says that the deployment
of what is known as the updated Common Air Route
Surveillance Radar has some implications for the use of the
1240 to 1300 MHz band by radio amateurs.

According to the ARRL story, the improved Common Air Route
Surveillance Radar systems are being installed in several
dozen locations throughout the country, albeit the exact
placement has not been announced.  And as stated, this radar
system is a primary user of the band meaning that any and
all other users must protect it from any man made
interference.  That includes amateur radio which holds
secondary status.

At this point, all that's really known is that the radar
will use various frequencies in the 1240-1350 MHz range with
an occupied bandwidth of about 3 MHz.  As such, the League
says that in the vicinity of these radars, amateur operation
may be precluded in a portion of the 23 cm band.

The ARRL says that it is in contact with FAA engineers and
that it anticipates that the constraints on amateur use of
the band will be limited to those necessary to protect
aviation safety.  This of coarse is something that cannot
ever be compromised.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,
in the newsroom in Los Angeles.


Whether or not this radar is the reason that AF6HP received
his Notice of Violation is not known because it's also not
known if the Los Angeles area is the home of one of the
improved radar facilities.  Nor does it explain the
additional charge of broadcasting that was included in the
NOV issued to AF6HP.  (ARRL, others)

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