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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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VE3WBZ > PACKET   29.09.11 18:26l 89 Lines 3652 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 51985_VE3LSR
Subj: RE:KB2VXA and spaced out here
Sent: 110929/1608Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:51985 [Barrie] $:51985_VE3LSR


DT: Wednesday, September 28th.,2011 @1256hrs EST <JPST>

<< Quoting KB2VXA to PACKET @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : PACKET@WW
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 28-Sep 14:22
> Bid          : 7654_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 51891
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > spaced out
> Hi Pete, Ian and whomever may be lurking,

  Hello Warren, Ian , Bob and others lurking...    of course I
am still spced out as your title implys, but I am enjoying it
cuz...never saw that Planet X hurtling towards there!

> Since you brought up Mir in the mix maybe I should mention how easy it 
> was to establish voice comms with the cosmonauts in the beginning. Not 
> having the moonraker array usually associated with satellites and 
> building an eggbeater would have been a complicated waste for a short 
> lived venture (The Ventures In Space?) a simple groundplane slapped 
> together nicely filled the bill. Being the earliest of birds (no, not 
> another pun) I had them all to myself for the entire 10 minute pass. So 
> why a groundplane? Except for the cone of silence directly overhead the 
> high radiation angle is ideal for space communications. BTW, I did the 
> same with the ISS, it's rather like catching the CQ of a rare DX station 
> before the dog pile starts. Well, that was my indoor star party. (;->)

First things ...Ian brought up the MIR , and I just remember R0MIR-7
and of course, well yeah ...nothing fancy here for getting to the
latest effort in orbiting future space junk.

> Lest I forget, the inimatable Bob VK6BE just might show up one day,
> the signs look favorable. If I could only teach frogs to surround
> his house and chant BOB BOB BOB... we could get a rise out of him.

Nah ... I say Bob's words for this are "WHO CARES !!!!"

The frogs you might get to go there, but Bob's talking dog has
them ov'r at the local fo a brew and the dingo is singing...
so no Bob is not worried over the frogs.

> Not so farfetched in theory at least, you must have read the news
> about what happened when hippies surrounded the Pentagon and
> chanted OUT DEMONS OUT.

Hippes?  They are still there, trying to figure out how much
more they can squeeze outta the US taxpayers.

> Lastly, you got me wondering what happened if anything when that 
> satellite crash landed last week. The media was all over it in 
> anticipation, then POOF, silence.

Was that the one where the hoax was it landed in some dinky place
in CANADA and ...hmmm ... well it did go "plop" in the ocean and
that was that ...and how is one to make news outta that...I still
wanna see Bill O'Reilly on the VIEW TV show and see Whoopeee whats
her name and maybe all of them walk off....that will be a real show
for the news...We need that...well better then the trash they have
on TV now.

> 73 de Warren
> Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.
> Message timed by NIST: 14:18 on 2011-Sep-28 GMT
> [End of Message #51891 from KB2VXA]

 For the GREENIES ... local rag, now has a resident getting in knots
over his neighbour and his solar cell array.   I gotta see this and
well the town council with zero to do...looks like they want to be
innvolved, and of course that means they want to control them
being available to another that wants them.   What a world.

  I hope Ian gets his skype going soon...and also Bob so we can
yak.   And I am off to see what the Canadian Postal Service has
dumped in my box. other then the usual junk.

   73 Pete VE3WBZ

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