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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KB2VXA > PACKET   20.09.11 16:35l 60 Lines 2796 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 7441_VK6ZRT
Subj: Re: VE3WBZ > Anyone left?
Sent: 110920/1513Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:7441 [Boyanup] $:7441_VK6ZRT

Hi Pete and all,

To get it out of the way first while it's on my mind, I just discovered 
the mechanism of a small problem. All along the text in anything 
displaying it takes the occasional jump by a few lines and since I 
installed MouseWiz to enable the scroll wheel Winpack has eaten the beans 
too... Mexican jumping beans. Looks like I'll have to borrow a mouse 
somewhere to further diagnose the problem, hardware or driver.

That having been said, since Trolley Wally is hiding out in South America 
it looks like Odessa is still in operation. Too bad I missed looking at 
the R lines, a callsign lookup would have narrowed it down for Weasel. 

Bob only said he doesn't have Winpack on "this computer" so putting the 
pieces together he was referring to the desktop he never installed it in 
and either sold or gave away the laptop. I offered to send him the 
installer since it's only a few K and easily goes as an e-mail attachment 
in case he misplaced his copy. We'll see where it goes from here.

Johnson Messenger II, if I'm not mistaken that's the "white face" model 
with enough chrome to qualify as a 1957 Cadillac with tubes. The good 
thing about boat anchors beside being easy to work on they were nearly 
immune to smoke damage. That's like the old juke boxes before CDs and 
lasers, even the solid state amps of the day used discreet components and 
just as well considering the smoky environments they were in. Being 
careful to avoid getting liquid inside the transformers I washed them in 
ammonium hydroxide (that'll take your skin off) and rinsed with water, 
then dried them with compressed air. Hmmm, is it new or is it power 
washed? Try THAT with today's ham rigs and suddenly you find you washed a 
kilobuck down the drain.

FB on the star party, here's wishing you clear skies and above freezing 
temperatures. An amateur astronomer/ham friend and I had a private party 
once, we had the site all picked out being nearly ideal with minimal 
light pollution and the tree line low on the horizon. We packed the 
telescope in my hatchback and rode with the windows down to aclimate the 
scope and freeze our butts off in the process, then lugged the beast into 
the middle of the field. Just as he zeroed in on the Andromeda Nebula I 
spotted disaster on the horizon, within minutes the sky was overcast. Oh 
well, we packed it in, thanked Murphy and called it a night.

Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I'd have no luck at all

If you want my complete moan just look it up on line, the first line is 
the title.

73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 15:06 on 2011-Sep-20 GMT

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