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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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VE3WBZ > OM       05.08.11 17:06l 202 Lines 8944 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 47909_VE3LSR
Subj: All I can say is  TGIF !!! :)
Sent: 110805/1453Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:47909 [Barrie] $:47909_VE3LSR
To  : OM@WW


DT: Friday, August 5th.,2011 @0934hrs EST  <JPST>

<< Quoting KB2VXA to OM @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : OM    @WW
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 04-Aug 12:43
> Bid          : 5781_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 47854
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > Pete's beaches
> Hi Pete and all,

  Hi, in return Warren, and the only beach I think of now, is
thee most wonderful beaches of Brasil.   Our beach here and
shoreline looks worse then the beach of Normandy during the
last of human history , call World War 2.

> QSL, big 10-4, roger D and all that good stuff.

  What happened to keep the rusty, dirty side down, the shinny
side up ... stay between the dotted lines, and stay outta
the ditches, and smokie outta your britches ....or something
like that...don't you know.

> Between wild boars and domestic bores I don't know which is worse,
> then we have a governor who eats like a pig. Yup, the US is over
> run with foreigners of all sorts, illegal immigration is out of hand.

I think it is Arkanas where they had a show on the wild boar and those
set of tusks.  Our friend shot one and had it mounted and I can still
imagine after seeing the tusks the damage and death this animal
could inflict, like spitting open a dog.   Razor sharp.    The pigs
of New York, well they look dark in colour like the european pigs
so might be decendent of the colonial days, and they say they
are hundreds out there.

Which Governor?

It's been illegal since the first europeans think they discovered it.

> Feral pigs are dangerous as are pythons in Florida and Asian carp in
> the Mississippi. What's dangerous about a fish?  They're spooked by
> motors and jump out of the water in huge numbers impossible to avoid,
> catch one in the face and you'll think you got tagged by a pro boxer.

I can imagine that after seeing some of the monsters we have up here
and the injury to fisherman and the interior of their boats.    These
snakes and fish come here as "pets" or from the pet shop, or as a grow
idea and then we have this problem.  I seem to remember someone talking
about the vegatation for the fish tank, and how because of dumping it
...well it grew and spread out and now chokes the rivers and lakes.

> Being filtyer feeders they deplete the bottom of the food chain thus
> crowding out native species. There's another TV show for you, catching
> them in nets as they jump has become "sport fishing" on the wild side.

I can see that as being a bit wild and then the size and danger of being
knocked into the river or lake,   but then Carps are up here are part
of fish farm production for the tables of those who like Carp...a
bottom feeder.    I prefer them to the Zebra Muscle that now do exactly
the same thing, and while tourists like to see the bottom of the lake
those of us living here and others know the worse is yet to come.

> Speaking of sport fishing, another show up and coming I think of as 
> Redneck Fishing commonly known as noodling involves catching catfish by 
> hand. Frankly I'm not thrilled by the idea of probing nooks and crannies 
> in the mud and ramming my hand down its throat, if it's THAT big I'd 
> rather do it the Northern way. (With chicken fingers, not mine.)

  Aaah Catfish ... we have them here...but nothing like the ones and they
are monsters in South America.    I have to find that picture a friend
of mine sent me when I talked about Catfish.    "Noodling" or catching
by hand, is something my father told me about tout in Scotland and UK.
He also told me the military easy way...

> Free pork? Comments about where to bury a dead pig come to mind..........

  FREE Bacon...why would you want to bury it?   This is like having
to eat battery eggs or free run eggs ... and I prefer free run, so
wild pig is okay with me.    Salt the meat and hang it to cure and
you have a great supply.     Our problem is how to get it back into
Cannuckia , as items like that are not allowed.

> Yup, the US is going downhill fast, rapidly becoming one big Camp
> Granada. Oh you DO remember Allan Sherman now don't you?

  Aaah yes I do Remember Allan Sherman.   Our problem ... or better
still their problem is that they have along with whatever money
have the rest on paper, and trade it like money, so this was bound
to happen.  Greed also....but not only the US ...others are too,
and yet the rural people still can produce their own food, and
are better off.

I watch the city news, and now they have to trim the money they
don't have for programs they have.   Programs when I was growing
up there we never had, and yet we got along.....and you have to
hear the crying and moaning, but this is happening all over the

>   Ah, too bad the end of your vacation got rained out and you had
> to paddle home. RV companions swimming in the rain at $60 a day?

We were not rained out.   We had 3 days there, and if not for things
needed to be done at home for Tuesday morning, we would still be time to suffer the rains that hit the area.

Actually they went there Tuesday morning, and well got setup to
enjoy the rain as they looked for wild blueberries and mushrooms
and the Provincial park charges $90 /day...and you get a nice long
list of NO and don't do this to the point I stay away from Government
run parks and the high priced student help... Our private park for
3 days was cheaper and less stress then one day at the government
run joint.

In September we are however going to the Provincial Park for a Star
Party and reunion of friends. SO I will just have to put up with them.

> That's an expensive swimming pool but at least a "gym" comes with it,
> Governor Christy eats more than that and sits around all day growing
> sideways. Feral pigs? Yeah, the biggest one is in the State House
> eating us out of house and home, out of control and cannot be tamed.

Warren ... the saying they all will give you, and here an
election is coming.  Time to kick out a fat lawyer and replace him
with another....and well the out going lawyer then gets a pension
< lots of cash> and a job ... and the new one...makes new laws to
help the law industry make more money.

Suggest you swing your whatever round..if you have the range and
send a present that will make sure the pig doesn't collect his
parachute money.   The downside is repairs and rebuilding a
new Governor's Home.    Mmmm..better forget it.  Oh well...

>   Google this one for a laugh if not a pathetic sob... Yeah,
> pathetic SOB.

Aaaah say it's no so ...  I watched ours on TV last night, and
that was pathetic too.   Only trying to make points with voters
in comments on another about their past ... like his is so rosie
squeeky clean.

> That's right, we have a chicken in the White House and a pig in
> the State House, welcome to America. (;->)

I think my American family would agree with you, but then given
whatever party in the white house, there is a mess ... and now
they all have to work together....just like if there was a war.

I watched the news on the lastest there in Washington about passing
the debt ceiling bill, and now ..ok agreement... they have to
no fooling about...get to the issues they all allowed happen
and trim trim trim.

I still have that show in 4 parts I watched on TV ... I was most
impressed by the candid comments of the French Finance Minister
as she addressed problems in France and the world.   I can not
remember her name, but I see her as a rising star.

> 'Scuse me while I see what those MIBs at the door want...............
> 73 de Warren
> Message timed by NIST: 12:36 on 2011-Aug-04 GMT
> [End of Message #47854 from KB2VXA]

  So ... if we don't hear from Warren is ..he went too
far, and either the State of NJ or the Feds got him on some charge
and he is sitting somewhere in a bright orange jumpsuit while
they figure out how to bring him to trial in a way to make the
Government<s> look great.

  FGIF ... I guess time to bake a pie..and put that file in the pie
for Warren to escape.   Then he becomes a folk hero, and starts
another revolution of sorts of voters...  with guest appearances
on CSI and other shows.... aaaaah I gotta go.

  73 Pete VE3WBZ

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