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VE3WBZ > OM       07.01.11 19:14l 140 Lines 6212 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 30900_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: VK6BE on smoking etc
Sent: 110107/1700Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:30900 [Barrie] $:30900_VE3LSR
To  : OM@WW


DT: Friday, Januar 7th.,2011 @1121hrs EST

<< Quoting VK6BE to OM @WW >>
> From         : VK6BE          To           : OM    @WW
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 07-Jan 13:43
> Bid          : 730044VK6BE    Message #    : 30891
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ,I agree.
> To  : OM@WW
>  Well Ian I certainly would not recommend anyone to start
> smoking to lose weight. That could well be suicidal.
> Maybe  some people will lose weight when they start, but what's
> the use if they die before their time of lung cancer or
> heart disease as a result as several of my associates have
> done. You can't argue against the statistics Ian, they are there
> for all to see and they make grim reading.

Hello Bob and Ian and everyone....    I agree with you Bob, on
not recomending folks to smoke, but then it was a familar observation
made by Ian, and I recall people I knew like that...BUT also those
smoking and eating themsevles to death.

> For the record I started smoking when I turned 18. Three years
> in the army confirmed me as a smoker. I tried to give up several
> times without success. Then the US Surgeon-General published his
> findings on the incidence of lung cancer among cigarette smokers.
> The statistics looked pretty bad to me and I gave up cigarettes
> immediately and smoked a pipe for a short period before giving
> up completely. I did not put on any weight even though I found
> myself eating more - probably the reason for most ex-smokers
> gaining weight. It did not happen with me. I was the non-smoker
> among my workmates, all of whom smoked. Of them two died of
> lung cancer, one of them in his 50s and the other 60 odd,
> one died of a massive stroke in the mid 50s and the other died of
> throat cancer, smoking related, also in his 50s.
> Pretty damning evidence I would think.

Agreed.   With the eating replacing the smoking, your body mostlikely
could handle it, as it is funny to see those eating like overly
and slim...yet the same fare and overly fat.   In the genes Bob.

> My sister in law was unmarried and lived with her parents,
> both smokers.  Both parents died of heart disease and my s-i-l
> died of aesophagal cancer at age 53. The oncologist said that
> he had never seen a case of that type of cancer in a non-smoker
> before and hazarded a guess that the cancer was the result of
> inhaling the smoke from the parents' smoking.Pretty grim.

Another reason why they ban smoking where one's smoke can be
inhaled by someone who doesn't smoke.

> could lose weight by smoking, and you could be a
> box  of bones in a funeral parlour before your time.
> Anyone who takes up smoking to lose weight is exchanging one
> problem for another  problem which could well be terminal.
> It is ignoring the facts. It is crazy in these days when the
> consequences of smoking are well documented.
> End of sermon, but the statistics are on my side backing me up.

Worth repeating Bob ... Worth it, and many thanks for saying it.

> By the way  measures passed by my state government to combat smoking:
> 1. No smoking in any building or any outdoor eating area
>    including bars and restaurants or in any enclosed space..
> 2. No smoking in hospitals or in the grounds surrounding
>    the hospital or in offices or any enclosed space.
> 3. Tobacco products have to be in a plain pack - no pretty
>    coloured packs.
> 4. All tobacco related stock has to be behind opaque screens
>    so that the public cannot see them.They have to ask for them.
> 5. No smoking in cars where there are to be children. The danger
>    of sidestream smoking is well known.
> Now why has the Government done all this I wonder? Is it possibly
> because smoking related illness is a burden on our health scheme
> and the bill is paid by the non smoking tax payer?
> That is the reason we are given and it looks pretty good to me.
> Give it away Ian. You could well lose weight all right.
> A lot of smokers lost weight by finshing in a funeral parlour.

Agreed, similar measures here too ... Nothing like smelling the
odor of a smoker next to you... their breath or clothes.   A
saying I saw;  " Kissing a smoker is like licking an Ashtray."

I used to have a ascii for that one <g>.

> By the way at 87 my BP is 125/65, cholesterol and sugar are
> low and no cigarettes had anything to do with that. Smoking
> cannot possibly have anything to do with lowering those.
> This afternoon I played lawn bowls from 1.30 till 5.30.
> Of the members of the bowling club who leave the room to have
> a puff   there are about four, maybe five in a membership of
> around 200.
> There was one more but he died of lung cancer last year!!!
> Smoking is a dying habit in more ways than one.
> Cheers,
> Bob VK6BE.
> [End of Message #30891 from VK6BE]

  Another posting worth a repeat, and comment. Thnaks Bob for
that one.   Glad I never got hooked on smoking.   Tried smoking
like all kids, and nearly choked, and perhaps the choking saved
me...mmmm...well I got Cancer and a Kidney removed, a few other
parts and left.   I don't even smoke.    Seemed to
just gain weight, as I have  been in recovery, and then last
year... well the gal bladder op ... did nothing to have that
inflamed..???? and now trying to recovery yet again, and I have
always suffered from High BP.

Sorry ... I know there are those worse off then I.   Thank you
for your contributor to OM @WW ... the exchange of comments
I read this morning between you and Ian G0TEZ were interesting
and yes the stats kept do speak for themselves.

See you both later ...
                         73 Pete VE3WBZ

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