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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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KB2VXA > OM       01.01.11 15:32l 46 Lines 6745 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 61789_VK6ZRT
Subj: First for 2011
Sent: 110101/1407Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:61789 [Boyanup] $:61789_VK6ZRT
To  : OM@WW

Hi Pete and all OMs, YLs, and anything in between,

Your bull being a long one I decided to "capture" it to a text file and work off line, the BBS would surely have timed out while reading it. (;->) Anyway, having no direct knowledge of your BBS I can't say what the problem may be except that it may be your timing. FBB goes off line every 24hrs for housecleaning so maybe your finding it down may be coincidental.Normally they're timed to do it during off traffic periods and that includes forwarding exchanges so you'll have to ask your sysop about that if you haven't already done so. As for an OS, DOS being ancient the move has been to Linux and if I don't forget I can talk to Ray my former sysop about how he was set up. That just might help, he had cat fits for a time but worked it out.

My "New Year'S resolution" has nothing to do with Bob or Amateur Radio for that matter, it's a personal decision I'll talk about later when I get over the hurdles. No point blathering on about the "agonies" or I'll sound like the OFs on 75M boring everybody. (;->) Oh I know he'll never change and that's what makes the Bob 'n Warren Show funny, poking each other and the ensueing frog fight is by some strange sort of mutual agreement. The only time it got aggrivating for several of us was when he got serious asking for help yet was kicking against the pricks only making things worse for himself. That's all water under the bridge and he's back to "normal",now it's Glen having a few difficulties but we're working on it.

I'll let you guys in on a chuckle, the other day he told me he lost the BBS IP address, port number and password so I passed along the former and the e-mail address so he could work out the latter. The next day he reported that he found them in a notebook he dismissed so he overlooked the entry, he was fit to be tied. OK, whenever you look for something it's always in the last place you look, if you went there first you'd never have fouund it! Logical, right? On a similar note there's Alther's Tuit, a little story I made up based on the infamous Round Tuit. Have you ever dropped a tiny bit of hardware on the floor and it jumps out of sight? Sure you have, nuts and bolts come programmed for escape and hiding so knowing this you carefully watch their descent so you see where they land but they're smarter than you, the moment they hit... BOING, they become invisible and jump somewhere you'll never find them no matter how hard you look. They sit there waiting with silly grins knowing they'll really piss you off when the time is right, that comes ALWAYS when you have worked around them and they're no longer needed. Then like Pixel the cat (one of Heinlein's little pets) they drop out of hyperspace and there they are grinning at you. Well, it's the end of the story and that's Alther's Tuit.

Ah yes, dead birds, dead pigs, sammiches for a week and whatever is left goes in the soup pot. Waste not want not so when I had a full kitchen to play in I'd make several gallons of soup, have some and freeze the rest. Mum taught me how to cook and like her never wrote anything down and using what was on hand things came out a bit different every time. That's what keeps it from getting boring, my name isn't Campbell and I'm anything but Progresso, consistency isn't my aim but rather like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get. The really good part was a dead bird or pig would feed me for more than a month.

Reference not being handy at the moment, if I remember correctly the Winter Solstice was 23 December. That's the official beginning of winter and a high witch's sabbath, the YLs may remember my jet powered broom. Bob told me winter begins on 1 December but then again everything is just a bit different down under, maybe the witches don't bother casting spells on Canberra as long as they have it straight. Hippies never get anything right, back in the 60s they surrounded the Pentagon chanting "out demons out" but they remain and witches just don't care, Washington was always haunted and always will be well beyond the power of the people.

31 December is Guy Faukes Night? I don't think so, we blow things up on New Year's Eve wherever it is legal or can get away with it. The last I did it was ringing, er, blowing in the Millenium. Nobody calls the cops in West Creek, there aren't any and the State Police Tuckerton barracks (strangely located on Rte. 9 in West Creek) is closed at night so they're dispatched from somewhere over in Burlington. We had some of the most powerful fireworks available putting the Pineys to shame, our thunder rolled through the pines for miles. Come morning I went out back and it looked like gophers gone mad, sizable bomb craters everywhere. About the only thing comparable is the bombing range a few miles away in Warren Grove!

" see I am all confuses thanks to the Cannuckian Government."
No, that was me for mentioning your making an electric bike and Mae West in the same paragraph. I forgot the possibility that some are unaware that in WW2 and Korea our GIs called the hand crank generator a Mae West. For the longest time one was paired in one unit with a 500KHz automated distress beacon, the forerunner of today's E-PERB, the Electronic Portable Emergency Reporting Beacon.

Oh I wouldn't go as far to say that European motorists are more respectful of cyclists, don't you remember the long running rant about how in the UK they seem to aim at bikes? I don't remember all the details but James Bond came to mind driving on walkways, down stairways, jumping rooftops and driving underwater. Well, You Only Live Twice.

Yup, you got them both, the angel being appropriate for Christmas and the goo goo appropriate for Bob. I forgot I had that one, the ASCII version of that which appears in both productions of The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy... DON'T PANIC!

"...well okay see you in 2011 Warren and all...<giggle> < snap>  <crackle> <pop>... < hic>.... huh...thud...zzzzz"
You must have written that last night, hope you're feeling better now. (;->)

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73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 09:07 on 2011-Jan-01 GMT

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