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VK7AX  > NEWS     10.10.10 05:03l 1040 Lines 35920 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: WIA National News,10 Oct 2010, Text Edition
Sent: 101010/0302Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:12645 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: 
Text edition:


 Oh... and to contact us with your news because
 If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

 email nationalnews(AT)  (click news in member area) Submit your audio news 

 Please.. If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
 you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links & url's.



 DX Code of Conduct


 robots could save you after a disaster


 New web-based HF SDR receiver


 Oct   9     VK4  Wide Bay Mini Hamfest  9.00a.m.
                  Scout Hall, Ariadne Street, Maryborough. 

 Oct   10    VK3  Sunraysia Radio Group agm at Mildura Workingman's Club.
                  Keynote speaker is Jim Linton VK3PC, member of the WIA
                  Centenary Committee and Amateur Radio Victoria President.  

 Oct  23     WIA  WIA National Field Day
 Oct  24     VK3  Ballarat Hamvention at Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club 
 NOV   7     VK5  Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood

 NOV  14     VK4  Presidents Lunch at Rockhampton

 WIA Centenary 
 Only two more weeks till the WIA National Field Day
 Tune-In to the world - Amateur Radio Gets people talking. 

 Now with over 20 clubs registered and more in the pipeline this is going to be
 one fantastic event publicly promoting the hobby of amateur radio. Are you
 passionate to see the hobby grow, getting “new bloodö in as people so often
 say? Well this is the golden opportunity it’s one day set aside each year with
 the specific aim and a focus on promoting the hobby of amateur radio to people,
 yes real living walking talking people who have yet to discover the worlds best

 Now if you have not already done so, consider getting your radio club or a
 group of your friends together, come up with a great idea for a public event
 or a place for a public display of amateur radio, jump online on the WIA
 website and register your event.

 It’s going to be one very special day. Catch you on the air during the
 WIA National Field Day - Tune-In to the world - Amateur Radio Gets people




 web service:- 
 VKC Roundup http://www.police 

 Sunday 24th October  is the date for the Annual Ballarat Hamvention.  It is
 held at the Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club  in Rubicon st, Redan with doors
 opening at 10:00AM.  Pre sale of entry admission and door prize tickets will
 occur before that time.

 Traders will be admitted from 0800 till 0945.

 Costs of a table is $15 (1.8M) same as last year and includes ONE entry person.
 All others admissions cost $6.00 [same asl last year also] Children under
 15yrs will be admitted free.  Light lunch meals will be available from the
 in-house catering bar.  Tea & coffee from 0800 all day. 
 To book a table[s] ring Bill Wells  VK3PAL on 03 5352 3662  or Email to
 wilton(AT)  or using snail mail P.O. Box 1261  Mail Centre
 Ballarat Vic 3354
 Please allow for delay using the PO box though.    See insert to October AR
 Also the BARG is conducting  its annual HOMEBREW CONSTRUCTION COMPETITION.
 Look up the BARG website for details and prizes.  
 The club also has a set of coloured graphics [cartoon style]  limited numbers
 for sale from its Club Sales table . These were drawn by a club member now SK
 and are very collectable.  Make sure you have a look and purchase a set.
 Craig VK3CMC
 BARG President.

'Arena of Wonder' Wires to Wireless

 The Melbourne based Prahran Mechanics Institute 'Throughout History Week'
 is an annual event held at the groups Prahran offices. The 2010 display
 will take place over the week of the 25th to the 30th of October and features
 a WIA Centenary display prepared by well known WIA historian Peter Wolfenden

 The display titled 'Arena of Wonder' from Wires to Wireless is advertised as
 an extraordinary collection of wireless equipment and memorabilia marking
 the 100th anniversary of the Wireless Institute of Australia. Many of the
 items included in the display are to be from Peter Wolfenden's own personal  
 collection. You are encouraged to visit and view this most fascinating display.

 The display will be open to the public Monday through Friday 9.30am  
 till 4.30pm and on Saturday 9.30am 1.00pm. There is no charge for entry.

 The Prahran Mechanics Institute is located at 140 High Street, Prahran  
 (Melway reference 2L H12 and 58 D6)and located close to the Prahran  
 Station (Sandringham line), Chapel Street trams (Nos. 78, 79) High  
 Street tram (No. 6) If coming by car, there is 1 hour parking on High  
 Street, and 3 hour parking on Thomas Street.

 VK4 - QNEWS  
 web service local audio news:- 
 local news email qnews-vk-subscribe(AT)  
 VKR Roundup

 Welcome to QNews from VK4WIA. I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

 For nearly 3 months I have been attempting to get some information regarding
 a program which was announced over a year ago. News of this program's 
 implementation had been passed onto members in the usual manner until about 
 6 months ago. Then the final phase of this scheme was announced as being put 
 in place within a couple of months.

 Well this time passed and the news of the program was lost in seemingly 
 eternal silence. That's when I tried to find out what was happening and
 finally, this week, some news. It seems that the project was dependant 
 on a funding source that didn't eventuate. Well these things happen and
 being able to resource projects in an alternative way should always be 
 part of the contingency "plan B".

 The frustration is that many people have been waiting on news of something
 happening and nothing did. Surely this is the proverbial public
 relations disaster. For the sake of explaining how the scheme was to be
 implemented and keeping the membership apprised of developments, this could
 have been avoided. 

 However, this is an object lesson in project management amongst any
 volunteer body, even our own radio club. The moral is we need to let
 people know. 

 I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

 New aerospace research centre takes flight

 Flying will be a lot safer and more efficient thanks to breakthrough collision
 avoidance, emergency landing and separation management technologies being
 developed at a new joint Queensland University of Technology and CSIRO
 aerospace research centre. 

 The technologies could also allow unmanned aircraft to perform beneficial
 operations such as search and rescue, bush fire fighting and monitoring
 ash clouds from volcanoes as well as power line inspection and crop monitoring.

 The Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA) in the
 Da Vinci Precinct at Brisbane Airport houses more than 35 aviation research
 scientists and support staff. It was opened by Queensland Treasurer
 Andrew Fraser as another step in the consolidation of Queensland as a
 global aviation and aerospace hub.

 ARCAA researcher and QUT lecturer Dr Luis Mejias said the new ARCAA facility
 provided researchers with the tools for leading edge research. 

 "We are focussing on aviation technologies which will save lives and improve
 the efficiency of the aviation industry," Dr Mejias said. "For example,
 mid-air collisions between light planes over Australia have caused the death
 of eight people in the past five years. ARCAA is developing a Dynamic
 Sense-and-Act (DSA) system which could provide a cost-effective early warning
 solution to this problem.

 IOTA OC-137, VK4, QLD State South Group: 

 Ray,K9LUK/VK4, is active until Oct 16 from North Stradbroke Island.
 Who ever would have thought "Straddy" was a rare one!

 ACMA NEWS       

 The Australian Communications and Media Authority will host a one-day tune-up
 in Sydney on 3 November 2010 as part of its digital dividend consultation

 The Digital Dividend Spectrum Tune-Up will be an opportunity for industry and
 government to discuss the issues related to reassigning the digital dividend
 spectrum (694-820 MHz) freed up from the switchover of analogue to digital TV
 broadcasting technology.
 For further information, or to register for the event, contact:
 Nicole Lawler on (02) 6219 5136 or rls(AT) 

 Licence Examinations

 A class for aspiring Standard Licence candidates has been scheduled to start
 on Friday evening 29th October.  It will run for 4 weeks and cost expected
 to be $50.  

 If you are interested contact Reg Emmett VK7KK on 0417 391 607
 or regemm at 

 (Reg VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


 Keith Bainbridge VK6RK President of the Northern Corridor Radio Group 
 offered the eulogy at VK6NE's Neil Penfold's funeral Saturday Oct 2.

 There was a good turnout of hams attending and the N.C.R.G. club formed a
 guard of honour as the casket was brought into the chapel. 

 I’m at a bit of a loss where to start this tribute to a dear friend and one of
 Amateur Radio’s true personalities.

 I suppose some background to his amateur radio career would be a good place to

 First licensed in 1962, Neil soon found an interest in the administration of
 the hobby of Amateur Radio. From 1965 onwards he had spells as VK6 Divisional
 Secretary, Councillor, Vice President, President and Federal Councillor, before
 moving on to the national positions of Federal Director and Federal President,
 roles he held for many years.

 His leadership skills and powers of persuasion are legendary. He was made a 
 Life member of the WIA VK6 division in 1976 and was a winner of the
 GA Taylor medal.

 It wasn’t only administration side of Amateur radio that interested him, he was
 a dedicated DX’er and achieved some of the highest operating awards available
 in Amateur radio. I think it was his interest in DX’ing that led to his passion
 for QSL cards and QSLing.

 I remember accompanying him to the late Jim Rumble VK6RU’s house to take over
 the running of the VK6 QSL bureau, and the assistance, given reluctantly I
 might add, by my then two young daughters in sorting out the cards for Neil
 over several months. The QSL bureau gave him the opportunity to study the
 amount of dx worked by local amateurs and enabled him to encourage others to
 get on the bands and work more overseas stations. As a result of his qsl
 activities he was approached by many amateurs to be their qsl manager, and I
 believe he was in fact manager for over 33 callsigns and of course the
 VK9/ VK0  bureau manager.

 He was actively involved in assisting two Heard Island Dxpeditions and made
 many friends around the world whilst doing so.

 He also managed several contests over the years.

 When the NCRG was forced out of Carine college  and went looking for new
 premises, Neil suggested we look at  Whiteman Park and went off to investigate.
 He managed to secure a sub-lease and things started to take shape. This became
 his passion, the “Manager “was born. Neil took it on himself to lay out the
 floor plan, co ordinate the construction and to generally manage the 
 construction project. It allowed him to exercise his formidable leadership
 skills and gave us a leader with time and vision to push the project forward.

 We were given regular email updates, affectionately known as Pastoral Letters
 or Plonky’s Ponderings , highlighting the achievements of the past week and
 urging us on to better things.

 We also coined a new nickname for him as the project came close to finishing.
 As Neil took it upon himself to keep the place tidy, he became “Sadie the
 cleaning lady “ Woe betide anyone who trampled sand onto his clean floors.

 The WIA centenary celebrations were held in March this year and the club
 decided it would be an appropriate time to have an official opening day for
 our virtually complete Whiteman Park premises.

 We also decided that Ham Heaven, whilst accurate, was not really the most
 appropriate name for it, and the idea for the “Neil Penfold State Amateur
 Radio Centreö was born. So on the 14th March 2010 almost 100 years to the day
 after the Wireless Institute of Australia was founded, we chose to honour
 Neil and his efforts by naming the club premises after our beloved Plonky!
 And it certainly made his day – he said he had never been more proud of any of
 his other achievements in Amateur Radio – and even shed a tear or two as he
 cut the ribbon!

 We also decided to treat him to a little present, so several members got
 together and purchased the number plate “ VK6NEö for his car. It must have had
 an effect because he actually put a 2 metre radio in there and used it!

 Neil took it on himself to organise the mezzanine floor at the club into a
 Museum of Vintage radios and he spent countless hours almost every day on his
 own out there building shelves and display units to house this comprehensive
 collection. It’s still a work in progress but Neil, honestly, we promise it
 will be finished soon!. 

 Another silent key and an old friend of Neil’s was Dave Couch VK6WT. Dave’s
 collection of morse keys and associated equipment was legendary and Neil
 suggested to  me personally to track it all down and put it on display at the
 club premises. This has now become a reality and I owe it all to Neil’s

 I didn’t get to visit Neil in hospital as I was full of the flu and didn’t want
 to risk passing it on but Wayne tells me that he was frustrated being there,
 stuck in hospital on a Sunday morning and wondering who was cooking the
 snaggers and were there enough onions!

 We are going to miss you old fella, the place just won’t be the same on a
 Sunday morning and I will finish with a comment from a friend of his for
 many years:

 Neil Penfold.... A man of few words who would always take the time to consider
 what he had to say then deliver it with a minimum of fuss.

 73 old man, now exclusive QSL Manager to Marconi and St Peter, all others via
 the bureau.

 INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to RSGB, Southgate AR Club, the ARRL, 
 Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.  

 Seminar on Future Wireless Technologies - 4 November 2010

 The NZ Ministry of Economic Development is convening a seminar on Future
 Wireless Technologies, including Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio
 and Future Mobile and Broadcast Technologies to be held Thursday 4 November.

 A similar event was held in September last year which highlighted the
 importance of sharing information on the progress of such initiatives and
 developments in this area. 

 This year's seminar will be held in the Waitemata Ballroom at the Langham Hotel
 in Auckland and is expected to run from 10 am - 5 pm, immediately following
 the 16th Asia Pacific Communications Conference (APCC'10) being held at the
 same venue from 30 October to 3 November 2010.

 The purpose of the seminar is to share knowledge among wireless equipment
 manufacturers, research institutions, service providers and government about
 emerging developments and identifying the areas on which to focus
 future technical and regulatory work. 

 They welcome your participation and invite you to make a presentation at this
 seminar. If interested, please email radiospectrum(AT)
 with "Future Wireless Seminar" in the subject heading.

 The programme, once developed, will be published in the next few weeks on the
 Radio Spectrum Management website.

 More information on APCC'10 can be found at:

 An army of swarming robots could save you after a disaster.

 E.P.F.L. in Switzerland has developed SMAVNET, a swarm of small flying machines
 that can establish a wireless communication network to help rescue workers

 The micro aerial vehicles look remarkably like remote control planes, but are
 programmed to fly autonomously. Researchers at EPFL wanted the MAVs to be able
 to quickly spread out and establish a network even if they didn’t have GPS 
 data, so SMAVNET was taught a trick used by army ants.

 MAVs paint each other with ‘virtual pheromones’ and use these markers to let
 them know where they should explore – similar to how ants locate food and
 direct others to it.

 From a software perspective, controllers allow flying robots to work together.
 For swarming, robots react to wireless communication with neighbouring robots
 or rescuers.


 (published reports from epfl)

 The Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union held its
 annual meeting on 1-2 October in El Salvador. 
 Among the discussions and actions. 

 It was noted that the Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society (P.N.G.A.R.S.)
 and Burma Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (BARTS) are deemed to
 "no longer exist."

 The theme “Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social networkö
 has been adopted for the next World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011. 

 The DX Code of Conduct Project, a group of amateur radio operators who have
 taken the initiative to improve on-the-air operating practices and
 The Arcala Project which has developed an innovative program to reach
 young people were thanked for their efforts and encouraged to continue their

 So, just what is this "DX Code of Conduct"?  
 I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling. 

 I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.

 I will not trust the cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign
   before calling. 

 I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never
   tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot. 

 I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call. 
 I will always send my full call sign. 

 I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval.

 I will not call continuously. 

 I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.
 I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine. 

 I will not transmit when the DX station calls other geographic areas than mine. 

 When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think
 he has copied it incorrectly. I will be thankful if and when I do make a

 I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect. 



 Authorities say a Phoenix Arizona Boy Scout troop had been rescued near 
 the city of Prescott.  This after radioing for help via amateur radio.
 The Yavapai County Sheriff's Office says one troop became stranded in 
 the Pine Mountain Wilderness. The scouts were reportedly close to 
 running out of drinking water and one scout had fallen ill when they 
 radioed for help. 
 According to a newspaper account, one troop leader was able to relay 
 G-P-S coordinates to a Prescott resident received the troop's call for 
 assistance on his ham radio station.  He in turn notified county 
 authorities.  The scouts were rescued by a state Department of Public 
 Safety helicopter on Saturday night, September 25th.  Authorities say 
 the scouts and the their leaders were all in good condition and did not 
 require medical attention.
 The scouting troop included two adults and six children under the age of 
 15.  They were in the mountains with other scout teams, learning to use 
 signal mirrors in case of an emergency and climb different peaks to 
 signal one another.  But in the end it was ham radio rather than mirrors 
 that lead to their rescue. 
 Due to the ages of those involved, no names or call signs were included 
 in news stories on this Arizona mountain rescue. 


 The Federal Communications Commission has approved the use of unlicensed 
 broadcast spectrum known as "white spaces" that the agency hopes will 
 amount to longer-range Wi-Fi-like connections for mobile devices.  In a 
 unanimous vote on Thursday, September 23rd, the five-member FCC said the 
 unused spectrum  between TV stations will be used for such mobile 
 broadband services in the hope of providing improved service to 
 consumers on the go.

 Technology companies including Google and Microsoft had advocated the 
 concept while it was generally opposed by broadcasters and entertainment 
 venues.  The latter had had hoped for the same spectrum for wireless 
 microphones displaced from other bands.  Instead, the Commission 
 reserved two vacant UHF channels for wireless microphones and other low 
 power auxiliary service devices in all areas of the country.


 The Radio Club of America has announced that Tim Duffy, K3LR, will be the
 recipient of its Barry Goldwater Amateur Radio Award.

 The Goldwater Award is given to an RCA member in recognition of a long record
 of service to the public through the use of Amateur Radio.  Duffy joins
 Richard G. Somers, W6NSV, who has been named to receive the Radio Club of
 America’s Special Recognition Award.  

 Both Duffy and Sommers will receive their honours at the organizations 101st
 annual Awards Banquet to be held November 19th in New York City. 

 Duffy will also be inducted as an RCA Fellow this year.


 In DX, K8ND and W9VA will be the first team to arrive at Signal Point 
 Station on Curacao between October 10th and 18th, just before the 
 October 10th date of dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles to operate 
 stroke PJ2.   The callsign PJ2T will be used after 0400 UTC on October 
 10th, when Curacao becomes an autonomous country within the Kingdom of 
 the Netherlands.  QSL via reach operators home callsign.

 KM0O will be operational stroke 9M6 from East Malaysia between November 
 26th and the 30th. His main activity will be the CQWW DX CW Contest on 
 November 27th and 28th as a Single-Operator All Band entry.  QSL to KM0O 
 via his information on or electronically using Logbook of the world.  

 DG5MMW will be active as stroke 3B8 from Mauritius Island between November 1st
 and the 6th.  His operation will likely be holiday style on  the HF bands. QSL
 to his home call direct or via the bureau. For those of you who have been
 asking for a definition of the term holiday style, it means the operator is
 likely on vacation and will not plan any specific hour of the day or day of
 the week to take to the air.


 We are all familiar with the use of RF to communicate with one another using
 two-way radios, but have you ever thought that it can also play a part in the
 creative process in developing dance?  Well Sonia Cillari, who is an artist in
 residence at the Steim Studio for Electro Instrumental Music in Amsterdam, has.  

 Working with a team of engineers and software programmers, Cillari is using
 electronics, radio frequency energy and computer control to develop a new
 performance based on her own thoughts, feelings and ideas, coupled with the
 latest in radio technology:

 Sonia Cillari:  “I use technology because it permits me to create the illusion.
                  So usually I do not start from technology investigating
                  technology.  That is the contrary.  So usually I make my own
                  technical devices because they are for the aim of reaching
                  that specific research.ö

 Sonia Cillari is only one of a growing number of dancers and other 
 artists around the world who are integrating the world of electronics 
 and communications into what they create.  

 And less we forget, our sincere thanks to Marlon Barrios Solano and 
 Dance-Tech Net for making the sound clip of Sonia Cillari available to 
 us.  For those interested in the arts, more on Dance-Tech Net can be 
 found on-line at


 Oct  9-10 WIA   Oceania DX Contest CW
                 Tony Burt   vk3tz(AT) 

 Oct    23 WIA   WIA National Field Day

 NOV 20-21 WIA   Spring VHF-UHF Field Day
                 John Martin VK3KM  tac(AT) 

 hf nets ON the net,
 Due to the passing of my friend & QSL Manager Neil VK6NE who will be sadly
 missed I now have a new QSL Manager who is Tim M0URX.

 HTTP:// (A receiver located in NY USA)       (Atlanta 80/40/20 Web SDR Receiver)

 New web-based HF SDR receiver

 Atlanta radio ham Mack WB4MAK has made available a web-based 3-band
 (80, 40 and 20) SDR receiver, it comes in handy to check how strong
 your signal is being heard in the States.

 So if you are curious as to how you sound in Atlanta, give it a try.

 The link is 


 Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV  

 VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe intruders(AT)

 Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.  

 Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

 Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
  7.050 to  7.100
 14.000 to 14.250
 14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
 21.000 to 21.450
 24.890 to 24.990
 28.000 to 29.700   

 Amateur Radio Band Intruders

 The  International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System newsletter
 reports that the Ofcom monitoring station in Hertfordshire, has been assisting
 with the problem of an Italian Codar HF Radar on 24950 kHz.

 Among the intruders are:

 Radio Uganda on 7195 kHz

 Codar HF Radar on 24950 kHz from Venice

 Spanish fishery on Amateur Radio Bands – latest results

 Spanish OTH Radar tests on 14 MHz

 Read the IARUMS Region 1 August 2010 Newsletter at

 THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
 (Measure twice - Cut once!)   

 It all started with the June 2009 issue of QST. Larry Barr, K5WLF --
 Planetarium Manager at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas
 -- was reading QST when he came across an article about exploring the
 basics of radio astronomy through a homebrew, easy-to-construct radio

 The article -- written by ARRL Education and Technology Program Coordinator
 Mark Spencer, WA8SME -- showed how to turn an everyday satellite TV dish
 into an instrument that can be used to not only broaden horizons and expand
 the understanding of our universe, but to marry the magic of Amateur Radio
 and astronomy.

 Barr quickly got to thinking. He showed the article to his supervisor,
 Dr Shaukat Goderya, the Director of the Astronomy Education and
 Research Program at TSU. Barr and Goderya began brainstorming on how
 they could do something like that in the department. And thus began the
 latest research program in radio astronomy for the Tarleton Observatory.


 2nd Sunday each month.
 April through October  1000 UTC 3.685 MHz   
 November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz 
 OSCAR-11 has now achieved 26 years in orbit. It was designed, built and
 launched within a period of six months, using commercially available
 'off the shelf' components.

 Clive Wallis G3CWV provides an excellent web page on the Amateur Radio
 satellite Oscar 11, well worth a surf.

 Excellent signals have been reported from stations located around the world,
 and good copy obtained from decoded telemetry frames.

 OSCAR 11 appears to be operating for ten days on, followed by ten days off,
 so it should start transmitting again today, around 09 October.

 The Beacon frequencies are –

 VHF 145.826 MHz.  AFSK FM  ASCII Telemetry

 UHF 435.025 MHz.  OFF

 S-band 2401.5 MHz. OFF


 Amateur radio satellite resumes operation 

 After a software crash on September 26 aboard  AO-51 which took it off the air,
 Ground Station Mark Hammond, N8MH has reported 'The reloading of AO-51 is
 essentially complete; the bird is in good order.'

 The AO-51 Command Team configured the satellite for simultaneous operation of
 both the S-band and U-band transmitters. The trade-off is that U-band will be
 low in power-around 250 mW or so. Also, please notice the use of the
 145.880 MHz uplink!
 Check the Command Team and Operations Group AO-51 News web page for the latest

 OC-137, VK4, QLD State South Group: 

 Ray,K9LUK/VK4, is active until Oct 16 from North Stradbroke Island.
 Who ever would have thought "Straddy" was a rare one!
 QSL direct

 Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

 Australian voice calling frequencies:
 3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

 World CW calling frequencies: 
 3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

 World voice calling frequencies: 
 3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
 24.960, 28.390, 50.160

 Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
 3.630, 7.033, 14.227

 Calling Frequencies for PSK31
 North Queensland (VK4) are getting right behind JOTA this year!

 Phil VK4HSV and Blue VK4FBLU -
       with Alice River Scouts at Black River Rodeo Grounds,

 Gavin VK4ZZ and Lyndall VK4ZM -
      with Kirwan, Pimlico/Mundingburra, Bluewater and Belgian Gardens Scouts
      at Camp Tarmaroo Bluewater,

 Kooka VK4FRJG and Chris VK4FR -
       with Loam Island Scouts at The Station,

 Ken VK4QZ and Paul VK4DJ
       with Ross Guides at Herveys Range,

 Don VK4MC, Joan VK4FTVL and Colin VK4UCM
       with Townsville and Charters Towers Guides at District Guide Centre

 Mal VK4MSS plus Two other operators -
       with Charters Towers, Wulguru and Woodlands Scouts at Bivouac Junction,

 If you can help out with a group that needs operators then please contact
 JOTA Co-ordinator Richard VK4FRJG 04 00 33 95 43


 3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz 

 WICEN NSW reminds us that the Bush Walkers Rescue Service is running a
 4 day Comprehensive Remote Area First Aid course over the weekends
 of the 9th & 10th AND the 23rd & 24th of October.

 It is VETAB accredited, so can be used in the workplace, as well as WICEN
 and rescue situations.

 Details can be found at:


 With access to the new VLF spectrum of 135,7 - 137,8 kHz imminent, in ZS,
 Hannes Coetzee of the South African Amateur Radio Development Trust invites
 radio amateurs to participate in a VLF project.

 If you have ideas and are interested send your details to saardt(AT)
 Mark the subject line VLF.
 Your name will be added to a database of interested persons and  once the
 regulations are published, you will be provided with the details of the

 Oct   9     VK4  Wide Bay Mini Hamfest  9.00a.m.
                  Scout Hall, Ariadne Street, Maryborough. 

 Oct   10    VK3  Sunraysia Radio Group agm at Mildura Workingman's Club.
                  Keynote speaker is Jim Linton VK3PC, member of the WIA
                  Centenary Committee and Amateur Radio Victoria President.  

 Oct  23     WIA  WIA National Field Day
 Oct  24     VK3  Ballarat Hamvention at Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club 
 NOV   7     VK5  Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Rosa St Goodwood

 NOV  14     VK4  Presidents Lunch at Rockhampton


 Jan   30    vk2  Mid North Coast Radio Expo 2011 at St Johns Church Hall
                   McLean Street, Coffs Harbour at 8:30am, vk2cjc(AT) 

 Feb   13    VK3  Centre Victoria RadioFest No.4 Kyneton Racecourse

 Apr   18    WW    “Amateur Radio: The first technology-based social networkö
                    World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2011. 

 May 27-29   WIA  AGM Weekend in Darwin

 15TH IARU REGION 3 CONFERENCE hosted by V.A.R.C. in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.

 JAN 23-FEB 17 YEAR 2012
 World Radio Conference WRC-11 Geneva 23rd January TO 17th February 2012

 MAY 4-7 2012 VK5
 YL International 2012 Australia  (vk5tmc(AT) 

 Please think of the environment before printing this email 

 WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

 Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
 the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews(AT)

 Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
 lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
 even get a "cheerio call".

 Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
 their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

 The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
 active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. 

 We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
 and participation in the activities of  local clubs. 

 Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
 material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
 nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were

 Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
 WIANews wouldn't go astray... 

 Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.






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