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VK7AX  > NEWS     29.08.10 02:44l 534 Lines 30577 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 29 August 2010
Sent: 100829/0032Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:10924 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A


FOR SUNDAY 29 August 2010


Alan Widdowson VK7CI

Silent Key

It is will regret that we let listeners know of the passing of one of our early prominent amateurs Alan Widdowson, VK7CI, who died last week, he was 91 and was buried yesterday morning.

Charles VK7PP comments – "he was a thorough gentleman and ran the WICEN group some years back when I was involved."

Long time friend John VK7JK commented that Alan started life up in Westbury and followed his father as the local Pharmacist. He moved South and was involved with the Kingston Pharmacy were he retired from. Alan then went on to become an accountant with the tunnel boring company at Kingston.

He continued as a keen photographer and amateur radio operator.

Alan was also a RAAF Wireless Operator during WWII and rose to becoming a Wireless Instructor teaching many RAAF wireless operators.

Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Vale Alan.

(Charles , VK7PP & John VK7JK)


VK100WIA Centenary Award

Looking at the VK100WIA on-line log

Jim VK3PC lets us know that an analysis of the 12,000 contacts made to the special callsign VK100WIA finds that 642 of them came from VK7 radio amateurs.

The data shows that those contacts were made by 114 individual VK7 callsigns.

There are a dozen Tasmanian stations with ten or more contacts with VK100WIA which may make them eligible to claim the WIA Centenary Award, and they have not yet done so. Do check the award rules on the WIA website.

A handful of other stations have multiple contacts and can use 'top-up' contacts with WIA members to qualify. Again please refer to the rules.

(73, Jim, VK3PC)


VK7 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Wrap-Up

Last weekend was the ILLW and from all reports it was a great weekend. The following are reports from all ILLW stations and thanks to all involved who provided these reports:

Rocky Cape Lighthouse

We start the reports from Stuy VK7ZM at Rocky Cape Lighthouse.

"With gear prepared, and two of my boys with me, we set off from Sheffield about 7am, on our trip to Rocky Cape Lighthouse.

As luck would have it, the weather was fine, and forecast to be reasonable over the weekend, so this was promising to be lots of fun, and we all had visions of making lots of contacts as well as some general sightseeing and a chance to explore another National Park.

We called in to see Wayne VK7FWAY and Scott VK7FTTT at there station that they had set up at Table Cape Lighthouse. Impressive I must say, with there spacious truck, mod cons and heating. We one the other hand would have to make do with roughing it.

Arriving at our site about 9.30am, we wasted no time in setting up. This took longer than expected, but we were ready to operate by 10.45am. Our station consisted of an ICOM 7200 through an MFJ tuner into a 9m squid pole antenna mounted in the centre of the roof of my 4x4, with 12 x  6m ground radials.

A quick scan of the bands showed a lot of activity on 40m, and with one of my boys standing by ready to do the log entries. I started calling CQ. and soon had a pile up to work through, with stations calling in from all over Australia. After a 3 hour stint, we decided on a break, and headed off for a bush walk.

 There was a lot of activity later in the afternoon on 20m, but I wasn't having much luck calling CQ. Unfortunately Murphy had struck, and the 20m loading coil for my squid pole antenna had sustained and injury and rendered it useless. Not to worry, back to 40m where we worked through the afternoon into the evening working many other stations including a pile of ZL's and other DX.

Activity the following morning was quite good but not as busy, and we packed our station up about 1pm local time. All in all it was a very enjoyable weekend, with well over 100 contacts made including 42 other lighthouses. 

Its a great activity and well worth the effort. We also had the opportunity to turn it into a family event, my boys had lots of fun, and the older one plans to study for his foundation licence so he can help out next year as a second operator.  I've already got lots of plans for next year, but the biggest would have to be a chair to sit in whilst operating, and some sort of heating, as it became really cold in the evening. But all in all just great fun."

(Kind Regards from Stuy, VK7ZM)


Mersey Bluff Lighthouse

The next report is from the Mersey Bluff Lighthouse from Keith VK7KW.

"We arrived at the Mersey Bluff at Devonport  at 10ish on Saturday morning.  Winston VK7EM and Dick  VK7FORF erected  Winston's mast and wires for his inverted V 80,40 and 20m antennas together with Winston's squid pole vertical for 40 and 20 metres.  We nearly froze as the wind was very strong and cold!  That weather lasted all day and well into the evening.  The operating station used a FT-857D with battery bank providing some 160 amp/hours capacity.

Dick remained both for company and as second operator.  We kicked proceedings off about 10.30 local on 40 metres with several AU contacts.  We switched to the 20m squid pole and again had several contacts. Throughout the day we operated on 40 and 80 metres with quite a few AU contacts.

During the evening Dick had to return to his QTH so VK7KW carried on making good contacts in AU and one only NZ.  Contacts continued Sunday AM  when the weather had turned to a glorious morning.  The station was dismantled about 11am just before rain came from nowhere.

In all 41 contacts were made with Lighthouse stations and other interested parties.

Amateurs who visited were Brian VK7KBE and Kevin VK7HKW.  Various members of the public enquired of our presence there.  A most enjoyable weekend.  Winston has already booked the site for next year with Keith as second operator."

(73, Keith, VK7KW)


Point Home Lighthouse

We continue with the ILLW reports from Roger VK7ARN who was at the Point Home Lighthouse at Triabunna:

"WICEN Tasmania (South) VK7WCN headed to the East Coast for a new lighthouse weekend activation – Point Home Lookout.  A relatively recent light, built in 1971 to assist woodchip carriers entering Triabunna, and very similar to the more easily visited light at Cape Tourville near Coles Bay. The tower is 14 metres high and 57 metres above sea level, with a 36,000 candella light.

The lighthouse is hidden from view on the landward side by a low hill, so is seldom seen other than from the sea.  Access involves crossing private property from the woodchip mill road.  The view from the light is outstanding, looking across Mercury Passage to Maria Island and, at night, the light on Ile du Nord off the northern tip of Maria.

VK7s  Cedric CL, Chris FCDW, Garry JGD, Roger ARN and Ray VKV, with harmonic Ben FBGS, gathered in Triabunna and headed across the paddocks to set up stations at three locations around the lighthouse.  With some dismay, and the odd expletive, we discovered S9 noise, thought at first to be emanating from a transformer on a pole 100 metres from the lighthouse.  However, driving across the paddock to an alternative rocky knoll made no difference.  Ray found the noise blanker on his Yaesu FT 897D coped reasonably well, so his station became the mainstay.  Interestingly, the noise dropped off later in the day, so we assumed it was coming from the woodchip mill just over the hill.

Station equipment included a Yeasu FT 897D with SGC-237 Smart Tuner into a nine metre squid pole, two Icom IC-706MkIIG with AH4 tuners and nine metre squid poles and a Kenwood TS 130SE into a TEN-TEC ATU.  The Kenwood had a choice of a five band trapped vertical and 90 meter longwire slung low in trees near the cliff edge.  The preponderance of squid poles and Garry's vertical gave the Point the look of an echidna on a long leash in the form of Garry's longwire.

Come evening, Chris had to head off leaving the happy, but cold, campers with their two campervans and two tents.  The weather was challenging for an activity consisting mainly of sitting around.  Reasonably dry but cold and made more uncomfortable by the chill factor due to the strong wind.

Cedric VK7CL kept us entertained over dinner with frequent references to the trouble he was having with his "pork hock".

Sunday dawned with a clear sky and welcome sunshine, but still with a fresh but lessening breeze keeping the temperature down.  The heavy throb of diesels from the cray boats below made alarm clocks redundant.  The bands were still busy but new lighthouse contacts were becoming few and far between. So, following a group call back on 80 metres after the broadcast and  a short diversion to observe a pod of dolphins passing through Mercury Passage,   we decided to do a leisurely pack up, take a light lunch  and head off back across the paddocks.  Cedric's vehicle became a pseudo ewe when a new born lamb, one of a pair of twins, decided that Cedric's rear was more attractive than that of its mum.  Cedric's campervan rear that is.  After a brief stop to attempt to reunite the disparate family we went on our way, to return the landowner's key and to meet up in Orford for a final coffee, snack and vitamin D boost in the by now warm sun.

Over the weekend we made 71 contacts, 32 of which were lighthouses and 5 were international."

Photos of the weekend can be found at the link on email and internet editions of this broadcast:

(Roger, VK7ARN


Table Cape Lighthouse

The next lighthouse report today is from Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club activation of Table Cape Lighthouse.

On Friday Eric, VK7FEJE, picked up the key for the access road to the Table Cape Lighthouse as pre arranged with the Waratah/Wynyard Council while Wayne, VK7FWAY, went ahead. The access road is normally locked after hours.

Just as Eric was leaving Wynyard he received a call from Wayne stating that he could not get into the access road to the lighthouse to set up for the weekend. Eric made a quick turnaround back up to Wayne and found the road barricaded, with 5 huge bales of silage across the road, and the boom gate wrecked.

Eric made a trip back to the Wynyard Council Chambers and found a distraught civil celebrant in the office of the Engineering Department wanting to know why she could not get up to the lighthouse to perform a wedding on Saturday afternoon. The office staff were trying their best to explain that there had been some vandalism in the lighthouse area, and also that the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club, i.e. Wayne and Eric, had first access to the area.

Eric received a phone call from Ashley, the Wynyard council engineer, and they decided to leave the lighthouse road blocked. Permission was granted to use the nearby Table Cape lookout car park that about 800m from the lighthouse, provided there was enough room available for cars coming up to turn around. Ashley also notified the local police that Eric and Wayne had permission to operate their radio station and camp in the car park.

Eric also passed on that the wedding could go ahead in the carpark and they would not interfere with the ceremony. With this information Wayne proceeded to set up camp for the weekend with his work truck come radio shack, and some dxing was done on Friday night with Scott VK7FTTT assisting.

On Saturday a few visitors and club members turned up, including Steve VK7FWWF, Graeme VK7KT, Scott VK7FTTT, and most importantly Laurie VK7ZE who came late in the afternoon to see if his generator was being put to good use.

A lot of contacts were made between 11am and 4pm, at which time the generator was shut down for the wedding to proceed as planned. After the brief nuptial interruption the intrepid operators were quickly back on air.

The furthest lighthouse station that was worked was VO1SA in Cape Spear, Canada, along with several ZL lighthouses. Contacts included our Australian lighthouses from Cape York, around the eastern seaboard and including WA. Contact was also made with the lighthouse tender and supply vessel (Cape Don) at anchor in Sydney Harbour.

With the R.D. contest not clashing this year, and good band conditions during the time that they were at the Table Cape Lookout car park, they made some 200 plus contacts up until early on Saturday evening when Wayne suffered a computer glitch and lost the log on his laptop computer. Luckily he was able to recover it very late on Sunday evening.

Scott, VK7FTTT, later returned from his nearby home with sandwiches which were really appreciated, and stayed until late Saturday night. That night, Wayne was working DX on 40 m when he created a dog-pile unlike anything he had heard before on 40m.

At approximately midnight they ceased operations and shut down everything until 6am Sunday.

Wayne had the luxury of his official chef, Karen arriving late Saturday evening and she set about cooking up a storm of eggs, bacon, sausages and chops, what a feed for breakfast. They had the best radio spot on the north west coast, with room service, as they started contacting other lighthouses and stations around Australia.

Winston, VK7EM, paid a visit on Sunday morning as did Ashley the Council Engineer, who informed the crew that they will be able to use the actual lighthouse structure next year for the lighthouse weekend. In previous years, ILLW operation had been conducted by Eric and Wayne while camped beside the lighthouse and having to use their own masts. The lighthouse is in the order of 15m high and will make a useful antenna support.

By the way, the Table Cape lighthouse is still operational and will soon be opened up to the public with access via privately run guided tours.

At midday the station was shut down and dismantled, and they set off for home. Another great successful weekend was had by all.

Thanks to VK7FWAY Wayne and VK7FEJE Eric for passing on this report.

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


Pot Boil Lighthouse – Flinders Island

The final report is from Gavin VK7VTX who operated a station during the ILLW on Flinders Island near the Pot Boil light house. Gavin has been involved in the ILLW for the last seven years and rates this one as one of the best so far.

Gavin reported that he contacted many lighthouses around VK, ZL and in Germany. There was some great propagation during the weekend.

One of the benefits Gavin comments on is the non-contesting environment of the ILLW which results in long friendly conversations during the weekend between amateurs.

A real social event and the enthusiasm was demonstrated by all involved. Gavin let us know he spoke to a station at Green Cape lighthouse which involved a 5 hour walk in to the lighthouse off Wilson's Promontory.

(73, Gavin VK7VTX via VK7TW)



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:

REAST – September 1, 8, 15 & 22 - ATV Experimenter's Night - starts around 7:30pm in the Queen's Domain Clubrooms. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN DATES.

WICEN South – September 4 - Muster at VK7TPE's QTH Snug

WICEN South – September 9 - St Helens – Communications survey for the 2012 Tom Quilty National Endurance Riding Championship – 160 kms

WICEN South – September 10-12 - Pyengana for the Portland Endurance Riders - 80 and 40kms rides.

REAST – September 29 – A Round Trip to Macca (Macquarie Island) with Warren VK7FEET – 8pm in the Queen's Domain Clubrooms. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN DATE FOR THE PRESENTATION NIGHT.


Non-Commercial For Sales and Wanted


Bob VK7ZL is looking for three 2.5mH RFC's to complete my valve CW transmitter.

If you have or know of these please contact Bob on phone number - 62 611 297.

(73, Bob, VK7ZL)


For Sale

Ken VK7DY has for sale:

One only three element duo band 10m and 15m Yagi in good condition

One only CushCraft R5 - 5 band 1/2 wave antenna in excellent condition.

One only 2.4m Satellite dish – a very strong all aluminium unit.

All items are open for negotiation.  If interested please call Ken on mobile  0409136268

(Ken VK7DY)



Winston VK7EM is looking for an FTDX400 or similar transceiver in any condition….for restoration.

Contact Winston VK7EM on 64372582 or QTHR.


Northern News

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Traditionally, NTARC members have gathered at Lilydale on the last Monday of each month, where David VK7YUM and Norma VK7FOOD look after everyone with great food, and coffee made just the way you like it. Members might like to defer the Lilydale gathering, and we promise that there's very good reason for doing so.

Another NTARC tradition has been to gather at Café Lo-Ena in Launceston on Monday and Friday mornings. Naomi, the proprietor of Café Lo-Ena, has decided to move on to another venture, and this Monday will be her last one there before handing the business over to new owners. I'm sure that regular NTARC members would want to take this opportunity to come in and wish Naomi all the very best for her future and say thanks for looking after us so well over the last few years. Of course, NTARC members will be most welcomed by the new owners at Café Lo-Ena, once they have settled in.

Looking ahead to the monthly meetings, we would like your ideas on what topics could be turned into presentations for these meetings. If you have any burning ideas that you think members might enjoy hearing about, or even passionate enough about a subject that you might do a presentation yourself – lets hear from you! While we can't promise your name will be put up in lights, we can guarantee you a captive audience and the appreciation of your fellow club members.

Thanks from

(Jason VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)


VK100WIA Activation in NW VK7

In early September we have the use of the VK100WIA callsign for three days and will be operating from the Devonport Maritime Museum. More details about this will be provided closer to the time

Amateur Radio Assessments

Prospective amateurs and amateurs wishing to upgrade can contact the learning facilitator Keith Winkler VK7KW who can help you along the path to a new licence. Contact details are available on the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club website, which is easily found by a Google search for CCARC Tasmania

Regards from

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

Meeting Report

The last General Meeting of the Club took place on Saturday 7th. August with a good roll up despite some members holidaying away enjoying more sunshine on the big Island to the North.

It was very pleasing to see our valued friend & member Barry VK7FR accompanied by XYL Mary VK7NBL attend.  Barry is still making good progress with his rehabilitation and we were thrilled that he could make the meeting.

A big welcome was given to a new member, Greg Radford VK7FJFJ. Greg who lives at Flowerdale, recently attained his Foundation Licence and has been heard regularly on air.

Some matters discussed at the meeting included the following:

Agreed that members would again assist with JOTA 2010 with the usual camps throughout the North West.

A report was given on the progress of the new 70CM Repeater VK7RDR to be located on the Dazzler Range. All is progressing well with finalization and testing of the control units and interfacing of the link radios. This repeater will become part of the Clubs linked repeater network with permanent linking between VK7RDR and 2M. Repeater VK7RTV.

A 200 Ampere/Hour Battery and associated "Smart Charger" system has been installed at the Gawler site, following failure of 2 power supplies associated with the 2M Repeater.  There is an added advantage that all facilities at the site now use the battery system and provide continuous operation in the event of loss of mains power.

Next General Meeting is scheduled for Saturday 2nd. October. Venue will be advised closer to the meeting date.

Amateur Radio Licence Assessments and Training

Persons in the N/West Area of VK7 interested in Training and Assessments  for all classes of Amateur Radio are advised that the Club can provide all these requirements and in addition provision of Facilitators via the Radio and Electronics School if candidates so desire.

Potential candidates and interested persons in the North West and Central Coast Areas should note that it is NOT necessary to have to travel relatively long distances (such as Launceston) to attend assessments or training, as all these facilities can and are handled at a central location within the North West.

For more information regarding these facilities, please contact the Club's Learning Organizer Tony VK7AX, or the Club.  Contact details can be found on the Club Web Site or the WIA site under VK7 Clubs.

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer – NWTATVG)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

ISS Contact with South Hobart Primary School

Late last Friday afternoon via telebridge, students from South Hobart Primary School asked questions of astronaut Doug Wheelock on the International Space Station.

<short audio file in here >

A great big thank you to all involved especially Tony VK5ZAI the Australian ARISS Coordinator and his team of helpers and thanks to Steve VK7OO, Warren VK7FEET and Thomas VK7NML for their local help during the contact.

We are putting together an edited video of the contact for the school and ATV nights.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


September Presentation

A Trip to Macca (Macquarie Island)

Warren VK7FEET has agreed to give a presentation with pictures on the big screen about his recent trip to Macquarie Island and back as part of the Pest Eradication program.

This should be a fascinating insight in to Tasmania's most Southern island.

29 September - 8pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms.

See you there.

PLEASE NOTE: The first Wednesday night of September will be an ATV night and this presentation will be given on the fifth Wednesday night.


October Expressions of Interest

Grote Reber Museum and 3D Virtual Reality Cinema

For the October REAST presentation we are looking at going on a visit to the Grote Reber Museum at the Mt Pleasant Radio Observatory at Cambridge.

The museum has many wonderful artefacts and information about Grote Reber and his experiments mapping the Milky Way using HF from his square kilometre array at Bothwell.

As we wanting to visit the museum out of normal business hours there will be a charge to cover the Universities costs and this will be $150.

Therefore, we are looking to find out how many people would be willing to pay between $5 and $10 to visit the museum and 3D virtual reality cinema and the charge would be dependent on how many come along.

I have put out a call to all AR club committees in VK7 to see if they have members who would be interested in attending. If there is enough interest then we could move it to a Saturday afternoon to give people time to travel down to Cambridge.

We can also organise vehicle pick-ups for those amateurs who cannot drive.

Please let me know if you are interested in attending the visit over the next couple of weeks and if we get enough interest then I'll let the University know.

I can be contacted on email: VK7TW(AT) or phone: 0439 016 622.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


Licence Examinations

If there is anyone interested in undertaking an amateur radio exam and this could be for foundation, standard, advanced, regulations or practical. Then please contact Reg VK7KK on 0417 391 607, or email on regemm(AT)

(73, Reg VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


ATV Experimenters Night

Even though the weather was cold and wet we had a great roll-up and started with a show and tell of some new AR iPhone applications on the iPhone4 then moved into some selected Tasmanian items from the book "Clear Across Australia" which is a history of telecommunications in Australia.

We then moved to playing the "Sounds of Amateur Radio Volume 1" which was re-released as part of the Centenary Celebrations. This is a fascinating record of early amateur radio activity.

REMINDER that next week is an ATV night NOT A PRESENTATION NIGHT and we will be playing the ISS contact with South Hobart Primary School both on ATV and R2/R5.

We get underway again next Wednesday night around 7:30pm and we broadcast on 444.25MHz analog ATV which is just below SBS on the UHF TV band.

Hope to see you along.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits! !

Microwave Modules Circuits 

Lighthouses of VK7 

Mobile Phone Towers - Note: seems you have to be zoomed in a little over half way up slider for them to appear. Also, I think it's only Telstra towers but I did find a Vodafone tower on Herringback (Thanks to VK7ARN)

One Mother of a Solar Storm

The following links are courtesy of CG Communicator:

When wind turbines go bad:

Why mess with commercial power tubes when you can roll your own?  This delightful 17 minute French video shows how:

Scientifically significant radio astronomy can be achieved with modest backyard observatories:

Here's a new "front end" for Google's Street View program.  Enter an address, get a picture of same:

A radio newsstand paperweight, circa 1922 (N.Y. Times):

How viewers can tune in their favourite shows with no cable or satellite bill:

Here is the second and final instalment on moving the 200-inch mirror from Caltech in Pasadena to the top of Palomar Mountain:

Hand signals are fast disappearing on stock market trading floors as automation takes hold.  Here's how the mysterious signals work:

Haiti shows the U.S. how to achieve full employment by using humans to replace machines:

Humans and machines work together in the construction of railroad tracks:

Space Shuttle time-lapse video, cool stuff, 4 minutes:

Nice movie of the second largest aquarium in the world (full screen 720p viewing recommended):

Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7FB

80m: VK7EM

40m: VK7JGD

20m: VK7AR

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW




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