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VK7AX  > NEWS     09.03.10 05:05l 453 Lines 21714 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 7 March 2010
Sent: 100309/0253Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:3781 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX


FOR SUNDAY 7 March 2010



Meet The Voice BBQ - Sunday 21st. March 2010.

That is only 2 weeks to go and we look forward to greeting you at ROSS CARAVAN PARK for a meet with you, renew acquaintances or put a face to some one we have been talking to for a long time and have never personally met. May be you are better looking than we had in our minds eye, perhaps not, but it does not matter it will be a pleasure to shake your hand.

Have you made contact with Ray VK7VKV and advised him of your attention to participate in the CAR BOOT SALE ?. This may be the opportunity to off load some unused item or purchase some article you have dreamed of owning that has been taking space on some ones shelf.

Sellers please book in with Ray when you arrive at Ross, and we ask that selling not start until after the presentation of the "SEWING CIRCLE SHIELD" at about 11AM.

When you first arrive please register, registration fee is $5.00 per amateur or amateur family. You will receive your name tag and ticket in the magnificent raffle of the day.

From this years raffle you will have the opportunity to win either a Brand New Antenna Tuner with a retail value in excess of $250.00, or a Brand new Hand Held 2 Meter Transceiver, and some one will take one of these home from the BBQ. We are indebted to David VK3JKY & Claureen VK3KMB Wilson for their most generous sponsorship of our BBQ's for 4 years now.

Thank you David & Claureen we look forward to seeing you again on the 21st. March.

The order of the day will be Registration from 9.30AM, Presentation and talk fest 11AM after which the BBQ will be lit .

For those wishing to purchase their food locally there are magnificent take-aways in Ross specialising in all types of beautiful food.

For those arriving early, the camping area will be as in previous years, but remember we are entitled to pay the nominal camping fees of the Caravan Park, as it suits us to camp outside the Caravan main area. We of course will be using their amenities, as will those attending for the day.

The "SEWING CIRCLE NET" are sponsors of the day. Further details on the daily Net from 5 - 6PM on 3.590MHz.

(73 Don, VK7AY)


QSL delivery at Ross

Norm VK7AC and Brian VK7RR have collated many 1000s of QSL card for amateurs across the state and these will be brought to Ross at the Meet the Voice BBQ for distribution to the amateur in question or to a nearby amateur for delivery.

(73, VK7AC & VK7RR)



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:

VK7EM – Today - `Penguins On The Air'- Winston VK7EM on 7090, 14190 and 28490 kHz from 10.00am until 4.00 pm local time.

NTARC - March 10 - Social BBQ gathering at Lilydale

REAST – March 10 - ATV Experimenter's Nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7:30pm

CCARC – March 13 – Comms Support for Kentish Endurance Riders in North West for endurance ride from 7:30am

REAST – March 17, 24, 31 – ATV Experimenter's Nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7:30pm

SEWING CIRCLE NET – March 21 - Meet The Voice BBQ at Ross.

REAST – April 7 – Tour of the ABC Radio and TV Studios starts 7:30pm.

REAST – April 10 – WICEN Capability Display and BYO BBQ – Queen's Domain Compound after broadcast from 11am.


Northern News

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Its nearly time to polish up your BBQ tools and hone your hotplate cooking skills, as NTARC's BBQ night at Lilydale Falls Reserve is happening this coming Wednesday night. Come along and join us for the traditional Aussie tasty BBQ and enjoy the lovely evenings typical of this time of year.

For anyone who wants to, overnight camping is permitted there too.

Ann VK7FYBG lets us know that there is still one call book available, so if you want to grab it, better let Ann know as soon as possible.

Does NTARC save the world from bad guys?  Well not here in Tasmania, but in the United States, NTARC is the National Terror Alert Response Centre. It's interesting that the two organisations have quite coincidentally arrived at the same acronym. Here in Tasmania, NTARC has a presence on the internet at Just in case the big NTARC muscles out this little NTARC for that particular web domain, we do have other domains registered, however for the time being is our presence on the web. Phil VK7JJ has done some very good work on this project, and even has produced a great Splat! Coverage plot of our VK7RAA Mt Barrow repeater on the home page. Its very impressive, so get on the web and take a look; we'd welcome comments and your thoughts on how it looks.

Thanks from

(Jason VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)


The Bottle Shop Net

The Bottle Shop Net was formed in recognition of the large number of older valve radios still in use around Australia.

The Bottle Shop Net is usually hosted by Gavin VK7VTX on Flinders Island and Barry VK3MBW in Lara, Victoria.

It happens at 8.00 pm most week nights, on 3.59 MHz LSB

Most amateurs know that a "bottle" in radio terms is a reference to the glass thermionic vacuum tubes that formed the basis of radios before the development of solid state devices. Valves are still in relatively common use today in high power amplifiers both HF and VHF.

Older solid state radios are also welcome on the net and in order to be better fit in they are referred to as "stubbies" (thank you Gavin).

Everyone interested in firing up an older radio is more than welcome to join in the fun and chat and swap tales of the radios being used. There is a buy-swap-or-sell session before the 9.00pm close of the net.

(Sourced from the NTARC Website)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)


The Kentish Endurance Riders inc. have asked the CCARC to provide comms support for their endurance ride next Saturday the 13th March 2010.

This is an 80km event and starts at 7.30am and will be held in the Sheffield area.

If any members or other amateurs would like to assist with this event then please contact David, VK7DC directly or through any of the other committee members and register you interest and get more information.

Cheers from

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

Communications Assistance

Several members provided their services and expertise in assisting Rally Tasmania with backup Radio Communications last weekend over the 3 day Event from Friday 27th. – Sunday 28th. The main communication system employed was the Mobile Phone Network, however Stage Commanders and other officials expressed their appreciation in having a very efficient Radio Network as a second medium.

Well done people, in particular Bob VK7MGW and Ursula VK7FROO who managed setup and control of Radio Comms along with Dave VK7DC handling Relay traffic and Lucas VK7FLSB Stage Commander Street Stages.


AMSAT-VK Net Tuesday Night

The Monthly National Satellite Net of AMSAT-VK will again take place this Tuesday 9th. March.

The Net commences at 8.30 PM concluding around 9.30PM, with initial check-ins from approx. 8.20PM.

The net is available in the North West of VK7 via the Club's VK7RTV Repeaters on 53.775 and 146.775. MHz. and their associated IRLP Nodes. All Amateurs and SWL's within range of these repeaters, are welcome and invited to join in. You do not have to be active in working the satellites to be involved with the Net. It is a good way of learning how to become involved with communicating in AR via the "Birds". Why not take a listen, you may become interested in yet another mode of Amateur Radio.


Amateur Radio Licence Assessments and Training

Persons in the N/West Area of VK7 interested in Training and Assessments  for all classes of Amateur Radio are advised that the Club can provide all these requirements and in addition provision of Facilitators via the Radio and Electronics School if candidates so desire. For more information regarding these facilities, please contact the Club's Learning Organizer Tony VK7AX , or the Club .  Contact details can be found on the Club Web Site or the WIA site under VK7 Clubs., 

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

2010 Centenary Callbooks

2010 W.I.A. Centenary Call Books are available from REAST.

We have four copies left and therefore if you would like a copy then drop out to the Caltex Service Station on Main Rd Moonah and ask for Clayton VK7ZCR.

The station address is 136-138 Main Road on the corner of Amy St.

(73, Gavin, VK7HGO, REAST President)


March Presentation

Optimised 7MHz Antennas

Last Wednesday night saw a fascinating talk by Richard, VK7RO, who is our mad keen CW operator and who has undertaken many experiments to optimise antennas for his favourite band – 40m.

These trials were conducted at the Queen's Domain clubrooms and included creating a vertical on the original Marine Radio concrete pad that held the large biconical vertical as the reference antenna. This arrangement also used the extensive ground plane that is just under the ground around the pad.

Richard and the Wednesday afternoon group first tried a Beverage of two wavelengths down through the bush using trees to hold the wire up for a distance of 80m. This proved to be effective however, some other ideas were tried from Brian Beezley K6STI which included quarter wave stubs at each end with matching resistors.

Richard simulated these antennas with EasyNEC to predict the performance and radiation patterns.

Richard then tried some terminated loop ideas from Beverage as well. These loops come in all designs like EWE, Flags or Pennants and Richard tried Gary Breed K9AY's ideas. Richard settled on a diamond shape with a single pole in the middle with so great results on 40m.

Richard then moved to test another K6STI design called a receiving loop which rejects vertically polarised signals and only receives horizontally polarised signals.

Richard presented a great mix of theory and practical experience with these HF antennas.

Judging by the amount of discussion after the presentation from the many people who came along they found it enlightening.

The presentation was recorded and has been added to the ATV library for playing at a future ATV night.

Thanks to Richard.


April Presentation

Tour of ABC TV & Radio Studios

Our host will be Jim Parish who is Technical Manager at the ABC and he will be taking us through the newly refurbished TV and radio studios.

The move to digital technology has seen many changes in the studios and processes for bringing TV and radio to Tasmanians.

This should be a fascinating tour and we are privileged to have Jim showing us through prior to his retirement from the ABC in the near future. A great big thank you to Jim.

This tour will be held on the 7th April 2010 at 7:30pm please be at the front doors at 7:30pm SHARP.

(Justin, VK7TW, REAST Presentations Officer)


ATV Experimenters Night

We get back underway this week with the ATV Experimenter's nights from around 7:30pm.

We have a very special live interview with Harvey VK7TED about his adventures in Geocaching and this should be fascinating.

We are also thinking of having a Focus on Foundation Licensees ATV night once a month. If you are a Foundation Licensee, we would like to hear from you to see if this is a worth while venture. We envisage the night would focus on helping and upskilling Foundation licensees and encouraging them to upgrade. We would probably focus on a particular aspect of amateur radio each month.

Hope to see you along.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


Satellite DXpedition News


Dear satellite enthusiast and DXers

The 3W6C-Team will activate Con Co Island (AS-185) off Vietnam on satellite from April 10 to18. The crew use a FT-897 TRX with homebrewed "Easysat"-antenna for 2m and 70cm and a homebrewed 10m cross dipole.

Following satellites will be use - AO-07, AO-51, HO-68, SO-50 and SO-67.

The main areas in the foot print are: East-Asia, Japan, China, India, Australia and east part of Russia. If possible, so the 3W6C-Team will use some DX-Windows to near East and West part of Russia.

The main-operator for Satellite is HB9BXE, Hans-Peter and the equipment will be full manual doppler correction.

All Crew members are primary shortwave operators. So please be patient, if they have some troubles with the sat-operation…HIHI.

For additional information and operating-plan, please see the website that can be found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast:


Thanks for support of the 3W6C-DX-Pedition.

(73 Michael, hb9wdf via Judy VK2TJU and the AMSAT-VK Mailing List)


Satellite News

Indonesian Amateur Radio Satellite update

Wisnu Widjaja YBุAZ brings the latest news on the two new Indonesian Amateur Radio satellites, LAPAN-ORARI and LAPAN-A2 which are planned to launch in 2011. ORARI is the Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia.

LAPAN-ORARI will carry a 5 watt output FM voice transponder with a 435.880 MHz uplink and 145.880 MHz downlink as well as an APRS Digi-peater on 145.825 MHz. It will also carry a green light laser for attitude determination.

It is planned to be launched from India into a 650km orbit with low (8 degree) inclination as a secondary payload with "Megha-Tropique".

LAPAN-A2 will use S band (non amateur frequency) for video surveillance and the amateur frequency 437.425 MHz for telemetry.

Work on LAPAN-ORARI and LAPAN-A2 satellites is currently at the stage of assembly and testing of components.

For more information take a look at the websites on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

(Sourced from the AMSAT News Service)


History News

Who was Dr. Beverage?

Dr. Harold Henry "Bev" Beverage is perhaps most widely known today for his invention and development of the wave antenna, which came to be known as the Beverage antenna and which for the last few decades has seen a resurgence in use within the amateur radio and broadcast DXing hobbyist communities.

Less widely known (outside of the community of science history researchers) is that Bev was a pioneer of radio engineering and his engineering research paralleled the development of radio transmission technology throughout his professional career with significant contributions not only in the field of radio frequency antennas but also radio frequency propagation and systems engineering.

Harold Henry Beverage received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maine in 1915, and went to work for General Electric Company the following year as a radio-laboratory assistant to Dr. Ernst Alexanderson. In 1920, he was placed in charge of developing receivers for transoceanic communications at the Radio Corporation of America in Riverhead, New York. Three years later, at the age of 30, he received the IRE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Prize "for his work on directional antennas."

RCA named Beverage chief research engineer of communications in 1929, a position he held until 1940. At that time, he was promoted to vice president in charge of research and development at RCA Communications Inc., a subsidiary of the Radio Corporation of America. He retired in 1958 from that position and as director of radio research, but continued to work in communications as a consultant.

In 1938, the Radio Club of America presented him with its Armstrong Medal for his work in the development of antenna systems. The Beverage antenna, the citation said, was "the precursor of wave antennas of all types." Beverage was awarded the IRE Medal of Honor in 1945, "In recognition of his achievements in radio research and invention, of his practical applications of engineering developments that greatly extended and increased the efficiency of domestic and world-wide radio communications and of his devotion to the affairs of the Institute of Radio Engineers." In awarding him its Lamme Medal in 1956 the American Institute of Electrical Engineers cited him "for his pioneering and outstanding engineering achievements in the conception and application of principles basic to progress in national and worldwide radio communications."

Mr. Beverage died on 27 January 1993 at the age of 99.

(Sourced from WikiPedia)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

K6STI Website:

K9AY Website:

Extra-Terrestrial's Ethics????

Catalogue of Catastrophic Tower Collapses

Chilean Earthquake shortened day by 1.26uS

Flying Pigs QRP Club, International - Run For The Bacon Contest

Shuttle Extension Plan Proposed

Lack of Social Networking Policy in the Armed Forces!!!

Sony's Engineering Brothers

STS-131 Shuttle Mission Photo Gallery

Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7IR

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7TW

40m: VK7RO

20m: VK7IL

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW




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