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VK7AX  > NEWS     21.02.10 03:05l 491 Lines 21813 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 21 February 2010
Sent: 100221/0051Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:3083 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX




Silent Key.

Mike Eden VK7ME

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Mike Eden VK7ME at 10.00am Monday 15 February 2010.

Mike was a very active amateur on our HF bands for many years and he started as an amateur in the UK in the early 1950s.

Mike saw service in the Merchant Navy before and during the Second World War, and joined the Royal Air Force as a Morse decoder, stationed at Changi after the war.

Leaving the Royal Air Force he returned to England for a number of years then moved to Australia with his wife Irene, living in NSW for a short time before moving to Tasmania.

I first met Mike in the early 70's at my first Myalla JOTA, by this time Mike and Irene had settled happily in Mount Hicks.

We will miss you Mike, your gift of the gab, your quick a silent key.

Vale, Mike.

(Submitted by Dale VK7NDH, Sec/Tres: West Coast Radio Group)


VK7 Nets & Awards


The Sewing Circle Net occurs every day from 17:00 (local Tasmanian time) each day on 3.589MHz. It is a friendly gathering of amateurs from a number of States that have a general rag-chew session about anything and everything. All amateurs are welcome.

The Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club of Tasmania run a quiz net on Thursday night on 3.585MHz at 20:30 (local Tasmanian time). This quiz net involves a quizmaster asking a range of questions and each person contributing an answer and then a tally of correct answers determines the winner who runs the quiz for the next week. All amateurs are welcome.

The Tassie Devil Award is available for any amateur who meet the following requirements on HF in Australia - 50 Contacts, in Oceania and Antarctica - 30 Contacts, in North America and Asia - 20 Contacts, Europe and South America - 10 Contacts and in Africa - 7 Contacts. On VHF/UHF you need 20 VK7 stations with at least one contact made in each of the Southern, Northern and North Western regions. Repeaters may be utilised. On IRLP - contact with 30 VK7 stations.

The Tassie Trout Award is awarded for "kilograms of trout" or points from contacts made with Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club of Tasmania members. The Club callsign gains you 3kg of trout, the President, 2kg, etc. Once you have 14kg of trout you can claim the basic award, 25kg – gold award and 50kg – platinum award.



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:

REAST – February 21 – Annual General Meeting starts 11am at Queens Domain Clubrooms with BYO BBQ after.

REAST – February 24– ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.

CCARC – February 27 – Annual General Meeting at the Penguin Lions club rooms, 19 Ironcliff road, Penguin from 1:30pm.

REAST – March 3 – Receiving Antennas Presentation by Richard VK7RO – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 8pm.

NTARC - March 10 - Social BBQ gathering at Lilydale

CCARC – March 13 – Comms Support for Kentish Endurance Riders in North West for endurance ride from 7:30am

SEWING CIRCLE NET – March 21 - Meet The Voice BBQ at Ross.


Northern News

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

For quite some time, NTARC has wanted a presence on the internet, over and above the usual information available on the WIA website. Some time ago Alvin VK7NDQ started the process, and then for some reason the club lost the inspiration to carry through with this. However building on the fine start that Alvin made, Phil VK7JJ is restarting efforts to give NTARC a web page. With such fine minds working on this project, we'll surely have a web page the envy of amateur clubs throughout the land.

This Monday just around the corner is the last Monday of the month.  Hard to believe isn't it?  What this means is that the friendly Monday morning coffee gathering will be held at Lilydale, so don't forget that.

During the last meeting, the question was asked what plans we have in mind for future monthly meetings. The next meeting on the 10th of March will be a social BBQ gathering at Lilydale.  We've also got a few ideas that are being polished up for future meetings, so stay tuned for more information.

Thanks from

(Jason VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)


Members are reminded that CCARC is holding its AGM on Saturday the 27th of February at 1:30 pm. Please make sure that you are financial to be eligible to vote. After the AGM there will be a brief general meeting and a social get together. So don't forget, Saturday the 27th of February at 1:30 pm at the NEW VENUE of the Penguin Guide Hall, 6 Sunny Ridge Ave, which is 500m further up Ironcliff road and turn right at shop.


The CCARC held a garage sale last Sunday the 14th of FEBRUARY in conjunction with the Penguin History Groups Annual Bazaar. This was held at the Old Penguin Railway Station, and we had expected to get under way about 9.00 pm but due to bad weather our opening was delayed 30 minutes. The rains cleared and it turned out warmer, and soon the people started rolling up. Within 3 hours 75 % of the items had sold. Seems people can't resist a bargain.

The result is, this successful fund raising event for the Club will help cover our infrastructure costs and looks certain to be repeated next year or even later this year. So next time you are thinking of throwing out any surplus household items, think twice as it may be suitable to donate to the CCARC garage sale. After all it will benefit your Club and the general amateur community. If you have any surplus radio related items that you would like to donate, bring them along to the meeting and they can be hopefully sold off at the end of the meeting. Last months meeting saw half a dozen 3amp 5volt plug packs go to new homes.


The Kentish Endurance Riders inc. have asked the CCARC to provide comms support for their endurance ride on Saturday the 13th March 2010.

This is an 80km event and starts at 7.30am and will be held in the Sheffield area.

If any members or other amateurs would like to assist with this event then please contact David, VK7DC directly or through any of the other committee members and register you interest and get more information.


If you are a non amateur or a short wave listener living in the North West, or West coast of Tasmania, and would like to become a licenced amateur radio operator, then come along to a meeting and find out about this interesting hobby. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to find out more about the hobby then contact the learning facilitator, Keith Winkler VK7KW, or any of the committee members.
Full contact details are available on our website which can be easily found by a "Yahoo" or "Google" search of CCARC TASMANIA


Don't forget the AGM on Saturday the 27th of February at 1:30 pm at the new venue of the Penguin Guide Hall, 6 Sunny Ridge Ave, which is 500m further up Ironcliff road and turn right at shop.

Cheers from

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

AGM Report

The Club's first AGM held last Saturday was very well attended.

The Officers bearers from last year were re-elected unopposed and have been re appointed to  the following positions.

President - Tony VK7AX , Vice Pres. - Jim VK7JH, Secretary - Steve VK7EQ,  Treasurer - Ivan VK7XL and Executive Committee - Neil VK7ZNX.

The President in his report stated that the Club had achieved a lot in its first 12 months of operation and thanked all members for their assistance and co-operation to help achieve those goals.    He also stated that the achievements were well in excess of those envisaged when the Club was initially established.

WIA 2010 Call Books

Members who have placed orders with the Club are advised that they have now arrived and should arrange collection and or pick up from Tony VK7AX.

Amateur Radio Licence Assessments and Training

Persons in the N/West Area of VK7 interested in Training and Assessments  for all classes of Amateur Radio are advised that the Club can provide all these requirements and in addition provision of Facilitators via the Radio and Electronics School if they so desire.   For more information regarding these facilities those interested are invited to contact the Club's Learning Organizer Tony VK7AX  in the first instance, or contact the Club .  Contact details can be found on the Club Web Site or the WIA site under VK7 Clubs., 

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

Annual General Meeting

Today is the REAST AGM starting at 11am at the Queen's Domain Clubrooms.

There will be a BYO BBQ after the AGM.

(REAST Committee)


Education and Training

If you would like to participate in a future training and/or assessment and it could be for any assessment (foundation, standard, advanced or practical) then let Reg VK7KK know on mobile: 0417 391 607 or email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


March Presentation

Some years ago, Richard, VK7RO, experimented with a few receiving antennas for 7MHz. These trials were mostly conducted at the Domain clubrooms and provided some entertaining exercise for the Wednesday afternoon group as they hauled wire through the bush.

On Wednesday the 3rd March at 8pm, at the Domain clubrooms, Richard will talk about the theory and practice of his attempts to improve reception on 7MHz.

See you there.

(73, Ric, VK7RO)


ATV Experimenters Night

We had another great roll-up last Wednesday night and had some great video presentations.

The first presentation was the final version of the 7TW & 7MO productions on the 10GHz record breaking attempt from Mt Barrow to Mt Fatigue in VK3 back in June 2009.

We also showed the great presentation that Phil VK7JJ gave REAST on Portable Antennas back in November 2009 and we got some great comments.

Our video and effects mixer has arrived and will be pressed into service next Wednesday night. This will allow us to use the chroma-key screen and start to do some tricky video mixing and chroma-keying effects.

This Wednesday night we will have a very special guest in Ian Harrison VK3HH who is an active EME operator and I have been told by Rex 7MO that Ian's EME yagi array is VERY impressive along with his extensive list of EME contacts. So, if you would like to come along and have a chat with Ian, it would be great to see you.

So, if you are interested in receiving analogue ATV on a Wednesday night from around 7:30pm and you have a UHF TV antenna pointed toward the Queen's Domain then try tuning your analogue TV down the UHF TV band to SBS and then tune a little lower and you will probably find our ATV signal on 444.25MHz.

We also have a signal going out on digital Satellite TV standard - DVB-S on 1283MHz and you will need a digital satellite receiver and suitable antenna to receive this signal.

We get underway around 7:30pm in the ATV studios. So, if you would like to be involved in ATV come up to the domain and see and experience was amateur television is all about.

Hope to see you along.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


DX News

DXPedition to Christmas Island - VK9X.

Operators G3SWH and G3RTE will be QRV as VK9X/G6AY from February 20 to 27. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW with two stations active. QSL via G3SWH.

(ARRL Mailing List)


QRP News

NAQCC - Lifetime membership is FREE!!

The North American QRP CW Club has no dues or membership fees, its open to any licensed radio amateur or shortwave listener (SWL) worldwide with at least some interest in CW/QRP operation and there is no need to be a 100% CW nor 100% QRP operator.

Their club events are dedicated to QRP/QRPp operation, using CW. Some club awards, challenges, and contests will also place emphasis on using simple wire antennas.

The club encourages the use of CW and helping all hams increase CW speed and proficiency is a top club priority.

Do you want to be part of the largest QRP CW club in the world? (4,000+ members from 80+ countries!)

Perhaps you are looking for someone to "Elmer" you? Then we have just what you need to develop and improve your CW skills, including QRS nets perfect for the new CW op.

Or maybe you would like to volunteer your time and become an "Elmer" to help one of those fellow hams new to Morse code.

And how about a Sprint or two thrown in for good measure? We have them too, for those of you who like a little friendly contesting. Our sprints now rival many others in the amount of participation.

Want something that lasts a little longer than a sprint? We have challenges that last a whole month with a different theme each month.

Into awards? Our extensive awards program has something for everyone.

Many of our sprints, challenges, awards, and other club activities involve handsome prizes donated by our members.

Best of all, this and more can be yours at NO COST just by joining the NAQCC (North American QRP CW Club). Lifetime membership is FREE!!

As different as we may be, we all share one thing in common, and that is our love for CW.

Now is the time to get involved! Join our group that includes "Big Gun" contesters, hard-core QRPers, experimenters, ragchewers and SWLers; young and old alike. We welcome all who want to help support CW and have at least some interest in using QRP from time-to-time.

Help us on our mission to preserve and encourage CW activity on our amateur bands. Sign up today and help keep CW alive and well.

Don't wait, do it now!

Be sure to check out the QRPp club's Web site at:

(Courtesy of the QRPp Club Committee via their mailing list)


Contest NEWS

Summer VHF-UHF Field Day Results Released

The Summer VHF-UHF Field Day attracted 86 logs this time, which is another new record.

The winners of the five sections were:

Single operator, 24 hours was Iain Crawford VK5ZD

Single operator, 8 hours was Tim Dixon VK5ZT

Multi operator, 24 hours was VK3UHF

Multi operator, 8 hours was VK3ALB

Home station, 24 hours was Ross Keogh VK3MY

Congratulations to all.

For full results and the contest details check out the website on the email and internet edition of this broadcast.

(John VK3KM, WIA Contest Manager via VK-VHF)


EME & Echoes of Apollo News

Arecibo Dish to be Activated on Amateur Radio EME

A worldwide Moon Bounce event, Echoes of Apollo (EOA), is set up for 16, 17 and 18 April 2010.

This is the next event in the Echoes of Apollo program to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the moon landings.

The UTAS 26m Mount Pleasant dish was used in last year's event.

This year also includes an exciting expedition to the Arecibo Radio Telescope will also feature large Earth-Moon-Earth dishes, including those at MIT, Dwingeloo Holland, Chur Switzerland, possibly Goldstone/Apple Valley, Morehead State, and PARI, (Pisgah Astronomic Research Institute), in N. Carolina, along with many other amateur stations around the world.

Science outreach is a key objective of EOA, and there will be opportunities for schools to be involved.

The Arecibo Dish is the ultimate "big gun" station on 432 MHz SSB & CW. EME operation on 1296 MHz may also be possible. Arecibo has more than 50 dbi gain on 432 MHz so the team thinks it can be heard with modest equipment.

The organisers have put out the call to the amateur community –

If by any chance you have EME experience, and a complete EME Expedition 1296 capable station, get in touch. There may be an opportunity to join the Expedition, bringing your 1296 station to Arecibo.

The DXpedition team will stay at Arecibo in advance of the FRI SAT SUN operating days, probably starting the prior Monday, staying on site in Research Staff Quarters.

Contact and further details can be found at the website that can be found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

(AMSAT News Service and Echoes of Apollo Website)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

10GHz Digital Record Between VK7 & VK3

Going High Power Portable? (Courtesy of Ben VK7BEN)

World's first LED Lit Tennis Court

Millimeter-scale, energy-harvesting sensor system developed

Red Sprites, Blue Jets and ELVES – Atmospheric Lightning

GPIB Toolkit For Your Spectrum Analyser

Trimble Thunderbolt GPSDO Toolkit

Many other interesting items at this site

VK3YE Conversion of broadcast rx to 160m

Small Wonder Labs – QRP

North Georgia QRP Club

QRP Club International

5 Billion People to Use Mobile Phones in 2010!!!

Scientists Set A New Temperature Record - four trillion degrees Celsius

Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7IR

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7JGD

40m: VK7RO

20m: VK7IL

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW




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