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VK7AX  > NEWS     25.01.10 02:04l 545 Lines 23641 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 24 January 2010
Sent: 100124/2353Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:2068 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX




DX News

Hearty Congratulations to the VK9NA Team

408 contacts on VHF/UHF over 12 days - 34 contacts per day - is no mean achievement.

These achievements include:

The 408 QSO's were made from 6 Metres up to 2.4GHz with 261 6m contacts and a record with VK9NA to VK6JJ over 4922 kms.

119 2 Metre QSO's with a record made between VK9NA and our very own VK7MO over 2404 kms.

16 70 cm QSO's with another record between VK9NA and VK2BXT over 1725 kms.

10 23cm QSO's with yet another record between VK9NA and VK2AMS over 1518 kms and

1 only QSO on 2403 MHz which set a record of 1502kms between VK9NA and VK4OX.

This DXpedition also set many firsts like….

The first 70cm & 23cm QSO to ZL, the first 2 Metre QSO's to VK2, 4, & 7. The first 70cm & 23cm QSO to VK2 and the first 13cm QSO to VK4.

It sets "the bar" very high for like efforts in the future - but there's nothing like a challenge….HIHI

Fantastic idea, brilliantly executed.

There are some great pictures and information available on the website link that can be found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

(73 from Roger Harrison VK2ZRH via the VK-VHF mailing list)


VK7 Event

Meet the Voice BBQ

Don VK7AY lets us know that Sunday March the 21st. is the date of this years "MEET THE VOICE" BBQ again at Ross at the same venue, the ROSS CARAVAN PARK, and the members of the Tasmanian Sewing Circle net will be pleased for your company.

The invitation is open to ALL Amateur Radio operators and their families to come along and enjoy the comradeship that abounds and to put a face to that voice you have heard on air for a long time but have never had the opportunity to meet in person.

Registration will be from 10AM on the Sunday morning, a BBQ will be provided for those wishing to Cook their own, but of course Ross is well catered for with food outlets if you prefer.

In the mean time give thought to inviting as your guest one or more of our senior amateurs to travel with you, be assured they would appreciate the thought, and no doubt they will enjoy the chance to be part of the days events and also Meet A Voice.

This is a day of friendship and a not for profit venture. A Registration cost of $5.00 per member or member family is to cover cost involved in organisation and any surplus funds have been in the past been handed to the repeater licensing and maintenance fund.

I can report that to date also ALL monies received for Registration have gone to the repeater fund as the generosity of individual amateurs has more then covered any expenses involved, and for that we thank those amateurs.

Ray VK7VKV has again offered to organise a car boot sale on the day for those with pre-loved amateur radio bits and pieces to dispose of , please contact him for further information, that is Ray VK7VKV.

Look forward to greeting you at Ross.

(Don, VK7AY for the Tasmanian Sewing Circle Net)



Wanted - PSU Schematic Needed

Mike VK7MH is looking for anyone who has a schematic for an MP3008 - 25 amp Voltage Adjustable Power Supply Unit.

If you have one of these and would be prepared to share it with Mike then he is prepared to pay all copying and postage costs.

Mike can be contacted on 6425 6380 or mobile: 0418 127 368.

(73, Mike VK7MH)



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:

REAST – January 27 – ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.

CCARC – January 30 - Next general meeting.

WICEN South – January 30 and 31 – Targa Wrest Point – Saturday - Command and Results Nets between Tahune and Wrest Point – at designated locations by 06:45 and Sunday – Stage Nets with individual deployments

WICEN South – February 6 – Next Muster at VK7TPE QTH - 11:30 a.m.

WICEN South – February 7 – Hobart Run the Bridge - fun run - Bellerive to Salamanca – event communications – on site 04:00 a.m.

REAST – February 10 & 17, 24– ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.

NTARC – February 10 - Annual General Meeting – Tasmanian Skills Institute at Alanvale, Block B – 7:30pm.

NWTATVG - February 13 – Annual General Meeting

REAST – February 21 – Annual General Meeting starts 11am at Queens Domain Clubrooms with BYO BBQ after.

SEWING CIRCLE NET – March 21 - Meet The Voice BBQ at Ross.


Northern News

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

NTARC's Annual General meeting is only a little over two weeks away now. Yes, it might be a little less exciting than the usual meeting regime, however it is the one time when the members can have a real influence on the club and how it moves forward through the year.

We'd encourage you to come along and let your voice be heard.  Just to entice you to come along, we'll have a $2 raffle for two bottles of wine.  We hope to see you at Alanvale campus of the Tasmanian Skills Institute, at 7.30pm Wednesday the 10th of February.

Have you paid your annual NTARC membership fees yet?  You'll need to be up to date with this to make your vote count at the AGM.  Membership has been kept at $20 for the year, see Ann VK7FYBG if you need to make your payment.

If you need to get a call book, you had better shake a tail feather and get in touch with Ann VK7FYBG to get yours before they're all gone.

The coffee meeting on Monday will be held in picturesque Lilydale at VK7YUMs café shop.  Come along and enjoy a coffee and a chat.

Allen VK7AN and Joe VK7JG have been busy climbing mountains again, this time with Ben Lomond in their sights.  The 70cm repeater VK7RBH on 438.050 MHz has been treated to a new antenna, and it has given the old girl a new lease of life.  I'm sure NTARC members will join me in thanking Joe & Allen for their work maintaining the repeater network across the north of the state.

You may remember before Christmas, Jason VK7ZJA had problems keeping his dual band Nagoya NL770R mobile antenna upright at highway speeds.  I'd proposed a short term solution, but really we need a more permanent solution.  That wonderful invention, heat shrink tubing, comes to the rescue!

Selecting a suitable size piece of heat shrink to place over the folding joint of the antenna ensures it won't fold over while driving, and has the added advantage of keeping rain and moisture out of this vulnerable section of the antenna, hopefully keeping it performing like new for longer.

Thanks from

(Jason VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)


Membership Renewals Due

Members are reminded that Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club membership renewals for 2010 are now due if you have not already paid.

Please make sure that your payments are received by the treasurer before close of business Friday 29th January, as membership applications and renewals need to be processed to ensure eligibility to vote at the next meeting. Please note members paying on the meeting day will not be eligible to vote at that meeting.

Please make sure the correct form included with your payment to ensure our database is up to date.

Renewal and application forms can be downloaded from the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club website.

Next Club Meeting

Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club members are notified that the next general club meeting will be on the 30th of January 2010.

And a reminder that if you are a non amateur or a short wave listener living in the North West, or West coast of Tasmania, and would like to become a licenced amateur radio operator, then come along to a meeting and find out about this interesting hobby. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to find out more about the hobby then contact the learning facilitator, Keith Winkler VK7KW, or any of the committee members.

Full contact details are available on our website which can be easily found by a "Yahoo" or "Google" search of CCARC TASMANIA

Cheers from

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

Club Scheduled Club Meetings

Meetings of the NWT-ATV Group are scheduled for Saturday 13th. February 2010.

The first of these will be the Annual General Meeting of the Club , followed by a General Meeting. Meeting venue will be the QTH of Ivan VK7XL at Gawler, with the AGM commencing 2.00PM. As usual all welcome.

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

10th Model Makers and Collectors Exhibition

Will happen on the 20-21 March 2010 at the Derwent Entertainment Centre. REAST has attended these exhibitions and presented amateur radio to the public.

As the quote from the movie "The Dish" says….

"It is a chance for science to be daring"

The exhibition is great chance for REAST to show Hobartians how dynamic and interesting our hobby is.

From emergency communications, TARGA comms, satellites, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, DXpeditions, DX, morse code, packet, optical communications, amateur radio direction finding, mobile and portable operation, IRLP, echolink, Amateur TV, the list is endless and it makes for some great demonstrations at the exhibition.

We are looking for volunteers who would be prepared to come along and help out on the stand, talk with people interested in the hobby, maybe loan some equipment for the exhibition and/or help setup.

The committee is excited about the opportunities this presents for the promotion of the hobby and will be out at the DEC telling the pubic all about our great hobby.

So, if you would like to be involved then contact Gavin VK7HGO or a committee member ASAP.

Also a reminder that we only have 8 2010 WIA Centenary callbooks left so, if you would like one then contact me or leave your name on the whiteboard at the clubrooms.

Also check out the WIA Centenary merchandise, if anyone is thinking of purchasing items they are of good quality, I have the vest and have seen the polo top.

(Cheers, Gavin, President, VK7HGO)


Annual General Meeting

The REAST AGM will start at 11am on Sunday the 21st of February 2010 following the broadcast at the Queen's Domain Clubrooms.

There will be a BYO BBQ after the AGM.

All committee positions are open for nomination and nomination forms can be found at the clubrooms or on the REAST website.

(REAST Committee)


REAST Memberships Due

REAST membership renewals for 2010 are now due. Please include a renewal form with your payment to ensure our database is up to date.

Renewal forms are available from the club rooms or can be downloaded from the REAST website.

If paying by direct deposit please email a copy of your renewal form to bob.vk7zl(AT) or phone me on 62 611 297 with your details.

(73's Bob VK7ZL, REAST Membership Officer)


Education and Training

If you would like to participate in a future training and/or assessment and it could be for any assessment (foundation, standard, advanced or practical) then let Reg VK7KK know on mobile: 0417 391 607 or email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


ATV Experimenters Night

We had a fantastic roll-up last Wednesday night. We now have the four studio cameras full setup and operating.

We started with a show and tell of recent project of VK7TW in a precision AZ/EL mount for portable operation made fully from some very interesting recycled items ranging from WWII radar units to clothes dryers!

Our main presentation was some public domain NASA videos from the Apollo 17 mission.

This Wednesday night will see some more show and tell of interesting items and on air interviews along with three video presentations about the Parkes Radio Telescope.

So, if you are interested in receiving analogue ATV on a Wednesday night from around 7:30pm and you have a UHF TV antenna pointed toward the Queen's Domain then try tuning your analogue TV down the UHF TV band to SBS and then tune a little lower and you will probably find our ATV signal on 444.25MHz.

We also have a signal going out on digital Satellite TV standard - DVB-S on 1283MHz and you will need a digital satellite receiver and suitable antenna to receive this signal.

We get underway around 7:30pm in the ATV studios. So, if you would like to be involved in ATV come up to the domain and see and experience was amateur television is all about. We guarantee you'll be impressed….HIHI.

Hope to see you along.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


Satellite News

Satellite Summary

JARL Publishes FO-29 Return-to-Operations Schedule

Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL reported this week that FO-29 ground controllers at JARL plan to open the satellite for amateur radio use. FO-29 may not remain operational after eclipses due to power budget issues but operations are planned according to the schedule that can be found at the AMSAT website.

Depending on the power budget JARL may need to selectively cancel operations. Operators are reminded to please use as low power as necessary on the uplink to complete their communications.


AO-51 Returned to Normal Attitude

Drew KO4MA who is AMSAT-NA VP Operations lets us know that on 9 January the magnet on AO-51 was repolarized to again favour the northern hemisphere. There may be some rapid fading as the nutation dampers do their job over the next few weeks. The command team appreciates all the reports and observations during this experiment.


OSCAR-11 Reception Reports Wanted

During the period - 30 November 2009 to 14 January 2010 good signals have been intermittently received, and decoded. Sometimes signals have been very strong, although frequent changes in polarisation have been observed.  The satellite was not heard during solar eclipses, which now occur during the afternoon and evening passes over the UK.

Please send reception reports to the address that can be found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

xxxxx(AT) (replace xxxxx by g3cwv) or post to amsat-bb.  If you have a file, please discuss it with me, before sending it!


ARISS Featured at Marconi Commemoration Event

On Thursday, January 7, students attending the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" Marconi Commemoration Event in Rome, Italy participated in an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with on-orbit astronaut Jeffrey Williams, KD5TVQ. The contact was facilitated by telebridge station W6SRJ in California. An audience of 200 watched as eleven questions were asked and answered.

After the contact, Princess Elettra Marconi, daughter of Guglielmo Marconi and Mr. Dieter Isakeit of ESA ESRIN (European Space Research Institute) Corporate Communication Office & Communication and Knowledge Department, sent greetings to the ISS crew.

(All the above was sourced from the AMSAT News Service)



How did Clipsal get it's name…simple really!!!

As most people know Clipsal is a popular Australian brand of electrical accessories and it started in Adelaide and now has factories in many places. It is now majority-owned by Schneider Electric as of 2004.

Clipsal was established by Alfred Gerard in Adelaide in 1920, selling a range of adjustable sheet metal fittings which joined the various imported conduits of differing diameters found in Australia at the time.

This fitting was the product that gave the Clipsal company it's name ("clips all" - Clipsal). Alfred's son Geoff eventually took over the company, and it soon spearheaded several manufacturing breakthroughs, including the invention of the first all-Australian switch in 1930.

The company also did early research and development on thermoplastics in the 1950s.

These days Clipsal Integrated Systems, a division of Clipsal, was responsible for the creation of the C-Bus protocol used in home automation systems.

(Information sourced from WIKIPedia from a lead by Anders VK7FAJM)


Technology News

Siemens gurus hit 500Mbps with white LED lights, dare you to blink

You know what's better than wireless power?

Nothing, frankly. You know what comes darn close? Wicked fast transmissions through thin air.

Researchers from Siemens have just shattered their own record for wireless data transfer using white LED light, hitting a whopping 500Mbps while working in collaboration with the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin.

The old record sat at "just" 200Mbps, but the new speeds are helping to take Visible Light Communication from a hopeful technology to a serious contender in the space.

These same researchers were also able to show that a system using up to five LEDs is capable of beaming out data over long distances at up to 100Mbps.

(Sourced from the Engadjet website thanks to Ben VK7BEN)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

Bushfire Warning Device Comes Cheap

Giant Ribbon at the Edge of the Solar System: Mystery Solved?

Spectrum Analysers 101

Satellite Link Budget Calculator

RFID 101

Time and Frequency Standard Explained

RF Vision – Frequency Domain Tute

Homebrew Tracking Generator

Interesting Homebrew Site

Great QRP Site:

Homebrew Test Equipment

Excellent VK7 Site:

Multi-laser speeds computers

AO-51 News:

On 9 January the magnet on AO-51 was repolarized to again favour the northern hemisphere. There may be some rapid fading as the nutation dampers do their job over the next few weeks. The command team appreciates all the reports and observations during this experiment. (73, Drew KO4MA, AMSAT-NA VP Operations)

Valve Data Sources:

The following is sourced from the above site:

TDSL3 Duncan Munro's excellent TDSL3 search engine for tube datasheets on the Web.

Frank Philipse A giant collection of Philips (and other brands) datasheets.

Franz Hamberger Lots of info on European tubes in HTML.

Audio Antik Thorsten Kliefoth's Telefunken and Valvo datasheets.

WPS Lots of datasheets and tube manuals.

JJ Electronics The JJ Electronics tube datasheets in Flash HTML.

EI-RC Some of the EI tube datasheets in HTML.

NJ7P Bill Beech's online tube data from mostly RCA manuals.

Pete Millet Peter Millett's online tube data.

Shuguang Some sparse Shuguang tube data. (I hope you can read Chinese...)

Svetlana The Svetlana PM components site.

Western Electric The Western Electric tube datasheets.

AVVT The AVVT tube datasheets.

MachMat Some online datasheets by Mattijs de Vries.

OpCom The 1943, 1949 and 1959 Sylvania Tube Manuals online.

Tubes.Ru A list of some Russian tube datasheets.

Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7TW

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7EM

40m: VK7RO

20m: VK7IL

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW




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