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VK7AX  > NEWS     17.01.10 07:06l 436 Lines 22043 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 17 January 2010
Sent: 100117/0459Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:1756 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX




VK7 DX News

Hobart to Norfolk Island VK9 on Two Metres

Rex VK7MO tells us of recent contacts made with the Norfolk Island DXpedition.

A team of Michael VK3KH, Alan VK3XPD and Kevin VK4UH are on Norfolk Island with all bands from 50 MHz to 10 GHz.

To date they have made numerous 6 metre contacts to the mainland and have worked a number of ZLs on the North Island on all bands up to and including 23 cm.

2 meters to the Australian mainland has proved to be more difficult but though the use of the digital mode FSK441 a number of contacts were made to VK2 and VK4 with the longest distance being Mark VK2EMA at 1999 km.

Rex VK7MO had been getting up for several days at 5:00 am in the morning hoping to see a meteor ping but not expecting too much as the distance of 2403 km is right on the limit for meteor scatter which occurs in the E layer.

In many hours of transmitting and receiving the VK9 team reported a single ping from Rex and he saw absolutely nothing. By Monday night last week a high had moved into the Tasman offering the prospect of tropospheric ducting.

As the VK9 group started transmitting Rex was please to see a weak trace on his waterfall and then a decode on JT65a at -20 db and soon completed a two way QSO.

Signal levels were, however, too low for SSB or CW.  In the morning of Tuesday 11 January Rex again completed a JT65a QSO at around -20 dB with the VK9 team and then left his gear running on JT65a just 300 Hz up the band to provide the VK9 team with a signal to monitor propagation while they took advantage of the ducting to work the closer VK2 and VK4 stations on both JT65 and SSB.

Rex continued to listen as he did chores around the house. After an hour or so he heard a weak SSB signal and on returning to the Shack identified it as VK9NA and exchanged reports of 5/1 and 5/2 over this 2403 km path.

An attempt was made on 70 cm but while there were decodes both ways peaking -25 dB a QSO was not completed.  Later that day Steve VK2ZT completed a 70 cm QSO with the VK9 team using JT65c over a 1500 km path.

Rex says that the use of digital modes that can take advantage of meteor pings or dig deep into the noise has been fundamental to the success of the expedition in working to the Australian mainland on two meters and 70 cm and that the digital modes have paved the way to SSB contacts through showing that propagation is possible. The technique is to monitor the weak digital signals until they peak sufficiently on QSB to move to SSB.

(Rex VK7MO)


VK7 Event

Meet the Voice BBQ

Don VK7AY lets us know that Sunday March the 21st. is the date of this years "MEET THE VOICE" BBQ again at Ross at the same venue, the ROSS CARAVAN PARK, and the members of the Tasmanian Sewing Circle net will be pleased for your company.

The invitation is open to ALL Amateur Radio operators and their families to come along and enjoy the comradeship that abounds and to put a face to that voice you have heard on air for a long time but have never had the opportunity to meet in person.

Registration will be from 10AM on the Sunday morning, a BBQ will be provided for those wishing to Cook their own, but of course Ross is well catered for with food outlets if you prefer.

In the mean time give thought to inviting as your guest one or more of our senior amateurs to travel with you, be assured they would appreciate the thought, and no doubt they will enjoy the chance to be part of the days events and also Meet A Voice.

This is a day of friendship and a not for profit venture. A Registration cost of $5.00 per member or member family is to cover cost involved in organisation and any surplus funds have been in the past been handed to the repeater licensing and maintenance fund.

I can report that to date also ALL monies received for Registration have gone to the repeater fund as the generosity of individual amateurs has more then covered any expenses involved, and for that we thank those amateurs.

Ray VK7VKV has again offered to organise a car boot sale on the day for those with pre-loved amateur radio bits and pieces to dispose of , please contact him for further information, that is Ray VK7VKV.

Look forward to greeting you at Ross.

(Don, VK7AY for the Tasmanian Sewing Circle Net)


Silent Key Fitting Memorial

Cygnet Folk Festival

I can hear you saying already what is the connection with the Cygnet Folk Festival and amateur radio?

Well one of the many Saturday evening concerts caught my eye.

It was the Tom Moffat Blues Concert at the RSL.

Tom now SK was VK7TM and was well known in the Cygnet area (and of course throughout Australia through his prolific technical writing) and was an aficionado of Blues music and a great supporter of the Folk Festival.

The Cygnet Folk Festival Organising Committee last year, decided that the Blues stream of the Festival be named after Tom.

The Saturday night line-up included The Middletones, Balding and Croft, Peter Steel, Jacob Boote and The Cutouts.

He would have been proud, the Blues music was excellent.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:

REAST – January 20 & 27 – ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.

CCARC – January 30 - Next general meeting.

WICEN South – January 30 and 31 – Targa Wrest Point – Saturday - Command and Results Nets between Tahune and Wrest Point – at designated locations by 06:45 and Sunday – Stage Nets with individual deployments

WICEN South – February 6 – Next Muster at VK7TPE QTH - 11:30 a.m.

WICEN South – February 7 – Hobart Run the Bridge - fun run - Bellerive to Salamanca – event communications – on site 04:00 a.m.

REAST – February 10 & 17, 24– ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.

NTARC – February 10 - Annual General Meeting – Tasmanian Skills Institute at Alanvale, Block B – 7:30pm.

NWTATVG - February 13 – Annual General Meeting

REAST – February 21 – Annual General Meeting starts 11am at Queens Domain Clubrooms with BYO BBQ after.


Northern News

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Well, it's a little under a month until the Annual General Meeting, and it will be an exciting opportunity for members to shape the future of the club. Come along and have your vote. Not only this, but there will be a raffle for two bottles of wine, and as usual the raffle will be $2 a ticket.  All funds raised will go towards keeping the NTARC repeaters operational.  Just think, you could be relaxing with a nice glass of wine, knowing that you've helped support some of the finest repeaters in the land.

The place? The usual meeting room at the Tasmanian Skills Institute at Alanvale. The time?  7.30pm Wednesday the 10th of Feb.  So know you know the why, the where and the when.  The rest of the story will be written by the members on the evening, so make sure you come along to make your mark.

Have you paid your annual NTARC membership fees yet?  You'll need to be up to date with this to make your vote count at the AGM.  Membership has been kept at $20 for the year, see Ann VK7FYBG if you need to make your payment.

Do you have your call book yet?  Ann has four remaining, so if you would like one, I'd suggest getting in fast.  Waiting until the AGM might prove to be too late.

It might also be worthy to note that there's been a real variety of propagation conditions in the North recently. A little tropospheric ducting, a little sporadic-E, even some meteor scatter.  Variety certainly is the spice of life, and many NTARC members including John VK7XX, Norm VK7AC and Karl VK7HDX have all been taking advantage of the enhanced propagation modes with some terrific results. 

Hope you managed to get amongst the action too.

Thanks from

(Jason VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)


Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club members are notified that the next general club meeting will be on the 30th of January 2010.

If you are a non amateur or a short wave listener living in the North West, or West coast of Tasmania, and would like to become a licenced amateur radio operator, then come along to a meeting and find out about this interesting hobby. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to find out more about the hobby then contact the learning facilitator, Keith Winkler VK7KW, or any of the committee members.

Full contact details are available on our website which can be easily found by a "Yahoo" or "Google" search of CCARC TASMANIA

So don't forget, next meeting is January 30th.

(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

Scheduled Club Meetings

Meetings of the NWT-ATV Group are scheduled for Saturday 13th. February 2010.

The first of these will be the Annual General Meeting of the Club , followed by a General Meeting. Meeting venue will be the QTH of Ivan VK7XL at Gawler, with the AGM commencing 2.00PM. As usual all welcome.

Changes to Packet Radio Network

Changes have been made recently to the arrangements for access to the VK7AX Packet Radio Gateway and Bulletin Board Systems.

Effective immediately, the Packet Radio Port on 147.600 MHz. now provides RF access to The TNOS Packet Gateway VK7AX-8. (ONLY)   and no longer provides access to the FBB BBS machine.    

The old FBB machine running under Windows will be closed down once all Forwarding stations have been transferred to a new BBS machine running FBB under Linux.  There will be no RF port attached to this machine at this time, however it can be accessed from the TNOS Gateway.

Both the gateway and the BBS machines can be accessed on line using Telnet protocol.     The address and link information can be found on the Club's Home pages.

As the machines are accessible from the Internet, they require callsign & Password authentication for access.

Club Archive Proposals

It has been proposed to build an archive of Club history, activity and involvement over the last 35 or so years since the North West ATV Group first became active early in the 1970's.  The archive would be in the form of activity and events during those past years up to the present, summarized and available on the Club's Web Pages in the form of Stories, Pictures and Video Clips available for download.

Some of the activities will include,  Installation of the Solar Powered ATV Repeater on Mt. Duncan,  The 1990 World Rowing championships and 2 subsequent National Rowing Championships since that time, ATV involvement at Hamfests, through to some recent events such as The Marconi Centenary and the International Space Station communications with the Devonport High Schools in 2007, just to name a few.

It will obviously take a lot of time, research, editing and assembly to bring it all to fruition; however it will be attempted over time.

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

10th Model Makers and Collectors Exhibition

Will happen on the 20-21 March 2010 at the Derwent Entertainment Centre. REAST has attended these exhibitions and presented amateur radio to the public.

As the quote from the movie "The Dish" says….

"It is a chance for science to be daring"

The exhibition is great chance for REAST to show Hobartians how dynamic and interesting our hobby is.

From emergency communications, TARGA comms, satellites, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, DXpeditions, DX, morse code, packet, optical communications, amateur radio direction finding, mobile and portable operation, IRLP, echolink, Amateur TV, the list is endless and it makes for some great demonstrations at the exhibition.

We are looking for volunteers who would be prepared to come along and help out on the stand, talk with people interested in the hobby, maybe loan some equipment for the exhibition and/or help setup.

The committee is excited about the opportunities this presents for the promotion of the hobby and will be out at the DEC telling the pubic all about our great hobby.

So, if you would like to be involved then contact Gavin VK7HGO or a committee member ASAP.

(Cheers, Gavin, President, VK7HGO)


Annual General Meeting

The REAST AGM will start at 11am on Sunday the 21st of February 2010 following the broadcast at the Queen's Domain Clubrooms.

There will be a BYO BBQ after the AGM.

All committee positions are open for nomination and nomination forms can be found at the clubrooms or on the REAST website.

(REAST Committee)


REAST Memberships Due

REAST membership renewals for 2010 are now due. Please include a renewal form with your payment to ensure our database is up to date.

Renewal forms are available from the club rooms or can be downloaded from the REAST website.

If paying by direct deposit please email a copy of your renewal form to bob.vk7zl(AT) or phone me on 62 611 297 with your details.

(73's Bob VK7ZL, REAST Membership Officer)


Education and Training

If you would like to participate in a future training and/or assessment and it could be for any assessment (foundation, standard, advanced or practical) then let Reg VK7KK know on mobile: 0417 391 607 or email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


ATV Experimenters Night

Another excellent roll-up to the ATV night for our first presentation night.

We started with a show and tell of some WWII microwave valves including a couple of 3GHz klystrons, a Microwave TR valve, 1 inch CRT tsentation was by Professor Mike Underhill G3LHZ and this talk was given to the Adelaide Hill Amateur Radio club and was a very thought provoking demonstration and presentation of the theory behind small loop antennas using some simple amateur techniques to prove they are not as "inefficient" as the theory makes them out to be.

Professor Mike Underhill has the advantage that he can mix his hobby with his profession and have some very nice test ranges that he can utilise to test these small loop antennas.

This Wednesday night will see some more show and tell of interesting items and on air interviews along with three video presentations about the Parkes Radio Telescope.

So, if you are interested in receiving analogue ATV on a Wednesday night from around 7:30pm and you have a UHF TV antenna pointed toward the Queen's Domain then try tuning your analogue TV down the UHF TV band to SBS and then tune a little lower and you will probably find our ATV signal on 444.25MHz.

We also have a signal going out on digital Satellite TV standard - DVB-S on 1283MHz and you will need a digital satellite receiver and suitable antenna to receive this signal.

Please note there has been a delay with the DVB-T transmitter but we will soon have the DVB-T transmitton for this financial year!

HAMNET are extremely grateful to the Department as well as South African Search & Rescue Organisation for their financial support which helps us to maintain a high level of preparedness for any eventuality.

During 2009, HAMNET had the benefit of participating in the SAREX exercise and many Provinces have benefited from funds received in the past 5 years to purchase and install emergency equipment.

HAMNET have also had the benefit of attending international conferences to gain insight into the workings of international emergency groups after disasters.  Much of this is now in a HAMNET Welcome CD pack which is standard issue to all newcomers to the network.

This year, obviously, HAMNET's main commitment is the Soccer World Cup in June. HAMNET are gearing up for this event and will ensure that if requited, SARL HAMNET will be ready to render the service required from us.

HAMNET is a voluntary group of South African amateurs who make their unique communication skills available to assist and help others in distress during and after disasters.

All information on SARL HAMNETis available on the web site of the SARL at

(HAMNET Mailing List via Al Burke VK7AN)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

Keep Haiti Emergency Comms Frequencies Clear

The ARRL encourages US amateurs to be aware of the emergency operations on the following frequencies:

7.045 and 3.720 MHz (IARU Region 2 nets), 14.265, 7.265 and 3.977MHz (SATERN nets), and 14.300 MHz (Intercontinental Assistance and Traffic Net). The International Radio Emergency Support Coalition (IRESC) is also active on EchoLink node 278173.


ACMA Telco Performance Bulletin Released

New York Freeway Using LED lighting Technology

Office LED Lighting

Lovers Gain More Weight….I knew it!!!

Northern Lights Project in Canada

Surprise Surprise!!!

Claims that Australian broadband powerline regulations breach WTO treaties

"Military Affiliated Radio Service" (MARS) has changed its name to the "Military Auxiliary Radio Service:"

Satellite Imagery Shows Destruction In Haiti

Change Two Satellite reaches one metre resolution!

Still Bogged………on Mars!

Doomsday Clock Reset

Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7FB

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7EM

40m: VK7JGD

20m: VK7AR

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





you have subscribed to the VK7 Regional Mailing List. Your email address has not been rented, sold, or otherwise shared with any third-parties to bring you this mailing. If at any point you wish to remove yourself from this list, then please use the link below.

VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW




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