VK7AX > NEWS 15.11.09 22:04l 461 Lines 24411 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 15 November 2009
Sent: 091115/2054Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:15437 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A
BPL Evidence Tabled in Parliament
VK7YAD has Aurora BPL Coverup and Evidence Papers Tabled in Parliament on 5th November 2009
The following story comes from Greg VK7YAD:
One clear issue with the conduct of Aurora and the commercial Broadband over Power Line Trial, and it seems most of the other BPL participants is actually getting into the formal record, exactly what it was they got up to.
As a result of several years investigation and assessment, one aspect of the Aurora BPL project in Mt. Nelson has been documented and Tabled to the Parliament record. During the course of Parliament in Tasmania, Thursday 5th November, the set of complaint and evidence files raised under the Fair Trading Act, referred to the Department of Justice on 31st March, were tabled formally into the records of the House of Assembly by the Hon. Kim Booth MHA.
Presently the Tabled Papers of such sessions, whilst available from the Parliament Library and accessible to the public are not currently available for on-line viewing, they will be eventually. Now entered into the history of the State is a blow by blow, statement after statement, misdeed after misdeed, measurement after measurement, memo after memo, record of what it was that Aurora officers and the "Regulator" got up to in the course of the Broadband over Power Line Mt. Nelson commercial trial from mid 2005 until late 2008. It runs well past 500 pages and is split into two volumes.
Whether or not Department of Justice will investigate the complaint is another matter, presently they refuse to on the basis that the project ended some time ago, its now gone back to the Minister and Attorney General.
Getting one department to investigate another department is no easy feat but apparently the way it works is you can't find a breach of any law unless you investigate and if you can find an opportunity not to investigate then problem solved ... at least for some.
Given the international significance of actually documenting the behaviour of these Regulators and State Companies is so important, when the Parliamentary Papers have an entry for the document set.
I would like to express my appreciation for the work of Hon. Kim Booth MHA, in regard to his support in the Tabling of the documents and for the assistance to other affected parties such as Conrad and Harvey in Mt. Nelson. You have to remember, MPs are not technical experts, they in fact rely on people such as Amateur Radio Operators to both express concern and explain things, explain the significance and importance of both the spectrum as a resource available to all and the role Amateur Radio Operators play in the community.
The document set Tabled to the Parliament record was specifically in regard to the Fair Trading Act provisions, and so the evidence set is a subset of that held. There is more to come under other legislation.
Regards, and enjoy the spectrum we have, others are not so lucky.
(Greg, VK7YAD)
A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:
REAST November 18 ATV experimenter's nights Queen's Domain Clubrooms around 7:30pm.
NWATVG November 21st Foundation Licence session.
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc & CCARC November 27-28 - Country Club State Equine Championship in NW.
REAST November 30 & December 1 Foundation Licence Training Course Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm
REAST December 2 End of Year BYO BBQ Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 12pm till late.
CCARC December 5 Inaugural Christmas Style Dinner / Social Evening at the Best Western Bass & Flinders Convention Room, Eastland's Drive East Ulverstone. 6.00 6.45 for 7.00 pm.
NWATVG December 5 General Club Meeting Jim VK7JH Talk.
REAST December 7 Foundation and Other Licence Assessment session Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm
NWATVG December 9 - Club's Christmas Dinner at the Bass & Flinders Restaurant, Ulverstone, 6.30 for 7.00pm.
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc December 12 Christmas Lunch and XYL Thank You Riverview Inn, 12:30.
Wanted Old Rigs For Parts
Do you have any old rigs working or not working that you would like to get rid of?
They could be old 27MHz CBs or VHF/UHF rigs, anything really!
Then Mark VK7FMAC is interested as he wants them for parts.
If you have such a device or three then please give Mark a call on 0417 686 643.
(73, Mark VK7FMAC)
Northern News
Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club
NTARC members were spell-bound by the tales of Justin VK7TW and Rex VK7MO with their cloud-bounce optical contact across Bass Strait. Three generations of optical communications equipment was on show, filling the room with an eerie red glow
the largest transmitter array is astonishingly bright, with even more powerful transmitters planned! Justin held up a 120 watt LED ten times as powerful as what is in use now, and some one hundred and twenty thousand times more powerful than your garden variety LED.
With the big leaps in improvement that Justin & Rex are discovering, I'm sure optical EME will one day be a reality.
A very big thank you to Justin & Rex for coming along and putting on such an interesting and professional presentation.
Coming up soon is the Spring VHF / UHF field day. Have you considered participating in this event? It's a lot of fun no matter how modest your equipment
just a little time and a good vantage point is all you need to make the most of this event on the weekend of the 28th and 29th of November.
Our next meet is at Myrtle Park for the Christmas BBQ on Wednesday 9th December, all are welcome and we hope to see you there.
After that, the AGM will be in February, so have a good think about wether you would like to nominate for a position on the committee and help shape the future of NTARC.
Thanks from
(Jason VK7ZJA NTARC Secretary)
Congratulations to a new Foundation member on the way he communicated with Scouts through JOTA on 40 meters, patiently he listened and communicated for 2.5 hours non stop, adding the required humour when required, I have been told to pass this on to vk7 JOTA authorities, the ham in question is none other than VK7KEK Kerry Kettle.
Congratulations Kerry and keep up the good work.
(Al VK7AN)
Peter VK7PD lets us know that last Thursday night, Russell Jones of George Town (known to his friends as Rusty) passed his Foundation Licence exam.
He has applied for the callsign VK7FRUS.
Let's hope he gets it.
We'll look forward to hearing Rusty around the bands in a couple of weeks or so.
(73, Peter, VK7PD)
North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group
Foundation License Assessments planned
It is planned to conduct an Amateur License Assessment later in the Month of November. The proposed date is Saturday 21st. Nov. with 3 candidates at this time.
If there are other people in the North West area who would like to sit for this exam, please advise the Club and we will accommodate you.
It is also perhaps timely to remind Tassie Amateurs that the Club has 2 Facilitators attached to the Radio & Electronics School, so if any amateur is thinking about studying for the Advanced License and would like a local Tasmanian Facilitator, then please also advise the Club as this can be arranged through the RES.
Weekly and Monthly Nets in the N/West
Recently we heard about the monthly nets provided by AMSAT Australia.
This net is scheduled for 8.30PM on the second Tuesday of each month commencing around 8.25PM for check ins. This net can now be heard on the NWT-ATV Group. 2 & 6 Metre Repeaters VK7RTV via associated IRLP Nodes. All amateurs listening are invited to join in and take part in the Net.
Another Weekly Net is the SOUTHCARS Net and runs every Thursday at 1200-1300 Hrs. Midday Local. It is also made available using the Club's resources via VK7RTV similar to the AMSAT Australia Net.
Why not take a listen as all amateurs are made welcome and invited to join in.
73's until next time
(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)
Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)
Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club members are reminded that it's Inaugural Christmas Dinner/ Social evening at the Best Western Bass & Flinders Convention Room, Eastland's Drive East Ulverstone on Saturday the 5th of December with a roll up time of about 6.00 6.45 and a sit down at 7.00 pm.
The menu will be A La Cart rather than a set Christmas Style Dinner. If you are attending this event then please advise David VK7EX promptly of you intentions.
The Tasmanian Equine Endurance Riders Association is holding it's Tasmanian State Championship Title ride at Sassafras on Friday the 27th to Saturday 28th of November and have asked WICEN Tasmania South for assistance with providing communications and competitor tracking at base and checkpoints for the duration of the ride.
Due to the location of the event being in the north west of the state, WICEN Tasmania South have asked the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club for assistance in helping out with this event. The event starts at midnight Friday night and concludes around 6pm Saturday.
As some of the checkpoints are presumed to be in remote locations volunteers will need to be prepared for camping out for the duration. The preferred arrival time for radio operators is 12:00hrs Friday to allow setup and testing time in daylight but late arrivals up to 22:00 hrs Friday may be accommodated.
Amateurs who would like to participate in assisting with this event should contact David VK7DC for more details.
All members are notified there will be a general meeting of the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club at 1:30pm on Saturday, the 21st of November at the Penguin Lions club rooms 19 Ironcliffe road, Penguin. Please note that this meeting date has been moved forward by one week from the normal date, which is usually the last Saturday of the month.
The meeting is open to all members and non members alike. So, please remember that date change - Saturday, 21st of November.
If you are a non amateur or a short wave listener living in the North West, or West coast of Tasmania, and would like to become a licenced amateur radio operator, then come along to the meeting and find out about this interesting hobby. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to find out more about the hobby then contact the learning facilitator, Keith Winkler VK7KW, or any of the committee members. Full contact details are available on our website which can be easily found by a "Yahoo" or "Google" search of CCARC TASMANIA.
(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)
Southern News
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc
WICEN End of Year Lunch
If you were thinking of saying 'Thank you' to your XYL for letting you play radio, how better to do it than by taking her out to lunch.
You can do this in the safe company of other amateurs all doing the same thing, or just plain celebrating, at the RIVERVIEW INN at Lower Sandy Bay on Saturday on the 12th. of December. 12:00 for 12:30
The WICEN South group have booked the Inn for sole use so you are assured of pleasant company. Harmonics are welcome, as are non-licensed radio enthusiasts. Any amateurs visiting from the North and Northwest are equally invited.
RSVP to any WICEN South members, or Rod VK7TRF, on 0417314425, QTHR Callbook, Emails via WIA address.
(Rod, VK7TRF)
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
December Event
To celebrate 2009, REAST will be holding a BYO BBQ on December 2nd at the Queen's Domain clubrooms.
All members and friends are invited.
Starting at 12 noon and running through until late and this should cover both the lunchtime and evening attendees.
See you there.
(REAST Committee)
Education and Training
Reg VK7KK, the REAST Learning Organiser lets us know about the next REAST Foundation training and assessment sessions.
The Training Sessions will be held on Monday 30th November, and Tuesday the 1st December with the Assessment session on Monday the 7th December.
All sessions will take place in the REAST Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm to 10 pm.
Some participants may feel that they do not need to participate in the training programme, they would then just need to attend the assessment evening.
If there are candidates interested in Standard or Advanced assessments they should also enquire.
Reg can be contacted on 0417 391 607 or email: assessor(AT)reat.asn.au
(73, Reg, VK7KK)
Saturday Afternoon Groups
Last Saturday a small but enthusiastic group attended the Domain club rooms and participated in a display of Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) monitoring. An ADS-B-equipped aircraft determines its own position using a global navigation satellite system and periodically broadcasts this position and other relevant information to potential ground stations and other aircraft with ADS-B-in equipment. The end result for the monitoring enthusiast is a "radar like" display on an ordinary computer with an interface box attached showing the position of all aircraft within the reception area which is generally in excess of 140nm. The horizon and curvature of the earth are the limiting factors. This system is being adopted within Australia by Air Services Australia controlled air spaces in areas where there is a fair amount of air traffic but not a suitable candidate for a radar installation.
Extending on this, the Saturday group have just a couple of spots left for the visit to the B o M site at Hobart Airport on the 5th of December and the Ultimate Aviation Experience on 12th December where we will be visiting the Tower, Rotorlift Rescue, Fire and Rescue and the Australian Federal Police. For more info or to lock in one of the last spots contact Tony VK7FTCL at toneman(AT)bigpond.com or call 0418136596.
On Saturday 21st November the Saturday group will assemble at the Domain Clubrooms for a bite to eat at 12.30 (BYO tucker etc) before heading off on a "Mystery Tour". We plan on finishing this at around 3pm and the drive will not be anymore than around 15 minutes from the clubrooms. (Hint) It could well be that a larger transmitting location may be visited with hand-outs given out as to what clients use the site and no, it is not Mount Wellington.
(73 Tony VK7FTCL and the Saturday Afternoon Group)
REAST ATV Experimenters Night
We have finished painting the ATV studio and we are ready to move in.
It all happens this Wednesday night the 18th of November and we need some help from anyone interested in giving us a hand. What do they say - many hands make the light work
So, see you on Wednesday 18th November around 7:30pm as we move into the new studio.
Please note there are no ATV nights on the 18th or 25th of November and we get back under way in the new Studio on Wednesday December 9th 2009.
Hope to see you along Wednesday night.
(73, Justin, VK7TW)
Emergency Comms News
South African Radio League Hamnet Emergency Communications Group
HAMNET is a voluntary group of amateurs who make their unique communication skills available to assist and help others in distress during and after disasters.
HAMNET is represented on the sub-committee of the South African Search & Rescue Organisation. Training Modules are available.
HAMNET forms part of the Constitution of the South African Radio League which means to be a member of HAMNET you will need to be a member of SARL.
For more details take a look at the address on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.
(Received via Allen VK7AN)
The 2009 Leonid Meteor Shower
This year's Leonid meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, Nov. 17th. If forecasters are correct, the shower should produce a mild but pretty sprinkling of meteors over North America followed by a more intense outburst over Asia. The phase of the Moon will be new, setting the stage for what could be one of the best Leonid showers in years. "We're predicting 20 to 30 meteors per hour over the Americas, and as many as 200 to 300 per hour over Asia," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Our forecast is in good accord with independent theoretical work by other astronomers."1
Leonids are bits of debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle. Every 33 years the comet visits the inner solar system and leaves a stream of dusty debris in its wake. Many of these streams have drifted across the November portion of Earth's orbit. Whenever we hit one, meteors come flying out of the constellation Leo.
"We can predict when Earth will cross a debris stream with pretty good accuracy," says Cooke. "The intensity of the display is less certain, though, because we don't know how much debris is in each stream." Caveat observer!
The first stream crossing on Nov. 17th comes around 0900 UT (4 a.m. EST, 1 a.m. PST). The debris is a diffuse mix of particles from several old streams that should produce a gentle display of two to three dozen meteors per hour over North America. Dark skies are recommended for full effect.
"A remarkable feature of this year's shower is that Leonids will appear to be shooting almost directly out of the planet Mars," notes Cooke.
It's just a coincidence. This year, Mars happens to be passing by the Leonid radiant at the time of the shower. The Red Planet is almost twice as bright as a first magnitude star, so it makes an eye-catching companion for the Leonids:
sky map.
The next stream crossing straddles the hour 2100-2200 UT, shortly before dawn in Indonesia and China. At that time, Earth will pass through a pair of streams laid down by Comet Tempel-Tuttle in 1466 and 1533 AD. The double crossing could yield as many as 300 Leonids per hour.
"Even if rates are only half that number, it would still be one of the best showers of the year," says Cooke.
The Leonids are famous for storming, most recently in 1999-2002 when deep crossings of Tempel-Tuttle's debris streams produced outbursts of more than 1000 meteors per hour. The Leonids of 2009 won't be like that, but it only takes one bright Leonid streaking past Mars to make the night worthwhile.
Enjoy the show.
(Author: Dr. Tony Phillips from the Science (AT) NASA website)
Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!
Clothesline on wheels (Thanks to Ben, VK7BEN)
Historic Patent Telegraphy by light
LED Lighting
NASA debunks 2012 apocalypse myths
Tiny mutation led to human speech
More Hardware on Way to ISS
It's that social media stuff again
Mars Rover Bogged!
The following links are courtesy of the ABC Science Mailing List:
Why do farts smell worse in the bath?
Mobile Phone Disco Trick - This silly little experiment nicely demonstrates how your eardrum works. Build a tiny cling wrap dance floor and use your mobile phone to start a salt and pepper disco.
The new Moon is Tuesday November 17. In the morning, Mars is readily visible in the eastern sky. Saturn is low in the morning sky this week, but is now readily visible before twilight sets in. On the morning of Friday November 13 the crescent Moon is near Saturn. Jupiter is easily seen as the brightest object in the evening sky. Venus and Mercury are currently not visible. The Leonid meteors may be of interest this year as there may be heightened meteor activity, although exactly how many is not certain. The best time to observe in Australia is the morning of November 18 between 3 and 4am AEDT. People in Western Australia will have the best chances of seeing good meteor activity. The Radiant (where the meteors appear to come from) is in the Sickle of Leo. To look for meteors just look towards the north-east sky. Even if there are only a few meteors Orion and the Hyades will be visible and bright Mars will be nearby, not far from the Beehive cluster.
Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week send them in to justingc(AT)ozemail.com.au
VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses
Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)yahoogroups.com
List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)yahoogroups.com
VK7 Virtual BPL Tours
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdcY0Eetvsw - Mt Nelson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gsxpya3CnQ - North Hobart
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7DfdxjRkpU - RU ready for BPL?
If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.
They can be found at: www.radioelectronicschool.com
Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:
Newsreader: VK7IR
160m: VK7DM
80m: VK7EM
40m: VK7RO
20m: VK7IL
10m: VK7ZGK
Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.
VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW
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