VK7AX > NEWS 08.11.09 00:44l 559 Lines 27364 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 8 November 2009
Sent: 091107/2338Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:14870 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A
A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming months:
VK7SMS – November 8 – Sorell Men's Shed Tasmania Day Science Celebration – starts 9am.
NTARC – November 11 – Optical Communications Talk by 7MO and 7TW – Alanvale Skills Institute Block B – 7:30pm
REAST – November 18 – ATV experimenter's nights – Queen's Domain Clubrooms – around 7:30pm.
NWATVG – November 21st – Foundation Licence session.
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc & CCARC – November 27-28 - Country Club State Equine Championship in NW.
REAST – November 30 & December 1 – Foundation Licence Training Course – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm
REAST – December 2 – End of Year BYO BBQ – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 12pm till late.
CCARC – December 5 – Inaugural Christmas Style Dinner / Social Evening at the Best Western Bass & Flinders Convention Room, Eastland's Drive East Ulverstone. 6.00 – 6.45 for 7.00 pm.
NWATVG – December 5 – General Club Meeting – Jim VK7JH Talk.
REAST – December 7 – Foundation and Other Licence Assessment session – Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm
NWATVG – December 9 - Club's Christmas Dinner at the Bass & Flinders Restaurant, Ulverstone, 6.30 for 7.00pm.
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc – December 12 – Christmas Lunch and XYL Thank You – Riverview Inn, 12:30.
Wanted – Old Rigs For Parts
Do you have any old rigs working or not working that you would like to get rid of?
They could be old 27MHz CBs or VHF/UHF rigs, anything really!
Then Mark VK7FMAC is interested as he wants them for parts.
If you have such a device or three then please give Mark a call on 0417 686 643.
(73, Mark VK7FMAC)
Northern News
Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club
NTARC's November meeting this Wednesday will see a very special presentation by Rex VK7MO and Justin VK7TW talking about the latest generation of optical light communications equipment and techniques. The development of communications by visible light started out with experiments by Mike VK7MJ and Chris VK3AML, and given a digital flavour by Rex and Justin.
We'll make sure we get all the boring necessities of the meeting out of the way quickly to give maximum time for the star presenters… or should that be the star-light presenters hihi.
We'll kick things off at 7.30pm at Block B of the Tasmanian Skills Institute at Alanvale.
Coming up soon is the Spring VHF / UHF field day. Have you considered participating in this event? It's a lot of fun no matter how modest your equipment… just a little time and a good vantage point is all you need to make the most of this event on the weekend of the 28th and 29th of November.
Rumour has it that Karl VK7HDX and Jason VK7ZJA will perch themselves on the northern slopes of Mt Barrow, hoping to catch a duct or two to our northern neighbours.
Thanks from
(Jason VK7ZJA NTARC Secretary)
North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group
Next Club General Meeting and Xmas Dinner
The next General Meeting of the Club is scheduled for Saturday 5th. December, Venue to be advised. Jim VK7JH will be guest speaker at this meeting and will be giving us an insight into his travels during his extensive holiday trip earlier in the year.
Bookings have been made for the Club's Christmas Dinner which is to be on Wednesday 9th. December at the Bass & Flinders Restaurant, Ulverstone, 6.30 for 7.00PM sit down.
Members and friends will need to advise the Club in due course of their intention to attend for booking purposes and numbers.
As usual all persons welcome.
Welcome home Barry VK7FR
Some will remember that Barry VK7FR suffered a minor stroke several weeks ago, spending much of the time since in rehabilitation.
We are pleased to learn that Barry has made very good progress and has finally been allowed home permanently. His progress has been very good and we hope it is not too much longer before his distinctive golden voice is heard on the amateur airwaves.
Well done Barry.
Foundation License Assessments planned
It is planned to conduct an Amateur License Assessment later in the Month of November. The tentative date is Saturday 21st. Nov. with 3 candidates at this time.
If there are other people in the North West area who would like to sit for this exam, please advise the Club and we will accommodate you.
It is also perhaps timely to remind Tassie Amateurs that the Club has 2 Facilitators attached to the Radio & Electronics School, so if any amateur is thinking about studying for the Advanced License and would like a local Tasmanian Facilitator, then please also advise the Club as this can be arranged through the RES.
73's until next time
(Tony VK7AX, News Officer NWT-ATV Group)
Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC)
Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club members are reminded that it's Inaugural Christmas Dinner/ Social evening at the Best Western Bass & Flinders Convention Room, Eastland's Drive East Ulverstone on Saturday the 5th of December with a roll up time of about 6.00 – 6.45 and a sit down at 7.00 pm.
The menu will be A La Cart rather than a set Christmas Style Dinner. If you are attending this event then please advise David VK7EX promptly of you intentions.
The Tasmanian Equine Endurance Riders Association is holding it's Tasmanian State Championship Title ride at Sassafras on Friday the 27th to Saturday 28th of November and have asked WICEN Tasmania South for assistance with providing communications and competitor tracking at base and checkpoints for the duration of the ride.
Due to the location of the event being in the north west of the state, WICEN Tasmania South have asked the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club for assistance in helping out with this event. The event starts at midnight Friday night and concludes around 6pm Saturday.
As some of the checkpoints are presumed to be in remote locations volunteers will need to be prepared for camping out for the duration. The preferred arrival time for radio operators is 12:00hrs Friday to allow setup and testing time in daylight but late arrivals up to 22:00 hrs Friday may be accommodated.
Amateurs who would like to participate in assisting with this event should contact David VK7DC for more details.
All members are notified there will be a general meeting of the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club at 1:30pm on Saturday, the 21st of November at the Penguin Lions club rooms 19 Ironcliffe road, Penguin. Please note that this meeting date has been moved forward by one week from the normal date, which is usually the last Saturday of the month.
The meeting is open to all members and non members alike. So, please remember that date change - Saturday, 21st of November.
If you are a non amateur or a short wave listener living in the North West, or West coast of Tasmania, and would like to become a licenced amateur radio operator, then come along to the meeting and find out about this interesting hobby. If you cannot make the meeting but would like to find out more about the hobby then contact the learning facilitator, Keith Winkler VK7KW, or any of the committee members. Full contact details are available on our website which can be easily found by a "Yahoo" or "Google" search of CCARC TASMANIA.
(David, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)
Southern News
Sorell Men's Shed - Tasmania Day Celebration
Is today the 8th November is Tasmania Day and the Sorell Men's Shed is hosting a focus on Science Tasmania Day Celebration Open Day and there will be many things happening at the shed throughout the day. Starts from 9am.
Some of the activities include:
- Working displays of many aspects of the shed.
- Wood working, metal bending and welding demonstrations.
- Science demonstrations - by Men and Boys by VK7MO, 7TW and 7MJ to name a few.
- The VK7SMS station will be on the air.
- Men's shed products with show and tell.
- Old farm Machinery and
- Pre - loved items
Check out the website on the email and internet editions of this broadcast for more details.
(Ken VK7DY, SMS Coordinator)
WICEN Tasmania (South) Inc
WICEN End of Year Lunch
If you were thinking of saying 'Thank you' to your XYL for letting you play radio, how better to do it than by taking her out to lunch.
You can do this in the safe company of other amateurs all doing the same thing, or just plain celebrating, at the RIVERVIEW INN at Lower Sandy Bay on Saturday on the 12th. of December. 12:00 for 12:30
The WICEN South group have booked the Inn for sole use so you are assured of pleasant company. Harmonics are welcome, as are non-licensed radio enthusiasts. Any amateurs visiting from the North and Northwest are equally invited.
RSVP to any WICEN South members, or Rod VK7TRF, on 0417314425, QTHR Callbook, Emails via WIA.
(Rod, VK7TRF)
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
December Event
To celebrate 2009, REAST will be holding a BYO BBQ at the Queen's Domain clubrooms.
All members and friends are invited.
Starting at 12 noon and running through until late and this should cover both the lunchtime and evening attendees.
See you there.
(REAST Committee)
Education and Training
Reg VK7KK, the REAST Learning Organiser lets us know about the next REAST Foundation training and assessment sessions.
The Training Sessions will be held on Monday 30th November, and Tuesday the 1st December with the Assessment session on Monday the 7th December.
All sessions will take place in the REAST Queen's Domain Clubrooms from 7pm to 10 pm.
Some participants may feel that they do not need to participate in the training programme, they would then just need to attend the assessment evening.
If there are candidates interested in Standard or Advanced assessments they should also enquire.
Reg can be contacted on 0417 391 607 or email: assessor(AT)reat.asn.au
(73, Reg, VK7KK)
November Presentation
All you ever needed to know about Portable Antennas
A great big thank you to Phil VK7JJ and Lyn VK7FLYN (and Rosie) who came down to REAST last Wednesday evening for a great presentation of theory and practice about all things to do with portable antennas.
Phil ran through his vast experience with creating a practical multiband, quick, cheap, and easy portable antenna with maximum electrical efficiency that is wind and weather tolerant, that would get him back to a destination ie. VK7.
And Phil managed to cover all these aspects of antenna design along with claiming to have had more erections in the bush than anyone else…HIHI.
Phil has a great lecturing style and with copious use of the whiteboard Phil was able to relate the theory and practice for a subject that Phil obviously have much passion for.
The presentation was recorded for a future ATV broadcast and will be placed into the ATV Library very soon.
Thanks again to Phil and Lyn.
(Justin, VK7TW)
Saturday Afternoon Groups
Tony VK7FTCL lets us know that a date has been set for the trip to Hobart Airport. Saturday 12th of December is the day so if you wish to attend please get in touch ASAP to lock in your spot. We are restricted to the size of the group that can visit certain areas and these are filling fast. We already have confirmation from a couple of the areas including the tower and Rotorlift and just waiting word back from the others, but the likely itinerary will be starting the trip off at rotorlift looking at their rescue helicopters and a general run down on how they undertake their missions with a hands on look at their birds, a chat with the Australian Federal Police who will explain what their role is at airports around Australia, Fire and Rescue who will show us their range of fire fighting and rescue equipment and finishing off in the tower which is a highlight.
For more info or to book your spot please contact Tony at toneman(AT)bigpond.com.
On Saturday 5th December 2009 the Saturday Afternoon Group will be heading out for a "morning" field trip, hihi. We will be visiting the Bureau of Meteorology site at Hobart Airport. This trip will encompass the procedure to prepare the weather balloon for launch and then the tracking of it via radar. We will also look at the varied equipment used to monitor the weather, not only for Aviation but for the State in general.
Last years trip was fantastic. Dont miss this opportunity as space is very limited.
Again, contact Tony at toneman(AT)bigpond.com.
(73 Tony VK7FTCL and the Saturday Afternoon Group)
REAST ATV Experimenters Night
We have almost finished painting the ATV studio ready to move in.
We are planning to move into the new studio on Wednesday the 18th of November and we need some help from anyone interested in giving us a hand. The more hands make the work lighter.
Please note there is no ATV night next Wednesday night the 11th.
So, see you on Wednesday 18th November around 7:30pm as we move into the new studio.
(73, Justin, VK7TW)
EME News
New Version of EME-Calc Released – Version 7.00
Doug VK3UM reports that with the help of Peter G3LTF they have release a newly updated version of his famous EME-Calculator.
Moon noise is another area that Rex VK7MO, Peter and Doug have explored, the predicted and measured values have been updated to relate within practical measurement capabilities. Beam fill factors and Moon brightness values have been revisited and are also commensurate with practical measurements. The integral Help file has been enhanced to explain the mythologies…HIHI.
The software in a zip format may be obtained from:
http://www.vk3bez.org/vk3um_software.htm (available shortly)
(73 Doug VK3UM via the VK-VHF mailing list)
Satellite News
ARISS celebrates 500th school space contact
ARISS Chairman Gaston Bertels, ON4WF noted that on Tuesday, 27 October 2009, ISS Commander Frank De Winne, ON1DWN answered questions from students participating to a venue at the brand new Copernic Science Center in Warsaw, Poland. This was the 500th School Contact since ARISS began operations in the year 2000.
Schools in all continents benefit from ARISS educative School Contacts.
This telebridge contact was operated by ARISS ground station VK4KHZ located in Glenden, Queensland, Australia. At the end of the contact, Frank thanked Shane Lynd VK4KHZ - for the many ARISS telebridge contacts he'd already performed. Shane shares these thanks with his colleagues of the 11 ARISS telebridge ground stations which cover all five continents.
Audio recordings of the Warsaw and Ieper school contacts are available at the link on the email and internet editions of this broadcast:
(Sourced from the AMSAT News Service)
LUSAT-1 Silent
AMSAT-Argentina reported LUSAT-1, LO-19 stopped transmitting CW telemetry on 437.125 MHz around October 20. Ignacio, LU1ESY reported he last received a signal on October 11 after which he noted a drift in the down-link frequency beyond the expected doppler shift.
AMSAT-Argentina says, "We hope to re-live LUSAT to allow him to celebrate its 20 years in space next January 23. We welcome any reception reports!"
(Sourced from AMSAT-Argentina via the AMSAT News Service)
AMSAT-VK National Satellite net
Just a reminder that the next one is on this coming Tuesday 10 November 2009 from 20:30 - 21:30. And this net takes place every month on the second Tuesday. Please note checkins will be taken from 8.20pm-ish.
Operators may join the net via Echolink by connecting to either the *Amsat* or *VK3JED* conferences. Past experience has shown that the VK3JED server offers clearer audio. The net is also available via IRLP reflector numbers 9509 and 9500.
(73, AMSAT-Australia)
Communications Industry News
RadioComms Connect Conference
RadioComms Connect returns to Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, on 18-19 November for the third year.
There will be 40+ exhibitors and a panel of expert speakers along with the annual radio communications industry gala dinner.
The conference program will include presentations from experts on RoIP, interoperability, the digital dividend, infrastructure, IP-based technology, communications for transport and spectrum management.
There are eight overseas speakers in the line-up of 28, including the chairman of the International TETRA Association, Phil Godfrey, and Sir Chris Fox, former president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, UK.
Highlights include an afternoon plenary on day one that will take a close look at current and emerging standards with a series of presentations examining P25, TETRA and NXDN by experts from Tait Radio Communications, Kenwood Electronics and the TETRA Association.
A continuing problem facing two-way radio is the shortage of qualified RF engineers and technicians who can service and set up the modern analog/digital two-way. In a bid to alleviate this critical situation, RMIT University will outline its thoughts on the current state of play in its presentation, '2015 and beyond - Are you ready to converge? Vocational upskilling to meet new technology demands in the radio communications industry'.
If interested then take a look at the website on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.
(RadioComms E-Magazine)
Technology News
Metamaterials Arrive in Cellphones
The following article appeared in IEEE Spectrum Magazine in October 2009 and was written by Saswato R. Das who is a New York City–based science writer.
The quest to build more-powerful multiband mobile handsets has gotten a boost from a relatively new class of materials. Called metamaterials, they are specifically engineered to have properties that do not occur naturally, such as the ability to bend light the wrong way. For manufacturers of mobile devices, recent advances in metamaterials promise a way to shrink size while still retaining multiband functionality.
LG Electronics' new Chocolate BL40 mobile handset, from its high-end Black Label Series, will incorporate a metamaterial antenna made by San Diego–based Rayspan, a start-up that's pioneering the commercialization of metamaterials. Metamaterials have allowed LG to "achieve the dramatically sleek, slim dimensions of the new LG Chocolate and unsurpassed radio-frequency capabilities," says Woo Paik, LG's president and chief technology officer.
Anirudh Srinivasan, an analyst with Frost & Sullivan, says, "Metamaterial antennas satisfy this void by enabling the antennas to be sized on the order of one-tenth the signal's wavelength and yet providing performance on par or better than conventional antennas sized one-half the signal wavelength, thereby providing a five times the size reduction."
Maha Achour, Rayspan's chief technical officer, says the antenna used in the LG handset is a few millimeters long and as thin as paper, and it simplifies the integration of both GPS and Bluetooth protocols. The same antenna array is also shared by the cellular and Wi-Fi radios within the handset.
Netgear's 2008 RangeMax wireless routers were the first commercial devices to use metamaterial. The Rayspan antenna allows the routers to reduce radio-frequency interference and boost the router's range.
The metamaterial antennas, which are fabricated directly on the router's printed circuit board, have proved to be robust with over 20 million metamaterial antennas in the market currently.
The major impetus for metamaterials research came from the work of Sir John Pendry of Imperial College London. In 2000, he wrote about creating a perfect lens with a metamaterial. He also theorized that you could design magnetic materials using structures made of nonmagnetic materials. For instance, although copper isn't magnetic, he hypothesized, a construction made of minuscule copper loops embedded on fiberglass should be. Experimentalists seized upon the idea, and as Pendry predicted, electromagnetic wave propagation through metamaterials is fundamentally different than through conventional materials.
Rayspan set out to harness metamaterials for wireless technology. "For 4G devices, you need to be able to handle multiple frequencies," Achour explains. "With conventional antennas, you cannot put two antennas together with coupling. Metamaterial antennas allow you to support four to six frequency bands." It is also difficult to get high performance from a small, ordinary antenna, she adds, but metamaterials make it easier.
(Sourced from the IEEE Spectrum Inside Technology E-Zine)
Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!
Ham Radio Cartoonist
It's those Flying Pigs Again…HIHI
#19 Set Site
Great Current Transformer Help Sheet
Incredible Manual Resource:
Another great manual/information resource:
Another Optical Experimenter
MMANA – Antenna Modelling Application
Smart spectacles aid translation
SourceForge changes name to Geeknet
Retweet Now in Limited Rollout
Astronomers see universe's cosmic skeleton
The following links are courtesy of the ABC Science Mailing List:
Bad Moods Could Be Good For You
The last quarter Moon is Tuesday November 10. In the morning Mars is readily visible in the eastern sky. Red Mars is in the constellation of Cancer and starts the week near the Beehive cluster. This will be readily visible to the unaided eye under dark skies, and will look quite nice in binoculars. On Monday November 9 the waning Moon is close to Mars, with the Beehive in between. Saturn is low in the morning sky this week. Bright white Venus is invisible the twilight glow and will not reappear until February. Jupiter is easily seen as the brightest object in the evening sky and is big enough to be appreciated in even the smallest telescope. Jupiter's moons are readily visible in binoculars or a small telescope.
This week also sees some interesting variable stars. The red giant Mira peaks in brightness on November 10 and can be seen in the eastern sky. On November 5th at 11pm AEDT the classic variable star Algol will be at its dimmest low in the northern sky, and you can watch it steadily brighten over the next few hours.
Do you have some interesting internet sites you have some across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)ozemail.com.au
VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses
Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)yahoogroups.com
List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)yahoogroups.com
VK7 Virtual BPL Tours
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdcY0Eetvsw - Mt Nelson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gsxpya3CnQ - North Hobart
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7DfdxjRkpU - RU ready for BPL?
If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of methods.
They can be found at: www.radioelectronicschool.com
Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's broadcasts:
Newsreader: VK7RS
160m: VK7DM
80m: VK7ZK
40m: VK7TW
20m: VK7AR
10m: VK7ZGK
Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.
VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW
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