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M1CUK  > NEWS     09.10.09 18:34l 546 Lines 24394 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 8B1028M1CUK
Subj: rsgb news sunday 11th october
Sent: 091009/1626Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:33160 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:8B1028M1


Sunday 11th October 2009

The news headlines

"	RSGB EMC Committee go to the EMC UK Exhibition

"	D-Star represented on the Emerging Technology Co-ordination

"	Power Line Communication lecture in Manchester

Visitors to the EMC UK Exhibition and Conference at Newbury in Berkshire
on 13 and 14 October will be able to meet members of the RSGB EMC
Committee on their stand in the main exhibition hall. The stand will
feature the Society's work on interference issues and HF signal strength
measurement together with demonstrations of the high level of emissions
from Power Line Telecommunications systems. The event is held in the
Grandstand at Newbury Racecourse. Admission to the exhibition, and to
the IEEE's EMC demonstration bench sessions, is free. Tickets are
available from

As D-Star and digital voice communication continues to grow and develop,
it has become apparent that there is ever-increasing reliance on the
Trust Servers that comprise the network infrastructure. The
administration of this network within the UK is carried out by the UKIT
team who came together voluntarily to take on this vital role. The RSGB
now wishes to build upon the excellent work done by the team giving it a
more permanent structure and, following discussions at the National
Hamfest, it has been agreed that they will become part of the ETCC.
Darren, G7LWT will represent the UKIT on the ETCC, while the other
members will work on a corresponding basis.

There is to be a presentation by consultant Professor Paul Brown on
Tuesday 13 October at 6 for 6.30pm at the Manchester Conference Centre,
the Days Hotel, on Sackville Street, Manchester M1 3BB. Power line
communication has been around for many years. In the early nineties it
was the focus of research, undertaken in the Manchester area, to
validate the concepts of digital telephony and internet service
provision over electricity distribution networks. Broadband over power
line, as it is often referred to today, is still the subject of ongoing
research and is considered a challenging technology to integrate with
existing analogue and digital wireless systems. This lecture focuses,
briefly, on the history, development, marketplace and ongoing research
in digital PLC systems. Everybody is welcome to attend this free event.
This event has been organised by the IET. More details at 

The RSGB and Lincoln Short Wave Club would like to thank all those who
made the National Hamfest a huge success. Thanks go to the back-room
helpers who worked so hard from set up to break down, to the traders who
filled not only the main hall but outside as well and, of course, the
thousands of visitors who came along over the two days. Book next years'
event in your diary now! It's 1 and 2 October 2010 at the Newark & Notts
Showground, Newark NG24 2NY.

A severe tropical storm in The Philippines and earthquakes in Indonesia
have seen radio amateurs providing emergency communications and other
relief and recovery assistance. Amateur radio clubs have mobilised for
the relief operations. 7.045MHz has been used for general announcements
while 2m FM is used for community operations.

Artist and Filmmaker Esther Johnson is planning to use three different
amateur radio clubs based in the London area to set up a radio station
during an exhibition of her work on 23rd, 24th and 25th October 2009 in
London. The radio stations will accompany Johnson's 16mm film TUNE IN,
made in 2006, which focuses on amateur radio. Johnson will also be
exhibiting photography of radio enthusiasts alongside her film work.
Further information on TUNE IN can be found at

The Wireless Institute of Australia turns 100 next year, making it the
world's oldest national radio society. WIA President, Michael Owen,
VK3KI, says he wants the world-wide amateur radio community to join in
the celebration. A commemorative QSL card will be issued for contacts
with VK100WIA between May and October next year. A limited edition
operating award, called the WIA Centenary Award is also to be available
and two contacts with VK100WIA are required under its rules. Details of
the centenary program can be found on the WIA website at

The 52nd Scouts' Jamboree On The Air will take place on 17 and 18
October. AMSAT-NA is supporting JOTA by dedicating AO-51 operation to
the event. For October 17th and 18th, the AO-51 QRP repeater will be
allocated for JOTA use. All users are requested to give way to JOTA
stations or QSO's with JOTA stations. The frequencies used for this
weekend will be 145.880 FM uplink, and 435.150 FM downlink, no PL tone
required. The mode change should occur at around 00:00 UTC on the 17th
and run for approximately 48 hours. AMSAT wishes the Scouts good luck
operating via the AO-51 satellite for the event. Reports of your JOTA
operations should be sent to the AMSAT-BB or directly to

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, 11 October, the Great Lumley Amateur Radio & Electronics Society
Rally will be held in the Great Lumley Community Centre, Front Street,
Chester-le-Street DH3 4JD. Doors open at 10.30am and admission is £2.
There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy and catering on site. More
details from David Barclay, M0BPM, on 0191 3888113. 

On 13 and 14 October, the EMCUK Exhibition & Conference will be held at
the Newbury Racecourse, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7NZ. Visitors will be
able to meet members of the RSGB EMC Committee on their stand in the
main exhibition hall. The stand will feature the Society's work on
interference issues and HF signal strength measurement together with
demonstrations of the emission from Power Line Telecommunications
systems. Admission to the exhibition and to the IEEE's EMC demonstration
bench sessions is free. Tickets are available from 

On 18 October, the Blackwood and District ARS Rally will be held at
Coleg Gwent, Risca Road, Cross Keys NP11 7ZA. Doors open at 10am for
disabled visitors and 10.30 for other visitors. Admission is £2 and
there will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy as well as an RSGB Bookstall.
Details from Dave, GW4HBK, on 01495 228515, or e-mail

Galashiels and District Amateur Radio Society will be holding their
Annual Radio and Computer Rally in The Volunteer Hall, St John's Street,
Galashiels. Doors open at 11am and admission is £2. There will be trade
stands, a Bring and Buy and refreshments. Details from Jim, GM7LUN on
01896-850245 or e-mail

Now for the news of special events
From mid October to mid November the Bromsgrove & District ARC will be
operating special event station GB75XX to commemorate 75 years from the
first transmission from the BBC radio masts at Droitwich. Operation will
be all bands, all modes. Further information on

UN Headquarters station 4U64UN is active until mid November in
celebration of the 64th annual UN General Assembly. Activity is on all
bands and modes. QSL via HB9BOU. 

Look for special event station KL5O to be active on the air in
observance of Alaska Day. Activity will take place between 1800UTC, 18
October and 0600UTC, 19 October. Operations will be on 160 through to
10m, including 30, 17 and 12m. Modes will be CW, SSB and RTTY. 

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.

A team headed by Derek, G3KHZ will be in Papua New Guinea from 22
October until 9 November. It is worth bearing in mind that last year
when they were in the same neck of the woods this group were worked from
the UK on 80 and, by a couple of well-equipped UK stations, on 160. So
even if you are not an IOTA chaser, this expedition may be good for some
new band slots. Full details on their website,

A Dutch team plans to be active from Benin (TY) from 10 to 30 October,
with good equipment and antennas. Check their website at for more information. 

DL2FAG will be active from Niue and Samoa in October and November from
19 October to 7 November as ZK2DL from Niue, OC-040, and from 17 to 30
November as 5W0KH from Samoa, OC-097. He plans to operate mainly RTTY,
PSK and SSB on 10-80. QSL via his home call. 

Now the contest news

The Worked All Britain HF Phone Contest takes place on 10 and 11 October
from 1200 to 1200UTC in the 14, 21 and 28MHz bands. The exchange is
signal report, serial number and WAB square. Rules and log sheets are
available from the Contest Manager, G0BFJ, QTHR or from the WAB website

The 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place on 13 October between 1900
and 2130UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial
number and locator.

Now the solar factual data for the period from the 28th of September to
the 4th of October, compiled on 5th of October by Neil Clarke, G0CAS.

On the 28th the solar disc had one visible sunspot group. This was in
its declining phase and by the 30th only one spot remained and by the
2nd it had disappeared altogether. Solar activity was at very low
levels, however, a number of small sub flares took place but to small to
report in any detail and certainly had no effect on propagation. Solar
flux levels averaged 72 units and varied little day to day. The 90 day
solar flux average on the 4th was 69, that's one unit up on last week.
X-ray flux levels remained below the minimum reporting level throughout.
Geomagnetic activity was quiet everyday. The average was Ap 3 units.
Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds vary
between 310 and 420 kilometres per second. Particle densities were low
everyday and varied between one and seven particles per cubic
centimetre. Bz varied between no more than minus 6 and plus 8 nanoTeslas
except on the 4th which varied between minus 6 and plus 11 nanoTeslas.

And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to
be at very low levels. Looking at the last rotation the solar disc is
expected be spotless on most days. However, as seen recently, sunspot
groups can appear suddenly with very little warning. Solar flux levels
should be around the 70 mark, that's providing no sunspots appear.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be mostly quiet, saying that, the
next couple of days could be slightly unsettled. MUFs during daylight
hours at equal latitudes should be around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz
for the north. The darkness hour lows should be about 9MHz. Paths this
week Japan should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent
success rate of around 19MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90
per cent success rate will be about 15MHz. The best time to try this
path will be between 0800 and 1100 hours UTC. 

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.
Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website
links where known.


Listeners to the GB2RS news reading at 1900 hours on 145.525MHz need to
note that as from next Sunday 18th October, the readings will commence,
from now on, one hour earlier at 1800 hours. Julian, M0GFD, who reads
the news from his QTH in Bow, east London, has carried out some antenna
improvements, and finds that his signal now reaches Southend-on-Sea to
the east. He is the only news reader for this schedule, and would
appreciate having a reserve reader. If any RSGB member in his service
area to the east of London would like to volunteer, they should
telephone Gordon Adams, G3LEQ, the RSGB's GB2RS News Manager on 01565
652 652 for more information.

On Monday 12 October Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having a
talk on effective small antennas by Prof Mike Underhill, G3LHZ. Contact
Andy, G8JAC, by email to

On Tuesday 13 October Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating
from the shack. Contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Tuesday 13 October Harwell Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
linear amplifiers by Paul Cullen. Contact Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235

On Tuesday 13 October Plymouth Radio Club is having an inter-club quiz
night versus The Rest of The World. All radio clubs or groups are
invited to join forces to try to beat PRC! Contact Bob, G7NHB, on 01752

On Wednesday 14 October Aylesbury Vale Radio Society is having a
discussion evening. Contact Roger, G3MEH, on 01442 826 651.

On Wednesday 14 October Bracknell Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
Robot Capers by Richard, G8IBP. Contact Paul, M3XPR, by email to

On Wednesday 14 October Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
discussing a technical topic with G3XZG. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442
831 491.

On Wednesday 14 October Dover Radio Club is having a presentation on
scanning by Matt, M1CMN. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 14 October Fareham and District Amateur Radio Club is
holding its grand junk sale. Contact Derek Clarkson, G4JLP, on 01329

On Wednesday 14 October Farnborough and District Radio Society is
watching films of club activities with Peter, G4MBZ. Contact Derek,
G3OFA, by email to

On Wednesday 14 October Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having an informal evening. Contact John, M0UKD, 07817365354.

On Wednesday 14 October Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an
informal, construction and workshop evening. Contact Chris Danby, G0DWV,
on 01603 419204.

On Wednesday 14 October South Essex Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk by Bruce, G1JJS, on the sky at night. Contact Dave Speechley,
G4UVJ, on 01268 697978.

On Wednesday 14 October Southgate Amateur Radio Club is having a
planning meeting. Contact David Sharp, M0XDS, by email to

On Wednesday 14 October Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is
holding its AGM. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893.

On Thursday 15 October Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk by
Peter Chadwick, G3RZP, entitled IARU - where do our wavelengths come
from? Contact Bob, 2E0RCV, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm.

On Thursday 15 October Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social
evening at the Dog and Bacon, Horsham. Details on the web at

On Thursday 15 October King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club
night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to

On Thursday 15 October Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is
holding its autumn junk sale. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757.

On Thursday 15 October Sutton and Cheam Radio Society is having a talk
on the future direction of power line transmission by John Pink, G8MM.
Contact John, G0BWV, on 020 8644 9945.

On Friday 16 October Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk on
what's next in communications by Dr Michael Willis, G0MJW. Details on
the web at

On Saturday 17 October Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society commences its
JOTA weekend. Contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Saturday 17 October King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club starts operating
its weekend JOTA special event station. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to

On Saturday 17 October Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society
is operating GB1HS for JOTA weekend with the 1st Hainault Scouts.
Contact Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645.

On Saturday 17 October Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is taking part in
JOTA. Contact Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204.

On Saturday 17 October South Essex Amateur Radio Society commences its
weekend JOTA event from Canvey Island, operating as GB2CIS. Contact Dave
Speechley, G4UVJ, on 01268 697978.


On Monday 12 October Cornish Radio Amateur Club Computer Section is
having a talk by Clive, G3OCB on Windows 7. Contact Steve, G7VOH, on
01209 844939.

On Tuesday 13 October Blackmore Vale Amateur Radio Society is having a
talk on software defined radio by Jan, G0BBL. Contact Tony G0GFL, on
01258 860741.

On Tuesday 13 October West Devon Radio Club is having its annual review
night. Contact Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752291588.

On Wednesday 14 October Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is
having an open forum on club matters and discussing the annual club
programme. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234.

On Wednesday 14 October Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur
Radio Club is on the air. Note that the club has a new venue, The
Chantry, 52 Castle Street, Thornbury BS35 1HB. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on
01454 417048.

On Thursday 15 October Newquay and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a club night, general chat and operating night. Contact Joe Bell,
M6JOE, on 01726 891557.

On Thursday 15 October South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a
table top sale with Len, G4RZY. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282.

On Thursday 15 October Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth by James, M1DST. Contact Den, M0ACM, on
07810 317750.

On Thursday 15 October Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
AVOs and multimeters by Rob, G6LLP. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email

On Friday 16 October Bournemouth Amateur Radio Society is holding its
AGM. All members are urged to attend. Contact John, G0HAT, on

On Friday 16 October Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating
night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to


On Monday 12 October Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society is
having a junk and books sale. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478,

On Monday 12 October South Birmingham Radio Society is checking aerials
after the weekend's renovations. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 12 October Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is
having a talk by Pete, G0WXJ, RSGB Region 5 Representative. Contact
G0CHO, on 01608 664488.

On Monday 12 October Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is helping
Hallow Scouts with their communicators' badge. Contact Leslie Coyne,
M3WRZ, on 01905 764320.

On Tuesday 13 October Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having
a committee meeting. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 13 October Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
holding its AGM. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 13 October Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is having a
talk and is on the air. Contact Leslie Coyne, M3WRZ, on 01905 764320.

On Wednesday 14 October Midland Amateur Radio Society is having a
ragchew, training classes and a committee meeting. Contact Norman,
G8BHE, on 01214 229 787.

On Wednesday 14 October Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on data modes by G0CER. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299

On Thursday 15 October Lowestoft and District Pye Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night. Contact Phil, G0JSG, on 01502585448.

On Thursday 15 October Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a pre-AGM
natter night. Details on the web at

On Thursday 15 October Solihull Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM
at the Shirley Centre, 274 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull B90 3AD.
Contact P T Gaskin, G8AYY, on 0121 783 2996.

On Friday 16 October Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a quiz
night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363.

On Friday 16 October Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group is having a
talk on propagation by Ken Frankcom. Contact Ken, G3OCA, on 01332

On Friday 16 October South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Saturday 17 October Worcester Radio Amateurs Association commences
its weekend JOTA event at Kinver Camp, putting M0ZOO on the air. Contact
Leslie Coyne, M3WRZ, on 01905 764320.


On Monday 12 October Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk by Daniel Harrop on avoiding the pitfalls in HF mobile operation.
Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 4770036.

On Monday 12 October Bolton Wireless Club is having a talk, HF bicycle
mobile around the world, by David, G4AKC and Keith, G7LPW. Contact

On Monday 12 October Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a satellite
QSO demo, subject to favourable satellite orbits. Contact Trevor Wood,
M0TWS, by email to

On Monday 12 October Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is holding
its AGM. Contact John Foster, M3WAZ, on 01253 399377.

On Tuesday 13 October Isle Of Man Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
on PIC programming by Malcolm Newton. Contact Stuart Hill, GD0OUD, on
01624 613226.

On Tuesday 13 October Silcoates School Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on the Scarborough Reef DXpedition and attempts to operate from
Rockall by Mike, K9AJ. All are welcome, and the event is in the hall at
Silcoates School, Silcoates Lane, Wakefield WF2 0PD. 

On Tuesday 13 October Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society is having a
committee meeting. Contact Martin Hazel, M0ZIF, on 07852 200232.

On Tuesday 13 October Otley Amateur Radio Society is having a shack
night. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.

On Wednesday 14 October Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by
Andy, G0VRM. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573.

On Wednesday 14 October Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is planning
for RadioActive and working on the club project on the air. Contact
Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606553401.

On Thursday 15 October South Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is
conducting Foundation exam assessments. Contact Chris Wiseman, G0RDK, on
01782 773185.

On Thursday 15 October South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is
having a report on the RSGB Convention by Ron, G3SVW. Contact Ron,
G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Friday 16 October East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a
"bring in something interesting" evening. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on
01642 475 671.

On Friday 16 October Tynemouth Radio Club is having an operating night
with technical topics and holding a Morse class. Contact Graham
Errington, on 07812 172136.

On Saturday 17 October Otley Amateur Radio Society is providing JOTA
skeds for local Scouts. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.


On Tuesday 13 October Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is
having an operating evening. Contact Norman, on 07740 946192.

On Wednesday 14 October Kingdom Amateur Radio Society is having a shack
night. Contact Brian, MM0XBD, on 01383 738905.

On Wednesday 14 October Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is having a
break. Contact Bill Anderson, 2M0BZZ, on 01505 613633.

On Thursday 15 October Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a
discussion night. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663.

On Friday 16 October Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
having a DVD night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.


On Monday 12 October Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is having a club
raffle and social night. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 840292.

On Friday 16 October Newport Amateur Radio Society is on the air.
Contact Gareth Price on 01633 880081.


[Note to all NI Newsreaders: please read this out. 
We are actively trying to increase the profile of amateur radio in the

GB2RS welcomes information from all RSGB affiliated clubs. We invite
club secretaries to email details of forthcoming meetings to 

Any information for December meetings that arrives before Friday 30
October will also appear in the Club Calendar section of RadCom. 

And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,
prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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