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M1CUK  > NEWS     24.09.09 03:23l 560 Lines 26589 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 8D1015M1CUK
Subj: rsgb news sunday 27th sept
Sent: 090923/2137Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:32294 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:8D1015M1


Sunday 27th September 2009

The news headlines

"	Five days to go until the UK's largest amateur radio show
"	Over the horizon radio causes interference
"	Postal delays affect the RGSB

Next Friday, the 2nd of October, sees the opening of the UK's largest
amateur radio show for some years. The show takes place at the Newark
showground and spans two days. The National Hamfest will have lots for
visitors to see because all space for traders is completely full. All
the major manufacturers and retailers will be at the show, including a
number of overseas traders making their first visit to the UK. There is
a car boot area and bring and buy too.

The National Hamfest will be your one opportunity this year to meet the
RSGB and its many representative committees. The new GB4FUN vehicle will
be in attendance and so will Ofcom. This will be the first time that
Ofcom have attended a major UK amateur radio event. The star of the show
will be the Luso aerial tower that created such a huge interest at both
Dayton and Friedrichshafen earlier this year. The new National Hamfest
has everything for the radio amateur and is a show not to be missed. The
showground is easy to find and there is ample car parking right next to
the hall. Full details can be found in RadCom and on the National
Hamfest website,, where you will find a full
list of all traders plus an up to date floor plan.

IARU Region 1 reports that the Russian over-the-horizon radar is active
daily on 14.440MHz and is producing splatter plus and minus 110kHz. The
upper part of the 20m band is affected, too. The location of the
ABM2-radar is in the area of Smolensk. The German PTT has been informed.
More information is available on their website,

The RSGB, like most organisations and businesses, is suffering delays
due to the many local Royal Mail disputes around the UK. The situation
appears to be worsening and there is a threat of a national postal
strike on the horizon. The Society apologies for any delays in postal
exchanges and in particular late delivery of RadCom; this is beyond our
There have been several additions and changes to the programme for the
RSGB Convention taking place over the 9th to 11th October. For example,
the HF Contest Forum will now take place before the HF Contest Trophy
presentations. Bookings for rooms, meals and so on closes next Friday,
2nd October, although day visitors are welcome at all times. For the
latest updates check out the Convention's programme on the RSGB
Convention website

After more than 20 years of handling all of the QSL cards for residents
and the scores of visiting amateurs who come year upon year to enjoy the
rarer prefix of Jersey, Reg Allnet, GJ3XZE is stepping down as the
island's volunteer sub manager. The RSGB wishes to convey its grateful
thanks for his sterling work on behalf of his fellow amateurs and hopes
that maybe now he will have some time to operate. Reg has found his own
replacement and we are delighted to welcome Michael Brown, 2J0SZI, who
has volunteered to take his place. Full contact details are available in
the QSL section of the RSGB members' website, where a full list of all
sub managers can be found. Visitors to the Channel Islands and the Isle
of Man are reminded that UK stamps for the collection of QSL cards are
not valid and that it is wise to purchase appropriate stamps for SAEs
during their stay. Cards arriving at the bureau without a via listing -
and many hundreds do - will not be diverted to home addresses.

The British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association will be celebrating
their 30th anniversary on their stand at the National Hamfest in Newark
on 2 and 3 October. They invite all radio amateurs to join them in their
celebrations and look forward to meeting as many amateurs as possible -
whether BYLARA members or not. For more information on how to get to the
venue to join in these birthday celebrations, go to www.nationalhamfest.c

In the week leading up to the National Hamfest, G0PIO, G6JUT and G3XZF
are involved in some local radio broadcasts about amateur radio. In the
Rob Underwood programme broadcast throughout the BBC Radio Midlands area
and on Monday evening on local radio throughout the BBC East region they
will be talking about amateur radio and its value as a hobby. They are
hoping to encourage people through these regions to visit the National
Hamfest and see what amateur radio is all about for themselves.

IARU Region 1 reports that in the evening hours of 18 September a strong
WXfax signal appeared on 14.0019MHz. DK2OM bearings pointed to USA and
the transmissions came from the US Coastguard. Jack, AA3GZ informed the
US Coastguard and they promised to solve the problem. The same day a
strong F1B signal was heard on 7.1017MHz. The ident belonged to the
Royal Navy in Faslane, Scotland. Interference was reported to the German
PTT, who informed Ofcom. About 20 minutes later the transmission was
D-Star repeater GB7NE is now on the air. It operates on 439.450MHz and
covers most of the county of Northumberland from Newcastle upon Tyne to
Bamburgh. The repeater is maintained by Colin, G7RWC and has a website, The repeater currently operates as a stand alone digital
audio repeater but will be connected to the D-Star network within the
next few weeks.

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) will be exhibiting and
participating at the upcoming ITU Telecom World 2009 in early October.
The event will be used to roll out the new IARU Emergency Communications
Brochure as well as to showcase some publications of IARU member

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week
The Kempton Radio and Electronics Show will be held today, 27 September,
at Kempton Park Racecourse, Sunbury on Thames TW16 5QA. The show opens
at 10am and there will be a talk-in station on 145.550MHz using the call
GB2KRT. Most major amateur radio distributors will be represented and
there will be plenty of trade stands. There will be three talks in the
RSGB Bytesized Lecture Series, details of which are on the website RSGB Abbey Court staff will be running the RSGB

The National Hamfest, organised by the RSGB in association with the
Lincoln Short Wave Club, will take place on the 2nd and 3rd October at
the George Stephenson Pavilion, Newark and Nottinghamshire Showground,
Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark NG24 2NY. There will be the largest
showing of trade stands as well as car boot sales and a Bring & Buy,
plus special interest groups and Morse proficiency tests. The RSGB will
have a large presence at the show with a bookstall and RSGB Services &
Committees. Details are at 

On 4 October, the Autumn Militaria & Electronics & Radio Amateur Hangar
Sale will take place at the Hack Green secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich,
Cheshire, CW5 8AL. Doors open at 10am and admission is £2.50. Contact
Rod Siebert on 01270 623353.

Now for the news of special events

Following last year's first Railways on the Air event, Bishop Auckland
Amateur Radio Club is coordinating ROTA 2009 over the weekend 26 and 27
September. The event is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the
running of the world's first steam passenger train on the Stockton to
Darlington Railway and there are many special event stations on the air.
For a full listing, check out their website at
GB70GB is a very special Special Event callsign, issued by Ofcom for the
70th anniversary of the opening of the Research Centre at Great Baddow.
This is the home to what was originally Marconi's Research Laboratories.
Later, it was also home to famous staff including Spycatcher author
Peter Wright and Chris Cockrell, inventor of the hovercraft. The station
will be operating on Saturday 3rd October and will be operated by
members of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society. Baddow is also home to
the last surviving fully intact 360ft Chain Home radar mast from the
Battle of Britain - itself coming up to its own anniversary in February
2010, the 75th anniversary of the Daventry Experiment when radar was
born. Visitors must pre-register to visit the special event station and
they will see a series of exhibits on Baddow's history and technology
from turn of the century Marconi heritage right up to present day
innovations at what is now known as BAE Systems Advanced Technology
Centre. Full details can be found at

Special event station GB4GDS, celebrating the work of the Guide Dogs for
the Blind organisation, will be operating from 1 October for 28 days
from the Lindsayfield branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Operator
Keith, GM4DAE hopes to be active on 80m, 40m, 20m and 2m at various
times from early morning through to late evening. The station celebrates
the 78th anniversary of the first Guide Dog training in Wallasey,
Cheshire, in 1931. 

Over the weekend of 3rd and 4th October, members of the Grimsby &
District battalion will be operating GB1BB for the Founding weekend On
the Air, which celebrates the founding of the Boys Brigade movement in
1887. Also on the air will be the 1st Bermuda battalion, callsign
VP9400BB. If you are helping a Battalion or Company take part then
please register the callsign via e-mail to

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources.
The Glorioso Island DXpedition team are now active. The FT5GA team had
some antenna problems at first due to windy weather conditions and a
faulty contact on a WARC Spiderbeam, which was fixed. Indications seem
that all three stations are now on the air. Activity has been on all
bands and the CW/SSB modes with some RTTY. Operations will last until
October 5th and the QSL Manager is F5OGL, Didier Senmartin, PO Box 7,
F-53320 Loiron, France. Full details on their website at

From 5 to 50 October, Bill Vanderheide, N7OU will be on Rarotonga, South
Cooks Island doing volunteer work. His callsign will be E51NOU and he'll
be on the air in his spare time on 80 to 10m, CW only. QSL to his home
callsign N7OU.

Barrie, G4AHK will operate holiday style as 7Q7BJ while travelling
around Malawi, until 12 October. He plans to focus on 160, 80 and 40
metres. QSL via G4AHK.

Now the contest news

The Edgware Activity Periods run until 2 October in short periods of
operation - these can be found on their website,
You can use SSB or CW on any or all of the bands. 

On 29 September the 70MHz UK Activity Contest takes place between 1900
and 2130UTC. You can use all modes on the band and the exchange is
signal report, serial number and locator.

The first RSGB HF event of October is the 21/28MHz Contest On October 4
between 0700 and 1900UTC. You can work others on each mode on each band,
exchanging RS(T) and serial number plus District Code. For most people
this means the first two letters of your postcode, but single first
letter postcodes are padded to two letters. If you're not sure what your
District Code is, a list is available in the RSGB Yearbook or online at There are Open,
Restricted and QRP categories and sections for CW, SSB and mixed modes. 

Saturday 3 October sees the 1.2/2.3GHz Trophy taking place between 1400
and 2200UTC using all modes. The exchange is Signal report, serial
number and locator.

Non-RSGB events start with the IARU 432MHz-248GHz Contest, which runs
for a full 24 hours from 1400 to 1400UTC on 3 and 4 October. The first
six hours coincide with the RSGB 1.2GHz/2.3GHz Trophy Contest. Casual
participants will doubtless find some 70cm stations on SSB to contact,
but its well-equipped hilltop residents or portables that will be making
the running. 

Now the solar factual data for the period from the 14th to the 20th of
September, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS and Martin Harrison, G3USF.

The solar disc was spotless throughout the week and solar activity
remained very low. However, the solar flux moved very slightly upwards,
reaching 71 units on the 19th and 20th, its highest level since July.
The average across the week was 70, a gain of one point. The 90-day
average was unchanged at 68 and the X-ray flux stayed below its minimum
reporting threshold. More importantly for HF propagation, geomagnetic
levels were consistently low, averaging a shade under 5 Ap units. Solar
wind speeds reported by the ACE spacecraft ranged between a high of
476km/sec on the 16th and a low of 278km/sec on the 20th. Particle
densities were low every day, apart from the occasional short-lived
blip. And the interplanetary magnetic field was quiet, with Bz showing
only small variation, the maximum being between plus 7 and minus 5
nanoTeslas on the 20th. Aided by low geomagnetic levels and seasonal
improvement, HF propagation reached predicted values. Good morning
openings to the Far East and the Pacific were reported on 14MHz and the
Glorioso DXpedition proved workable up to 24MHz. There were even brief
periods with sporadic-E on 28MHz.

Looking ahead now, solar activity will mostly be very low, though we may
well see occasional sunspots and even a minor flare. Solar flux levels
are expected to hover around 70. The geomagnetic field may initially be
slightly unsettled in the wake of a small coronal hole disturbance but
should subsequently be quiet. Prospects for HF propagation look
reasonably good, within the context of the current prolonged solar
minimum. MUFs at equal latitudes will continue to be around 19MHz in
southern Britain and 16MHz in the north. Darkness lows will be about
9MHz. Paths to southern Africa should have a maximum usable frequency
around 22MHz. The optimum working frequency, at which there should be a
90 per cent chance of success, will be around 18MHz. The best time will
be between 1400 and 2000 UTC.

Finally, G4FKH's propagation predictions for a wide range of paths can
now be found on the Society's web page at 

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.
Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies
can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses
and website links where known.


On Tuesday 29 September Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is operating
from the shack. Contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Wednesday 30 September Bracknell Amateur Radio Club is having a 2
metre local net on 145.375 FM. Contact Paul, M3XPR, by email to

On Wednesday 30 September Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a construction evening. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

On Wednesday 30 September Dover Radio Club is having ten-minute talks by
members. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to

On Wednesday 30 September Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is
having an informal evening. Contact John, M0UKD, 07817365354.

On Wednesday 30 September Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having an
informal construction and workshop evening with Bright Sparks. Contact
Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204.

On Wednesday 30 September Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is on
the air and having a discussion enening. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903
753 893.

On Thursday 1 October Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk by
George, G3BNE oh his life in radio. Contact Bob, 2E0RCV, on 020 8265
7735 after 8pm.

On Thursday 1 October Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a used
equipment sale. Details on the web at

On Thursday 1 October King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a club
night and 2m club net. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to

On Thursday 1 October Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is
planning for CQWW. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757.

On Friday 2 October Cambridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on Cambridgeshire RAYNET by David, G8IDL. Contact David Leary,
G8JKV on 01223 355254.

On Friday 2 October Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is looking
at mobiles, portables and test equipment. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737
552 170.

On Friday 2 October Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is
having a talk on the history of signalling by John Mulye, G0VEH. Contact
Marc Litchman, G0TOC, on 020 8502 1645.

On Friday 2 October Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk by
Roger Western, G3SXW. Details on the web at

On Saturday 3 October Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the
bunker. Contact Steve, on 01424 720815.

On Saturday 3 October Surrey Radio Contact Club has its club dinner.
Contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589.

On Sunday 4 October Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having
breakfast at the Goring Café Restaurant. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903
753 893.


Foundation and Advanced training courses start in Lymington, Hampshire
this month. The Foundation course commences on Friday 25 September and
the Advanced on Monday 28 September. Details from Richard Ferguson,
M0RBF, by email to 
The Horndean & District ARC will be running their next Licence training
course in October. The first part of the tuition for the Foundation
Licence will be on Saturday October 3rd, with the remainder of the
course, plus the exam on Sunday October 11th. There is also an
intermediate licence course, with the exam also on October 11th. Details
from the Stuart Swain, G0FYX, on 02392 472846

On Monday 28 September Bristol RSGB Group is having a talk on the 
mechanics of music and how to stay in tune by Professor Alan Bramley,
G4NDU. Contact Robin, G3TKF, on 01225 420442.

On Tuesday 29 September West Devon Radio Club is having a CW night.
Contact Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752291588.

On Wednesday 30 September Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a talk on kite aerials by Roger, G4ROJ. Contact William, G3WNI,
on 01823 666 234.

On Wednesday 30 September Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur
Radio Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048.

On Thursday 1 October Newquay and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a general chat and operating night. Contact Joe Bell, M6JOE, on
01726 891557.

On Thursday 1 October South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having talks
by members on domestic radios from yesteryear. Contact Len, G4RZY, on
01275 834 282.

On Thursday 1 October Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having
a talk on the world of DX by Don Field, G3XTT. Contact Den, M0ACM, on
07810 317750.

On Friday 2 October Bournemouth Radio Society is having a talk by Nicky
Marriott, M5YLO about her recent YL Dxpedition to the Falklands.
Visitors are welcome. The meeting is at 8pm at the Kinson Community
Centre.  Contact John, G0HAT on 07719 700771.

On Friday 2 October Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating
night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to


On Monday 28 September Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society
is having an informal evening. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478,

On Monday 28 September Leicester Amateur Radio Society is on the air.
Contact the duty committee member on 07804 595749.

On Monday 28 September South Birmingham Radio Society is testing its
equipment for field day. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.

On Monday 28 September Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is
having a talk on aurora by G4GEE. Contact G0CHO, on 01608 664488.

On Tuesday 29 September Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is on
the air. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 29 September Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is
having a practical evening. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Wednesday 30 September Lincoln Short-Wave Club is making final
arrangements for National Hamfest on the 2nd and 3rd. Contact Pam Rose,
on 01427 788356.

On Wednesday 30 September Midland Amateur Radio Society Club is on the
air, having a ragchew and holding training classes. Contact Norman,
G8BHE, on 01214 229 787.

On Wednesday 30 September South Notts Amateur Radio Club is holding a
members-only Forum. Contact Terry, M0RIA, on the web at

On Wednesday 30 September Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a social evening. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677.

On Thursday 1 October Lowestoft and District Pye Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night. Contact Phil, G0JSG, on 01502585448.

On Thursday 1 October Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. Details on the web at

On Friday 2 October Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association is having a
talk on D-Star by G4SGI. Contact Derek Thom, G3NKS, on 01242 241099.

On Friday 2 October Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
Coventry Cathedral by Gordon Thorpe, M0GKO. Contact John, G8SEQ, on
07958 777363.

On Friday 2 October Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group is holding a
photo competition on the subject of fire. Contact Ken Frankcom, G3OCA,
on 01332 720976.

On Friday 2 October South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603.


On Monday 28 September the UKFM Group Western holds its Annual General
Meeting in the club room of the Warrington Amateur Radio Club. The venue
is Grappenhall Community Centre, Bellhouse Lane Grappenhall WA4 2SG. For
further information please contact Kath, M1CNY on 01270 761 608 or email

On Monday 28 September Angel Of The North Amateur Radio Club is on the
air and continues its Advanced licence course. Contact Nancy Bone,
G7UUR, on 0191 4770036.

On Monday 28 September Bolton Wireless Club is having a talk on low
earth orbit amateur satellites by Andy, G1EFP. Contact

On Monday 28 September Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a social
night. Contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, by email to

On Monday 28 September South Manchester Radio And Computer Club has its
monthly technical forum. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Monday 28 September Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is
watching a video on the Wellington bomber with John, G4FRK. Contact John
Foster, M3WAZ, on 01253 399377.

On Tuesday 29 September Chester and District Radio Society is having a
bring and tell evening. Contact Barbara Green on 0151 339 9183.

On Tuesday 29 September Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society is having a
social evening. Contact Martin Hazel, M0ZIF, on 07852 200232.

On Tuesday 29 September Otley Amateur Radio Society is having
presentations by members. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.

On Tuesday 29 September Warrington Amateur Radio Club is having a talk
on DSP basics by Cliff, M0MRC. Contact Roger, M0DWQ, on 07868 000 705.

On Saturday 3 October Chester and District Radio Society is having a
committee meeting. Contact Barbara Green on 0151 339 9183.

On Saturday 3 October Otley Amateur Radio Society Club is visiting the
National Hamfest. Contact Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996370.

On Wednesday 30 September Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
contesting by Richard, G4CGG. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377

On Wednesday 30 September Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is planning
for Radioactive. Contact Peter Paul Fox, G8HAV, on 01606553401.

On Thursday 1 October South Manchester Radio And Computer Club a is
having a talk on navigating the Warwickshire Ring by Dave, G4UGM.
Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999.

On Friday 2 October East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a radio
magazines evening. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday 2 October Tynemouth Radio Club is looking at the virtual
world. Contact Graham Errington, 07812 172136.


On Sunday 27 September Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society is taking part
in Railways on the Air from Dufftown station. Contact Jim, MM0SMD, on
01340 820 134.

On Tuesday 29 September Ayr Amateur Radio Group is having a construction
night. Contact Charlie, MM0GNS, on 01563 551704,

On Tuesday 29 September Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society is
having a club evening. Contact Norman, on 07740 946192.

On Wednesday 30 September Kingdom Amateur Radio Society is having a
shack night. Contact Brian, MM0XBD, on 01383 738905.

On Thursday 1 October Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a junk
sale. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663.

On Friday 2 October Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
having a normal club night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.

On Sunday 4 October Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is
taking part in the RSGB 21 and 28MHz Contest. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on
01875 811 723.


On Thursday 1 October Meirion Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
antenna design by Simon, 2W0SAK. Contact John, MW0VTK, on 07868 738016.

On Friday 2 October Newport Amateur Radio Society is having a
construction night. Contact Gareth Price on 01633 880081.

GB2RS welcomes news from all RSGB affiliated local clubs. We invite Club
secretaries to email details of forthcoming meetings to Any information for November meetings that arrives
before Thursday 1 October will also appear in the Club Calendar section
of RadCom. 


On Thursday 1 October Bangor and District Amateur Radio Club is having
an operating evening. Contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2383.

GB2RS welcomes news from all RSGB affiliated local clubs. We invite Club
secretaries to email details of forthcoming meetings to Any information for November meetings that arrives
before Thursday 1 October will also appear in the Club Calendar section
of RadCom. 

And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast,
prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

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