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Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

G4EBT  > PACKE    13.02.08 00:01l 196 Lines 5938 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : F97912G4EBT
Subj: Re: packetized frogs (VK6BE)
Sent: 080212/2026Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:61370 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:F97912G4

Bob, VK6BE wrote:-

> I would say the actual number of packets sent by packeteers signifies
> nothing much. 

Just as well in your case Bob.

You're way in front of any of us - you sent over 80% more 
bulls than me in Jan 2008. (Warren sent almost 90% more).
But if that's what floats your boat it's fine by me - I'm not wittering on
about the number and length of bulls - just the relevance of the content
to the header.

Don't lose sight of the central point - the content of a bull should
reflect the topic - especially topics such as PACKET, which people 
bookmark for auto-download.
Others have a reasonable expectation that it will be about packet - not
frogs and dogs. If people send irrevant trivia to topics such as WINPACK,
PACKET or SYSOP they very quickly wear out their welcome.
Even someone as obdurate as you Bob should surely see that.

> The packets from me would average no more than 1.5 kB, 
> usually less than that, and rarely more than 2 kB. 

You seem to feel there's merit in 1.5k - 2k bulls, per se.

I'd argue the opposite. I rarely read bulls that short from anyone - they
usually consist of one-line quips and a sig block longer than the text. 

I don't want to sound unkind but the comparisons you are making 
are, I think, very bad form, and starting to look conceited. 

I'm not sure what you hope to gain by it.

I can best quote Desiderata:

If you compare yourself with others you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 


But as you *are* making comparisons, consider this:

In Jan I wrote 103 bulls, plus 14 to GBR only - mostly topics 
I started myself - not "re this, re that, re re re the other".

188 bulls of yours arrived at GB7FCR in Jan, and
193 bulls of Warren - mostly aimed in your direction.

It's true that yours were about 2k each.

But here's the rub:

Of your 188 bulls, here are just a few threads, 
and the number of responses you've sent to date:

Grumpy 33
Fees   21
Greeny 17
LPG    14
Packet 13
Anthem 10 

The total you sent to Grumpy amounted to almost 
40k, and to Fees (to date) more than 35k.

Again, it matters not to me - I haven't read or responded to any. But can 
a topic really merit 33 bulls from one individual over the course of less
than a month, and 21 over just four days? 

It would seem so.

You admonish others for what you see as their failings then to go right
ahead and do the self-same thing yourself, only more so. Do you not see 
the irony in that?

If anyone writes something critical of their government, you'll say: 

"Vote them out - it's that simple - we don't want to read this stuff" 
[you don't have to], holding yourself out as a self-appointed spokesman 
on behalf of the ww packet community. 

The you write stuff like this, resorting to upper case shouting
as though the person with whom you don't see eye-to-eye is deaf:


So much for your much-vaunted seldom-observed "common good manners".

You instruct others not to talk politics - even nonsensically saying 
it's outside the terms of the licence, then going right ahead and do 
so yourself: 

> Does it cost the Government money everytime you go on the air? 
>Of course not. It is just another money grab.

Then in your inimitable style you admonish another 
amateur (not me) as though he's a naughty schoolboy:

>Please stick to the point.

How impudent is that?

>Those from G4EBT are rarely less than 6kB, 

True - this one's no different.

You'll doubtless invoke defence #1:- 

"I read 1k then deleted the 5k of waffle".

You aren't fooling anyone Bob.

>and have been as high as 8 kB. 

Errrrm, like this sort of thing then:

13-Jan B$  8188 UNDEAD @WW  VK6BE  Re: Back to KB2VXA with various?  
           ^^^^ ^^^^^^      ^^^^^
8.2k of utter tosh to an offensive header - 8k of requoted text about 'cat
pooh coffee', frogs, dogs, turtles, with just one line from you addressed
to one individual in the manner of a personal message:


>Well with that little lot you lost me Rodge. Who said what?


I'm not surprised you were lost.

If you heard anyone talking like that on air you'd think they were CBers 
or pirates. You're an intelligent well-educated man, yet you dignify their
incoherant drivel with a response.

Get a grip Bob. 

As to 6k bulls I've said many times that the topics about which I write 
can't be covered in a few throwaway lines. 6k is three A4 pages - read 
or ignore. 

Have you seen the length of some of your fellow VKs bulls? 
You must have - here are just a few:

29.9k, 28.1, 27.1, 25.9, 10.6, 9.8, 9.4, 9,6, 9.2, 7.7, 7.6, 7.2, 6.9...

Then there's the humongous VK1DSN SPACE bulls - more than 70k in a day.
But it doesn't matter - they're posted on the same basis as mine are -
read if you're interested, ignore if not.

And the VE ones: 14.8k, 11.8, 10.8, 9.4, 8.9, 7.6, 7.3, 6.6...

I don't have a problem with any of the above as I don't read
them so it's no inconvenience to me - each to their own.

However, given your preoccupation with 6k bulls I am surprised that you've
never commented unfavourably on any of the above. I wonder why that might

I think we know the answer.

See my point?  

Probably not.

You do seem to have calmed down a bit though since your latest
"re-manifestation" on packet, so that's a good sign for 2008.

BTW, I appreciated you bull on Oz accents. I asked for comments, you wrote
an interesting response, and it was a bit mean of me not to have said so.

I've admonished myself accordingly.

There, just 6k.

Best wishes 
David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR

Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 20:24 on 2008-Feb-12
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.70

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