G3ZHI > ALL 10.06.09 12:43l 232 Lines 12532 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 53489-GB7SYP
Subj: rsgb draft council min 9th may
Sent: 090610/0746Z @:GB7SYP.#19.GBR.EU #:53489 [Barnsley Local] $:53489-GB7SYP
Colin Thomas G3PSM President-Chairman
Trevor Bailey M0KMB RM Region 5.
Phillip Brooks G4NZQ RM Region 12
Leslie Butterfields G0CIB Director Technical and Propagation Studies
Don Field G3XTT Director Radio Sports
Mark Harper MW1MDH RM Region 6
Pam Helliwell G7SME RM Region 11
Gordon Hunter GM3ULP RM Region 1
Alison Johnston G8ROG RM Region 09
Gavin Keegan G6DGK RM Region 10
Peter Lowrie MI5JYK RM Region 08
Denny Morrison GM1BAM RM Region 02
Gareth Price GW3MPP RM Region 07
Brian Reay G8OSN Director Amateur Radio Development
Harold Scrivens G0UGE RM Region 04
Jeff Smith MI0AEX Director Technical (Environmental)
Jim Stevenson G0EJQ RM Region 13
Anthony Vinters G0WFG Director Education and Training.
Dave Wilson M0OBW Director ETCC and HFC
Kath Wilson M1CNY RM Region 03
Peter Kirby G0TWW General Manager
Rupert Thorogood G3KKT Company Secretary
Robert Dingle G0OCB Treasurer
The President welcomed the National Council Members to Sandy for the first meeting
of this session.
1. Apologies
There were no apologies.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
2.1 The minutes of the National Council meeting held at the Holiday Inn Garden
Court, Sandy, Bedford on Saturday 8 November 2008 were approved with the
following amendments -
2.1.1 Item 4.4 it was the President not the RM region 08 who had suggested the
seasonal cards.
2.1.2 Item 10.8 this should read Regional Council not National Council.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Morse Instructors previous item 4.1.1 The Amateur Radio Development
Portfolio Holder to put a note on the reflector asking for Morse Instructors. Closed.
3.1.1 The Amateur Radio Development Portfolio Holder wished to record a vote of
thanks for the efforts in this respect.
3.2 previous item 3.2 The President proposed that Board Members, should they wish,
have access to the Regional Manager’s Reflector. This had been agreed. Closed.
3.3 Education and Training Policy previous item 4.2.2 The Education and Training
Portfolio Holder to produce a policy on Education and Training. The Portfolio Holder
gave a status report and said that this is ongoing.
3.4 Ownership of Club Equipment previous item 10.1 General Manager has
obtained legal advice. Closed.
3.5 Committee to be formed for Olympics coordination previous item 10.2
General Manager to place an item in RadCom. Closed.
4. Board Portfolio Reports
4.1 Spectrum and Regulatory Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder who
said that there had been a meeting with Ofcom and the MoU was still under
discussion. The Ofcom Forum at Abbey Court had been successful. The next policy
group meeting will be held at the Baldock Monitoring Station in October at which the
2012 Olympics will be discussed. He added that the Ofcom minutes attached to his
report should remain confidential.
4.1.1 There were no questions.
4.2 ARDC Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder who said that there had
been further enquires about the Train the Trainers sessions.
4.2.1 He said that the Norfolk Club had a project called Bright Sparks for the younger
members. He will be contacting National Council delegates with a proposal to expand
this initiative.
4.2.2. There were no questions.
4.3 Education and Training Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder who
said that in order to obtain formal recognition the exams needed to be revised to test
their validity for the 21st C. He asked delegates for suggestions outside the meeting.
4.2.1 There were no questions.
4.4 Environment and Planning Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder who
said that leaflet 07 on PME had been withdrawn and redrafted and submitted to the
IET for comment. The RF safety leaflet is being revised. PLA interference remains
the most important issue but anyone who has this problem should report it to Ofcom
and get a case number as the number of formal complaints has been minimal.
4.4.1 He added that PSU interference is also an issue which is being followed by
Trading Standing Officers.
4.4.2 There was concern that the EMC Committee web pages had last been updated
last in 2006 and did not reflect the current concerns with PLT matters. The President
asked that this be expedited.
4.4.3 The Planning Advisory Committee is planning some training sessions. In the
meantime a briefing paper is to be published.
4.4.4 There were no questions.
4.5 ETCC and RSGB Convention Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder
who said that an ETCC item dealing with the criticism of a repeater keeper will be
dealt with shortly. He said the Guide to Repeater Licensing was published on the
ETCC website on May 1st.
RSGB Convention arrangements are now well in hand.
4.5.1 There were no questions.
4.6 Propagation Studies Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder who said
that the request for speakers for the RSGB Convention had produced three offers.
Two papers have been submitted on beacons. He said that the peer review on articles
was proceeding satisfactorily.
4.5.1. There were no questions.
4.6 Public Service
In the absence of a Portfolio Holder there was no report.
4.7 Sports Radio, IOTA and QSL Report had been tabled by the Portfolio Holder
who said that the Contest Committee had met and their conclusions had been
published. Individual Licensee Special Contest Calls had been discussed with Ofcom
and some changes incorporated. The final version is expected shortly.
4.7.1 There have been some issues with IOTA as a result of a staff resignation. A
new structure is being planned.
4.7.2 He said that he had given an update on the 2012 Olympics at the AGM and he
was expecting some guidance on the use of logos.
4.7.3 On the QSL bureau he highlighted the increase in foreign carriage costs. He said
that a review of the number of sub managers was being undertaken.
4.7.4 There were no questions.
4.8 Regional Team Report
4.8.1 This had been previously tabled but Jim Stevenson said there had been a
proposal to have an E-DRM in region 13. The RM region 03 asked whether an EDRM
should be part of the regional team. The General Manager said that regions who
had an E-DRM worked well and that any E-DRM should be accorded all the Regional
Team facilities.
4.8.2 Phillip Brooks G4NZQ commented on the fact that Yearbooks had been given to
new members but no note to that effect had been put on the accounts.
4.8.3 The General Manager said that despite announcements to the contrary it was
unlikely that the normal Leicester show will go ahead.
4.8.4 There were no further questions.
5. Regional Reports
5.1 The Regional Reports had been previously tabled by the Regional Managers
5.2 RM01 report. The RM said that the International Lighthouse event would continue
as planned but there was a similar event planned by an American. There continues to
be AM activity 145.8 MHz.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.3 RM02 report. The RM had little to report.
5.3.1 There were no questions.
5.4 RM03 report. The RM also raised the question of E-DRM.
5.4.1 The Blackpool Rally was a great success.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.5 RM04 report. The RM said that the problems at the Sheffield Club had been
5.5.1 The Treasurer asked about the voting methods for the best club. The RM said
that the winning club submission had appeared on the Radio 4 website.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.6 RM05 report. The RM said there was little to report but training inspections had
taken place.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.7 RM06 report. The RM said there was little to report.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.8 RM07 report. The RM said that he had two new DRMs.
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.9 RM08 report. The RM updated the meeting regarding the postponement of a
GB4FUN visit to the Region. The General Manager said this had arisen because of the
staff resignation but a new date has been fixed.
5.9.1 There was an interesting comment on complaints procedure. The General
Manager confirmed that there was no formal system in place at HQ but that most
complaints were handled by himself or the Commercial Manager, dependant on the
5.2.1 There were no questions.
5.10 RM09 report was tabled at the meeting. The RM said that training was going
5.10.1 There were no questions.
5.11 RM10 report. The RM said that the Region 101 open day had gone very well. An
Advanced course for mid Sussex had been started online and was scheduled over a ten
week period. He said that the bulletins sent to the local press about World Amateur
Radio Day had not been published.
5.11.1 There were no questions.
5.12 RM11 report. The RM asked about an enquiry regarding funding for beacon
electricity which had been sent to HQ. This was being investigated.
5.12.1 There were no questions.
5.13 RM12 report. The RM mentioned about the fast refund made to a member over
65 who had been paying the full rate and complimented the Financial Controller for
her swift action..
5.13.1 There were no questions.
5.14 RM13 report. The RM commented on the bad language on a repeater reportedly
from a police officer. He will forward the details to the General Manager.
5.14.1 The General Manager said that he had received several messages about the
excellent work of the Region 13 Manager. This was applauded by the meeting.
5.14.2 There were no questions.
6. Project North
6.1 The General Manager gave a summary of the project. He said that the new
premises for the MKARS were now available. There is a new architect. Further
discussion had taken place with the Bletchley Park Trust. He hopes to have the
building completed by the end of the summer and he hopes to have this operational in
time for the AGM next year. GB2RS should soon be on the air again.
7. Club of the Year Contest
7.1 The General Manager said he had been impressed with the Region 4 initiatives
and he would like start this nationally. This will be launched in the next edition of
8. Presidential Election
8.1 The President said that there had been two candidates from amongst the Directors
for the Presidential period 2010-2011. Dave Wilson, M0OBW the ETCC and RSGB
Convention Portfolio Holder and Don Field G3XTT, the Radio Sports, IOTA and
QSL Bureau Portfolio Holder. The President asked the Council for their approval of
the Board recommendation Dave Wilson.
8.2 This was carried nem con and to acclamation by the meeting.
9. AOB
9.1 The General Manager explained the background to the resignation of Jane Finch.
He will be interviewing candidates shortly.
9.2 The ETCC and HFC Portfolio Holder said that someone on the ETCC reflector
had suggested there is tax relief on the subscription for the RSGB. He also asked
whether there is any relief on training.
Action: Company Secretary to ascertain the tax position for training.
9.3 The RM Region 11 asked about writing articles for other jmagazines and whether
the Society needed to vet it. The General Manager said he would like oversight of any
9.4 The RM Region 02 had a query about BACS payments. He said that all his details
had come back in an e-mail from HQ. The GM said he would look into this.
9.5 The RM Region 13 reminded the meeting about a rally at Northampton for the
Macmillan Nurses fund.
9.6 The RM Region 08 said that the Blackpool rally had been superb and thanked all
those concerned.
9.7 The Technical and Propagation Studies Portfolio Holder asked if he could do an email
shot to all the regions about RSGB Tech. The General Manager suggested he put
it on the website.
9.8 The RM region 05 asked about free copies of the yearbook. See 4.8.2 above.
9.9 The RM region 04 said that the weight of boxes of books were a problem.
He had heard that one of the Clubs in his area wanted to change to another area and
this might affect some other clubs. The President said this was up to the Regional
Managers but thought that there should not be a problem. Obviously distance from the
division between Regions should be taken into consideration.
9.10 The Company Secretary asked about destruction of documents. There is no
common method but delegates are alerted to use secure destruction.
9.11 The General Manager said that there should be no back log on expense claims.
10. Date of Next Meeting
10.1 The next National Council meeting will be held on 14 November 2009 at the
Holiday Inn, Sandy, Bedford.
There being no other business the President thanked all those attending and closed the
meeting at 1545.
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