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VK7AX  > NEWS     07.06.09 09:00l 690 Lines 23745 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 7 June 2009
Sent: 090607/0623Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:4534 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX




Sorell Men's Shed Event "Community Project"

Southern Winter Ham Fest

This weekend is the Southern Winter Ham Fest being held at the 
Sorell Men's Shed, Station Lane, Sorell.

Yesterday was packed with events including the activation of the 
Men's Shed station - VK7SMS who conducted an on air Award across 
all bands.

From 9am today is another jam-packed day of activities. Don't forget 
to bring along your projects for the home brew competition.

There will be a BBQ lunch and a few small raffles as well as, 
the main raffle which consists of a full sized two element 40 metre 
Yagi and you can see it on display.

Local trade tables include: Icom , L D Antennas, and many pre 
loved items will be available.

All proceeds will go to the Men's Shed.

See you there. from


Men's Sheds

The common theme in all Sheds is about men feeling useful and 
contributing again to their communities, learning or sharing their 
skills and making friends.

Men's Sheds are fast being recognized as vital, viable places to 
accommodate these needs and provide relaxed, happy creative spaces 
for men of all ages to enjoy.

The Growing Problems with men's health, isolation loneliness and 
depression are looming as major health issues. Men's Sheds can play 
a significant and practical role in addressing these.

Activities within the Men's Shed are many and varied and may include:

Woodwork, Metalwork, Restoration of old cars, machinery and relics 
from the past for placement in the Museum, Electronics, Amateur Radio, 
Alterative energy and Gardening to name a few.

Having Fun, sharing, show and tell, it's great way to get yourself back 
on track.

The Sorell Men's Shed and Heritage Museum is where skilled and unskilled 
men can share time with each other, or just sit around the wood heater, 
enjoying a cuppa and swapping yarns.

Why not come down today and see what it is all about,

You wont regret it!

(Ken, VK7DY, SMS Coordinator)



A summary of the events across VK7 over the coming month:

NTARC – June 10th – Meeting at Alanvale Polytechnic - Block B 
Electrotechnology Rooms – Incorporation Discussion – 7:30pm

REAST – June 10, 17 & 24th – ATV Experimenter's Nights 
– 7:30pm Queens Domain Club rooms.

REAST – June 16th – Advanced/Standard Assessment Session.

REAST – June 20th – Foundation Licence Course and Assessments Session.

NTARC – June 20 & 21 - Museums on the Air – Flinders Island IOTA OC195 

CCARC – June 27th - Bill, VK7MX demo of squid pole HF antenna 1.30pm 
at the Penguin Lions club rooms.

WMBD – June 27th – World Moon Bounce Day celebrating the Echoes of 
Apollo 40th Anniversary of the first Moon landing.


Non-Commercial FOR Sale and Wanted

We have a wanted this morning from Paul Stampton VK3IH (was G3ZDR and 
VK3KXG) from Leongatha in Victoria, and Paul lets us know that some 
years ago he sold his large collection of valve ham radio gear to a 
ham in Hobart who owned a company involved in waste disposal of some 
kind and had a mother who lived in the Dandenongs in Victoria where 
he delivered the equipment in 2005/06.

Paul is looking to make contact with this amateur again so, if you 
know of this person or are this person then please email Paul at 

73 from Paul VK3IH.



Northern Tasmania Amateur Radio Club

Gavin, VK7VTX, who shouldn't be any stranger to amateurs in Northern 
Tasmania, is going to be operating a "museum of the air" on the 
weekend of the 20th and 21st.  He'll be working from the Furneaux 
Historical Research Association Museum at Emita on Flinders Island, 
using a Swan 350 with squid pole and G5RV antennas. Since this is a 
world-wide event, there should be lots of interest.  Gavin would like 
to get as many contacts as possible for the event, and any QSOs that 
you make will count towards you obtaining IOTA awards (OC195).  
QSL cards go VK7VTX, care of Gavin Barnes, Lady Barron Post Office, 
Flinders Island 7255.

The next meeting for NTARC will find itself being held in the freshly 
renovated Alanvale Polytechnic Block B Electrotechnology rooms where 
they have been held in the past.  Come along this Wednesday to hear 
and participate in discussions relating to possible incorporation of 
the Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club.

It seems as if the lure of warmer climates of the `big island' to 
the North of Tasmania has seen a few amateurs migrate north for the 
winter.  This is the perfect opportunity to dust off your HF rig or 
brush up on your IRLP skills and keep in contact with our nomad 
comrades as they travel around the mainland.  If only the rest of us 
were so lucky. HIHI.

Thanks from

(Al, VK7AN and Jason VK7ZJA)



Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) – Formerly NWTARIG

On the Saturday 30th of May 2009 - NWTARIG held a special general 
meeting with a focus to move towards incorporation.

The end result was that 3 main motions were unanimously passed by all 
members present. These were as follows -

1 - The club is now renamed to the "CRADLE COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB", 
which reflects the wide municipal areas that the club serves.

2 - The members voted to proceed with incorporation. This move offers 
the club and members a much improved legal situation in these modern 
litigious times.

3 - The members voted to adopt a new set of rules base on the current 
Tasmanian model rules. The new rules will now provide a much clearer 
framework for the club to go forward into the future.

One of the changes allows prospective members to join without having 
to find a proposer and seconder for their application. This makes it 
easier for any newcomer to amateur radio to join up and belong to a 
club and get to know the general amateur population face to face.

The club also welcomed two new members, Scott and Kelly Wilson. 
They both are aspiring to obtain their foundation licences in the near 
future and the members will be doing their best to help them along the 

Another outcome of the meeting was to move to monthly meetings, with
 meetings on alternate months deemed a "social meeting" with only 
essential business to be covered and then to move on to the main focus 
of the day, typically a demonstration of some aspect of amateur radio 
or perhaps a technical session. As a result of this, Bill, VK7MX, 
has kindly volunteered for the next meeting to do a presentation 
featuring the squid pole HF antenna.

That meeting and presentation will be happening at a new time 
- 1.30pm on Saturday the 27th of June at the Penguin Lions club rooms, 
19 Ironcliffe road, Penguin,

The shift in the start time will allow more time for the presentation, 
owing to the fixed hall closure time.

All members and visitors are welcome to attend.

(David Cleland, VK7DC, Secretary, CCARC)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

Callbooks and Foundation Licence Manuals

Gavin VK7HGO lets us know that Foundation Licence Manuals and 2009 
Call Books can be obtained from the Caltex Service Station which is 
136-138 Main Road Moonah on the corner of Amy St.

You might even get some driveway service from Clayton VK7ZCR…HIHI.

Gavin also has some of these items so just give him a call on the 
repeaters or on mobile 0407 724 431.

(Gavin, VK7HGO, President)


REAST Education and Training

This Tuesday the 16th June an examination session for the Advanced 
and Standard licenses will be held at 7:30 pm in the Queens Domain 
Clubrooms. Please let Reg VK7KK know if you are interested in 

There will also be a foundation training and practical assessment 
session on Saturday June 20th starting at 9 am.

Anyone interested in participating in a Standard training course for 
about 10 weeks starting around the end of June please let me know. 
It could be on a Tuesday or Friday night. Please indicate if either 
of these nights is unsuitable.

Reg VK7KK can be contacted on mobile: 0417 391 607 or 
email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


REAST ATV Experimenters Night

We get back underway with our ATV Experimenter's nights this Wednesday 
night at 7:30pm in the ATV Studio – Queen's Domain Clubrooms.

We will again be going out on 444.25MHz Analogue ATV and 23cm Digital 

We have some great historical recordings relating to the lead up to, 
during and after the walk on the moon including some great historical 
footage of the Parkes Radio Telescope.

These presentation are to get viewers in the mood for the soon to be 
celebrated 40th Anniversary of the first moon walk on 20th July 1967.

We will be finishing off with the third and final hour of the three 
one hour presentations on the HPSDR project by Phil Harman VK6APH. 
These lectures where given at the 2008 Digital Communications 
Conference held jointly by the ARRL and TAPR.

Phil is one of the designers of the Software Defined Radio project 
– Mercury.

This presentation honestly shows the future of radio with Digital Down 
Conversion techniques.

This is a not to be missed presentation.

We are currently considering a permanent Digital ATV transmission 
arrangement and are trying to work through the engineering issues of 
whether it would be the DVB-S or the DVB-T standard.

DVB-S can tolerate much lower S:N ratios and has better forward error 
correction capability where as DVB-T needs higher S:N but does 
tolerate multi-pathing and other propagation issues much better.

However DVB-T hardware is more complex and therefore more expensive 
in the transmitter area, but the receivers are cheaper!

So, please forward your ideas to Justin VK7TW for consideration.

See you Wednesday night around 7:30pm for another great night of ATV 
and experimenting.

See you there.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)



GippsTech 2009

Peter Freeman VK3KAI lets us know that the GippsTech 2009 program 
has been announced and it happens on July 11th & 12th 2009 at the 
Churchhill Campus of Monash University.

GippsTech is the premier 2 day conference organised & run by the 
Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club Inc for VHF, UHF & SHF enthusiasts 
in Australia.

Various presentations are given by fellow amateurs covering different 
topics over the two days and after the first day's presentation a get 
together for dinner is organised for all interested to catch up, 
discuss the day's topics and have a good in general chin wag.

Proceedings from Past Conferences, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 
are available unless sold out; 2008 will be available at the 2009 event. 
Orders taken for electronic (CD) copies of volumes sold out.

Have a look at the website for the registration form and further details.

The current list of talks offered is listed below - I am happy to 
receive additional topics (or remind me of a previous offer not on 
the list!!).

Proceedings from 2008 will be available for sale at (and after) this
 year's event.

The GippsTech 2009 Program thus far with the following presentations 
that have been confirmed.

Doug McArthur VK3UM - Fires - being in the middle of it! (Will include 
observations on communication system performance during the 
Kinglake-Murrindindi complex fires.)

Doug McArthur VK3UM - Latest EME software updates

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Andy Sayers VK2AES - Square-Section Parallel 
Transmission Lines: Theory, Practice and Applications. Which is 
subtitled: How a Waltz with a round equation became the Unsquare Dance!

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH - Sporadic E and VHF Propagation: 
New Observations and Advances in Understanding

Dale Hughes VK1DSH - Direct conversion, phasing type transceiver for 
2 m SSB

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB - Experiences with the Qualcom boards as the 
basis of a 10 GHz transverter

David Smith VK3HZ - A Simple USB Rig Interface

Andrew Martin VK3OE - Towers, Some of what you need to know plus 
what you don't want to know

Neil Sandford VK2EI - Simple Coax Band Pass Filters

Neil Sandford VK2EI - High Level Wideband Noise Source

The Friday evening starts with a social dinner gathering at the 
Bistro at the Morwell Hotel-Motel.

Saturday 0900-1800 at Monash University Gippsland Campus, 
Churchill with BBQ lunch available if pre-booked with registration.

At 1900 the Conference Dinner at the Morwell Club, Helen St, Morwell

Sunday 0930-1300 at Monash University Gippsland Campus, Churchill, 
followed by BBQ is pre-booked.

Conference closes just prior to the lunch.

(Peter VK3KAI, GippsTech 2009 Convenor)


Emergency Communication News

Global ALE High Frequency Network

On the 26th of June 2007, HFN, the ham radio Global ALE High Frequency 
Network was born. It has been alive and on the air ever since. 
This is the first time a ham radio net has ever functioned continuously 
on all 8 major HF bands simultaneously 24/7/365.

The main purpose is Emergency / Relief Communications, and the focus 
is to provide a framework to help the various Emcomm and relief 
organisations of the world inter-operate better with each other on HF.

All ham operators are welcome and invited to participate in the net on 
the air at any hour of the day or night, for normal QSOs and messages, 
soundings, or priority Emcomm use.

HFN has grown to many stations now, and is expanding to cover far-flung 
areas of the planet. Congratulations to all the HFN Pilot Ops who make 
it an ongoing success.

ALE On The Air Week (AOTAW) is an annual international amateur radio 
event sponsored by HFLINK. All hams are invited to participate in 
10 days 
of HF Automatic Link Establishment activity on the air.

The purpose of the event is to encourage ALE communication techniques 
among amateur radio operators worldwide. Operator experience in this 
readiness exercise is useful for HF Emergency / Disaster Relief 

AOTAW is an open informal operating event for hams to check out their 
ALE communications equipment, get real-world experience initiating 
and responding to ALE calls, link up with fellow ALE operators for 
text or voice QSOs on HF, and share helpful information about setting 
up ALE stations.

Thousands of amateur radio operators worldwide have ALE-capable 
and many were active in last year's AOTAW event. Visit the ALE High 
Frequency Network's ALE Channel ZERO web site for up-to-the-minute 
activity loggings of all the ALE signals as they are received at the
 various stations around the world during the event.

Whenever you transmit an ALE call or sounding on the air, it is 
picked up by ALE Channel ZERO reporting stations, and displayed in 
real time on the web.

Check it out along with the links to the IARU, ARRL and many other 
national organisations at the web link on the email and internet 
editions of this broadcast.

(Sourced from the HF LINK website via Harvey VK7TED)

Harvey VK7TED has setup his IC706Gmk2 and it is happily scanning the 
14MHz digital frequencies and beaconing every hour.

The software is freely available from the net and Harvey comments 
that there are even some digital modes/frequencies that are not 
in the Australian Band Plan.

The software PCALE is supplied by Charles Brain G4GUO and is full 
Mil-Standard Automatic Link Establishment operation using HF SSB or 
ham radio transceivers. The advanced features include Scanning, 
Sounding, Channel Groups, Calling, Netcalls, Allcalls, AMD, DBM, DTM, 
LQA, and many many other functions. The software uses the PC sound 
card device to interface to the radio.

(73, Harvey, VK7TED)



Fighting Spam in VK & ZL

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has joined forces 
with the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs in the fight 
against spam by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to 
establish channels of communication that will allow both agencies to 
move quickly in response to the challenges and demands of the 
ever-changing spam environment.

`Spam is a global problem that requires coordinated global action,' 
said Chris Chapman, ACMA Chairman. `Over 99 per cent of the spam that 
reaches Australians comes from overseas. Fighting spam nationally is 
vital, but long term gains can only be made through cooperation with 
other countries and overseas regulators.

`This MOU allows each agency to promote and foster the assistance 
and exchange of information relevant to our regulatory functions. 
It also reflects the historically strong working relationship and 
economic ties between the two countries.'

(ACMA media release 64/2009 – 4 June 2009)


Commercial Radio News

The RFID tags go round and round - underground

Confidex, a company with expertise in RFID design, manufacturing and 
engineering, has supplied more than 10,000 of its Ironside UHF Gen2 
hard tags to the London Underground.

The tags are being used to improve escalator maintenance.

The underground escalators carry more than three million passengers 
every day. Most commuters and tourists don't give the travelling 
metal staircases a second thought; a fact that is a testament to the 
reliability of the system and the care taken over the maintenance.

The steps that make up these escalators are subject to constant wear 
from the feet of passengers and from the mechanical movement on the 
escalator track.

A failure in step could cause serious injury and if an escalator 
step fails during rush hours, lives could be at risk and serious 
disruption to travellers would result.

To prevent this, an inspection/maintenance regime has been implemented 
in the underground that ensures the structural integrity of every step 
is checked at least once during every year.

With almost 30,000 escalator steps in almost 200 escalators that need 
to be checked, requires significant effort by engineering staff.

To address the need for faster, more accurate and more cost-efficient
 maintenance, RFID technology was chosen. A decision was made to use 
RFID tags.

The 'step tracking system' uses a PDA with RFID reader mounted on a 
cradle beside the escalator and application software to read and write 
information on the tag.

The tags are installed under the steps and attached with acrylic 
adhesive and they haven't lost a tag yet over the two-month trial. 
In the future, all new steps will come from the manufacturer with tags 
riveted on them. The trial thus far is looking promising. Read more 
about the project at the website that can be found on the email and 
internet editions of this website.

(Sourced from the RadioComms Website)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

New Edition of Antennex is out:

Triangle ATV Association:

TV Technology

Mirage Amplifiers

Decade Engineering

Narrow Band TV Association – Mechanical TV Enthusiasts

Insourcing is back in fashion:

The following links/info from AMSAT:

AO-51 Field Day Configs:

Dual repeaters, 1268.700/435.150 and 145.920/435.300. No PL tone 
is required. Please note that the 435.150 downlink is left hand 
circular polarized, and the 435.300 transmitter is right hand circular 
polarized. This configuration will be available for the week preceding 
Field Day, through the Field Day weekend (June 22nd-28th, 2009).

A compendium of non-ham spacecraft frequencies can be found on-line 

A video of the Minotaur launch that lofted the latest flock of cube-sats 
(PharmaSat, Hawksat, CP6) to orbit can be viewed at:

An online video simulating a flyover of Mars Olympus Mons volcano 
can be found at:

Do you have some interesting amateur related sites you have some 
across in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours Update - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or 
upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club 
for details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics 
School has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be 
delivered through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next 
week's broadcasts:

Newsreader: VK7FB

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7EM

40m: VK7JGD

20m: VK7AR

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with 
this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW


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